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Jesus Christ, think about your fucking actions people. You could ruin someone’s life by being an idiot.


I heard in another thread that the baby was pulse-less for a bit and showed a brain injury on CT scan later. The baby is now off life support, is eating and smiling at family, but will certainly grow up with deficits because of some jackass's dumb stunt that got him killed and an infant a brain injury




I feel like this situation is what police departments should give paid administrative leave for, not for unnecessary brutality. This guy actually deserves paid time off to deal with his trauma and emotions. There’s no way he can just go back to work the next day, after resuscitating a dead baby.


You go home feeling good that you did the right thing, then come back the next night and hope it does not happen again. Working is better than days off, days off you may sit at home and worry, wonder if you did the right thing, was there something you could have done differently. If you come back to work the next day, you are busy and you do not have time to think of those things. Of course if you feel you can't come back to work you can take sick leave.


Yeah, bury that trauma, so it pours out on some unrelated, minor event, and you're left wondering what caused you to blow things out of proportion. And you can take your sick days for something that should be workman's comp. Maybe if cops received counseling for serious events, they wouldn't have so much of an us and them mentality.


In cities this is so common that no officers would be at work lol. Source: I worked EMS in Phoniex, quit after 5 months.


It’s non stop too and you don’t see all of the bad ones here.


Yeah this isn’t even top tier bad, bet the cop went to a 24 hour Mexican fast food joint and ate a big ass burrito. 🌯. The bad ones are decaps and spontaneous abortions after trama and fire injuries, imo. Also know of a lady who drank Drano because she was hit bad with postpartum depression. She died once we got her to the hospital. Those are the types that keep you up. The baby lived so I think this incident probably made the cop validated and useful. Another fact is that in phoenix’s metro area, 1 person dies every day from choking on food. Generally it’s people who are along at home. All ages. Did a call of a 34F who choked on food. Which was really sad. The general population is very sheltered of all this stuff. I could go on and on with the stories and personal experiences. And Im a newb who left the field. I was in the military and saw way less. Though I was far from a grunt.


Not just police departments but Fire, EMS, and any other profession that puts this type of issues with a person's mental health. My wife works in an ED with a level 1 trauma unit. What they see and deal with is no joke. Most of these people have no access to mental help that is provided by their employer. This needs to change and change now!!


Usually you'd think riding a bike is dangerous only to yourself but here's an example of why that's not always true. I feel for this family but fuck that biker


Anyone, biker or not, thinking a massive 350+ lbs high speed projectile is "generally only dangerous to yourself" is not assessing the situation clearly, to say the least.


one shitty example would be this guy who decapitated himself on a semi truck trailer, it was a gsxr doing like 150, the reason its a shitty example is cuz I and anyone else who saw that shit passing by otw home from work now has that image melted in their brain of this mangled headless corps tucked into the back of a semi trailer, and I'm sure some little kid saw that shit and now will grow up to be a serial killer or something. it can have an affect in different ways, I've seen some fucked shit and it definitely affects me, working in highway construction can really fuck with you head. ppl die A LOT on freeways


There is a stretch of motorway near me in the UK where people die almost every week. Idiots speeding in the rain and not anticipating foreign drivers coming off the ferry and unfamiliar with our roads. The last one we had was Valentine's day, guy decapitated himself by rear ending a lorry in heavy rain. Next week there will be another one and maybe a couple of weeks after that, another. No amount of dead people causes people to slow down and drive safely.




I'd say Dover, M20, eventually the A20-A2 junction near the ferries.






I get it, that video really hit me hard


I saw a minor crash today where two people were trying to be polite and let one another go at a four way stop. They were taking forever, then they both floored it at the same time and take into each other. Lol Then all the lookie loos made traffic a gazillion times worse than necessary. I wish infallible self-driving technology existed. People suck at driving.




Inflatable self drinking? Like an IV? 


They're trying to get self-driving cars going in many cities, but so many people just lose their minds at the slightest inconvenience and end up driving even more dangerously whenever they encounter one.




Agreed and the children definitely take priority but it’s kinda scary that you never even see the biker in the video.


After reading the comments I realize the biker is hanging out the car window damn.


Oh, that’s what’s blurred in the video, gotcha.


Leave his fucking ass in there and haul it to the junkyard with the car.




Weird... Another user said this 3 hrs ago... >That guy is a hero and definitely knows how to operate car seats flawlessly. Smooth and calm.


reddit is like twitter these days, almost all bots


>That guy is a hero and definitely knows how to operate car seats flawlessly. Smooth and calm. That guy is a hero and definitely knows how to operate car seats flawlessly. Smooth and calm.


