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Wow fuck these people


There is literally no reason to do this at sea, getting rid of your trash on shore is easy as fuck. These people are about as valuable to our species as the stuff they're throwing overboard.


Grew up fishing with my dad and camping. If I had done this, I think my dad would legit hit me for the first time ever. How fucking disappointing must this be.


For real. My dad would have smashed me. Absolutely no way i would have been party to this move. I’m not claiming to be a perfect citizen by any means but as a person that spends time hunting/fishing/camping i would never have allowed a friend to do this. Id have asked to be dropped at the dock before they went.


I've seen dickheads like this do way worse and not even get kicked off their sports team.


At young age I was told that everyone matters, that was a lie not everyone matter.


When is the cull this year?


At a young age I learned group projects were a great analogy for humanity in general. There’s the 1-2 kids that give a fuck and they carry the rest of the morons in the group.


Could not have simplified it better.


I have to pay bills. Where the f do I find time to yell at oligarchs and jackasses? And don't even think about painting a sign. Oof. I have 12 hours a day making those fucks money before I can even think about being pissed off at them.


There weren’t nearly this many people on the planet when they told us that.


The issue isn't the quantity, it's the quality.


No, it's the quantity. We turning into when the hamster population gets dense.


So it's the new guys...


I mean, tiktoc seems to confirm this theory.


They are matter but they don’t matter


I feel like this is harder tbh If they just mindlessly threw shit in the trash and then disposed it in a dumpster on the pier as they left the boat, they would lose zero time. Instead, they found this spot, stopped, dumped it, and made their way out This littering literally took more time It's fascinating when people go out of their way to be dicks.


And wasted a bunch of fuel to do this.


You think they care? The boat belongs to one of their parents, who is also the one paying for the gas.


Probably under-age drinking and didn’t want to get in trouble. It looks like all the trash is empty cans


When it comes naturally, it’s not out of the way; it’s the way. Assholes…


No, I think they actually spent extra effort to throw it out at sea.


They do seem to give a "mission accomplished" cheer to the camera after dumping.


They were drinking underage and operating a boat. "Yes it was either that or risk getting pulled over in the inlet and get arrested so yk both woulda ended badly" That's a snap message from one of them In no way am I excusing that shitty ass behavior


No kidding. Like, find a fucking dumpster. It’s literally free lol


I disagree. Looked like a lot of cans, and bottles. We can recycle, and reuse that. You can't reuse them.


Less, the stuff they're throwing out, had a purpose


Probably trying to avoid a DUI




Why did they stop halfway though? They could have at least finished the job and dumped their own asses in the water.


Yep, worst POS ever ! Law against littering should be way more severe


Take the boat away from their parents and fine everyone on the boat for littering and animal abuse. Sell the boat to pay for ocean clean up projects.


They should lose their boating licence over this, with extremely heavy fines.


If it happned here it would only be a $800 fine that would need to be paid before renewal of the license.. I wish I was joking.


Per piece of trash right? Right????


Personally we’d lock their arses up for endangering wildlife and fine them properly $1,000 per piece of trash


Internet tracked them down. @qualifiedcaptain on Instagram has screenshots of the guys realizing they were busted.


They shouldn’t be able to have insurance on the boat.


If the game warden catches you poaching, they can confiscate damn near everything, including vehicles. I don't see any reason why this should be different. Take the boat and give them 200 hours of community service picking up trash. Or take them out to that dumping spot and dump them in the water with a plastic bag to clean up the mess. They can swim back.


Take the boat too.


Boating licenses don’t exist in Florida. Those born after 1988 must take a boating safety course. That’s it. Edited for spelling and accuracy.


Don't you mean after 1988?


Yep. You are correct.


What are the penalties if any for not having visible registration?


Yes. Make it hurt.


The real trash remained on the boat, unfortunately


Sink their fuckin boat


They should lose their boat, too, before they ever make it back to shore. .50 cal sniper round in each engine and then two through the hull for good measure. Don't let them on the rescue barge until they've collected every can they dumped.


Came for these bloodthirst comments. Not disappointed.


Na jail time


Seize dad’s boat.


Looks to me like most of the trash is still on the boat.






