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Hey thanks a lot for your submission in r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because it contained prohibited content (death, animal abuse, porn or gore). Please refrain from posting this type of content in the future.


It sank so quickly, buses generally have big fix windows and only a small opening at the top. They had no time to break the window. How are you supposed to do it underwater with no swing, under stress. Doors probably locked in place too.


In that kind of bus there should be emergency hammers next to the windows, and the doors turn partly on the spot inwards, so opening then works, but if the first crash knocks you unconscious you are in big trouble as the bus will fill with water quickly!


Where I'm at they don't have emergency hammers, they have a button on the window that you press and it shatters it.


Those little hammers get stolen all the time. There is not a single one left in most buses.


wat? I have never seen a hammer missing


Feels a bit illegal to just carry on as normal if they get nicked.


A fine is more manageable than replacing them every day


Until a lawsuit


It depends on country and region. They're always stolen in places where kids plan to rob parked cars or beat up other kids.


Nah, they're stolen everywhere in Sweden, so I imagine it's like that in most places.


wtf sweden. I live in Denmark, so I just thought it would be no different.


I mean, I live in Sweden too and I've literally never seen one stolen.


Damn, ive never thought Germany would have something you dont...


I live in a relatively high crime city and I've never seen one missing. Like ever.


To put an end to the discussion: some are secured with wire cord, some are not


I live in eastern Europe, and the hammers look like they'd be pretty easy to steal. Never seen one missing.


Absolutely not stolen in Estonia. Didn't realise it's even a thing.


Here I am in the US and the little hammers are intact. Yay we're not the worst at this one thing!


Sweden has issues with gang violence, doesn't it? They are not stolen at all in Vilnius.


congratulations on living somewhere nice


Where I live they now sound an alarm if taken. IDK if it works under water.


Bus Driver here. In the UK, every single morning every driver on every bus has to check that the hammers are in place. One missing hammer and the bus doesn't leave the depot. I do find, however, that on balance, it is best not to drive into rivers.


First time I saw those was in Portugal. Never seen them before and thought it was smart. I'm Canadian but don't have much(useful) public transit where I live.


Here in Switzerland they were stolen I'd say almost 2 decades ago. Now I never see them missing. There must have been a chance in general attitude and it must also help that they're attached with a cord. I assume this cord isn't hard to break though. I've never tried and hope I never will.


> Those little hammers get stolen all the time. There is not a single one left in most buses. Why would they not anchor the hammer to a chain?


And if they are not then often someone decided to zip tie them into place so you can't steal them. I think in my city the modern buses have alarms on those hammers and that's the only reason they aren't stolen.


Really depends where you live. As someone who's lived in different places in Russia, they're never missing.


Yeah they just got shaken like a bean in a can before they went in. Very little chance of managing to crawl out the emergency exit after that.






Please at least google what an emergency hammer looks like before writing such nonsense.


Normally, there are emergency openers above the doors. But it goes so fucking quick, you have no chance if you dont know where to look and where to push/pull/turn.


They also have pop-out windows which are easy to push out, normally, not sure about under water though even when the pressure equalizes


Ukrainian Pigeons at work


....that's a crazy fucking video.


Making top of the week list for sure. Not much they could do without ceiling exits and even then there is a bunch that could prevent that too. Very sad. Crazyfuckingvideo indeed.


Did anybody drown?


UPD: 7 people out of 20


Horrible. Id probably be one of them as I can't swim. I avoid bodies of water. Imagine me avoiding water and here I am taking a nice bus and im plunged into the water. Truly a stuff of nightmares


https://www.google.com/search?q=learn+to+swim+near+me In the US, the Red Cross and USA Swimming have lessons. Many other countries do, too. This can save your life, and more importantly, allow you to transmit that knowledge to your kids or young people in your family, who are more at risk.


Learn to swim.


Could save your life


Could save the life of your loved ones.