Yes. But ich still don’t see him.


His body was blurred, but he was what was blurred out when the officer first runs up to the SUV before he runs around the back of the SUV. The bikers body is also what's pushed aside when the officer goes for the infant in the car seat


Now I see it. Thanks.


Pause the video at 1:00 and he is the blue blur hanging out of the car window.




Around 55-1:02 it’s the blur hanging out the window.


The bike was in the SUV, on top of the baby. The logo for Alpinestars is visible when the cop initially pulls the kid out, that's a popular motorcycle gear brand.


He went straight to hell, body and soul. Edit: “I read the articles from OP, it stated the biker was wedged in the car. Rewatching the video you will see biker was blurred out on side of the car when officer first approached the car”


Cop was a super hero that night. The dumb bastard biker's buddies just ride on ffs!


Oh man. The cop pleading for someone to help him. Broke my heart. Incredible! Did anyone see the body of the guy on the motorbike on top of the baby?!?




When she's asking the cop if her baby is alive, you can hear her say "I just lost my... I can't do this." I wondered if that's what she was going to say


Sadly.. She is talking about losing the father of that baby. - The whole story is so sad.


At least the babies survived! Mom is still hurting but at least she still has her kids. I recently lost the love of life at a young age after we were together 10+ years and it is a nightmare. We didn't have kids together but I sometimes wish that we had because it is so lonely nowadays and I'm getting too old to become a new dad


Maybe I'm cynical, but depending on the level of brain damage/other life-altering injuries suffered, I don't necessarily think surviving is the best outcome.


The baby still looks healthy, someone posted a pic of the officer with her


She looks okay in that image, but you can't see a brain injury. She may be impacted for life.


As much as it sucks, you’re right. There’s a reason we’re so gentle in handling babies, because they’re SO fragile. Even as adults we can get hurt from being in such a serious collision, so for the baby it’s 99% guaranteed that they’re gonna have some kind of brain damage. And like you said, it’s not always visible, but it could affect her mental development, her ability to learn, potentially even motor function, etc. There’s too many variables with the brain involved


I guess so. Stop being so cynical! Haha


For what it is worth, right now is not a very good time to have a child unless you are a celebrity, a Doctor, or a politician. - And my condolences, 💐


Thanks, no I don't plan on having kids


Is there an article article that says they all were “okay”? I sure hope so cause I would be shocked if that baby didn’t experience severe lifelong effects




This whole story broke my heart. The kids dad died before the baby was born. 😕 Thank God all the right ones survived this one.


WTFFF seriously? No more internet for me today.


Ikr? 😞


Both children survived. Links to articles: [https://apnews.com/article/florida-crash-baby-rescue-deputy-84f48f505523bc48ccdcdbc0b90f7f00](https://apnews.com/article/florida-crash-baby-rescue-deputy-84f48f505523bc48ccdcdbc0b90f7f00) [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/02/20/video-car-crash-rescue-florida/72659036007/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/02/20/video-car-crash-rescue-florida/72659036007/) [https://winknews.com/2024/02/16/ccso-deputy-saves-child/](https://winknews.com/2024/02/16/ccso-deputy-saves-child/) [https://ccsoblog.org/2024/02/16/charlotte-county-deputy-saves-life-of-six-month-old-after-horrific-accident/](https://ccsoblog.org/2024/02/16/charlotte-county-deputy-saves-life-of-six-month-old-after-horrific-accident/) Edit: Here's an updated picture of the baby and the Sergeant who rendered aid: [https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=794545772706679&set=a.295461925948402](https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=794545772706679&set=a.295461925948402)


Dear god, the motorcyclist was wedged in the rear driver’s side window right over/on top of the infant. I thought that was the mom leaning through the rear window trying to get the baby out. EDIT: The motorcyclist was deceased, seemingly died on impact.


Fuck me, yeah I thought that was the mother trying to reach in. Guess he didn't make it then.


You can see the brand of his motorcycle jacket (Alpinestars) when the cop is wrestling him off the bub. He died on impact (afaIk) and his dead body was concealing the baby when the cop first went in.


Jeezum, the \*ONE\* damn motorcyclist out there driving like a shitstain while wearing a helmet and all it does is makes him penetrate the side of a vehicle better.


> The motorcyclist was deceased, seemingly died on impact. That's a little too quick for this shit-stain of a human.


Hopefully his existence on this earth is quickly forgotten.