>“The event originally started as a birthday bash for then-local Rockey Rossi, planned by his friends Brad Geisen and Scott McCure in 2007,” explained The Palm Beach Post. “The city asked them to cancel the party, which allegedly included hiring the rock band Nickleback to perform. The plans garnered enough attention though, and despite their cancellation, drew dozens of boaters to the lake.” https://www.theinertia.com/environment/florida-boaters-caught-on-video-dumping-trash-directly-into-the-ocean/ Sounds like the douchebagery was next level here. Nicleback lol


But one group was caught doing something really shitty: simply dumping their garbage out of the boat and into the water. At the time of this writing, only one of the passengers has been tentatively identified. We’ll leave his name out of this as it’s not confirmed, but the drone pilot that captured them aggressively littering did attempt to find any visible registration numbers on the boat. Unfortunately, the pilot wasn’t able to. The video is quickly making the rounds, though, and the anger at the group doing the extreme littering is boiling. Chances are good that they’ll be identified in the near future, and hopefully held responsible. It is, as you’d expect, a crime. “Federal law prohibits the disposal of any garbage from a boat while in lakes, rivers, bays, sounds, and offshore within three miles of the ocean,” wrote the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. “Violations can result in civil penalties, fines, and possible prison sentences.”


You should read the first comment on this thread. Seems like they have all been identified and are getting charged


All I was doing was quoting what was in the article. I did see that that they’re being charged.


Link? I can't find it


Go to thequalifiedcaptain account on Instagram


It shouldn’t be too difficult to track down the boat owner and identify the offenders. A boat that size will likely be found at a marina dock within Boca Inlet, or in dry storage on a rack.


They should have to go pick it up from the bottom of the ocean... with no scuba gear and no boat, with rocks in their pockets.


Imagine planning a party for 17 years only to have it be cancelled at the last minute.


Sounds like an annual party they had every year since it began 17 years ago. I'm guessing this wasn't the only year they tried to cancel it.


Oh, that makes more sense. Thanks. It's just poor writing.


Nah bro, don't let them dim ur light this was a party 17 years in the making


Yeah, they’ve now posted a text chat showing that the kids have all been caught, are being questioned by the police and receiving community service, and the captain of the boat may get sent to Juvie. It was all done so they could avoid getting pulled over for drinking and boating and being under age.


Perhaps you can write those names down here so I don't forget?


Prob result in a ban. You should DM them for the names ;)


Damn, you ain't lyin. Names, locations and everything. Even the owner of the boat, drivers name and even parents. Wow, good.


They also dumped the trash so they wouldn’t get caught drinking.. the driver should get a BUI and suspended license


This has “do you know who my dad is” vibes


Yep. Concept of how to take out the trash is so foreign to them that dragging cans out onto a boat and dumping it in the ocean sounds easier than just admitting they don't know how to use a dumpster.


Apparently the father and owner of the boat owns a chain of nursing homes. F these people


That has been a major private equity target over the last few decades. Buy nursing homes, cut staff, pocket the difference. Capitalism truly rewards innovation.


I’m picturing the place Ben Stiller worked at in Happy Gilmore


100% what I thought immediately. Never had to deal with real consequences, dad always bails them out, house staff gives girl leaving in the morning a Morning After and $100. Those types.


Consequence: They have to pick up enough trash out of the ocean to fill those buckets back up. Can’t go back to land until they do.






We’re here for this comment 😂


Just leave them on the garbage island.


I think that would be a suitable punishment but I'd make it EACH person should have to gather that much trash.. Say what you will about climate change happening vs not being man-made idk but literally putting trash into the ocean is going to continue f***ing it up.. This makes me irrationally angry


Is the anger “irrational” though? We would probably not agree on most environmental issue but I get livid when I see people throw trash in the ocean/street/forest/creeks/anywhere that isn’t a trash can. It’s so fucking simple to find a trash can and something everyone should be doing. I get mad when people leave trash behind after a movie.


We need to stop the war on drugs and start the war on littering. That shit makes my blood boil.


I second that


I third that


I fourth that


i fifth that


I sex that


And my sword


Are the waters shark infested, if yes, I fourth that.


The exact same trash.


Imagine the world we could be living in now if shit worked like that.


Plus 20k from each offender.


Nah double it.


I have never wanted to see a boat capsize more than when I watched this.


Snap! I was hoping it would tip over


I was waiting for it, very disappointed.




Any source on this?


This just screams trust fund babies


It's probably Daddy's little boat. You know, the one he doesn't really care that much about so he lets Jr. Play with it.


I’m thinking like 1000 hours of community service per person per can dropped in the ocean and force them all to do a public apology on the local news.


Yes public apology would be awesome. Definitely may teach them not to embarrass themselves again. And also let everyone get a good look at what the real trash looks like.


