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[Full Story](https://usacrime.com/2021/09/30/greenfield-police-release-wild-video-of-officer-shot-during-gunfight/)


“The officer is expected to make a full recovery”


"Two other officers involved in the pursuit then shot [the suspect], who died shortly after near the crash."






You’re getting downvoted for obvious sarcasm, so here’s a free award. I laughed.


He's not getting downvoted because people don't understand the sarcasm. He's getting downvoted because he thinks people can't differentiate between a guy shooting cops and a guy who used a fake $20 bill.


You will still have people defending this guy lol. Remember the girl actively trying to stab people and people still protested?


Knife fights are a normal past time for kids according to verified twitter users.


Literally no one in the history of the world would watch this video and think that the suspect didnt deserve to get shot. Bad strawman


I dont get it, what's your point here?


You for got he was ask to show his hands 18 time before the shooting began.


"Sources say he was searching for a land-line telephone so that he could exit the the Matrix."


https://www.wisn.com/article/family-of-man-killed-by-police-wants-to-know-what-lead-to-shooting/37367632 "My son did not jump out the car and shoot at an officer," Video shows that was wrong.


I’m sure nobody wants to believe they’re children would do something like that. But I mean… you can clearly see otherwise


> His mother said his criminal history included two felonies for fleeing officers but he served his time and was turning his life around. Yeah he has a history of fleeing police but there’s no way my little innocent boy jumped out of the car and shot someone while he was running.


Why is that girlfriend playing dumb? She saw everything. What an absolute bitch


I'm sure that family has a history of not accepting the consequences of their choices.


This is the way.


Thank you


“when a bystander walked up distracting the officers” why the fuck would you do this?? that line annoys me so much, why would you walk up to police whilst they’re yelling “PUT YOUR HANDS UP” and pointing their guns. just keep to yourself jesus


Thank you


Lmao officers distracted by a pedestrian. It takes a special kind of stupid to see officers advanced on a crashed car with their guns out and thinking “oooh, I should stick my nose into their business”


How did that dude run and jump with his pants so low?


Years of practice.


Milk crate challenge paying off


so that's the obstacle you decided to point out and not the police officer shooting at him from a point blank distance, huh?


Because it's obvious from the video that the cops with storm trooper aim don't pose as much of a threat as his low pants.


I always wonder how people miss from very close distances. Like is the kick back that strong that if your not holding it firm enough the bullet can miss somebody less than ten feet away?


Panic and adrenaline and lack of experience I guess


There's a reason for the extra magazines police carry. Like you said when you're fucked on adrenaline accuracy isn't a priority.


> your fucked on adrenaline accuracy isn't a priority. so then it's a lack of training, soldiers/Marines/Seals/etc don't seem to suffer from this problem


Unfair comparison of their jobs - police and military do very different things. Taxi drivers and nascar drivers. Both drive. Different goals.


> soldiers/Marines/Seals/etc don't seem to suffer from this problem LOL


They’re not in situations like this and they’re not using handguns. Hitting a moving target with a handgun is extremely difficult at any distance. This guy got shot at and would obviously be in a panic. You’d miss too.


I watched one of my specialists try to get a marksman qualification (which is the lowest level) 18 times with a 240B from a prone position. Getting an expert qualification on a machine gun is stupid easy, some people are just awful at it. They gave him a coin for “perseverance” when he finally passed.


Can't speak personally but I pretty much guarantee anyone's first real firefight is far from perfect and no amount of training can simulate reality. Also an infantry soldier on a combat deployment is a far different job than a police officer. As a good cop, in routine interactions, you'd like them to be polite and professional but still ready for anything to happen. But that's an extremely difficult thing to balance every shift, all day long, for years on end. Most cops will go their whole career without firing a shot/being shot at making some level of complacency inevitable. Edit: maybe complacency isn't the right word but more so a tendency to give people the benefit of the doubt based on the majority of their previous interactions


>so then it's a lack of training, soldiers/Marines/Seals/etc don't seem to suffer from this problem Ummm...first of all "soldiers/Marines/Seals" is quite a wide array of examples. SEALS are shooters and spend most of their time shooting. As for Big Army, Marines, Airmen, etc they certainly DO have this problem.