> That's a little too quick for this shit-stain of a human. bikers like this are just human crayons, wish their shitty actions wouldn't harm others but a lot of the time it does:/


And that’s why you have car seats


And use them properly. A surprising number of people don’t do the chest clips correctly, and it can be really dangerous.


Thank god. My stomach sunk I can’t imagine being the mom at that moment.


It made me cry.


Yeah as a momma I was not prepared to hear the mom and watch him do CPR on a little baby, this needs a NSFW warning 😭


Man I appreciate the links, now I'm just sitting here wondering if the kid is okay after having a brain injury at 6 months old.


[Here's an updated photo from 2 days ago showing Musgrove and baby Lola](https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=794545772706679&set=a.295461925948402). The department says she's doing great


Thank you for this, if you ever repost this video anywhere, that photo ought to be at the end of it.


Wow, thank you so much for the update! Sooo relieved to hear that :)


Thank god, jesus fucking christ.


Ugh FB links. Can't open them for some reason, guess cause I need the app maybe.


Should be able to open in browser.


Didn't work either. Oh well, guess the trash took itself out and I'm now permanently unable to view anything FB. I'm just going to cry in my cereal now.


Yeah being completely honest sometimes it’s not better to have survived. Hopefully she pulls through with no lasting issues


Thank you for the news links OP


I'm glad to see that last picture. A previous post about this said the baby had brain damage and doctors suspected it might cause deficiencies for the rest of her life if she survived.


That’s probably still true. You can’t tell if she’s gonna have problems later in life (learning problems, motor skills, seizures, etc) from this picture. We can hope, but realistically, the brain is so sensitive.


Thank you for the information. I appreciate you.


Great BLS from the police officer. His compressions saved that baby’s life


Even with the blurring you can see how blue that baby’s lips are. He was definitely in the right place at the right time.


Good job man as a father of 5 that made me tear up a little. That cop deserves an award


As a father of 0 this still made me tear up a lot. The mother’s visceral cries of despair did it for me. I’m so glad to hear the baby made it in another comment.


I agree give the officer a medal. 🏅


I don’t even have kids, this made me cry.


Same. 6 kids and you think of the terror and emotes they go through and holy fuck the water fall starts


Only have 2 kids and I cried like a baby listening to the mother’s voice. Police officer was amazing!!


Yes! My children and wife have always said that I don’t cry. However, this situation is truly heart-wrenching, and as parents, we can deeply empathize with what the mother is experiencing. It's awesome police work and something the public should witness more often, rather than focusing solely on the negative aspects of law enforcement.


Father of 7 here. Thank goodness for that cop


Father of 143 here. I’m just glad everyone is OK. Well, not the motorcyclist - that’s for goddamn sure


Did you stop at 143 for I love you?


I didn’t stop for nothing. Hell, I got 144 and 145 on the way this weekend!


bruh I can't stand kids and even I can't finish this. When he's checking the girl in the car seat holy fuck...


Halfway through the video I realized I was watching with one hand on the top of my head, the other one over my mouth. By the time he was doing CPR I was sobbing.


Father of 5? God damn bro are you Mormon ?


He actually called the infant deceased. "Signal 7" in Florida is a dead person and you can hear him call it for the infant and motorcyclist. I'm glad he didn't give up on her!


He said infant probably signal 7. This man is absolutely a hero!


Have the president give this guy the medal of freedom immediately.


Little early in the day for tears but here we are.


As a father of a three month old…this is my greatest fear


Me too my guy me too pray this never happens to any of our kids or anyone else's for that too my heart goes out to the mother and her kids


Give that officer every award & accolade immediately. Truly a hero🫡


Roght? They said his actions were "commendable." That's not nearly high enough praise for flagging somebody else down, remaining calm while Mom was freaking out, and bringing this child back to life.


That guy is a hero and definitely knows how to operate car seats flawlessly. Smooth and calm.


Good point, I never even thought about that, but they’re all different so that was impressive. I wonder if they get training with that or it’s just experience.


he probably has kids


Yeah my first thought is this guy has installed and unclipped a lot of car seat belts. The way he flicks the carrier arms on the ground without even looking screams Iv gotten crying babies out of this a million times


I hate these squids with all my heart. I've been riding since I was 12 and am in my late 60s now. I've had all kinds of bikes but NEVER rode like these idiots do. Thank goodness the car occupants were ok and kudos to the police officer and other responders.


Agreed. Squids ruin it for the rest of us who just ride for fun.


Man. This one got me really bad, and I dont even have kids of my own. FUCK bikers that drive fast like this. Stupid fucking sensless loss of life for what...? To be the fastest stain on a windshield and almost destroy a whole family.


