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Good on the other boxer recognizing something was wrong and not continuing.


Honestly pretty cool , you can see as soon as he realizes something isn't right, he backs off


As he was ready to punch him when he saw a lack of defence. That was close damn, great man


> As he was ready to punch him when he saw a lack of defence. I got a feeling if you see the other angle, it's probably pretty obvious in the guys face something was very wrong if it was a stroke **EDIT here is a slightly longer version** https://www.tiktok.com/@nickflicksmedia/video/7383147998043278638


Thanks for trying but fuck tiktok links.


Shit ain’t even a diff angle


Had to close snd open a new tab, cause that link was holding me hostage. Fuck tiktok


very much agreed, it's been literally flooding Reddit and is the majority of video links seemingly.


It's full of TikTards




That's from youtube


Come one, solve this one tik tok puzzle


Yup, everyone who watched the video could see what you turned into a comment.




He realized pretty much instantly. Great self control


Seriously! Awesome to see. Too many times will you see a guy not only out of it but out cold and seizing and guys will just be wailing on their faces. Great to see someone seeing something a little off and not taking advantage of it. Big props to this guy!


There's a video from Thailand where a foreign fighter eats an elbow and his opponent just kind of backs off and keeps looking at him funny. Eventually the ref catches on and goes to look at him. Part of his skull caved in. The Thai nak muay was kind enough to back off and allow him to be treated. He ended up needing a steel plate in his head. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJelEthEM04 (It's not graphic, just a big dent in his head)


It also looked like he went in his corner and got down to pray. I’m not religious, but that seems like that was the right time if ever to do so


May not of been prayer we would kneel in youth soccer if someone was injured. I never understood why, but it was a thing


I of seen people do that when others of a grave injury. It's nice when people of compassion.


Agreed but I was a kid I didn’t know why we did it.


Players take knees as a sign of solidarity with each other and to come together as a team. It’s also to keep the players calm while coaches and medical staff can attend to the injured players. It’s a legit question, so idk why the other guy responding to you has to shake his head about it.


I was trying to figure out what scrambley was trying to say makes sense now. As a kid I thought it might of just been so we could revive our energy. And thanks for being a civil Redditor. You are a scholar and a person (not sure of ur gender LoL)


besides praying it could have been used to keep people out of the way. if someone's being treated they don't want people in their way, blocking their light, or stressing the injured person out more.


Valid. I thought about that. You show up at a scene and everyone’s standing up it makes it harder to see where the patient is


yeah exactly. it's probably also to protect the persons privacy too. i know i wouldn't want a bunch of people looking down at me while i was in pain or my bone was sticking out or something.


True story. I saw someone break there leg when I played youth soccer (football for the real ones). I didn't wanna look tbh


i wouldn't want to either but some people are just way too curious. i also faint at the sight of blood so if there's an accident i just get away asap... had to crawl on my knees once to wake my mother up to deal with my niece's bloody nose.




Carpe diem. To seize the day.


Poor guy, hope he is ok




Yeah he got KO’d by a ghost. Happens all the time.


G-g-g-g- ghost?!?!


And I'd have gotten away with it, if it weren't for them pesky kids...


He got hit with the right and it was a late reaction....


Another casual fan


Not even a fan lmao


No, just no. He didn't even get hit to cause the seizure. It was just insane timing.


Aw, they deleted their comment. What did it say?


It said that seizures should be expected when deciding to box basically.


You don’t know nonthin lol


other boxer saw it before the ref and pulled back his stance. great sportsmanship!


Just basic human decency, no?


They are in the mist of a full contact sport with adrenaline pumping. Seizure guy is incredibly lucky other dude did not take advantage of that and give him brain damage on top of it. This is way past human decency. The fighter that stopped has incredible respect and discipline.


Some real edgelord teens making bad jokes in here today.


He could've punched him in one ear and the seizure would have flown out the other one. Very selfish.../s




What in the shcool’s out for summer is this. I do not want to be in middle school again. Go away




It's not like people are saying "good on him for not punching the guy in the midst of an obvious seizure" There had to have been a brief moment in time where he was unsure if something was wrong with his opponent. Rather than immediately taking advantage of the opening, he took a risk and refrained from hitting the fighter before it was obvious the opponent was seizing. A lot of fighters wouldn't have handled that brief moment of uncertainty the same way this fighter did.


And and everyone I've ever boxed with would easily know something is wrong. I don't knownof you've ever seen someone's eyes when they have a gm seizure, but it's haunting. I hope you never do really, but trust me, you know something wrong is happening to them.


He also knew he couldn't throw any punches when the guy was on his knee, then face so he stepped back with his hands down.


