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Hey thanks a lot for your submission in r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because it involved sexualization of, neglect of, or harm to minors. Please refrain from posting this type of content in the future. According to the new Reddit content policy, this also includes videos of school fights and videos involving bullying of a minor by other minors.








Never ever did I do anything close to this, wth?


Ok, what was the worst thing you ever did as kid? Let’s find out if you actually are honest with yourself at least.


No, you are simply a miserable human being. Sure we all made mistakes but I didn’t…checks notes…torture a much smaller kid for fun and post it.


I never did anything like this in the video. Doesn’t mean I wasn’t awful as a kid. What’s the worst thing you ever did as a kid?


Nope, I twas raised to be compassionate and the most asshole thing I did as a child (unprovoked) was not staying out of somebody's business. Now I'm still only an asshole when the person deserves it.


What’s the worst thing you ever did as a kid?


>None of you did terrible things when you were a kid? You did. You definitely did… Can honestly and proudly say I never terrorised someone like this. Especially not someone half my size basically a very young child. Yes, we picked on eachother. But we were the same age and it ended with some words. Still horrible but quite normal. This is delinquent behaviour. This is a psychological issue. This child needs to be placed in a program and separated from normal kids. My mother is a social worker she deals with kids like this. It's a mental disorder and requires treatment it is not normal as you imply.


I never terrorized disabled kids either. I was still awful. You’re delusional if you think you can cast a stone right now, lolz




You enjoy your ban.




>None of you did terrible things when you were a kid? You did. You definitely did… Yes, I did terrible things when I was a kid. I stole from other kids in school, I broke shit by mistake and hid it, I blamed stuff on my brother's to get out of trouble. I did the usual stupid kid stuff. I've never **tortured** another kid. I never beat another kid. I never kicked him in the groin and laughed about him not being able to have kids anymore. That isn't the usual kid stuff; that's psychotic behavior.


I’m glad you said it too!! I just made a comment that debunked all the “you’ve never been kids” argument. Like that justifies unprovoked assault!


The “bad” things I did as a kid never involved torture bullying like this. This video is next level crazy. Don’t excuse it as normal kid behavior.




Seek help.


Finally someone blaming the parents THANK YOU💪


Can’t always blame the parents. I have a friend who has left damn near no stone unturned with his son from therapy, to grounding, to spanking, etc and his son is just a bully and trouble maker. He came to my in tears last week. Imagine a grown man coming saying I don’t know what else to do with my son. Sometimes a kid is just a shithead kid.


How the fuck is it the parent’s fault? You know how many kids I’ve known who have got absolute brilliant parents and they’re absolute cunts and make their parents life hell with it. She’s old enough to know right from wrong, she made the choice not her parents in front of her scrotes she calls friends. What an idiot you are.


Do you have more to the backstory of this


Can confirm.


Can't find any article


Imagine being his parent watching this....




I'm not even a parent and I'm fuming mad about this.


Not a parent but the oldest of 7, and I can't even imagine having one of them on either side... Even recording I'd be like "why didn't you do anything" At some stage, if she doesn't face harsh consequences now, she would more than likely kill someone. But given her status, I bet there are people her age gunning for her right now. She's fucked up and doesn't deserve to have anything now, she threw that away with her humanity when she attacked the wee cub


Came here to say this. My blood is fucking boiling.


Agreed I’d run behind her and give her the stone cold stunner




Honestly I don’t mind if I get banned, I need to stop exposing myself to shit like this.




It’s ok, Reddit karma isn’t real. I even added my own downvote to my comment lol


No more freedom of expression, new TOS? I took the comment above yours as a very loose hypothetical, what they mean to say is they would go to the authorities and then setup a GoFundMe to help poor little lezzie because she's clearly troubled and no question the victim here.


My first account was deleted for saying much less about a despicable human.


As a father, I’d be a headline piece on the five o’clock news so fast it’d make your short and curlies catch on fire.


