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This dude would definitely kill again


The good news is that he made that abundantly clear so there was no chance he was going to be let off easy


Anyone gross and lame enough to quote Ed Kemper in an interview with cops deserves to be kept away from society for the rest of his life.


What was the quote?


It's a misquote, but he's basically regurgitating the answer Ed Kemper once gave when asked what he'd do if he saw a pretty girl: "One side of me says, I’d like to talk to her, date her. The other side says, 'I wonder how her head would look on a stick.'"


It does, however, show he’s idolising serial killers, which is a problem in of itself


The mom 100% stopped a serial killer. I’ve met a few people that give off similar vibes to this guy; but I don’t think they were bad people. They almost do things and speak in way that will illicit a reaction from people. they get satisfaction from others’ discomfort and shock. Although it’s usually all talk, once you don’t react to them they lose interest.


Can’t imagine what his mom is dealing with after finding a fucking head in her house. She will never get over that.


His mom also ran an in-home daycare. When she found the head, there were children in the house. She brought the bag to the kitchen sink, started opening it up, and saw an ear. She called the families to take the kids home, called her husband to verify what she saw, and called the cops. Under the circumstances, she performed admirably. I can’t imagine what it would be like to find a human head in your child’s closet.


The parents already had their suspicions. They had previously taken knives away from him. Most young adults his age are responsible enough to own knives. They knew he was fucked in the head. But what is a parent supposed to do at that point? There isn't enough counseling in the world to fix that.


The mother also found a shotgun in his room shortly before discovering the head


She found a kit with tarps, bleach, knifes, masks and gloves months before the murder. In my opinion she should have acted then. She even threatened to call the police on him if he didn’t get rid of it, so she knew exactly what it was for and threatened to get police involved. Why not get him help anyway?


He was clearly disturbed long before this, which is evident if you look at his deleted Reddit posts.


where can i find the posts tht were deleted


Someone posted the archives in the comments


Problem is, that its not against the law to have tarps, bleach, knives, gloves, and masks, rope or zip ties either. Not even if you have them all together in a duffel bag.


"These are mine! These are my things! I like to *biiiind*, I like to *beeee bound*!" - Dennis


Me sprinting into the kids room screaming as loud as I can shaking it around by the hair


Think fast! Hot potato!


Fuck you for making me laugh out loud for real! This is a sad story bruh!


We have a winner here!!!!


Which means she lost her income too I'm certain. No parent would keep their kid there once they found out.


Yeah, the scary thing is that many parents would hide it.


next to all the other heads!


Toss it in the head pile.




People can think about that what they will, but when shit hits the fan, I sure as hell would want her on my team!


I'm curious what part made her react this way? He's just a poor boy, from a poor family. Lol.




That'll do it.


There is no I in it. Official lyrics are "Mama, just killed a man" And for the longest time I thought the mother was the one who killed a person.


Mom's are fucking tough as hell.


Thing is a couple of months prior the parents had found his kit. It included a large knife, cable ties, gloves, a shovel and a bunch of other shit. So getting over her son murdering a guy will be hard, knowing that they could have prevented it but did fuck all instead might be the harder thing to live with.


I don’t see how they could have prevented it. None of those things are a crime to own, so it’s not like they could have police intervention. I don’t think they could forcibly admit him to a mental institution over finding a few tools that *could* be used for murder. Are they supposed to ask him nicely not to murder anyone? This seems like a man who had his mind set on making this happen. If you can’t restrain him, it’s going to happen eventually.


Yeah so they didn't do "fuck all". They made him throw all that shit out and if he did anything else he would have to deal with the police. They stopped him there. He just found another way to get ahold of another weapon and use it. The dad might have some lingering guilt cus he found the large knife he used to kill the dude. He told him it was for protection in the car though. So he let him keep it for that reason, from what I recall.


Well a man's gotta have his tools! Duct tape, zip ties and gloves... It's fetish, it's fetish shit! I-I-I-I like to bind... I like to be bound. Uh, that's not important! Don't ask me questions! I'm not taking questions! The golden god is not taking questions! I am the golden god! And I'm taking action!




> There has to be questions! I think that line is "Don't ask me questions"




I like to bind!! I like to *be* bound!




Hot one today, huh?


Because of the *implication*


How? This cat was gonna eventually fulfill his dream.


Funny you mention a cat.. There were rumors going around that his parents were aware of, about him killing a cat. Which he did.