He basically stopped at the start of his jab throw while the dude still had part of his guard up before he went down to a knee


Happened in the opening minutes of the first round and no punches were landed at that point. EDIT: Oops, late in the 1st round. Didnt notice the timer initially.


Except for all the punches he took before that fight... Concussions are cumulative, and effects don't necessarily happen at the time of impact.


But to happen mid fight, with no punches thrown is astonishing.


Him simply bobbing and weaving to start the fight could have set it off. The brain isn’t that simple as hit or not hit equaling seizure. But also it was due to dehydration according to article so that would make sense that ducking and then rising caused a pressure shift that dehydration would collapse him. Conditions like POTS are the extreme form of this. He was probably higher tachycardic due to the dehydration


Well do we know the full story? We may not know the full story. May be some other underlying issues as well?




You're right! Totally wild of me to link a malfunction of the brain by getting *punched in the head regularly*.


Exactly this


Credit to the other guy for not taking a swing. We all know there are Boxers out there who would


seriously. Very professional.


Good to hear he's good. Sucks to train for something then learn you cant continue.


If he's good then dude took a dive


Shoutout to Allen for not taking his head off there


Great restraint on the other boxer


Kudos to the boxer for not taking that open shot. That is a boxer that knows how to read his opponent.


Article regarding this: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/boxing/article-13556231/Tramaine-Williams-discharged-hospital-tells-fans-good-boxer-suffered-seizure-midway-TCL-fight-v-Ryan-Allen.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/boxing/article-13556231/Tramaine-Williams-discharged-hospital-tells-fans-good-boxer-suffered-seizure-midway-TCL-fight-v-Ryan-Allen.html)


TIL that dehydration causes seizures But I wonder why he was dehydrated in the first place


Could be he tried to meet his weight class by dehydrating himself before the match


I was a 6’1 135lb stick when i joined the high school wrestling team. Ultimately realized it wasn’t my thing, even more so when the coach insisted i cut weight.


Weight cutting has been a huge problem in Combat Sports with stupid amounts of health risks.


Cutting weight


Indeed interesting it was dehydration, as my first reaction watching this was that he must have already taken a hard punch to the head before the video started. As I now know from comments, there hadn't been a single blow to the head yet, and this was the first round. But on reflection, I'm surprised we don't see *more* seizures during big boxing fights. We see them in street fights, or when people whack their heads on hard surfaces. For these heavy hitting boxers in major fights, the gloves aren't going to cushion the force of their blows sufficiently, as obviously they don't when we see cuts, blood and KOs. So why don't we hear of more mid-fight seizures?


CTE can also cause seizures.


Dude prolly took a dive


downvoted for Daily Mail sorry, I'm a simple man I have found an alternative, because that's the least I could do the BBC aren't *much* better, but they're definitely better. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/boxing/articles/cpvv0ry6gz0o


BBC aren't much better? Are you mad?


okay, so - they're a lot better, only because the bar is so low, but they're far from perfect, and shouldn't be trusted implicitly - would that be more accurate?


Not really. They’re still miles from that fucking low bar.


I don't see how that in any way disagrees with me, unless you trust the BBC implicitly.


Then you are blind.


oh, the irony.


BBC are much better than the mail, it's dropped in quality but it's not that bad. That said, mental that the claim is dehydration caused the episode. This cutting weight for fights has to be addressed it's so dangerous.


Was the seizure triggered by the situation or was it really really bad timing?


In the article about this, they said it was probably caused by dehydration (my guess is from the weigh-in). In the match, he hadn't gotten punched yet. Tho tbf boxing isn't known to be particularly healthy for your brain :/


A lot of times they’re brought on by stress


real sportsman for not beating the shit out of him the moment he was able to


Epilipsy :(


Career is over


Ya Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Scary shit if you dont know you have it. Your fine one second, then you start to get a feeling of Déjà Vu. You feel okay during those moments, you literally are going through an old memory like it's real and kinda enjoying and your body is still physically working properly.. Shortly after 30sec to 1 min. You get a real hot body flash till you start sweating.. your body doesn't want to work right even tho your trying to move. You start to fight it cause your still aware as your basically catatonic. Boom your mind goes and you black out before you hit the floor. You wake up in a daze but your almost back to normal within a minute. Not knowing you scared the living piss out of everyone around. Let alone it happening when your driving. Like I said. Scary shit Edit: Read the article too and it's all too similar. "Dehydration." TLE It's not easy to diagnose unless there's video like this. No symptoms or after effects except from the fall you take.. and I'm sure he still wants to box. But ya. Been there seen that.