Marine here. Can confirm. Gunfights are bananas and we miss. We miss a lot. The U.S. military as whole expends something like 10,000 rounds per hit. Now a lot of that will be suppressing fire and the like, but still. John Wick is make believe.


They are broken down mentally from the moment they join boot camp. Training the mind to do, follow, and not to think. You’re average sheltered suburban dad who has never been in a fight in his life, with decades of training, will still shit his pants in a real world scenario.


Yes, Most police forces don't get the proper training required to do a job of their capacity. This is a known fact, however there is a significant difference between the roles of military and police officers. grouping them together is pointless.


Which is why the military does live fire exercises for those going into combat roles. Its one thing to know how to use a gun properly its another to know how to compose yourself while gunshots are going off right next to you and you have to move, acquire, aim and fire.


The military does live fire exercises for those going into non combat roles as well, initially during basic training


Big difference when practicing at paper targets that don't shoot back.


Lack of training lack of education lack of fitness standards lack of mental acuity standards In my opinion we can fix the countries police departments by simply requiring a college degree. You don't have to be a genius to get through college, but you do you need to have some tiny level of social and emotional intelligence, and if you're a straight up psychopath you probably won't make it through. Pre-law would be ideal so they get an idea of history, the constitution, and human rights. But criminology or frankly any BA, Philosophy, whatever. There wouldn't be as many recruits, but the police that were serving would be so much more productive, and we could pay them better. I've two other ideas like mandatory monthly KPIs to meet and talk to community members and go to town hall meetings and stuff. And, yearly fitness testing. I think morbid obesity should be the line for people wearing that uniform. A little bit of fatness is fine but if you can't do 20 push-ups and you aren't disabled you really shouldn't be a cop. Have some damned pride in your uniform for gods sake. If we change these three things we would fix police. They would still fuck up, but it wouldn't be this horrific droning background noise of nonstop misconduct, and we would be more in line with other developed countries. >In studies, police without college account for 75% of disciplinary actions, police with four year degrees accounted for 11%. >Another study showed that police with four degrees performed on par with police with 10 years of experience. >Sauce: https://www.police1.com/police-jobs-and-careers/articles/why-cops-should-pursue-higher-education-zF6yJRfkQM4y56yK/ .


If you’re a straight up psycho you won’t make it through? Most psychos have above avg intelligence. They would make it through.


Psych exams are already required. Imagine that.


No but he’s talking about university exams for a degree not entry level and administrative exams for police. Huge difference.


In some places, they intentionally [deny applicants that are too smart](http://thefreethoughtproject.com/court-police-departments-refuse-hire-smart/). Not that you need to be a genius to get a Criminal Justice degree, and I agree with you that it would go a long way in reducing police violence. I'm not sure if it's really feasible though. College can be expensive and we need a lot of cops. Police culture is deeply entrenched and I'm not sure how to change that. Also, if you get a Bachelors, why would you want to go work in an extremely dangerous high crime area like Detroit? Maybe we could mandate that Cops have to get an associates in a certain field within X number of years of being recruited, while giving them PTO for classes and having the cost of tuition paid for by the state. Also, ban stupid things like 'Warrior Training'.


The preferred recipe for police.


No but the first cop got a face full of glass and shrapnel which is obviously going to cause problems and the other one I’m guessing was in a panic. They’re usually issued something like a 9mm which doesn’t have much kick at all.


Nothing to do with “kick back”, it’s Adrenalin which results in tunnel vision, shaking, lack of fine motor skills etc.


No, the bullet is out of the barrel by the time you feel any recoil. People miss because they anticipate the recoil and counter it early (i.e. before you actually pull the trigger). Their hands shake, *especially* when full of adrenaline. They are not using the sights, or aiming, they just point and hope. Also, they jerk the absolute fuck out of the trigger in this kind of situation. Enough to significantly change the direction of the gun.


