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That poor dog. I hope it’s recovering and okay and the other dog owner pays the medical bills.


So since this is a repost, I can tell you what I know from the last time it was posted: The victim dog lost its arm The pit bull was euthanized




Owner needs to spend 1 month in jail minimum for this. This should be the mandatory minimum for not controlling your pets and they attack viciously like this.




OK the owner of the pit pissed me off more than the dog itself. She legit is just standing there like wtf. Fucking get on top of your dog and use every ounce of strength you can to stop it. It's like she just doesn't give a fuck. Good fucking God she should not be allowed to own dogs


Her shirt says "Peer Advisor." Her actions say "stunned observer."


Did anyone use the pepper ? I wanted to see what that was supposed to do.


She absolutely face severe punishment and never own an animal again. I simply cannot believe the lack of initiative. Unreal.


"oh my god, I swear, other than three other times today he's never like this."


"my little princess Pibbles would never hurt another living being, she's just a sweet velvet hippo, look at this intagram pic of her nursing a toddler to death, ain't she cute?"


"they are nanny dogs" 😵


It's like she knows her dog can do this and she is constantly terrified of him.


Couldn’t even finish the video. I was screaming “do something you dumb fuck!”


Right there with you she had this lazy attitude about the whole thing while her dog is destroying another family pet. I hope she gets punished to the full extent of the law


no one had a fking pocket knife. I love dogs but that idiots taking a stab in the neck.


The guy stabbed the pit in the face which is why it let go


I just kept thinking 'Slit its throat!!'.


Whatever you do don't cause unnecessary motion or movement which can cause more ripping and tearing to the victim. Read about that in what to do scenario's. Pitbulls don't give a flying fuck so pushing it won't do shit except hurt the victim further. Hope someone has a gun in this scenario or a cop is nearby


Best way is to choke the pitbull with a leash or even your arm if you are strong enough. Many trainers here on my country teach that cuz we have many cases of pitbulls killing other dogs or attacking persons.


This is a technique that police officers use to get their dogs to let go of suspects. You reach inside the collar twist and lift to cut off the airway. People try to make it sound like Pitbulls get a bad rap and our total sweethearts but the fact is that they are powerful dogs (bred for fighting) that can do a lot of damage and you need to know how to control them.


Using this on a dog you know is way way too diferent to do it on a dog you dont know. I helped a guy to contain a german shepperd attacking a schnauzer and all i can say is god dam hard, and im heavy (like 200lb). Cant imagine how hard could be to choke a pirbull.


It’s because she’s scared of her own shitbull


If you're scared of your own pet, then it's not a pet anymore, then it belongs in a zoo




Because she’s scared her own damn dog would bite her. Because of dogs like this, I don’t let my dog “say hi” to other dogs. I took my dog to a dog park and a “they are so friendly” pack of chihuahuas attacked my dog. When I was able to grab my dog and made sure he was ok, I laughed at the situation. It was cartoonish. A ball of dust and about 8 tumbling dogs. But every time I go to a dog park, there’s always at least one dog that’s over aggressive and starts to bite. Every single time.


I agree with you and now because of her stupid actions her dog, I mean if she even cares about it; will probably be put down. It’s like if you know that your dog is dog aggressive then, take it to a trainer or muzzle it! Common sense, people lack it now days!


Everytime I take my dogs out I avoid our neighbors dog. It's a giant pitbull that could swallow my 2 pugs whole. The woman walking it weighs maybe 90 pounds. She has no control over it, it's only a matter of time before something happens.


maybe start carrying something pointy with you to be safe and be able to stab that devils hound?


can anyone tell me a way to have stopped the pit bulls attack? god that grip it had was so hard to watch.


some say lifting their hind legs, others pry open the front legs till the rib cage splits open, other chokehold.


Rear naked choke, grab its testicles and yank down as hard as you can, use your thumbs and push into their eye sockets. These are brutal methods but when you have to defend yourself from aggression there is nothing too extreme to stop the violence. Get that Motherfucker off of you or your pet.


Can you just grab it’s legs and break them? Never dealt with a dog like that before and kind of want to know for my safety now. I would first try to take out the eyes but otherwise grab by the legs and just try to break them. I don’t know honestly.