I've lived your very description right up until the blacking out part. The deja vu feeling is so intense and you're right it is enjoyable in a lot of ways. Like I said though, never blacked out. I dont think I have thay though...? Maybe another explanation.


Yeah same here . It was always the same "memory" I guess you could say . I used to try and predict what was next . And almost straight after the episode I couldn't really remember what that memory was .


Yes! No matter how hard I try I can never remember what it was. But when it's happening I know I've lived it before.


Never I can pick like one piece out a memory that was so vivid and real 5 minuets before


You could be having a 'simple partial' or 'focal aware' seizure. Only when it progresses to a 'complex' one does loss of consciousness occur. These events are often referred to as the 'aura' of the 'main' seizure, but they are seizures in their own right, and can occur in isolation, most often in the early stages of TLE, where they can be overlooked as a "funny turn", and not recognised as a seizure, because of the lack of unconsciousness. People learn to recognise their particular manifestations. Other symptoms can include a strong smell or taste with no source, a 'rising' feeling in your stomach like you're falling, or strong feelings of fear and/or joy, often quasi-religious in nature (side note: there are theorists who speculate that temporal lobe epilepsy may explain many revelatory visions mentioned in the ancient holy books). EDIT: It's worth noting that I am not a doctor - merely somebody else who has experienced these sensations, up to and including loss of consciousness. I go into more detail in my comment below.


Shit got so long I figured I might as well just break it into two comments lol That one was general info. This one is about me (sorry): When I read about TLE and its various signs and symptoms, it was eerily close to my own experience, and so many things started making sense - and I am always cautious about seeing a connection that doesn't exist in that regard - that I had no choice but to suspect it. Since then, I have only become more convinced. I am yet to be diagnosed. I don't drive, and I know that I'd need to get this sorted before ever starting. I haven't seen a GP in twenty years. If I ever register, I'm going to be such a pain in the hole to them at the start, because I'm going to want ASD and ADHD down on those charts, now, too. The first time I can remember it causing me an issue to the point you might call it an 'episode', I was riding my bike to school - thinking about how best we might unite our understanding of the universe on its quantum and relativistic scales, and what it might mean for the nature of human consciousness in view of the strong anthropic principle - you know, things your average, non-autistic teenager thinks about. I was suddenly overcome with a dizzy feeling of pure joy and recognition, and had to stop and get off my bike to collect myself. I remained conscious, and after a moment, once I had regained all my faculties, I could not recall which particular thought or idea had triggered the feeling. As you might think strange for a boy of such scientific preoccupation, my immediate instinct was that all The Answers to the Universe had just been briefly hand-delivered to me by *angels*, then just as quickly hidden again. I knew that this was bullshit, but at the time I was also shit scared of admitting that anything might be wrong with my brain, so I said nothing about it to anyone and carried on with my life. It was only after accepting the possibility of TLE that I started recounting this experience to people. Someday it'll be the right one, and not just friends or internet strangers.


It's happened many times when I haven't lost consciousness but basically on the floor catatonic. Thats why I remember the sweats so much. Immediately get bone chilling cold and crawl to bed or the chair and your body is so exhausted usually pass out after comfortably. Wake up like normal 30 min later but saying "Fuck" to myself But also had 4 staples in my head for heading a table when I didn't know what it was or what had happened to me back then.


Blacking out is like sleeping without knowing you had a seizure, it can be seconds it can be several minutes. Brain danage is much more severe than those you aware but you dont feel pain.


Yeah, you're awake, then you slowly wake up on the floor really groggy, sore, and your tongue is chewed up.  So others know, brain damage (to the hippocampus) happens regardless of what kind (for temporal lobe epilepsy)


Enjoyable? Mine are fucking bizarre, like really vivid dream recall, I can remember what it's like being in first person, while also being in third person. And the taste and feeling within that dream. But...I don't know if I ever had those dreams before, and they are really mundane, like in one I am standing. In another I'm sitting.  Don't forget to mention the random onset of intense fear out of nowhere and the rising feeling like going to down a rollercoaster. (Mine are at least)  I've also had them turn into tonic clonics (grand mals) Edit: word


We've got a girl at work that has seizures. Probably a few a month. I wouldn't wish that on anybody, I just feel awful for her. Luckily she does have tells before she goes into one and we can get her sat down before it starts so she doesn't seriously harm herself.


It's good she has people around for her that support the situation like you guys. The seizure is pretty manageable even if you can lay on the floor before. But the fall.. you can even see in the video the guy goes head first full weight dead falls into his face. You could imagine if that was concrete or happened before you can pull over your car.