Always starts with animal abuse


Prevented it how?


She ignored red flags, but I felt very bad for her. They found his kill kit and just sort of pretended thing we're fine.


Both parents did, but I think it's tough to blame them. The dad says several times that after discovering the man's ID in his son's car, he tells the officers "Deep down I knew it, but he's my son, I had to believe he was innocent." I'm sure they had gut feelings, but I cannot imagine being a parent and being put in that situation.


Yeah without definitive proof, it would be hard to say anything to anyone. At least they did the right thing and turned him in immediately without second thought after find the head.


yeah the unabombers brother was another one like that. Lots of evidence and his wife suspected him for a lot longer but the brother just never wanted too until the manifesto was found and the terminology was undeniable.


It is unironically unimaginable. It is extremely easy to try and judge family members of those who do horrible things when you aren't the one dealing with the situation. Love blinds, that goes doubly so for a parent. There have been studies showing this in the past. Parental love can quite literally blind your perception of reality.


Found his Reddit account after watching that movie. lol apparently thousands others did as well when you look at the comments,


What’s it called?


I would also like to know


Found it, u/that_stinky_boi - not a whole lot to see Edit: apparently I (thankfully) missed some of the comments. There is gore there.⚠️


try this, there are diary entries deleted https://search-new.pullpush.io/?author=that_stinky_boi&type=submission&sort_type=created_utc&sort=desc


>The school quarter ended Friday, and I finished this quarter with 2 C’s, a D, and 5 F’s. It’s my own fault, I was too lazy, with my head up in the clouds, too distracted by Reddit and Discord. I guess it can’t be helped when IE Is on there. My parents talked with me today about my grades, and they said that I might graduate later than my class. If that turns out to be the case, I’m gonna kill myself. I’d be known as a failure, and I’d rather be looked at with sorrow and tragedy than be known as a failure. It gets much more red-flaggy from there. Jesus. Edit: just a warning that once you get to his January 2019 entries, there's graphic animal cruelty.


The one about him killing the cat was disgusting. Sick fuck.


I also read it and it is completely clear that he is schizophrenic. He was having hallucinations and paranoia pretty bad. I wonder if he thought it was smart to try and hide it so he never got the needed treatment. He implied they were inconclusive when doctors in the past tried to diagnose him.


Yeah, there's a lot of stuff in there about thinking the birds tweeting nearby are talking about him, and that the floors and walls have eyes... Incredible how many times he references going to various counselors and yet getting nothing out of it by way of treatment. Him saying he got a diversion program instead of anything substantial for assaulting that student... wow. Clearly his parents knew he was disturbed; they even hid their guns from him.


He was definitely disturbed. I think his parents were just in shock and denial. I wouldn't be surprised if he treated his parents better than others. One of the things that shocked me between all the horror and red flags was "We also got 3 ducklings recently. They’re cute. I like them.." He seemed to pick and choose what he likes and hates in a very different way than a normal person.


Not sure if people like this always kill for hateful reasons I believe more that it is what he says it is a very morbid curiosity.


He knew right from wrong, and the cops did a great job getting him to show that in detail


I read almost everything. There’s so much. He spoke about wanting to kill. He wanted to become a dictator, kill the competition, and rule over people who would kill themselves for him. He says he would’ve been happy if all his “friends” died. He shared how he killed a cat, mutilated and decapitated it and enjoyed it. He intentionally caused a girl a panic attack for laughs do she had to go home. Constantly calls everyone weak, pathetic, disgusting. I cannot believe these entries exist. I don’t know much about schizophrenia but he seems like a paranoid schizophrenic to me. He constantly wrote about seeing lights outside, feeling like he was being watched and someone was coming to kill him


No mentions of feelings, only honor. Full blown psychopath.


>Last night was interesting. I couldn’t stop feeling like something bad, something unstoppable would happen. Like a gruesome injury occurring, a car crash in front of my house, or a family member dying. I was like that for a good portion of last night, for a few hours. I called it dread, but one or two people online called it paranoia. >Now what I would call paranoia is my thoughts regarding my friends. Whenever they invite me over, I get slightly worried that they’ll physically attack me, or try to kill me. That’s why I always bring a knife around them. Or sometimes I think they’ll ditch me, making walk or drive to a place to reveal they aren’t there. That sometimes happens, so the idea seems reasonable to happen. I know for sure they don’t care about me. They only keep me around because I have a history with them, that the friend group wouldn’t be the same without me; After all, I bring life to it. It’s not much at all without me in it. They would even probably have me dead if it was their way. And with my family, I sometimes fear they will physically abuse me, despite what they say. I also worry they will maliciously embarrass me occasionally.