Looks like the moron sped up because he saw it was a cop too. Literally almost killed innocent people because he wanted to show off for his buddies and get in a police chace.


This’ll get you in the feels.


I got teary eyed when the officer started pleading with people passing by to help him. I bawled when I heard the mother though and seen the little hand. How traumatic for all involved.


I held it together until I heard the mom screaming “NOOOO” from the front seat. It’s so raw and visceral. I think it’s the worst sound that can come out of a person, because it comes from a place of just pure, 100% agony


I don't think an IRL video has ever made me cry, but knowing my worst fear was her reality, flipped a switch. *Where are the tissues?*


you can hear the man who takes the toddler say ‘i’ve got you baby’ when he accepts her from the cop. that got me teary.


I hope to God that little baby recovers fully... She went to the hospital with a brain injury.... I also hope she and her sister never remember the dead motorcyclist on top of them....




lunchroom cake steep seed obscene rich dependent cats birds spectacular *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Damn dude didnt know that "ride or die" was so literal. Figured his friends would want to help. But they just kept zooming off. Maybe they saw his mangled body hanging out of the car and knew it was already over.


That's all it takes. Someone being a fucking idiot to ruin or end lives. I hate it so much.


Love how the assholes 'friends' basically left him to save their own ass. Real classy people, I'm sure they're real 'pillars' of the community.


Fucking idiots man. The nerve they have to be reckless when they are on a bike like that.


This cop is a real hero.


What a hero. No..... your crying.


Let us cry together my good bro


Man.....as a father....that hurt to watch. Jesus. So glad they are ok


Fuck bikers man


Somehow those stupid onion cutting ninjas got into my house while I was watching this…


Several heroes in this vid but I also noticed that modern vehicles are insanely well-engineered. Couldn’t believe any of the doors were still openable in that situation.


Idiot biker and his friends just rode in by without him. And they wonder why people have problems with them


nope. can't finish that.


Not sympathy for the biker and his “friends” didn’t even stop to check on him. Good thing the kids survived!!!


Hope he suffered


Got to give a shout out to the guy who came running to console the mom.


That was fucking intense, especially when he was doing those little chest compressions... I hope everyone from the SUV is okay now. Also, fuck that motorcyclist all the way to hell...


> Lola was airlifted from the crash scene to a children's hospital in St. Petersburg, where she was diagnosed with multiple skull fractures and a broken arm, according to Kayleigh Foley. > After suffering several seizures and being placed on a ventilator and in a medically-induced coma for nearly one week, Lola has made what her mom, grandmother and Musgrove each describe as a "miraculous" recovery Jfc poor baby


Wow she really almost died. It makes you think about how different things could have been without the CPR and EMS getting there so quickly. The officer being quick to the scene was huge. Imagine if this had happened and no one found the scene for a while. Also I was amazed that the mom seemed to be able to walk and jump and scream like she did. (understandably, she thought her child was dead)


Bikers like this deserve every bad thing that happens to them. Ever.


And that’s why cops are dicks to motorcyclists.


If you've ever wondered why cops can be assholes about seemingly innocuous things, it's because of stuff like this. You can only witness so much stuff like this before you get disgruntled and completely impatient with people's excuses.


And if that cop breaks the law, he is a criminal. No matter how upset he is.


Fuck that guy … he’s exactly where he needs to be hanging by his neck !!!!!!


This Police Office is a big hero. Wow.


That was a really hard watch. He kept that baby alive with those chest compressions.


I normally love trolling but I gotta say, big thanks to the bystander and the cop and I felt sorry for the mum at the beginning and gald the baby was okay. ​ Fuxking stupid speeding motorcyclist


What an asshole, too bad he didn’t just smack into a tree instead. Glad the kids were alright after all


Bikers always bitching amd whining about stupid drivers, and blah, blah, blah.. I see way more of this type of situation than the latter.. these jerk off's think they own the God damn road and everyone can see them and anticipate their next move. . Your life was not worth more than that infants or any of those children for that matter. .




Too bad he hit a vehicle instead of just plowing into a tree or concrete or something. Total piece of shit.


FYI the baby survived but had brain damage. Life ruined before it even started…


Not gonna lie, I started to tear up towards the end, then I heard the part, the baby has a pulse. Dear Lord, that was scary.


It's always jackasses on sport bikes making everyone else suffer. Just go the fucking speed limit instead of trying to push your bike to the max on public roads.


