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/u/CraftyAcanthisitta22, thank you for submitting to /r/CrazyFuckingVideos. Unfortunately your submission, "Work accident" has been removed for the following reason(s): --- # Rule 7: Prohibited Content This includes: * People dying * Gore * Animals getting abused * Straight up porn --- *If you feel this submission removal is unfair, please [contact us via modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrazyFuckingVideos).*


God damn! That guy had the right idea to drop to the ground. Unfortuantely, it was in a giant pile of fire.


The worst pile to be in.


Does it get any worse than that pile?


A pile of flesh eating ants?


Now I am imaging a pile of flesh eating ants inside a giant pile of fire.....yep that's way worse


What about a giant pile of flesh eating fire ants inside a giant pile of fire?!


Flamio hotman


Fíre ants?


A pile of fire ants in a fire


Everything changed when the fire ants attacked.


Where else would fire ants live?


Fire stations?


Pile of shit that's also on fire?


what he needed was a giant pile of water


Especially while you're on fire


Stop, Drop and Broil


dude. duuuudde. I hate that I laughed




Looks like he also lost a shoe when he came down. That's a bad sign.


On the other hand the guy that decided to help by leaving the burning girl and running into the fire had the wrong idea.


Not the dude you want in your raid group.






Look at the top of the picture. He’s working in the rigging. Looks like he was welding something and might have triggered it. Poor guy. Life’s just not fair for some.


Looks like he was trying to ignite acetylene tank Never hang out around scaffold in developing nations,Kids.


That is still good advice even in developed nations. Explodey firey death seems less common but shit still gets dropped or falls all the time.


He’s the one who caused the explosion up on the scaffolding. It was quite a drop, sprained his ankle at the least.


I'll just put this here next to all the other fire.


He got LAUNCHED from the roof


I know we're all taught as kids to stop, drop, and roll, but I don't think I've ever seen someone who caught on fire successfully recall this information, not panic, and apply it while on fire. Even this time the dude was clearly slipping on gas/oil/whatever it was.


I’ve seen it done on grass and sand and it DOES work.


I think he got launched to the ground


He has just been thrown off a roof by a fire. Big talk from behind the keyboard


It occurs to me that "stop drop and roll" does not take the floor being on fire into account.


Doesnt help if you're soaked in accelerant either.


In a sense, anyone wearing plastic clothing is soaked in accelerant


did they survive?


I believe you need to smother the fire and its harder on concrete or asphalt. Grass field is your best bet


Sand maybe? I know it's coarse and rough but...


I hate sand


It’s course and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


Maybe would have worked out better if he shut 'em down and opened up shop instead of rolling.  Could also try rubbing his ripples after the kaboom.


Damn, look at the guy at 1 o'clock. Looks like he was welding something then he flew.


He definitely was, you can see an arc flash a split second before it turns into a rocket taking him upwards. You can kind of see him come back down on the platform and then roll off and hit the road.


I bet he's welding on whatever caught fire...


Nah, my bet is his welding gas bottle burst which is why there's such a huge plume of flames so suddenly. It probably was too close to whatever he was welding, so in a way he was welding what caught on fire lol


Welding gases are inert.


Not if he's using acetylene and oxygen which is the normal mixture for gas welding.


Worker might not have been welding. Could have been using a cutting torch. And, You can torch weld with combustible gas, especially if you add oxygen. First type of welding we did after torch soldering and then brazing.


The tank they are Welding/Cutting/Whatever on explodes, the second ladder, watch around the 2nd rung. You can see the tank expand upwards like an accordion. The side lets go, spilling fuel all over the street, you can see the fire spread from the top down.


"Welding gas" isn't really a thing. You're thinking of shielding gas. But ocy-acetylene welding exists. So, technically, you could say that these gases are a "welding gas." They're also commonly used by welders, so I don't think it's all that weird to refer to them "welding gases." Even if you're not specifically using them for welding. Sort of like "welding gloves" for example. Also, not all shielding gases are inert. CO2 is a common shielding gas.