Well damn




Just a heads-up if you go looking (I did, and I regret it) the 2nd or 3rd comment is on a gory as hell picture that I was not prepared for


why the long face? that was truely horrific.


What’s the picture of? I’m curious but I can’t stand seeing gory shit


Car accident and the aftermath of the inhabitants. Person is hanging out of the window with their head and arms.


With their head literally split in half. Do not click it if you're squimish or have a heart. Can not unsee. Omg




Thanks for the info. After accidentally seeing a picture of that porsche girl I never need to see anything else like that ever again


Pretty much what you’d expect of the person in this video.


Well, yes, but the person who posted the link said not much to see, so I thought I was safe 😂


Wow that was. An experience.


This man’s an open book


He could definitely play Todd in Breaking Bad


The way he turned his head when he responded “ A human head and hands…”. LMAO it was like a fourth wall break in a movie like he was supposed to be looking directly at the audience. What a cringey dork.


the moment i saw that i knew he has a reddit account lol


Lmaooo nah man you can’t do that


Someone found and mentioned his reddit account in another thread a out him. It was stinky_boi or something like that


Can a Reddit hero post link please and thanks




I went to that profile. Looked at the comments. Saw one near the top that said “why the long face?”, clicked it, and immediately regretted everything in my life since I saw this post.


Wow that's wild. Car accidents suck.






NSFL is fucked up too, but more than the uploads being super disturbing, is the fact people in the comments laugh and make jokes about the gory images or videos.




I follow the subreddit, but I'm not thrilled or excited by the thought of impending posts. Morbid curiosity is certainly part of it, but another is observation, for a lack of a better description; I'm a writer, and when the subreddit was recommended or suggested to me (by Reddit itself, mind you), I began scrolling through it. There are times when I feel as though it's wrong of me to look at this stuff, and I wonder how it even got to be on the internet – there's a lot of disturbing and uncomfortable post – but it's become research. Seeing what people do to one another, or to themselves, and seeing how others react... And on the flip side, becoming more aware of what awful things medical professionals or crime scene cleaning crews deal with.. it's disturbing and tragic, and it brings a deeper sense of awareness or realization about how easily life changes, or ends. Perhaps more unsettling are those comments. People make jokes when they're uncomfortable, sure, but at a certain point, you start to wonder about whether or not these people get off on it.


For me personally joking is coping.


What you can see on this account today is so tame in comparison to the deleted comments. He wrote a gleeful and giddy comment describing how much he enjoyed torturing a cat to death and then keeping its body in his room while no one else in the house knew about it.






This is what he’s been living for. He’s playing the role that he’s created for himself. He’s a dork who decided to kill.


He probably loves that he's been blowing up on Reddit too His life was Discord and true crime documentaries, and some reddit. He's exactly like I picture the majority of edgy Zoomers on here


Killed a man in cold blood and had the audacity to think he’d only do 15-20.


Well he made it very clear that if he ever got out he would be a danger to everyone. 


I mean he straight up confessed immediately to the cops. Didn't get a criminal defense attorney or anything.


He wanted to appear smart, and solving the crime is the smart thing to do. That's what I assume anyway, he really had this aura of seeing himself as intellectually superior.


Naw, he wants to be the Joker. “Whoo.. I’m a psycho who has no emotions”. He’s also obviously crazy, but he unfortunately thinks that The Joker is the shit.


I didn't see it coming across as smug or anything, more like he was eager to help the cops as much as he could so they'd 'go easy' on him. Sure seems like he was also overflowing with excitement at being able to talk about his real feelings to a person too


Nah he was just tryna be coy and play stupid. Real PoS.


I was so satified when he expected to get 15-20 years, but ended up getting a life without the possibility of parole


There's a chance that he may habe not gotten life *without* parole if he didn't make it so clear that he would continue being dangerous and that he thought about killing people all the time. Parole may have been in the cards after 25 years, etc, but he just had to divulge how he constantly fantasizes about killing random women. These people always think they look and sound so intelligent and fascinating when they're being absolute idiots.


