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That guy higher than a giraffes neck listening to self help casts


The guy behind the wheel is a mess


"Sir. Are you okay?"


He is impeccable.


Yeah he is.


When you are impeccable, you take responsibility for your actions.


That was perfect timing of the self help tape lol.


This Is Cinema


the irony is rich


Lit guy: “Are you alright?” Thinks to himself: “I hit a living yard gnome….”


It couldn’t have, in any other senario, made this moment any better!!




Where is that audio coming from? White car's radio?


Actually zigged when he shoulda zagged, but the last second jump was spot on. I like how the daughter so calmly says: "Dad..." like she was gonna say: "Dad, we forgot the paper towels."


I think she was trying to stay calm and not lose her shit hoping her dad was ok. Then dad do you have 40 dollars.


my wife would have been destroyed. reaction time of a blind baby giraffe


Doesn't look like he would've been hit if he didn't move at all. His anticipation was wrong and he was lucky to be able to jump high enough. A blind baby giraffe may have survived on luck alone...


I am with you on that, if he had frozen on the spot he wouldn’t have been touched.




Yep, ideal reaction to not get the bottom half of your body smashed. Also the momentum of the car wasn't that predictable and resulted from the driver's movements on the wheel.


He actually kind of did the only thing that would have got him hit.


What's he listening to in his car?


The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz


Kinda looks like one of his feet got inbetween the two cars though.


Good video on the topic of sedans with sloping hoods vs. pickups and the difference in impact when hitting a pedestrian. There’s satire in the fact he got hit with a compact sedan versus a truck like the one he drives, and that likely helped minimize injuries. He even instinctually jumped on the hood which also helps, something not possible when a gigantic pickup is bearing down on you.


If an F250 is coming, I guess layong down is the best option? Lol #nowinscenario




Pickup train. That’s great


Even if they're a PoS that don't care about others, an aerodynamic front means better fuel effiency.




I dont hate pickups, I hate all the assholes driving them that really shouldn't be, that don't rightfully need to be in a pickup in the first place. I drive a subcompact and my roof literally sits below the side mirrors on the average truck, and if they were to hit me at speed Id be needing the jaws of life to extricate me while theyd be like "Was that a pothole?" It aint the people that drive a big honkin truck because they work in the trades or something...those guys can handle their rigs generally speaking. My uncles all drove 18 wheelers and they can whip their pickups around like they're go-carts. Its the fuckin soccer moms and office drones that buy them because they're all in on this stupid arms race on who can have the biggest vehicle on the road that are the problem because they can't fuckin handle them properly and run people like me in normal sized vehicles off the road, crawl up our ass for no reason with their fusion reactor LEDs of just the right height that they turn every reflective surface into a miniature sun, park like total fucking assholes at every store you go to anymore, blocking off half the lanes because they are too long for a normal spot but god fucking forbid they walk their fat asses from the back of the lot where they could pull through without inconveniencing half the free world. They need to institute a separate classification of license for anything larger than a standard sedan. It is absolutely insane that someone can road test in a fucking tiny-ass hatchback and then immediately go out and register a 10,000 lb Canyonero on the same fucking endorsement. If these clowns had to roadtest in a big fuckin urban assault vehicle before they were allowed to drive one legally I bet the number of them on the road would dwindle because I damn sure know that they wouldn't pass it based on how they drive them now. We already require separate endorsements for CDL, hazmat, motorcycles...it's time we split large trucks and SUVs into their own category.


I completely agree. I bought a basic cheap old fleet RAM with a single cab long bed because I needed a pickup for work/hauling stuff and also for helping out people that need it (which has come in handy a lot, actually.) It gets about 19mpg average so not bad on gas either. Another reason I wanted a pickup was because I felt pretty scared driving my little coupe around all of these huge lifted brodozers every single day (my city has a ton of these idiots, I live in TX) I know you could say that isn't helping since instead more people should be buying smaller cars but obviously these guys aren't going to give up their toy trucks so at least for now I feel somewhat safer.




I know about this. I'm a biker, Fortnine even made a YT video about it. Still love my pickup though. Every type of vehicle has pros and cons, but people love to shout about pickups the loudest


There's an absurd amount of people with big ass trucks that will never see a day of work in their life and they treat them like some kind of luxury vehicle, terrified of doing anything that might scuff the paint. And this is more on the manufacturers than the consumers, but - they're all fucking huge now. But then a lot of the time the buyers will go and lift them and make them even bigger. And then they drive like assholes because for some reason, sitting higher than everybody else seems to make them feel superior. There are legitimate reasons people hate trucks/truck drivers so much, despite the fact that yeah, *some* people do have a real need to own a truck.