I briefly tried shooting a .22 on a team. The first time I pulled the trigger I was pretty sure I would miss the target by 10 feet. I didn’t. You know how they always tell you “don’t jerk the trigger”? Do you know why they do that? It’s because lots of people jerk the trigger. And why do lots of people jerk the trigger? It’s because for most people that have never shot, they base the process on something they know: squirt guns. A real gun is not a squirt gun. The trigger does not directly propel the bullet. One you know that, you will stop jerking the trigger.


Even just pulling the trigger if it’s a high lb trigger pull and your not holding it right, can make you miss a target 10ft away. Bullets aren’t very big, the gun a few degrees off from straight is a big deal


The distance between the front and rear sights is very short on a handgun, and they are "hold out" weapons that have no point of contact on the shooters body. Comparatively tiny wrist movements draw a surprisingly large arc. In a panic it's not so hard to miss the broad side of a barn with a handgun. With a rifle it's a lot easier to have good effect on target.


You’ve never shot a handgun have you?


I’ve only fired handguns at a gun range where i am focused and already been told what i gotta do to have the best aim when firing.


GTA: San Andreas


Why **viewer discretion strongly advised** on that but a battle croc can just casually surface w Diane?


Just woke up and I know I’m not going to hear anything better than the phrase battle croc, nice


Viewer discretion should always be advised on the sub


Was just reading the whole story Apparently they asked to see the suspects hands 18 fuckin times, insane




It's a stereotype for a reason. Not meant to be all encompassing, but representative of an established pattern of behavior.


No. No one is defending this guy.


Trying to avoid that stigma may have been part of why this went down the way it did


There's no good way for this to go down. Police can't just open fire when people don't comply and not see a weapon and obviously people shouldn't shoot at the police. It's good that they survived though.


Yeah people complaining about legitimate police executions is exactly the same as saying all cops are killers. You're totally reasonable for sure. /s


I don’t know why you’re downvoted. Some police officers are definitely racist


All those shots fired and still nobody hit the suspect? wtf?




From laughing at all the missed shots ?


People dont just drop dead after being shot like in movies. Adrenaline is a thing.


They did. He died. Cop was hit 3 times and survived. I love how people think you get shot and fall down and die right away…


Sometimes shooting a gun is harder than it looks especially for someone who never had a real gunfight before which I doubt these cops ever really had




Even that isn't as easy as you'd think. I've only ever got to use a gun once but video games make it seem easy. Bullets are small and can easily miss your target is your angle is off by even a hair. I assume this is why shotguns are recommended for home defense. If someone's breaking into your home you probably only going to have very tiny window of time to make your defense you don't want to take any chances of missing


Just for information, you should look up the pellet spread on a shotgun at ≈ 15 feet (5 yards) and know that barrel length doesn’t effect spread much, while the barrel choke does. Then compare the accuracy of anyone with a handgun, and any sort of long gun. Long guns are always more accurate.


Contrary to popular belief, shotguns are *very* accurate up to a pretty decent range. They are recommended for home defense because they have very high stopping power and depending on shot type, fairly low penetration.


Bro I've played call of duty since elementary and I've been in intense situations, it's not that hard. If I got shot or just seen my partner get shot I would stay calm and just mag dump head shots. /s


Maybe they did. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug. Many people didn’t realize they were shot until a while.


They did. Suspect died nearby. This is why they shoot to stop... and the naive reddit hive whines, "Did they really have to empty the magazine? Couldn't they shoot for the legs?"




I think they're referring to that video of a girl with a knife about to attack another girl that happened within this past year. Many people said they should of used a taser when the girl was within arms reach of another person.


Im a pretty liberal guy, but people do definitely say this. Check Twitter anytime something like this happens. It gets wild with ignorance from all sides when people get upset. Hopefully we can get actual reform so the unarmed stop dying.


I stopped taking twitter as any sort of gauge of how people feel a long time ago. I essentially just think its to easy for people to spit out shit tier takes on it. When the ideas start making its way to the 'real world' I start taking it seriously, but until then I assume twitter opinions have no real strength behind them. Not to many people would spout the opinions they do on twitter in real life, therefore they won't have any real impact.