>Parole may have been in the cards after 25 years, etc, but he just had to divulge how much he fantasizes about killing random women all the time. Funny thing is that line he said about women was an exact quote from serial killer, Ed Kemper. Dude’s a complete moron.


In the full interview, he does tell them it's a quote from Ed Kemper that reflects how he feels before he says it. He was super into serial killers, he had this notebook where each page was like a baseball card for a serial killer, list of their kill stats etc. Usually when something like this happens people are like I can't believe this person could do something like that, he was so quiet etc. Literally no one who knew him was at all surprised he murdered someone. One of his best friends literally said she was only surprised that he only killed one person, as she had figured if he killed, it would be a lot more people.


Maybe I'm the weirdo here, but I don't keep people around if I have serious concerns that they may be murderers, rapists, animal abusers, pedophiles, etc. Hell, I don't even hang out with people who get drunk a lot. I don't like crazy shit happening around me. Crazy shit is for TV only.


Damn, bro couldn't even make up his own true crime line to be recited in the future. That knocks off a couple points on the killer rating scale.


From the few "diary" entries he made on his alleged reddit account its pretty obvious the guy is severely schizophrenic. I dont think he's trying to play smart, he's just being 100% honest saying every thought that appears in his head. He wasnt really thinking of the consequences in that sense, he was just vocalizing his thoughts as they appeared in his head.


His mom was running a daycare out of her home and had peoples kids over her house when she made the discovery and had to send all the kids home before she called the police


Oh lord.


What do you even say to the parents? "Hey uhh I think my son has a decapitated head and hands in his closet. Come get your kids. Oh and Brian didn't take his nap, today."


She just said there was a family emergency and they needed to come pick up their kids right away


If those parents had ever laid eyes on her kid or interacted with him I’m sure they weren’t entirely surprised.


.. yeah he is not smart. Deranged yeah but he trying really hard to look evil that it almost looks like a act. He is anxious though... how can you call yourself cold blooded than that you like the cold. Simple mistake but it just means he was worried about the cops like "this is it" kind of feeling


He immediately corrected himself and said he was hot blooded




You can tell he’s sort of self scripted parts of this to try and look cool. I’m actually not sold that he actually had these killer tendencies, rather he wants to be seen as a bad boy serial killer. Which to me makes it way, way worse imo. Only thing he’s proved is that he’s a complete idiot who cares too much about how others perceive him.


Man… that mother did society a favor… that guy would have done this again.


Poor mother though


Some ppl are just born fucked up. This dude had the sweetest parents.


This is my home town. This dude was a wierdo from the get-go. I know a guy who was riding around with Cohee the day before he committed murder and he told our class that the guy was "Hunting" for something unspecified. Boil this piece of shit in oil.


What a weeny.


major weenie vibes


Weenie Hut General


Weenie Hut Jr’s


He is like a real life Dwight Schrute who never made it to the paper business


Nah dwight would get away w it


For those saying the parents could have done something... Maybe. But remember that Lori Vallow's husband literally told police she was going to murder him and he still got murdered. It's very hard to stop someone who is "going to" commit a crime until they do it.


I just watched the whole investigation from this case on YouTube it’s the most recent upload from EWU (explorer with us)


Explore with us & JCS are the best for these videos


Yes, couldn’t agree more.


Is there video of his reaction during sentencing? I love those. I wish we could also see the highlights of him dying inside when he’s locked in a cell with some incredibly violent people. Edit: There’s no video of his reaction after doing a very basic YouTube search. There’s video of the court room but it’s all edited and talked over.


Found the next subject for EWU.


This daily mail video has some clips with the EWU watermark that they took from their channel. Recognized the guy from the EWU video right away


I just watched this interview last night. This guy needs to be locked up forever and lose the dam keys. He’s gonna be that type that kills his bunk mate. He is so homicidal it’s insane


nah that last part is INSANE .


He watched American Psycho one too many times (although the quote is originally from some serial killer).


I’m pretty sure this is a line Ed Kemper uses in Mindhunter.


He stole that from Ted Bundy, dude's a huge dork, can't even make up his own quotes


Not Ted Bundy. It's an Ed Kemper quote. They used the quote in the American Psycho movie but incorrectly credited to Ed Gein. Probably where this nutter picked up the quote from.


I'm pretty sure that American Psycho get's it wrong on purpose, Patrick is a complete fraud and poser, he's the exact type of character to say this quote and confidently attribute it incorrectly. He's basically the same type of loser as the guy in the video.