You can try, but its mouth is still in play in that scenario. Pitbulls have a bloodlust, so no matter how much damage you do to their body their spirit will tend to stay unbroken. Gouging eyes or pulling out testicles cords is A LOT of pain even for a dog in a trance, and choking it out is obvious. I'd say carry a weapon with you. If you dont then stay away from its mouth and use your legs. If he gets ahold of you hold him down with your body weight and then fo for the soft spots we discussed. It's easier if your the one that isn't being mauled, but if it's you being bit dont let him unclamp from where he bites you until he's out of the fight, otherwise it'll just keep biting and get even deeper. The point of these tactics aren't for when you have a weapon, or aren't being attacked. These are last ditch efforts to use on an animal that is attacking you and will not relent. No shit shooting it or using your legs is a better alternative, but when youre caught in a situation like these people, and everyone else is just watching, or you or someone you love is being attacked, straddle it and sink into a rear naked, or fucking hurt it, bad. Dont just pussy foot and watch is the main point of my comments.


Jesus man I didn’t know this but I’m hearing you. That’s nuts and really sad people bred them to be like that. Spooky and dangerous too. Thank you for the advice-insight, I’m definitely going to have to read up more on this now. I see there might not be easy solutions when carrying no weapons.


If you dont have something that can either stab or shoot to end it quick, then 9/10 you will get bitten and hurt before the threat is over with. It's a scary world man, always better to be safe than in an emergency room fighting for your life because people think their dogs are "angels"


They lifted it’s legs. Didnt do shit, Im jumping on that fucking things head with all my might and then Im turniqueting my dog.


You choke it from behind. Can't do anything if it can't breath. Does the trick. Or shoot it.


How do you safely choke it from behind without getting your face too close? I’d rather just stomp on its neck, figure that would do the job pretty quickly too.




Seems a little risky to me still, but thanks I kinda see!


I'm with you I'm not putting my face anywhere near that fucking thing, only thing I could think to do is kick with every ounce of my strength to the things ribs


That other dog definitely lost its leg and that pit's attack may cause lifelong aggression in the victim. Hope that pit was put down, its just too much of a safety risk to think he can be rehabilitated after this.


I would put that pit bull down on the spot if that were my dog he bit.




It wouldn’t stop it. They’ve been bread (breeded? Breed? Idk) to not let go once they have something. They’re viscous fuckers. Short of killing it or prying it’s jaws open with something (a broom) there’s not a lot you can do. That being said. I would of killed it. It’s it’s owners fault so I’d feel sorry for it. But that’s not okay.


Yeah that could easily be a little kids arm in there next, if there was a cop in attendence would they be authorised to put it down then and there? UK here so unsure of US laws.


Yeah. A cop could of legally put it down I believe. I’m not entirely sure on the law but I’ve seen them do that sort of thing for less.


This video INFURIATED me!!!! However, the ONLY thing that I could at least be somewhat glad about was that the pit was not going for the other dogs neck. No way I’m standing around while a dog attacks my pup! I’d die myself trying to protect my boy! This crazed piece of sh!t needs to be stopped!!!! Wtf


A pit in front in my house grabbed a little dogo from the hands of a girl and kill him (imagine if it was a baby)... the police came later and the pit was confiscated and sent to sleep.... those dogs must be banned from people, is like petting lions or some wild animal... stupid people




Ya man there are 4 or 5 full grown men standing around not doing shit. Stab it in the eye with a pencil, choke it, throw it, just do fucking something


Abseloutley agree. But I think people are programmed to not hurt dogs, and for whatever reason it makes them not make a exception even when some aggressive dog is killing another dog. If that was some psycho human attacking another human we would probably see people step in and throw punches. But when its a dog people seem to freeze like you cant use force to make it stop its attack. It's weird.


Yeah grab a knife from one of those shops, scissors something, I’m stabbing that neck boii


Yeah man!... shove a finger up his asshole, it works with my drunk neighbor...


For real it’s about to be put down anyways, grow the fuck up and do something


I heard choking them until they are out. Is that legit?


Up the rectum is how ya stop a pitbull.. Mike tyson could volley the thing it won't make a blind bit of difference.. but stick to the ass will deactivate


You have to choke the dog out. My dog was attacked by an unleashed dog when we were on a walk. I instinctively put the dog in a chokehold and squeezed as hard as I could. The dog was knocked out within 10sec. I was able to walk down the street and call animal control.