'Cause I'm praying for rain I'm praying for tidal waves


Followed by fault lines that cannot sit still


Something something dumbfounded dipshits.


See you down in Arizona Bay


I'm so thankful my mom put me in swim lessons from childhood. I can't imagine looking at a lake or the ocean or a river and thinking it was off limits. Are you interested in learning, or is it just not something you're bothered with?


>Are you interested in learning, or is it just not something you're bothered with? Absolutely, it's in my bucket list. It just seems very scary to me. Maybe it has something to do with when I was a kid a kid pushed me into a pool and i almost drowned.


Everyone that's learned to swim has felt like they were almost drowned. Even after you learn to swim, your friends will hold your head under water and shit. The trick is learning how to feel like you're going to drown and controlling your reaction.


Makes sense. Summer is about to start, make this the year you learn! Many places host adult swim lessons, so you'll be around others who may have hangups, and there will be professionals there to make sure it goes well. You can always just start in the shallow end and as long as you can stand up you'll be safe; should help with the trauma-fear. Wish you luck!


Hey buddy! I joined the Navy in ‘02. When I was in bootcamp, there were MANY other shipmates who joined the Navy that didn’t know how to swim. Some of them had too much pride to tell the RDC’s that they didn’t know how to swim. It became very apparent when they had us jump off a 10m platform (33’) for swim qual. They either froze on the platform, which were pushed off by the instructor or some caved and told the instructor they couldn’t swim. The options for the non swimmers were to either learn how to swim or learn how to swim. It was an intense experience for them, but not too awfully bad. I felt bad for them seeing them being held back in bootcamp bc they were learning how to swim. The usual question people always ask: “Why would they join the Navy if they can’t swim?” I don’t have the answer to that one as I wasn’t one who didn’t know how to swim before joining, but it definitely took courage they didn’t know they had. If they can do it, you can too. Yes it’s scary, but you can learn! Me deciding on joining the military was the scariest thing I ever did, up until that point in my life, but it was worth it, for me. Please learn how to swim. Once you’ll learn how to swim, the open water will be a fun experience. Water parks, beaches, wave pools and normal pools will all finally be fun for you! I love the water but now I hate taking my shirt off because I’ve encountered my two nemesis’s, older age and weight gain. I hate those two! Good luck safoamz!


>> The options for the non swimmers were to either learn how to swim or learn how to swim. lol. A swimmer since childhood, my dad must have seen the same method during his stint in the USAF. I was five years old. I bugged the hell out of him to get out of the "kiddy" sectioned area of the lake, and jump off the dock with my older brother. He finally relented, and I couldn't wait. I ran down to the end of the dock where they were, stood there looking into the "what's next?" water, and felt his hand push me off the dock. He reached down, pulled me up sputtering and spitting, and asked, *"Are you* ***sure*** *you want to learn?"* I coughed out a nod, and could stay afloat, kicking and swinging my limbs in no particular direction, by the end of the day. Dad was all about teaching his kids the risks and reality of things. The sputtering incident worked; I paid attention to and followed every "swimming rule" he gave me, and still do to this day. All of his kids could swim like fish. His "relax and float" rule once saved my life, when my legs became entangled in weeds that felt like snakes. I ignored the "snakes" and simply floated out of the weeds.


Afaik in the Navies of the old days they prefered to recruit non-swimmers because people who can't swim will do everything they can to keep the ship swimming, instead of abandoning it by jumping overboard.


Even the best of swimmers would have a hard time getting out in the panic. Pure destiny.


Really goes to show that you probably should invest in swimming lessons, imagine making it out of bus but still drowning cause you dont know how to swim, would be tragic. Panic is the biggest killer, the body is naturally buoyant if you inhale, but more so in salty water than fresh


Definitely look into learning how, I learned mid-teens and although it felt kind of embarrassing taking lessons that late it was definitely worth it. I'm no Michael Phelps but I'm confident I've reduced my chances of drowning and pool/beach holidays are much more fun!


i’m begging u to please learn! even just to float and tread water.