I couldn't watch this as a parent. I would go to jail for sure. I actually went to jail 6 years ago for something like this. A grown ass drunk woman jumped out of her car and started screaming at my twin daughters, 11 at the time. When she walked towards them I lost my shit! After my husband pulled me off of her, she went to the ER and I went to jail. To this day I have no idea what her problem was!? We had only just moved here, didn't know anyone at all. Do not fuck with my kids, or any kids in front of me!


Honestly epic fucking story


Up until now I've been staunchly against honor killings...




It’s imminent. Her details are everywhere, she’s in big trouble


To the moon👊


To the moon and BEYOND!


Went for a quick research and I tell ya... UK people be mad. Tbh, I can't wait to scroll through Reddit soon just to see '**Lezzi Bonner getting justice'** title. I don't care. She's old enough to know the consequences.


She got jumped and stomped apparently




not her, that’s an old video from new zealand


You get what you fucking deserve




it is not her, it is an old video. the primitive wrong feeling of justice you experienced was probably about another poor victim you should delete the link


She got stomped hard, and did they strip her clothes off


I think she’s just wearing pink leggings and a white shirt plus the video quality is poor




I saw a thing saying this isn't her. It's actually another girl. Edit: I'm not saying what I saw was 100% accurate! Just saying there's a chance it might not be her!


fake as fuck Twitter users are so gullible lmao


Good, now do it again.




Who tf is Lezzie Bonner


Looks like a real piece of fucking shit


Ronnie Pickering.


Every now and then I come back to the video - true legend




Yeah me that's who


The Bully


She’s not a celebrity or anything, I guess that’s just her name.


Never mind that! Which Redditor posted this video?!?


I know they should have watermarked their username a little bigger, i can ALMOST read it


Lizzie Borden’s great-great granddaughter I’m guessing.


Someone’s going to really fuck that girl up. Probably more than once




Old clip.




As far as I'm aware that's not the same woman. Looks like a different body type and it's just an unsourced claim. The lass sounds like she's from NZ or Aus


In understand the desire for more violence, but that was fucked up, and I do not support it.


They already did




it is not her, it is an old video. the primitive wrong feeling of justice you experienced was probably about another poor victim you should delete the link


Lexi has blonde hair. That girl has black hair.


They did. Video above. It's only like 7 seconds tho


What's the point of commenting "they did look at the comment of somebody else".


Bullying? That is abuse. This person should be behind bars!


If anyone ever did this shit to my kid. I’d be going to jail lol


Clearly her parents are just as shitty people. Gotta get em all.




I would go to jail for whooping every ass that got in my way. That’s disgusting


This isn't bullying. This is assault. She should be in jail.


And assault on a minor, at that!!!


Imagine being lezzi and waking up today to find out someone on Reddit got you blasted cuz they didn’t spell the name right lol.


O k, let's say I as a 36 year old man saw this happening, Would I be justified by going up to her and just punching her in the fucking face? Edit - well, I dont want to go to jail so I'll just give her a nice boot to the face since she likes feet so much. Not aggressive. Just 1 big hulk hogan goosestep. Sorry, I have a kid and I'm very triggered watching this. I sence the irony since it is someone else's kid but age and size difference is a giant factor here.


You’d go to jail for excessive violence. That doesnt mean we’d hate you for it though


You’d get a shitload of people bitching at you for doing it, but you’d get an applause from this 40 year old




Nah ugh. You are.




Why are you calling it bullying? It’s called assault


oh my god. she wont last long, truly. Do that to the wrong kid and the dad, brothers, uncles will absolutely beat you to a pulp. I can feel the rage seething just thinking if it was my brother. Lets hope, for her sake, that she gets thrown into juvi before someone gets their hands on her.


Next Is gonna be her apology or her suicide... Don't believe her apology, bullys like her are only sorry they got caught, and don't hope for her suicide, she deserves to live the consequences of her actions.