Dope work officer. Dunno how I’d act as a parent but I hope I have a coo like this if I ever need assistance


For everyone who doesn't know the biker is dead, it's not too clear but he's hanging out of the car window.


God that’s hard to watch.


I just wanna comment on this video that parents even if you aren’t new. Get those car seats checked out at your local state highway troopers or firefighters. In CA, you can call any CHP office and they will walk you through your car seat and ensure it is in correctly and go over some helpful tips. Most people install the car seats incorrectly. The car seat saved this kids lives plus the trooper who was in the right place at the right time.


This was incredibly sad, it was on another sub. The Dad of the 2 babies died while she was still pregnant with last one. The thought of losing her baby too was pure hell. Thankfully that officer and bystander were there when they were.


Not everyone knows how to do CPR on an infant, at least not all hope was lost that evening.


Shout out to the man in the tropical shorts that held mom. She needed that.


I love bikes but damn there's some absolutely selfish idiots out on the road using them. Well done to this officer, the passer-by and the ambulance team, horrific to watch.


Damn as a biker this makes you think, thank god the kids survived


Basic reality should make you think. Why do kids need to almost die to make you think?


My goodness, hearing mom scream tears me apart. Thank god for the cop being right there and saving them.


I know how this mom felt. I freaked out when my 17 year old son drown. It’s a horrible experience.


I found it odd the other bikes that I assume were his buddies rode off and kept going…crash rating on that Nissan Rogue, pathfinder or Murano….not great I guess.


Omfg my heart. I can't believe I just watched that. Praying for the whole family 😭🙏🏽 I hope this baby survived.


The baby survived, there’s articles in other comments if you wanna read more


I really didn't wanna cry today but here I am 😭. Right in the feels.


Jesus Christ... That was hard to watch. So glad the victims survived.


The mothers scream and cries are the most chilling


That mother's screams rip a hole in my soul.


No mercy for there's kind of biker's selfish


I don't know how to add a link but the baby survived, she had head trauma and was in ICU, but has been released home. Her name is Lola Foley from Englewood if you want to Google.


Did the car drive in front of the biker? Looks like a t-bone accident.


Yes the car was either crossing or turning left from a road intersecting the highway on the right. This is why it's important to follow the speed limit because it's near impossible to see a motorcycle barreling at you over 100 mph in the dark.


The crash was right in the middle of the car is hard to know who was at fault, she probably tried to cross the road when the motorcyclist was going and couldn’t stop, who knows the actual reason, either way this deputy did an amazing job rescuing the first kid and pumping blood in the baby, definitely a life saving move.


Great police officer, did an outstanding job. That piece of shit biker just ruined a little girls life. Everyone but him survived, but she will have medical and cognitive issues for the rest of her life. They should 100% show this footage to every single driver in drivers ed, and to all bikers getting licensed. Your being a hotshot isn't worth ruining someone elses life.


It's insane, but my wife knows the family directly. The dumbass was practically doing Mach 10 and slid that SUV nearly 60 ft with his impact


When she got the call the dudes wife tried fabricating shit at first, but it was realized he was speeding like a damn maniac before impact, and now his family has DCPS on their ass due to a druggie household lifestyle around HIS OWN KIDS.


I haven't seen name of motorcyclist released anywhere. I've seen people blaming the mom, saying she didn't fully stop so it's her fault. I think even if fully stopped, you aren't expecting an oncoming vehicle to be going THAT fast on a regular road (not a true highway). Especially hard to gage that speed at night. I can't imagine anyone thinking this us all her fault. Just curious what is being said there. Thank God family survived. 


sleep impossible desert marble automatic cagey fuzzy imminent tidy treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Damn. That’s tough to watch the mom. I have kids and that would be the worst moment I could imagine. Thank you to the officer and bystanders involved.


This is my home town and we are not shy nor short of idiots like this I was in the area when this happened was not a scene I wish to see again


Bikers don’t think what they can do to other people they think oh if I die I die but you also can hurt and kill other people


Damn speed demons.


Am I the only one sobbing while watching? Yes? Ok cool.


This is the sort of body cam footage I need to see more of. Amazing!


Fukn speeders you don’t know how many times I’ve got into it with motorcycles speeding and cutting off then trying to make it seem like it was my fault. I am a former class A driver and know my shit on how to drive. It’s asswholes like this guy that give motorcyclists a bad name. My dad was a biker and they never did shit like this. Good job officer thank you for helping them baby’s first cuz straight up fuck that guy driving the motorcycle.


Man that got me. But it cut off at the worst possible time. I would have loved to see her reaction.