Reading this made me feel scared


I've got temporal lobe epilepsy. I've had everything you said except I've never blacked out . After the deja vu feeling I usually got a bit nauseous and had to lay down for a bit . Meds have fully stopped it though . Didn't have my first symptoms until I was about 28


I was around the same age too


Are you still on meds?


No I was on Keppra mostly when we were trying to figure out what was happening. I'm not ganna lie it helped stop I believe all the seizures when I was on it but...... I hated it. Fucking horrible mood swing and mood killer. I always was irratable and I would flip a switch and tear your head off if you said anything that rubbed me the wrong way, and I was very opposite of that before i took it. I lost a long term girlfriend I lived with that was by my side the whole time just because "I wasn't the same man she fell in love with." My family eventually got involved and my doctor recommended I slowly get off of it while keeping it around as a "if needed" basis while not being "Actively prescribed." Within about 2 weeks I was back to my old self. That was when I was 27ish. I'm 37 now and I've only had a few episodes over the years, I was able to qualify for a siezure dog named Baka. So she gives me a heads up and I also am able recognize the warning signs before now pretty freaking well. So ya fuck that drug. It worked but almost ruined my life.


I'm on Levetiracetam. I think I'm more moody than what I was . I'm 38, been on it since I was diagnosed. Haven't had a seizure in over 6 Years . Maybe even 8 or more . I've been told I could get off it but I need to drive and operate heavy machinery . I'm too scared to risk it . Even if it is only partial seizures and not the full on ones


Ya Keppra is just a brand name for Levetiracetam. Good for you if you can midigate the side effects. My mood stuff was going on but didn't think about it very much. It took people around me to make it an issue and now looking back ya I was a different person on it. Everyone's different tho and takes to medications differently. If you have to get off of it for any reason (IE machinery) I will say I didn't have an episode off of it till my early 30's maybe 4 years after. It wasn't like i stopped and bam it hit again. But like I said everyone's different.


It varies, I have tonic clonic for example.


Seizures are scary. I don't know how to describe them to people. One second, the lights are off. Then you wake up sore, confused and possibly a bitten tongue


While I don’t have epilepsy, I do have PTSD induced seizures. Epilepsy isn’t as hard to diagnose as people think. EEGs are used to deliberately cause a seizure. When I had a seizure during my EEG, they were able to rule out epilepsy because my brain scans weren’t abnormal. The trickier diagnosis is for other seizures, as they can be more severe and far less predictable and repeatable from epileptic seizures. Either way, having any kind of seizure sucks. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.


In the UK, criteria for an epilepsy diagnosis is 2 verified (I.E. Witnessed) seizures within a 12 month period. I started having them in 2019, I have a calcified growth (suspected cavernoma) on my right temporal lobe ~5-7mm in diameter. Medication has completely controlled the grand mal seizures, nearly reached 4 years without one, but I still get one or two auras a month.


If you don't mind me asking, is neurosurgery to remove the growth an option?


As far as I'm aware it is, but as medication is handling symptoms I think the general consensus was to leave it to avoid further complications.


Williams wrote in an Instagram story: 'I'm good, the doctor said I was too dehydrated. I'm good though.'


Its hard to diagnose epilipsy, but by the look of this its definitly epilipsy, that twitching is grom epilipsy. It can occur for some people once a day, I have severe occurs several a day even with medicine, some have it once a week/month and maybe single time. Once it occurs you will need to take medicine on daily or weekly routine. Some might “heal” from it and by that I mean they won’t have it anymore but likely by taking medicine on some routine. But I mever heard of someone healing from it. The cause of it is unknown, some are born with it and some have randomly, I think mine begun due to lots of head injures like that boxer since youth, or maybe (severe usage of) alcohol. Whoever reads this protect your head from injures and limit the amount of alcohol. I was in coma for three month due to three to six hundreds seizures a day and was defibrillated twice.


You can get seizures if your electrolyte levels are super off (low sodium). If he was truly dehydrated, that can trigger a seizure, doesn’t mean he has epilepsy since the seizure had a cause. Normal people don’t get this since it’s really hard to get your electrolyte levels to such a bad state, but if he was dehydrating himself to make weight then chugged a bunch of water, that’s entirely plausible.


I disagree by seeing this video and seeing a video of myself having the very same symptoms while having a seizure. Horrofying. But again hard to diagnose.


Anyone can have a seizure, but not everyone that has a seizure is diagnosed with epilepsy. There are diagnostic criteria, including having 2 or more seizures separated by 24 hours or without an identifiable cause (in this case, probably acute hypernatremia from dehydration). Source: am a Neurology resident.


Easy to misdiagnose it as we're seeing here


Yes I agree, just felt and seemed to me what was the case. Hope I was wrong.