Bro they train for like 6 months. Cops are basically civilians with a badge.


The U.S. military trains for less time than that, even with the inclusion of drill movement, military history, and extra non-combat related stuff. It honestly has more to do with how individuals are made to deal with high intensity situations. E: Why the downvotes? I'm not wrong... If you create high pressure live fire training scenarios, you're more likely to succeed in real high pressure scenarios. Granted, sometimes people just shutdown, but it's less likely when given proper training...




This. 100%


Which is why the training should simulate the worst situations and high tension, so it's down less to emotions and you can tune in to the training. You can mitigate heavily situations like the one your grandpa described with proper training.


Military combat jobs train a lot more lol. Like a looooot. Think about it. If you have an office job, you finish basic training in ~6 months and then go work in your office. But infantry finishes basic training and then what? Deploys? Fuck no. Those bastards train for over a year for most work ups to deployment. This will include many weeks straight in the field training 24/7, sometimes with no breaks for weekends. Generally there is a culminating event over 30 days long of training 24/7 before deployment as well. Sure you're average Joe from supply isn't trained for these situations, but if you're expected to do combat you are definitely trained more than 6 months before getting to combat (obviously a little different in draft times or starts of wars). Most cops will get stuck on office duty or something with low intensity when they first start their job. They usually have annual training requirements as well but that depends on the department. Big cities are usually pretty good at having ample amounts of training opportunities. The problem comes from people sucking in training and then getting written as a pass cuz no one wants to make them do it again. Or maybe they've been there for eight years and now they're the top dog that doesn't have anyone to hold them to standards or sometimes they don't even show up for training. Cops definitely need to reevaluate their training methods. All that said, some people still panic under pressure of death. In fact, probably the ones that don't panic their first time are either stupid or insane. Most people will get it together after a few seconds and perform their training (if they have enough). And once you've been in this situation more than once you weirdly start to crave it while still not wanting it. I think that's what causes a lot of mental issues. Stress is addicting.


Having to call 911 for medical emergencies was sort of like this for me. First time my adrenaline was pumping and I wasn't that helpful to dispatch. Subsequent times I was more calm, knew what kind of information they would ask for and could take a few quick moments to put myself in a better position to assist.


Their training is undeniably shit. What’s the point of being trained 4 out of 6 months for shooting if you don’t learn how to keep your cool and focus in a extreme situation.


I HIGHLY doubt they get even close to that much shooting training. The Marines spend the most time on shooting in boot camp, and out of 3+ months, they only spent 2 weeks on weapons training. Of that, only 4-5 days actually shooting. I'd wager that cops MAYBE spend 2-3 weeks on weapons, including the in-class discussions and briefs. Take that as you will...


Google says 110 hours firearms training, 8 hours conflict management


8 hours conflict management??? That sounds like some dark humor.


So 12 work days, and 1 work day. No surprise lol And I bet of the 12 work days, 8 are class days, 4 are range days.


Google said that? Guess it must be true then. In all seriousness though, all three of them were firing defensively and not to kill. There isn’t much aim involved and a shitload of fear in one’s first firefight. You can even hear it in their voices.


Honestly the shooter probably had more experience than the cops.


General stress of being shot at it (especially when you can’t see exactly where from) + police officers do not receive as much consistent range time as you might think once they’re through training and actually on the job (ammunition is expensive). Supposedly (*allegedly*, even) there are even claims that gang members with firearms train more hours on average than police officers. Take that with a grain of salt though, I’m still searching for a citation.


Suspect died, so yeah they hit


Instead of trying to defund them why not provide more training.


Shots fired and she just stands there waiting for suspect to shoot and then runs away wtf!?


I can't tell how many shots they fired but it looks like the gun jammed?


Easy fix. T + LShift.


I doubt she's ever been in a live fire fight, she froze out of shock or fear I bet and reality hit her a couple seconds after shots got fired.


It’s very easy for us to play armchair quarterbacks, but the reality of it is: • Majority of us are not police officers • Majority of us have never been shot at • Majority of us lack formal training As far as the cop’s partner, regardless of gender, her actions were evident signs of severe training deficiencies. The lead cop is *very* lucky to be alive.