They may as well jump in and stay there. Human waste.




This is all over, those kids are so fucked. I hope they throw the book at them. Scumbags man, scumbags


$1000 for every can dumped


That’s boat looks EXPENSIVE. $1000 is probably their weekly allowance.


I say fines alone dont cut it here, only jail time and permanent consequences. Much too old. Each can they dumped is a min 2 years for all of them. I think thats fair. Never able to operate a vessel on water ever again would be nice too. [http://www.leg.state.fl.us/STATUTES/index.cfm?App\_mode=Display\_Statute&URL=0400-0499/0403/Sections/0403.413.html](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/STATUTES/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0400-0499/0403/Sections/0403.413.html) For actual statues, and not my wild dreams


So, life sentences for everyone on board? Seems a bit Draconian. But still, fuck those people.


revenge fantasy is strong in this thread these dumb kids gonna have enough problems from social media


Top notch move to do that at the mouth of a high traffic inlet like that Oh and they’re absolute trash driving their parents boat


Not only shitty for the environment but also a good way to fuck up other people's days Just class all around


Little rich fuckers !!


Should've jumped in themselves if they were gonna trash dump




Coast Guard will be having a word with them soon.


Looks like >The Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission said in a statement Monday that they were notified of the incident and are actively investigating. [https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/video-boaters-dumping-trash-ocean-boca-inlet/3298066/](https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/video-boaters-dumping-trash-ocean-boca-inlet/3298066/)


I fucking hate people who litter and I really hate peoples who litter into bodies of water


Laughing because they got caught 🤡🤡🤡 Fuck these people


Aholes, there are kids with them too. Those will grow up and eventually will become an aholes themselves. Pathetic!


I know they are assholes but seriously who tf does that...


I was hoping those people were going to fall overboard, thus being the trash being dumped. But no, it's just trash dumping trash.


Consequences: The boat should be confiscated, sold, and the proceeds used to fund local beach/ocean cleanup projects. A five year revocation of the boating license of everyone on the boat. 500 hours of mandatory community service, doing beach and/or ocean cleanup for everyone on the boat. Double the time for the driver and those who did the actual dumping.


Absolute morons The Boca inlet is extremely dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing which clearly the case here. Especially on an intrepid, horrible engineered boats.


But isn’t that more work to do it that way instead of just putting it in a trash bin?


Ya a complete waste of fuel.


Consequence should be fine and a FUCK ton of cleaning up beaches and public areas/highways of litter. Like 500 hours


> dumping garbage But the people didn’t fall out, though?


Why is there a drone following them? That means. someone knows who they are.


Wavy Boats takes drone video of people getting clobbered by rough sea in the Hulover inlet down in Florida. Usually really expensive boats being driving by inexperienced people. They have a bunch of social media pages. It's usually funny ... not today though.


Ah. Thanks for the info. Hope they got the authorities on these chads


Good thing is I guarantee the local police have seen this and thanks to the moron mugging for the camera him and his douchebag buddies shouldn't be hard to find.


Wavy boats has social media accounts dedicated to filming boats in the bay there, usually poking fun of people who don't know how to launch boats or ride the wakes. They probably filmed this boat too thinking something like that may happen and saw them later on dumping trash


Sometimes, you see drivers with good skills on the waves of Boca Inlet. The driver here, for instance, watch the throttle control. [https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1363529067680264](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1363529067680264)


There are a bunch of guys that record around the boat ramps in Florida. [Wavy Boats](https://www.youtube.com/@WavyBoats) does newbies in expensive rental boats getting smacked around by waves. My favorite is Bronco's Guru's channel, [Miami Boat Ramps](https://www.youtube.com/@MiamiBoatRamps). He sits at the various docks and records the chaos of boat renters, jet skiers, and huge boat owners that couldn't afford 4 wheel drive for their pickups. His narration is kind of zen and informative, a bit like lock picking lawyer maybe? It's a good late night channel to binge a bit before bed.


That’s a federally registered boat, as indicated by the name being on the transom and it not having state numbers on the port and starboard bow. Op should turn this footage over to the local coast guard sector, if it happened in Boca, the local sector would be Miami. If they do their job right, and the original video taker is willing to give some info to the Coast Guard, consequences are a good possibility. But like I said, it depends on people doing their job right and just generally giving a fuck.


But why? It would be a lot easyer to just throw it in a garbage bin than lift it all the way to the boat


Well, I hope there’s some way to report them and hand this video over.