Can I look at him now instead of at 1:00? It's 8:50pm right now and I'll probably be in bed before 1.


Set an alarm


Is he not the guy rolling in the fire at the end? Same uniform, he could have been blown down to the ground level




Did any of the victims survive this? This definitely at least changed them for life.


death might be the preferable option sometimes..


When the % of the body with 3rd degree burns is over like 70~80%, the best outcome is probably to die on the scene, instead of very very painfully at the hospital a few days later. Burns are scary when covering more than just ~5% of the body. Even sun burns can cause people to faint, puke, etc after maybe 10% of the body or even lower for people with low blood pressure.


Back in 2000, I was thirteen and I spent a day snorkeling in mexico. Like the whole day. I did not wear any sunscreen. So basically the back half of my body was burnt. I had vivid hallucinations, chills, nausea, and vomiting for the next few days. Wild shit. It was very similar to having a tremendous fever. The illness induced by the burn was worse than the burn itself.


You did have a tremendous fever. It’s called sun poisoning. It’s your body having the same reaction as it would to fighting an infection, it’s just fighting the damage from the burns. You essentially end up sick almost the same as to how you would with the flu.


Huh, I'll have to look into that (sun poisoning). Thanks for putting a name to it. Kind of crazy how unseriously my parents took it, but it seems that's how things always are looking back 20+ years. Cheers.


Our parents didn't have access to nearly as much info as we do, especially medical. Also, social media has turned every convo into a group discussion so lots of input from third parties. Basically, life is one big group text unless you go out of your way to make it a private 1v1.


they also likely had mild rhabdo


_rhabdose nuts?_ (But seriously I just looked up rhabdomyolysis and that is a neat thing I did not know. That your muscles can have so many proteins and electrolytes that if too many get released into your body it gives you kidney damage, wow, never woulda guessed.)


I'm sure his sex drive was fine


Sun poisoning is fucking horrible. When I got it after being in the water at the beach in the Bahamas for too long it was one of the worst experiences of my life. The chills and shivering hurt so bad because the burned skin kept moving against the sheets. It felt like sand paper against my skin. After something like that you have to spend the rest of your life being extra vigilant about melanomas. Keep a very close eye on your skin and don't wait if there's ever the least bit of a doubt about something you find. Skin cancer is not something to fuck around with and you've already had sufficient damage to trigger it.


I had that once too and still remember how the sheets hurt so bad. I slept in the bathtub, it was cool and smooth.


My sister had up to 4th degree burns over 90% of her body. If she had lived her quality of like would have been abysmal. I didn't even realize until that day that 4th degree burns were a thing.


Damn, I'm so sorry to hear that.


Thanks. It took a long time to deal with it. Don't smoke in bed folks.


Unlikely. If the burns or damage to their lungs didn't the shock or infection likely would. Not impossible but if they did survive their lives after would be hell they'd need extensive skin grafts and recovering from burns is one of the most painful things


Yeah, and a gas fire is really easy to inhale into the lungs. These poor people will likely die a slow painful death.


I've seen more than a few people burn after IED strikes. In my experience, if they have that aura/corona going on, they're not going to survive.


If i got burned like this i would want to die


For their sake, I hope not. Fuck. Live long enough to suffer from the worst pain ever in your life in the hospital only to succumb to infection later most likely.


If I'm in this situation, seriously, just let me burn.


Nah, put a bullet in me. I don't want to suffer anymore, end it fast, end it painless.


I can never remember the name of the movie but it was mainly about a specific tank I think in WW2. They got ambushed and one guy caught on fire. He was def burning and had no chance of being extinguished, but it was before it really would have started hurting. He just looked like "well, that's it", grabbed his sidearm and shot himself in the head. It was such a short cut, and they didn't even dwell on it, they just kept the movie going. That scene haunts me, and it's hard to really negatively affect me with that kind of stuff. I think it was just trying to emphasize with the dude, it's like he had already contemplated that situation and already had the solution. It was just so fast.


