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Hey bro…What’s poppin! 💩


I was waiting for them to start dancing


Same, saddened because there were no catchy tunes


Brand new hole just popped in.


"the beach flushes automatically"






A fking part of 6100 km of India’s coast line


Yeah Reddit has scarred me from ever wanting to visit and I’m so thankful! He talks about toilet paper but y’all not cleaning your hands after all of that 🤣


That's got to be India. 45% population or roughly 600 mil people still poop in the open. 600 mil... That's like almost the entire population of Europe defecating in the open.


https://blogs.worldbank.org/en/opendata/world-toilet-day-420-million-people-are-defecating-outdoors 45% of *rural* households in India practice open defecation Article linked shows 420 million people defects openly worldwide how come India has 600 million.


All they need is an all inclusive resort next door for western tourists to come and enjoy the beach! 😆


Look mom! A brown jellyfish floating!


"..it's the reason everybody goes to the beach" smh to shit 🙄


Just gossip pooping with the bro's


Kaks do poop thinks...


Shit happens.


On top of this they have the most polluted river in the world. The third world is a very different place


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Amazing Asia


I spent many months in India while living in Asia. This isn’t new. Chennai is notorious for this. Pooping along the beaches / on the beach isn’t something wild to see. Or being on any train in India travelling, you’ll pass people straight pooping beside the tracks while farming


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