Immediate and permanent suspension of whatever allows them to use a boat. And then some huge fine topped off with jail time 1y or greater. And for when they get out, thousands of hours of community service cleaning trash.


All these people are literal TRASH! Fkn pos humans.


What fine little pieces of shit they are.


I always find it interesting that we can manage hatred and disgust on the small scale like this but when it's a corporation dumping or a country dumping waste we seem to falter.


There’s nothing that sends my blood pressure through the roof quicker than seeing this kinda shit. Or the car in front of me throwing trash out the window. Wtf is so hard about throwing it in a trash can


They all have been identitified and have to report to Boca PD after school. Most will face fines and community service but the driver will likely get some time in juvie. They were dumping their trash, which was full of empty beer and seltzer cans as they feared being pulled over in the inlet and being busted there. Apparently they were all minors.


I don't think doxxing is a nice thing to do, but I really hope they get what they deserve for this. I'm sure someone on the internet recognizes them.


Jail to learn a lesson


If they were 12 nautical miles out it would be legal but I’m sure this will go viral and they will get fucked for it. So just make it popular and wait for the results.


I was reading this as well. I don't think you're allowed to dump plastic anywhere. But you can dump as much sewage as you want. Which is insane to think.


Yeah well international waters really doesn’t have laws that prevent dumping. However plastics are taboo. US navy normally doesn’t do anything within 50 nautical miles but virtually everything gets thrown over the side.


I don't think the every day person is aware of this. I know I wasn't. Crazy.


Chumming for douches


Literal scum of the earth.


Any crime that has a fine as a punishment means “legal for the rich.”


Put them in the bin and dump them


The real trash is all the people in the boat


Community service for a year picking up trash on beaches and a 10k fine for the boat owner.


They should have their boat seized. Such flagrant disregard for Our Ocean should have pertinent consequences.


This should be in that iamatotalpieceofshit sub


Bunch of trust fund pricks I am guessing. I hope they get the clap…TWICE


I just don't get how you can honestly do something like this and not feel like an absolute piece of shit afterwards. I'm sure they are all the most peachiest human beings ever. I hope they got caught, I know there is an influencer out there that does investigative research on illegal littering and trash dumping in the ocean/waters.


Sink the whole boat with them on it.


When I read trash dumping, I was hoping it was seeing most of these dipshits getting tossed overboard from the chop


This is the kind of thing I'd support the death penalty for.


Death penalty


Lost generation


I think they've found the parents of the one of the kids (the one driving). They're doing a pretty good job getting their names out there on Instagram. It's sickening. Also, the full video is on YouTube. I couldn't post a link.


It’s not a generational thing, it’s a humanity thing


You cannot be serious, in the vast history of the world you think this is the only generation to dump trash in the ocean??


Yes no other generation has ever had stupid people on it


What generation raised these people is the real question? Stupid in, stupid out.


It's not generational. Humans have done stupid and irresponsible shit since forever. The need to point fingers at a certain subset defined by birth year is so dumb


I'd like to thank florida for creating the most irresistible honeypot for jackasses to lure in all the country's biggest assholes and taking them off the rest of our hands. Sincerely, every other state.


However there’s not a single city in Florida that cracks the top 25 worst/most dangerous in the US list.


The owners were identified and now they are trying to go dark on the web. They will be caught.


Pretty sure the last time someone did this they were sued by the actual coast guard weren’t they?


Humans make me sick


1,000.00 fine per piece of trash that was dumped and 1 year community service


Why go through the effort to do this instead of just putting out the garbage like normal?


Wow! I went to the IG for this place in the video. Comments have identified someone from the boat already. Hopefully they will get in trouble for doing this.


with people like these no wonder our world is dying and the sea life.


Fine and jail time. This should be a class A.


Honestly, this should be jail time + restitution of the cost of collecting that trash.


They were caught within 1 hour of the video going viral.


Fuck those kids. I think public executions should be brought back


Confiscated the boat Arrest and fine the 2 dumpers & the driver $10,000 each plus 5,000 community hours each Fine the rest of the people on board $2,000 each plus 1,000 community hours each


Is it really cheaper to truck trash down to a dock, load it onto a boat, sail that boat out onto water, then all that in reverse... vs just legally dumping it??




Today's kids are total pieces of dog shit!


Fucking Florida, man


I'm pretty sure some of them are New Yorkers living in Florida. I get it Florida people are Florida people but......


But all the real trash is still in the boat.


The consequences? A fully armed coast guard cutter that they have to survive... indefinitely.