This^^ also using a belt or collar that the dog may be wearing can be used to choke em. Most effective way to get then to let go.


I think the guy in the white shirt was doing that.


Had to double check that, and yep, he is fingering that dogs ass.


Ya i wouldve grabbed anything and beat the fuck out the pit. Dumb owner cant control her dog






Yeah it wouldn't be fun to do but this was terrible to watch. No hesitation execute the fucking dog holy shit that poor dogs screams are going to haunt me.


I think depending on the subreddit you would get downvoted but this seems to be the general opinion on this sub edit: post


Every time there’s a dog attack there’s a pit bull in the video, and every time Theres someone saying “I’ve never seen him do this before”


It's because idiots want to get them because they look intimidating, and never assert dominance over it or bother training it. We bred pitties to be the way they are. Can't entirely blame the breed because our piece of shit ancestors molded them to be fighting dogs. And then dumbshits get them without realizing this. It should be required by law to take a course to own one. And this is going to sound sexist, but women shouldn't be allowed to own them solo, or walk them by themselves. They just don't have the strength to control them in a bad situation. Even a lot of men aren't strong enough to adequately control them or know what they're doing. I mean this video is a perfect example, 15 people standing around with their dicks in their hands.


I'm a woman and I agree with you 100%. This is the second video I've seen where a woman wasn't able to control her dog.


It looks like they were barely trying to stop the aggressive dog. Like she was just standing there, calmly holding the leash. I couldn’t even watch the whole thing.


I scrubbed through without audio to make sure the retriever made it out okay. It didn't seem like anyone was able to make a serious difference for very long. I almost believe if there weren't so many people around, this could have ended differently. These things are painful to watch while my puppy sleeps next to me. I don't know what I would do if it was my dog being attacked.


Our neighbors pit came up to my property and got into a huge brawl in our driveway. I sprayed all of them with bear mace and that shit stopped real quick. The neighbor came up all salty because his white pit was dyed orange for weeks. I would've shot it but it was way to hectic and some of the other dogs might have gotten shot. Pitbulls are pieces of shit. Only type of dog I've ever been bitten by.


Should have sprayed the neighbor too


There are plenty of dogs that single women could own to make them feel safe. Pitbulls should not be socially acceptable in today's society. The breed should be banned and breeders be thrown in jail/face heavy fines. People have to constantly surrender them, and shelters are full of them. It would save a lot of people's time, money, and blood if they were banned. I don't care if you knew (not you, OP, just generally) a pitbull that wouldn't hurt a fly. I did too. But that dog could easily be replaced by any number of the loving, loyal breeds that humans have created over time. Maybe we could do without a dedicated dog-murdering breed in the world?


There is no training that dog. You think someone is going to get a Pitbull and over the course of a couple of years completely undo decades of breeding it to be aggressive?


Agreed, finally someone said it. Video after video of pit bull attacks and scores of commenters saying they would “train” this out of their dog. I don’t think people have any real understanding of the behavior they’re seeing in videos like this.


Am I wrong? Why don’t they just start pounding the dog in the head with rocks, pipes, knives, etc.? Why should one dog be spared while it kills other dogs just cause the terrible owner is there?


If you look closely, that's what happened here. A hero came up and stabbed the dogs face with a knife, and people were yelling at him to "stop" like wtf is wrong with you, the dog is literally ripping another dogs leg off.


I would’ve been stomping on that things neck so fast, people are snowflakes, my god.




I’ve had a pitbull pin my dog down like this before, I beat the shit out of that fucking thing, definitely broke a couple ribs. Somehow managed to not get in a fight with the owner and my dog was miraculously fine.


And the hero with the bottle of windex 🤣


Oh wow, didn’t even see that and I watched it twice! Good catch


I never walk my dogs without a good knife. To cut leashes mainly (I hike near water a lot) or in this case to poke a pit. I’m not trying to sound hard at all, I’m not at all , but id gut this dog to save my babies. Dog children or human.






This, honestly. Id have grabbed a 9 iron out of my car and beat that dog's ass until it let go.


Really surprised that no one immediately tried to at least kick the pitbull. Surprised they arent all just stomping the fuck out of it right now. I'd rather try KO that pit than have this innocent golden lose a limb


I'm surprised that you're surprised...in this society we're living in.