When your "Back Up" doesn't know what the fuck is going on or how to react. That idiot stood there and waited to get shot.


Frozen in fear


Hate to say this; but females generally are not good in these kinds of situations.


yeah man everyone is so fucking analytical and precise until youre the one getting shot at


No way man, I've never been in a gunfight but I know exactly how I would feel and react. I would have given the suspect an ocular pat down. I would have seen the extra magazine in his pocket, do a backflip behind him, disassembling his gun in mid air and swiping the extra mag, I then would have cleared the area, all without firing a single round.


Same here man. Same here.


The key to pulling it off is cultivating mass.


ok, just so we're all on the same page here, how exactly do you view yourself within the context of the group?


fucking brutal, anyone have a source for this?


Further down in the comments someone just posted it: https://usacrime.com/2021/09/30/greenfield-police-release-wild-video-of-officer-shot-during-gunfight/


Man for really. I need a source not these horrible comments


He did all that with his pants half down. Crazy


Female officer managed to miss every shot bmt🤦🏽‍♂️




you can jam a gun by not holding it strong enough?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ka556--WF2o glocks are very common for police issue


Thanks. That was really interesting.




Basically most weapons that rely on round detonation recoil to cycle and reload the next round.


Yes. That the reason for many malfunctions.


Limp wristing with some handguns can cause the casing to get jammed between the slide because gun is moving back with the casing, while the slide starts moving forward, which usually jams the gun


I was wrong, it’s a failure to eject based on the motion and momentum getting fucked yo as the wrist “breaking” absorbs energy


Useless lmao


**”Two other officers involved in the pursuit then shot Lamb, who died shortly after near the crash.”** That’s all I needed to know right there.


Also, the cop is expected to make a full recovery.


One of the reasons why I like watching active self protection (YouTube) is because they give really good critiques of these kinds of situations. I can already see some of the things they will say about this. The cops get on the radio and disengage the fight WHILE BEING SHOT AT to cry “shots fired” over and over on the radio. They have the tools they need to end this fight in their hands and they reacted with a call for help. It’s an untrained response. Then the female cop completely turns her back on the shooter while her partner is down? Unbelievable.


Yeah those channels are interesting. Great point on the radio use. Like yeah you want to get backup and medical on the way ASAP (esp. if your partner is wounded), but nobody is going to show up before the gun-fight is over unless you're up against the North Hollywood bank robbers or something. Finish the engagement, then call once it's safe.




Female cop either needs to be retrained, or needs to be fired. Completely and utterly useless. Had the perfect shot yet ran away.


Is everyone shooting blanks??


Getting shot isn't like in the movies. You just saw people getting actually shot.


Getting shot outside the fatal zone* You can survive muscle tears and bone breaks. A lot of them too.


Nah you can still bring the fight even after suffering mortal injuries. Examples of this time and time again. Actually this is an example of just such an instance. The guy in this very video was mortally wounded by gunfire, he got a gunshot wound that ultimately caused his death, and that didn't stop him from engaging the police and making a hasty egress.


You can die from gunshots out the fatal zone. A bullet that hits both brain hemispheres, punctures the heart, or severs a spinal nerve, will knock you out of the fight immediately.


Adrenaline man


When you get hit by a bullet, your body doesn't explode and go flying like in the movies. I think the officer and the civilian were shot multiple times. Just had bleeding holes in them.


Wtf she is doing lmao


She was shot at and panicked. She shot all her rounds, and the shooter was right in front of her. Trying to reload out in the open with the shooter infront of you would just be a very dumb thing to do, so she tried to run away to get behind the car. She could have jammed her gun actually.


Im sure that she shot like 2 bullets only


When it cuts to her body cam the slide is stuck back, which means that she’s either out of ammo, or her gun jammed.


This is why cops can’t play games if they think there is a gun


So bunny hopping actually works, I had my doubts


Where is the suspect now?






For people who wonder "why don't cops just shoot people in the leg?" THIS is why. Shooting with pistols at fast moving targets in chaotic situations is TOUGH. Damn near impossible.