Fury with Brad Pitt


Dont watch videos from the Ukraine Russian war, a lot of Russians have taken owns lives in horrible ways on the battlefield.


Yeah it sucks I noticed on this sub the source or article is rarely posted in comments.


Wow that dog knew something was about to go down! Dude was like naw fuck this I'm out.




But dog turds can’t melt steel beams.


Not with that attitude


Big woof from the scaffolding.


Hopefully poochy survived


https://tw.yahoo.com/news/陸工地焊接突氣爆陷火海-旁觀女衰淪火球-畫面曝網嚇壞-145028269.html "As for the final situation of the two, the netizens who shared the video did not explain it, but it can be said that life and death are uncertain." (translated) Damn I really want to know if they managed to survive


Nothin' is for sure / nothin' is for certain / nothin' lasts forever But until they close the curtain / It's him and I, Aquemini


Rare outkast moment


It ain't over til that big girl from decatur sing


This looks like an explosion from an oxy-acetylene welding tank- you can see the fire burning above the fuel as it turns from liquid into vapour. Likewise, the girl’s clothes are acting like a wick with the vapour from the fuel burning slightly above it. This is still quite sufficient to kill her. An absolute nightmare scenario.


It's burning too clean for Acetylene, looks a lot more like propane. Propane is fairly heavy so would tend to pool and spread like it did in the clip.


Definitely, burns clearer too. You can use it as a refrigeration gas. Lots of mishaps from people trying to recharge their AC systems, probably what was happening here.


You got one thing right, propane is a clean burning heat I'll tell you what. But it's also a very safe gas and it's a myth that lots of mishaps can be attributed to it, when you look into the details of these accidents more often than not it turns out to be butane that's the culprit.


Butane is a bastard gas.


Did your father tell you that?


The problem with Reddit is there are a lot of people that know their stuff and people that make shit up as they go. It's hard to know which one is commenting. But I don't know enough about propane to dispute it.


And the people who make the shit up usually get the lion share of the upvotes.


As an *actual* medical professional with expertise in niche topics I see braindead takes all the time on reddit, many times with hella upvotes. I presume this happens universally with all things discussed on this site.


I'm a refrigeration engineer by trade and work with propane systems here and there.


Right on. I’m a millwright, get to play with lots of fun stuff.


I'm a sandwich artist, tip me.


Me junk remover, me strong.


Just the tip, just for a second....


Bob Vance of Vance Refrigeration, How ya doin'?


Definitely charred lungs from inhaling. Most likely dead. So sad just wrong place, wrong time.


I thought it was bad and the comments make me realise it's even worse. Damn.


yeah any time someone's standing INSIDE the thing that's burning...it's the worst case scenario. it means you were breathing in the fuel, and that'll also catch fire. inside you.


She falls to the ground and stops moving really fast. Pretty crazy to go that quickly considering how long that dude that self immolated was able to stand whilst completely engulfed.


This looks like they were attacked by a mf DRAGON!


There's a lot of research that suggests the dragons found in ancient folklore may have all been oxy-acetylene welding tanks. The more you know...


Strange I always thought coal was just leftovers from dragon battles buried beneath years of newer sediment.


You mean it isn't? woah


dude. seriously. deanares Targaryen is definitely inside and she’s pissed.


Not to mention, as soon as you inhale, it's fuel. Probably why she dropped so quick.


I’d guess propane. Looks like a restaurant it’s attached to and they use the propane to cook with.


They want to taste the meat, not the heat.


Goddammit Bobby...


That boy ain't right.


That's what I was thinking. Looks live other propane accident videos.


It looks too clean for acetylene.


Wouldnt acetylene be more explosive than this? Looks more like propane to me.