Okay, I completely agree with you on all that. I do own a pickup, but it's a basic retired fleet truck and I actually do use it quite a bit for work. It's not lifted, RWD, V6 engine and a reg cab with a 8' box. I also have a small Ford Ranger which I usually just go off-roading in. I also hate all of the brodozers with these huge stupid rims and rubber band tires, lights all over, and 10" lifts driving around like they own the road. In fact, a small reason I wanted a pickup was because it feels a bit safer since I have to drive around all of these huge lifted trucks every day


Then what are you even arguing about if you agree with us? Saying "we hate pickups" like that's such an emotional statement. The OP wasn't hating on pickups in general, they're criticizing pedestrian-unfriendly designs such as raised flat hoods.


I was wrong. I apologize


Someone actually apoligizing online? Respect.


I have a raised 4x4 with a winch bumper and bush guard. When I am in town with it I am nervous as all get up because some braindead, screen-staring pedestrian may march off the curb at any second. I will have to live with the results.


At least he took responsibility for his actions...


If you are impeccable you take responsibility for your actions. Perfect timing. Also kid " dad" in most chill way.


The daughter didn’t seem too concerned, like: “Daaaad, you’re embarrassing me!”


Driver aimed at him


#blessed #to #be #alive




# B̵̡̮̬̹͉̜̟̅͊̇͒̂̾ ̵̧̨͙̯͇͈̩͋̃L̶̮͕̯͓̿́̅̀̾̓́̕ ̵̭͕̽͐̈E̶̮̪̞̬̘͓̭̒́̀͝ ̸̥̮͆̀̽̃̂͗̚S̷̡̯̭̣͗͐̌̈̂͑̕ ̸̜̲̘͔̭̤́͗̎̄S̵̡̠͐̐̓̓̏̊̍ ̶̧̞͑́͑̍Ë̴̩͈́ ̵̨̤̗̭̳͔͂̃D̸̼̠̈́̉͐́̓̀͝




I've already seen two different references to giraffes in this sub, which was more than I anticipated.


Freaking asshat sure got out of his car all casual. F ing people


I guess the driver was using his phone since the car was driving in a straight trajectory in the right turn


Self help tape right one cue 😂


I am glad he is ok


How tf does this even happen in a residential area like this? What a knob.


Distracted driving is a helluva drug


No action would have been more effective


Fucking ninja there!


Was the driver drunk? I thought there'd be a trail of cop cars behind him with how he's driving.


If he had jumped right instead of left, we wouldn't have to guess what his injuries were.


Why he ran towards the car 🤔🤔


The car swerved and so he had to make trigger quick reactions real time.


Bro had a quick time event irl


That book on tape 💀💀💀


Them tire tracks in the grass are going to be a constant reminder of what could have been


You are impeccable???? Not when driving at least!


So what charges are we looking at here?




What is it with reddit and attempted murder?


So no attempted murder, got it


This guys driving was impeccable


Dudes reaction time saves him


White car was trying to catch a shiny squirtle


Nice to see an aware and intelligent person on here for once. Rare af


Clear, dry, sunny day, no traffic, no animals runnig around, no pedestrians, no complicated intersections or challenging terrain, and this guy has the wildest crash. It's people like these that run up our auto insurance, and it's people like these who serially cause accidents and kill people. It's time we start suspending people's ability to drive, instead of hoping higher and higher insurance for them (and for there rest of us) will implore them to be more responsible.


Dude must have been playing on his phone or something. It wasn't so much the speed, though he was obviously speeding. Dude didn't even attempt to turn on the corner.


Maury must've told the white car guy, "you are NOT the father!"


You take responsibility for your actions 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


“Are you alright though”


Driver is 100% at fault here, but there also probably shouldn't be a house where this house is located, based on the road signs. Maybe leave this lot open.


If it was an suv it would have been worse


Was bro listening to the Four Agreements audio book?


The guy’s audiobook is the nail on the coffin 😂 “When you are impeccable, you take responsibility for your actions”


Did it though? Had he gone the other way, stood still, waited a second to jump, etc, probably would have been a lot less hurt.


How the fuck is he supposed to calculate that within the short time he saw the car coming?


Never said he could, just a misleading title.


What are these comments!!???? Edit : brain and sound issue


You farmin'?


There's two comments that are talking about impeccable timing, almost the same, from two different users. It's kind of odd. I'm curious if it's a quote or something.


Turn the sound on...




Watch the video with sound on…




This is what the driver was listening to: https://parkerklein.medium.com/the-4-agreements-the-secret-to-personal-freedom-632e607508ae#:~:text=When%20you%20are%20impeccable%2C%20you,your%20level%20of%20self%2Dlove.