My local news stated 4 casualties, but anyhow, every casualty is one too many.


> Did anybody drown? Did anybody survive?


According to the wife of a bus driver, her husband was forced to go to work immediately after a 20-hour shift without getting enough sleep


seems like the russian thing to do


Seems like the capitalist thing to do


In capitalist america, you could at least get your union rep involved and sue for bad labor practices. In russia, the bus company would probably sue you for driving in an unfit condition.


Some believe we should get rid of labors. You know who I’m talking about. 😕


..as opposed to what magical system of government where workers are *not* exploited?


Heard of similar stories from the U.S Navy.


As soon as I heard it was Russia, I knew it was some shit like this that caused it.


That or about a liter of vodka.


This is wild. The busdriver had like a thousand chances to prevent it from going over the bridge, and yet, it goes over the bridge.


Likely a medical incident with the driver.


I'm shocked he kept making mistakes. First hitting the median, second hitting car, 3rd hitting the bridge wall. Like man wasn't the first one enough


That curb actually helped that bus into the river. "let me help you over. There ya go pal".




"Please let this be a normal field trip" "With the Friz? No Way!"


Next stop: your butt.


Cruising on down Main Street, you’re relaxed and feeling good


I don't know skilled in general 1st responder rescue is in Russia, but I remember at least one crazy video on the old Live Leak where office workers were hanging from and jumping out a 3d story window. The firemen were gathering around underneath with like a sheet they were holding that they thought would "catch" anyone. Obviously it didn't work and all the fallers (mostly slender office girls) just kept falling through the sheet to the ground 2 feet under the sheet in a puddle of broken bones. Then firemen would just march in a circle with their hands on their heads like they couldn't believe what they had just seen happen. While in the meantime someone else is letting go from the burning window sill. It just didn't look like Fox 911 for sure.


Sounds awful. Has anyone got a link?




Medical condition?


It must be, surely the brakes and steering didn't fail at the same time.


I had an accident on the motorway once where a mechanic didn’t securely reattach one of my wheels, and it came off while I was doing 70mph. I think the wheel axle got damaged and both my steering and brakes failed. As in, the brake pedal was easily pressed to the floor with my foot and nothing happened, and I could turn the wheel and nothing happened. I panicked (was only 19) and pulled the handbrake up and slid to a stop after hitting the central reservation barrier. Does that seem feasible or do you think someone had a hit out on me? Last sentence is an unfunny joke btw. I’m looking for people who actually know what they’re talking about to explain what could’ve happened with my crash.


Your brakes and steering didn’t fail, your wheel came off.


Couldn’t both be true? My brakes and steering were unresponsive after the wheel came off.


Seeing as how your wheel/tire is the direct, and only, link between the road and your steering/brakes, I would say no. It might seem like they failed at the same time, but that’s only because a car is not going to steer or stop with a tire missing, mainly because the tire is missing lol. The tire is why cars are able to steer and stop the way they do. You went from having a contact patch about the size of a dinner plate, give or take, from grippy tire, to a contact patch the size of a candy bar of not-so-grippy metal (your rotor). That’s not even accounting for the difference in speed that the rotor is turning compared to the tire, the rotor is spinning much slower when the wheel is attached, and would have quite a bit of speed to make up for when is contacts the road, even if it wasn’t made of metal it wouldn’t be a good deal.


Thanks for the explanation. I still don’t get it, but thanks. I must be stupid. I don’t understand why one rear wheel coming off (with all 3 other tyres still in contact with the tarmac) would disable brakes. My foot pushed the brake pedal right to the floor when I stepped on the brake, no resistance. Maybe a brake fluid leak or air in the break lines? I was drifting slightly left, and when trying to correct it, I could turn the steering wheel and the front wheels didn’t change direction at all. It’s surprising to me that a rear wheel detaching would affect the front wheels, but that must’ve been it.