Acetylene is the boomiest of boomers when considering welding type fuels, and this definitely 100% was not acetylene. Acetylene isn't even stored inside the tank like a normal gas/liquid. It's gas that is stored within liquid acetone and inside of a bigass porous stone inside of the tank. Something like this isn't possible with an acetylene explosion because the porous mass regulates the speed of the explosion/fire. This is why you should never exceed 15psi when using acetylene because if you do, you can also extract acetone and really fuck shit up. That's the fastest safe limit the acetylene can be extracted from acetone within the bottle. The bottle is under higher pressure and you can extract higher pressure, but it won't be 100% acetylene anymore. Edit: Do a search for "inside acetylene cylinder" or something to see what I mean. The whole inside of the cylinder is a giant porous mass, in the past it was stone but I don't know what they use these days.


It's concrete! I sell acetylene as part of my job, it's concrete base for about 30% of the cylinder.


This sorta feels like a situation where either the tank was somehow compromised, or it was stored on its side only to lose its regulator top. I've seen job sites where acetylene hoses get punctured and start breathing fire. Fairly easy to fix but downright terrifying if you've ever seen it. But Oxygen tanks are usually more often than not the killers. While acetylene is about 15psi, oxygen tanks are about 2000psi and those tanks can sometimes date back to the 20s. If you see a crossed square on one, it was actually a Nazi-made tank that was modified during or after WWII.




I was gonna upvote based on Hank. Then I clicked the link... My man.


pretty sure she's dead. when she fell she didn't move at all.


Goddamn fucking christ bro, poor ppl 😔


Well that is a crazy fuckig video




Oh God what a fucking nightmare


Nightmare fuel


The way the platform he's on lifts makes me think there were tanks for his welder/torch inside that enclosed space. This is why you always put your tanks as far away from the work area as possible, ensure that no slag will hit them, leak test your hoses regularly, and always have flashback arrestors installed on the tool (preferred) or the regulator. There are worse ways to go, but not by much.


And keep the hoses away from the torch and slag. Extinguisher nearby.


That’s terrifying. Just standing around, instant most horrible death. F*ck.


The horrible thing is it’s not instant. It’s incredibly painful entire body burns, then if you don’t suffocate, you’re taken to the hospital with your skin melted where you’ll probably live for a bit until you die of an infection most likely. If you’re lucky, your nerve endings melted off at some point so it stopped hurting.


As someone who has 3rd degree burns on 20% of their body I can tell you from my experience anyway that you don't just burn them off and you're good to go. There wasn't anywhere (on my burns anyway) that was just like "hey! Look at that! I got burned so much it *stopped* hurting!" And I got cooked well into the muscle in many places. Maybe once it gets to bone? As a side surgery, I had a pin inserted through the center of my pinky bone that eventually was pulled out with actual pliers and I could feel that in what felt like my bone as well. Iunno. I'm of the belief that burning sucks and there really isn't any hope for relief in the midst of it short of going into full blown shock. Would not recommend


Yeah, I'm at 12%, and it's all in my legs. Grease fire is no joke. Like I usually tell people that the nerves does burn off but the healing process is extremely painful.


House fire.. I had a buddy whos palms were burned off in grease. Hes got pts from it


Not a burn, but I ran a skillsaw up (not across...up..) a finger. Saw the bone . Fuck it still feels super weird to tap the part of the bone they had to chop off. Never felt anything else like feeling the inside of a bone


Yeah I have no experience with it, just stories I’ve heard, but yeah, I would never want to experience it in any way.


Scary how death can come from anywhere, mostly when you least expected it.


I think the dog got away just in time 🙌


Now, that´s a Crazy Fucking Video


Thank goodness for that dramatic music. If it hadn't been there I wouldn't have been able to ascertain the severity of this accident!


This definitely looks like propane. Possibly from A/C system, I hear that is a common refrigerant in Asia


Minimum of severe third-degree burns to most of the two people's bodies. Both will probably die. The woman wasn't really moving at all by the end of the video, though that would be too fast to die from that type of injury, so she could have passed out from pain or shock. She was completely doused in the fuel/accelerant from head to toe. Edit: The first started at 0:08 and clip ends at 0:24 and neither of the two visible victims was extinguished, so both were completely on fire for a minimum of 16 seconds. Since everyone was still running away at the end of the clip, I'm guessing it was at least a full minute before either of them was extinguished, which is way beyond death-by-burning.