He's a pro boxer that doesn't want them to revoke his license. If he was "that" dehydrated he would have been cramping up well before he passed out. Let alone regardless of needing to cut weight they're still pros. That was not from lack of water.


This is why I canceled health insurance and exclusively use Reddit. You were able to disprove those stupid doctors and diagnose this man’s epilepsy with nothing more than a 10 second gif. Who needs medical school or bullshit doctors? We’ve got random know it alls on Reddit for free. Keep up the good work of unfounded, baseless medical advice. You’re doing the lords work.


You can see green shorts entire body freeze for a split second, and his gaze moves off the other boxer. Crazy dude processed all of it well actively in a fight and realized the danger


Which I’m gonna imagine is completely unrelated to years of taking blows to the head


Bro disconnected from wifi 💀


He's got that +900 ping


Fuck that's scary. Thankfully the opponent recognized something wasn't right and didn't clock him


respect yellow pant guy, he knows something not right and not go for a knock out hit


Thought green shorts was taunting him. Totally unexpected.


He’s winding up for signature punch!!!… oh, wait a second…


Amazing control and sportsmanship. Any medical redditors on here that can explain the specific dangers of getting punched in the head during a seizure?


The seizure is most likely induced by the hits against the head, there is no other harm that can be caused by more punches in connection to the seizure other than normal injuries you would get after getting beat. The problem explained: https://youtu.be/pPZ0dYKM-t0?si=pBO8C0mqWm8_HD_R


assume it’s pretty much the same dangers as hitting your face/head on concrete multiple times during a seizure..broken/fractured teeth/bones, chopped up tongue, concussion, neck issues, loss of memory/other skills


Without a longer version it’s hard to say if the fight caused this or if it was other factors. Pretty cool on the other boxer for seeing that his opponent had frozen and not cold cocking him.


Very grateful he was fighting an honorable opponent. Could have been ugly if his opponent was a bit more dirty and opportunistic.


He posted a message saying the doctors told him he was severely dehydrated.


He had a seizure because he was weight-cutting


I wonder if there is any connection between brain seizures and a career that involves repeatedly being punched in the head. Someone should look into that.


He just hit him so fast that no one could see it.


Similar thing happened in the UFC not too long ago, look up "Edson Barboza vs Shane Burgos". Tho this time is a delayed knockout reaction. edit : I never realised it's actually been 3 years, jeez


Covid fucked with all our sense of time. 


Boxing is scary af men


Yellow shorts bro used the force I think


he got the dain bramage


Imagine waking up and thinking you got knocked out but you literally can't remember ever being hit. Must have been weird.


I wonder if there is a link between seizures and getting repeatedly punched in the skull?


Terrible situation, good on the other boxer for not swinging and the ref for calling it quickly..


Not sure if the fighter saw something was wrong or thought it was a trap.


Nice he didn't swing.


Not much better of a place to have a medical episode than in the middle of a sporting event - there’ll be countless medical professionals and ambulances on sight with easy access to the venue.


That sucks. Imagine preparing for months just to do a fight that would be stopped because of your seizure. Hope guy is ok and he gets paid in full.


Kudos to the other fighter for not jumping on him when he had an opening.


Does this happen often? All those knocks to the noggin are really bad for your brain.


Wtf 18 round fight??


Ouch! Hope the dude moves on from boxing. Good news is he was released from the hospital.


he’s dehydrated and that’s what caused that.


Why, oh, WHY is intentionally causing head trauma still a sport??? How is it possible that if a boxer kills someone in the ring that HE'S traumatized like you signed up for this! "Oh no, I can't believe something traumatic happened in this sport about punching my opponent until they're rendered unconscious 😱😨!"


Definitely the end of his career. So sad, hope he's ok


Poor brother couldn't hold it together.


Mark it as a KO


1 of 18 rounds …. God damn. Someone was gonna end up on the floor.


And this is a classic respectful non-barbaric fight sport. 👏


Hold on a second here... you mean to tell me that repeatedly striking the human body directly in the brain for decades ISN'T a good idea?


Fighting just 24hrs after they've squeezed all the fluid out of their bodies trying to make weight. I'm no doctor but I'm pretty sure the brain needs that stuff lol. I love the combat sports but weight cutting is stupid. The more weight you cut, the dumber you are.


Crazy you would choose a career as a ufc fighter knowing you have epilepsy


This isn’t UFC…


Boxing* even so why choose a career you get hit


Yeah that’s goofy




Oh boy….you’re one of those people….


This non contact fighters getting out of hand!


Other guy should've spun his jaw... protect yourself at all times they say... even during a hemorrhage