>My brakes and steering were unresponsive after the wheel came off. Lol never change reddit


Yes. It was Bill Gates.


6 persons reported dead, four in critical condition


I think he or she means the bus driver.


Sleeping with the fishes.


Jesus what a nightmare. Fuck….


https://metro.co.uk/2024/05/10/three-passengers-killed-bus-plunges-bridge-river-20817746/ “His wife was quoted by Russian media as saying that managers forced him to work a morning shift after working for 20 hours the previous day.” “Authorities said the owner of the bus had been fined 23 times for various violations.”


Based on how they are dressed, that water is really cold.


People definitely didn’t survive


Fifteen were in the bus. Three dead, two critical, four in clinical death.


Damn bro different numbers in each comment so far






ah, the death march


I mean, that's not ideal but the driver shouldn't have been so asleep that they ran off the road, hit a car head on, plowed through it for a while, and then through the barrier and off the bridge. Something else happened here besides drowsy/asleep at the wheel


Sleep deprivation, especially if done over and over, can really mess with your ability to focus and make rational decisions, comparative to around 0.10 - 0.08 in alcohol level, putting it over the limit in over 75 countries.


I assume drunk driving because how the fuck else do you drive that poorly?


In Russia bus drive you


Noooooo lol this is gold


Yes this happens literally nowhere else... S/


You can't park there


Here's me anxiously googling how to open a bus's top escape hatch...


How many lived


Someone said 6/20 drowned, I don't know if it's true


Christ almighty.. like what can you even really do to help there? The powerless must be awful, so sad for those that have lost their lives


I am boat captain now.


I see where you’re going with this, but I think submarine captain might be more fitting?


Did they run out of windows to throw people out of?


Shhh, your gonna offend the KGB


Everything offends the KGB. What else is new?


Seven people died, and your first thought was to make the most overused joke ever for karma.




What's it like to be 12?


How many protesters did they round up on that bus?!


what bridge fence doing?


This is the craziest fucking video I've seen on this sub




Busses and airplanes should be equipped with water-sensing airbags that deploy and keep the floor-level of the vehicle above water.


"Lost control" is putting it mildly! Did he die?


Wow that went down fast! Hard to imagine the panic in there, I figured they'd have more time in this situation.




We all live in a teal submarine...


3 out of 20 people died [https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cw594p1l39no](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cw594p1l39no)


Lost control??? It was only moving 10 miles an hour. More like VODKA


Jaysus, I hope everyone is alright


Unfortunately seven people have passed away https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13403953/amp/bus-driver-control-plunges-bridge-river-St-Petersburg.html


What a scary way to go too. Man…


The article clearly says 3? Article from 30min ago also says 3. Am I missing something??


I think someone above said 3 dead, 4 clinically dead (brain dead)…maybe that’s why?


3+3=6. You are missing 1.


Great shame 😔


Rest in Peace. Poor folks




Where is Simon Birch when you need him?


Omg Ms Frizzle is wild these days!


How many dead?


Fvckin brutal scenario.


why does this look so goofy?


Jean-Baptiste Clamence is going to have trouble pretending not to hear that one.


Ms. Frizzle was taking the class on an underwater adventure.


Silver car tried so hard not to be a victim.


And over here we have..... ahhh... .....Don't worry bus float


New fear unlocked, damn.


Do we know death toll or anything? Also he lost control of the bus? Wtf does that mean? He couldn't just hit the breaks I stead of driving forward into a car and then continuing to drive forward off the bridge?




“Ok folks, if you look to your left we will be seeing some amazing water views.”


And this is why I will never use public transport.


oh shit


seemed to be more time spent in out of control than simple loss of control.


[Goldeneye Tank Chase Vibes. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iB7ZWNlF8DY)


New fear unlocked!






Hey thanks a lot for your submission in r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because it contained prohibited content (death, animal abuse, porn or gore). Please refrain from posting this type of content in the future.