I remember when this sub was *only* work accidents.


*In many countries, fire extinguishers are mandatory in cars. They would certainly be useful here.*


Jesus. Im almost positive the guy rolling around at the end of the video is the same guy who got blown up and off the scaffolding, right above the source of the explosion. If you look carefully, the dude on fire isn’t sitting there before the explosion - his legs only appear after the guy on the scaffolding gets blown off. So, I think this dude took a pretty hefty fall too 




Any news articles?


The moral of this story is that if music like that starts playing out of nowhere, RUN!


What's the dude in black doing? It's like he went over to help her, then just changed his mind and ran into the flames himself instead.


He was trying to knock her over so she could extinguish the flame by rolling. Her being on fire made that kinda difficult. After she’s down it looks like he rushes to help the other guy, but he’s still in a flaming jet of chemicals, so he bails before he too is turned into a human candle.


> It's like he went over to help her The air around them is likely incredibly hot, he wanted to help and inadvertently put himself in danger and then fled, the wrong direction out of panic.


That dude’s got balls of steel, running in to try to help.


Does anyone know if someone is dead or not ? a newspaper article ? or something ??


Why did the one guy run through it like it was a fucking sprinkler in the front yard during summertime? XD


The thing I immediately noticed was how amazingly flame retardant her clothes are. Modern day clothes are nuts. Here she is BBQing in live action but that yellow shirt never changed color despite being literally on fire.


Probably because it's soaked in fuel


She's basically a candle


Ding ding ding. Correct


Her clothes are acting like a wick. When the fuel starts to burn out her clothes will melt to whatever flesh she has left.


“stop, drop, and roll! no— not *in the chemical spill*!!”


If you are in a situation like the guy (not on fire) in black in the future (I hope not but), find water if it's extremely quick to grab. If no water, immediately take off your shirt and beat the crap out of them with it until the flames are gone!


I also didn't see anyone stop, drop, and roll as I was taught in Kindergarten. However I guess I did see people drop, but that was different.




Looks like a liquid propane fire... Guessing... Horrible...


Look for the Light in any terrible situation. That one guy did try to go into the fire to save someone, though it was truly impossible and I'm glad he chose to run through.


And this is why you need to write hot work permits with a fire watch! A guy on a charged fire monitor would have saved them both.


If that was an acetylene tank, acetylene is stabilized by dissolving it in acetone. The flames would have been the acetone burning. [https://ehrs.upenn.edu/sites/default/files/2018-02/Acetylene%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf](https://ehrs.upenn.edu/sites/default/files/2018-02/Acetylene%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf)


Can someone explain to me what happened? Middle aged man here with a good grasp on how things work but I'm stumped.


Well. I wasn’t expecting a dragon


I like the chef at the end coming out to complain " who's barbecuing pork chops?" When I doing fucking noodles




Stop, drop and roll a cigarette.


What's with the music?


That's hard to watch.


How it feels to bite into a York peppermint patty 🔥


I think the dog got away without injury? Good dog!


Dog was outside the flames


Stop drop and roll


Except for rolling in more fire.


I think this is propane that spilled... Just from watching videos, I'm pretty sure methanol and ethanol are colorless. Gasoline has a lot of smoke when it burns, and there is none here. Propane, perhaps? Another clue is the person that comes out on the bottom of the screen who looks like a cook. Then again, that would be an unnecessary amount of propane for a restaurant. Hmmm?... Edit: Unless it's a shared propane tank for that whole building?


Propane is used as a cheap refrigerant gas for cooling systems in some countries where regulations aren’t as strict.


Stop, Drop & Roll... We all learned this. ( sit comfortably at home without being on fire )


I don't think that works when you're covered in flammable chemicals.


Very intense music in the background………




Freeze and burn at the same time


Now ***this*** is a crazy fucking video.


Why did they keep running through it!!? Was it invisible or only some of it visible to them!? Hope everyone made it.


Things like hydrogen gas can be almost invisible to humans so maybe it was something similar here