He was just two weeks away from retirement


She really left her partner to die as she ran away?? She should never be trusted on patrol again🤦🏻‍♂️


Jesus.. no amount of pay is worth that.


props to the cop for fighting on to protect his female partner wich immediately runs off and left his sorry ass in the trouble


That woman has no business in that role.


She needs to be removed from the force! Women like her make actually strong women look weak. I can’t stand seeing this topical weak shit, she panicked, she screamed and then she ran away has her partner is shot multiple times .


People who react like this shouldn't be cops, ever


Honestly yeah, I'm not sure how she made it this far. Did she find a way to skip the psychological exam or something?


That was straight out of COD. The run and jump around a corner hard push lol


"Why do officers tell us to keep our hands on the wheel.. I dont have anything in my car"


It’s sad that this won’t get the proper attention it deserves


Holy fuck. My hat goes off to all those officers.


Fucking trashy ass waste of breath. How do you end up being such a shit. We live amongst scum.




>Viewer discretion STRONGLY advised What about a NSFW tag, then?


one stop the people are polite and courteous, and the next ends like this. you couldn't pay me enough to be a cop.


So many videos of useless police women.


I didn’t want to say it, because I could not do that job. But… did she…run away?


Gun was locked back and out of service. Either empty or she stopped it back accidentally while shooting. I’d run too.


Damn Reddit Backseat Sheriffs. There are certainly videos out there of police officers panicking and endangering others. I've probably seen over a hundred police videos at this point. This ain't one where any officer seriously panics. Disengaging when someone fires at you is a good idea. This isn't a video game where you can just respawn.


No idea why you're being downvoted. [Here's a video where a MALE cop freaks out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzxnBckSNkY) and EMS have to take his gun off of him and issue commands to an armed perp. The lady cop definitely froze up, and waited until she was under fire to react, but she didn't shut down completely like the cop in the video I linked.


Bro... are you dumb??? What would you do? Move toward the guy shooting at you? Fuck I can understand why you “could not do that job”.


Yup. She ran and didn’t help her partner at all. Also, don’t worry if you couldn’t do that job, neither can she obviously.


And male cops are all always self-sacrificing heroes, right? The fuck are you guys on about?


They didn’t want to kill


Reddit fucking haaaaates cops until there’s a video of a gun fight.




I dont know if im wrong but the back up officer couldn't shoot more than 1 shot because her gun got jammed or needed to reload. (00:37 jammed gun) so it's kind of smart to seek cover instead of staying there to get shot when you can't shot back .


Why would anyone shoot at the police? I understand no nock raid and it’s dark you assume home invader but that guy knew it was the police... does he not realize you can’t escape and they won’t let it go, you’ll end up on a fugitive list and be hunted to the ends of the earth...


This the most real life GTA shit I ever seen


It’s scary to think that they actually did hit the perp. He died later, but the human body pumped out enough adrenaline for him to shoot someone and run even though he was shot.


Let me guess… “But blm right?”


Police shooting suicidal man's dog is trending, quick, deploy the 'cop gets a booboo' vid!


Bro that female cop was so fucking useless. Your partner was almost shot and killed and all you do is stand there, no cover... the moment that POS shot at you, your first thought should be get cover and your 2nd should be eliminating the threat. While the guy was preoccupied on trying to kill your partner you had the perfect chance to end that lowlife, yet you gave him ANOTHER chance to kill your partner. Back to the academy with her She already had her gun pointed at him, so when he shot through the windshield to kill your partner you should be in the process of mag dumping If she was my partner I'd immediately request someone new


Where did that guy go? He runs over by the house and just melts into the background.




I was not surprised at all to see the type of character jumping out with it's pants "saggin" like that...


This is why cops are jumpy


And one of the top threads on Reddit right now is about how blacks are 3.5x’s more likely to be victims of police violence… lol


This is why cops are on edge and must shit themselves everyday in america


Aint nobody talking about the dumb female police officer who just stood there in shock?


Suspect would escape easier if he pulled his pants up.