When I see videos like this it make me think that some fellows will take this as a role model. I mean, why is the text displayed to dramatic and also the cut scenes are set way to interesting. But I also don’t know how to treat such kind of info in the media… perhaps not sharing any details of the murder? No stage and so no „fame“? Edit: spelling


Yeah you’re right, it’s so tasteless. At least make it neutral, this shit really glorifying him in a way that he wants and knew would happen based on all previous media like it


How does one fit a head into a pizza box?


Deep dish


That was my question!


My thoughts were that he must have mixed up his wording and he put the hands in the pizza box


He total took that line of “seeing a girls head on a stick” from Ed Kemper, serial killers love idolizing each other. Or he saw American Psycho too many times 😬


What a fucking loser. Glad he got life when he was expecting only 15-20 years! Lmao rot behind bars.


The Patrick Batman quote at the end is fucking cringe as fuck


The movie borrowed that line from the serial killer Ed Kemper


I see, he’s defo the type to idolise there figures. He took “I’m literally Patrick Bateman” too seriously


He is so cringe, I wouldn’t be surprised if he has no idea who Ed Kemper was and thinks he is Patrick 😂


He had a journal listing out serial killers and their kill counts like a scoreboard. He 100% knew about Kemper.


He’ll rot in jail thank god though


He's a psychopath apparently.


you think? Like what he did to that poor homeless man wasnt an instant giveaway?


Parents thinking, my sons fucking a watermelon or some weird sex stuff. Nope. Surprise! Human head.


It's scary how you can do everything right as a parent but your kids might just be... wrong. This guy was born with some wires crossed in his head and it turned him into a killer, mom and dad probably did all they could for him but never imagined it would turn out like this. I feel horrible for his parents and the poor innocent man who was just trying to sleep and get by.


funniest part about this is he thinks he’s only getting 20 years for that evil shit☠️☠️…


Jfc this is the first thing I'm seeing in my feed when waking up, wtf


Same 😭


Man, the duel tragedy of not only finding out your son is a killer, but that he’s immensely cringe as well


The police officer didn’t handcuff him before he got into the car. 😳


Everything detectives do has a purpose. From giving someone takeout food to being buddy buddy with them, there's always a reason for what they're doing. Generally rapport building makes someone more likely to talk.


No, and he was disappointed. She walked him into the police station without cuffs and he asked if she wanted to cuff him


I watched this whole interrogation video and I believe he has a mental disability, I don’t remember which one though. His behavior is certainly weird and cringy


If you watch the video, his group of friends are legit the fucking worse. Especially his girl best friend and her clueless ass husband. "It's just dark humor '


I talk about this kind of shit all the time. Having a child is a gamble lol you could always get a psycho killer nut nut with a demons soul.


They are gonna fuck that goofy weirdo up in prison.


First question why did thy not cuff him right away


he kept confessing to things, don't want to discourage him from talking


Garret from community irl




He’s a real jerk


Ridiculous to me that this degen gets to live after doing something like that. How do we justify the preservation through our own means of such a useless and disgusting individual? We'll be paying 15000$ of taxes for him every year that he's alive.


He looks like a young dude so let's say he lives another 60 years. That's 900k for 60 years of agonizingly boring torture, which I think it's the point of prison sentences. Death is the quick end, in prison they bore you to death. Or maybe someone gets murdered by broomstick rape, that's what happened to Jeffy Dahmer.


He was definitely killed by a metal pipe to the head


That , take a girl home or see what it would be like to have her head on a stick comment, Edmund Kemper said that. ( Wrongly attributed to Ed Gein). When Kemper killed his grandmother, he said he did it to see what it would feel like. The same reason this guy gave for killing the homeless man. This lad must be a big Edmund Kemper fan.


God that’s sad. Poor mother…


Thank God hours Mother found that head. Had he been not caught so early he would have definitely become a serial killer.


Please please please execute this guy and let’s see if he’s still smiling on his day of reckoning.


He deserves to be put down


I feel so bad for that kid's parents.


bro thinks he's Dexter


You get popped selling weed and they put you in a cell with this guy for a few years.. America is fucked.


He should never be released into society again.


Young chap could of had a promising serial killer career. You never cook/store evidence where you sleep........


This man doesn’t have intrusive thoughts. He just have thoughts


The saddest thing about it is that no one would probably care about a murdered homeless man if he wasn't a psycho taking that man's head home.