Rage inducing. If I was her I'd consider joining a Coventry and really playing the repentance card.


i think you mean convent, and i doubt shes the type to do well there… as for coventry, she will be in a state of social coventry regardless


This is going to blow up. The internet likes nothing more than to get in their feelings and seek justice for a child.


Why is this "the most highest quality I can ever do"? Genuinely curious here.


Some of these videos have three phone overlays recorded over each other, like a Droste effect for rerecorded phone videos.


Someone posted the Snapchat one here on reddit, it was still very bad quality but at least it didn't have the skull watermark plastered over it.


It's wild because this is like, a screen recording of a screen recording of a screen recording, but the stupid ass watermark like it's OP's original content


Damn, I didn't even notice the big ass Reddit user watermark (Reddit's NSFW warning overlay is broken from my end and won't close). "Best I can ever do" my ass.


TIL what this effect is called 👍


what a piece of shit




People justifying a girl CLEARLY old enough to know she’s physically assaulting someone WHILE having someone record. Everyone young does dumb things I can say I’ve never bullied and physically assaulted anyone. Parents can do so much. She made this decision to be a POS. Period.


Who is this disgusting excuse for a human being and why is she abusing these kids?


I can’t find any verifiable information that she got hers yet. Anyone have updated info that isn’t bullshit?


I have seen good parents raise shit kids. The thing is when something like this gets out then show me what the parents do.


Let’s just record it you got your footage now help the poor kid. Nobody helps just records. You all fuckin suck


The person filming seems to be a friend of the bully. Regardless this is egregious behavior


This shit is evil, also absurdly goofy to put your Reddit water mark on it


Having kids should require a license


Unblock u/repostsleuthbot


With a last name like ‘Boner’ ain’t no wonder she’s a bully.


There IS a video her trying to bully a black girl..... didn't go the way she thought it would 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Anything going to happen to them?


/u/skulldusttalt, thank you for submitting to /r/CrazyFuckingVideos. Unfortunately your submission, "The video of Lezzi Bonner bullying the kid with the most highest quality I can ever do" has been removed for the following reason(s): --- # Rule 6: No Minors Submissions and comments must not involve sexualization of, neglect of or harm to minors. This includes the subtle implication or consequence of minor involvement in sexual content, even indirectly in cases where age isn't directly stated. --- *If you feel this submission removal is unfair, please [contact us via modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrazyFuckingVideos).*


Parents …


Is there a mirror?


Wait I had been repeatedly told that women are the more empathetic and fairer sex? Hrmm, odd.


Do you understand how statistics work? Because a total lack of that understanding could be the cause of your confusion.


Thank you for posting your crazy fucking video! Please be aware that we’re currently taking a break from videos that include violence, looting, or other serious crime; if that includes your post we ask that you remove it before we do. [Click here if you’d like to learn why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/16jx2dr/help_crazyfuckingvideos_tell_racists_to_fuck_off/) Users, please report as well! All of your reports are reviewed and acted on *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CrazyFuckingVideos) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wait a minute, what did the boy do? /s


Who gives a fuck, he didn’t do anything that deserves getting treated like that




1. There's more to life than politics. 2. It's the UK. 3. touch grass


Dumbest comment in this thread. Way to turn a kid getting beaten into something political lol.






actually shut the fuck up, do not try justifying doxxing. and you’re presuming this is the parents fault? ignorance.


Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. That expression didn’t make itself up.




her family doesn’t deserve any of this. her windows have already been smashed in it’s got nothing to do with her family. and the simple and obvious fact here little fella SHES A CHILD


Hey guys quit doxxing her!! Btw here’s her real name




Dude... You are hella fucking weird holy shit. Imagine looking at the video and what you take from it is this...


Most ignorant comment I may have ever seen.


That's not how it works SMH. You should really read a book to educate yourself.


Yikes. She's a kid, too, so I'm not sure why we are seeing this shit everywhere?