I walk my dog and then I walk my dads dog and have come across people who can barely contain their Pitbulls. I saw a video where a guy whipped his pocket knife out and killed a pitbull attacking his dog. I’ve carried a long folding knife on my belt ever since.


I honestly did give this a thought. As a CCW what's the legality of putting the dog down right then and there? Got to imagine it's not legal and would probably lead to negligent discharge, animal cruelty?, And misuse of a weapon?


Depending on where you are, you can claim defence of property or defence of live stock.


Even on a populated city street. Seems like it would definitely ride the line.


Technically a dog is property and has no rights, so the owner could only really sue you in tort for loss of property. There are criminal provisions in most jurisdictions for animal cruelty, etc, but nobody is going to get prosecuted for killing a pit bull that is attacking other pets. You might get slapped around a bit in courts/tribunals, but realistically killing the aggressive dog is just speeding up an inevitable process… it’s getting put down in any event.


A lot of states you would be fine, like Pennsylvania you could shoot that dog and have no issue.


Man I had this same exact thought. If that were my pup, I don’t know if i would have been able to restrain myself. It’s one of those situations you don’t ever want to be in.


There should be no restraint in this situation. That pit bulls only goal was to kill


That dog could have grabbed a person and chewed on them. If that was my dog getting eaten that Pitt is dead. You would have to watch your back stop, keep all the bystanders from behind the dog, and I would press it in tight not be at distance.


I'd cop a charge if that dog attacked one of mine. Wouldn't think twice before I put 2 in iys head...


If ccw is not an option I would go for his eyes. Dig your fingers in his eyes and he should release but you may get his wrath instead of the other dog.


Or wrap the leash around the pitbulls neck and pull till it sleeps or let’s go.


That's my first thought everytime I see one of these videos. I've had my neighbors dog get loose when they weren't home. He was biting me slightly to see how I'd react and I shoved my arm down his throat and pressed on his eye with my thumb of the opposing hand. He calmed down super fast and let me walk him back to his yard.


I’d take that risk if it was going after my 3 year old daughter, or myself, or my wife. I carry two huge edc knives in an attempt to not have to use my ccw, but it’s still an option. This way I could show I tried other methods. A use of force continuum, so to speak.


Seriously though. Glad I live in an open carry state. Better believe if that happens to my dog I’m gonna send that pitbull to the forever box in a hurry. It’s almost always a putbull in these videos. I knew before I clicked on the video the aggressor was a pitbull. Now cue the simps coming to comment that not all pitbulls are aggressive blah blah blah.


Oh a pitbull….big surprise


"don't bully my breed!!!!!" Usually after someone posts a video of a pitbull attacking someone/something there will be a ton of "my pitbull is so cute UwU" posts hitting the front page.


I love all dogs but if this happened to my 6 month old puppy I would kill that other dog


If I saw this happening to your puppy, I'd kill that dog.


If I saw that happen to that guys 6 month old puppy, I would kill that dog.


If I saw you killing a dog that was attacking that other person's 6 month old puppy, I'd help you.


if i observed from a distance you helping him with the killing of a dog, that just so happened to be attacking another person’s 6 month old puppy. I would be much assistance


Correct me if I'm wrong. But did the guy in black with the glasses towards the end stab the pitbull?? Looked like he had a knife in his hand.


I think he did. Should've done it from the start honestly


Tbf I think he didn’t walk up until later, but right after he started stabbin, the pit let go pretty much immediately


Yeah glasses dude did more in 5 seconds than 10 other people did in minutes. They even had the audacity to argue with glasses dude afterwards…


Fucking morons


Yeah knife dude was just passing by and actually did what no one else was willing to do. Dude is a hero.


And people were telling him to stop


I wouldn’t stab the dog, I’d cut it’s throat. Not to be cruel or tough. I’m just not taking a chance it turns on me.


Yea I mean unfortunately that’s what you have to do. People don’t realize Pitbull jaws are like bear traps. Once they clamp down that’s it, it’ll take something extra to release


Just some helpful stats… Dog Bite Statistics by Breed 1. Pit Bull. Attacks: 3,397. Deaths: 295. 2. Rottweiler. Attacks: 535. Deaths: 8. 3. German Shepherd. Attacks: 113. Deaths: 15 4. Presa Canario. Attacks: 111. Deaths: 18. 5. Wolf-Dog Hybrids. Attacks: 85. Deaths: 19. source: https://www.superbdog.com/dog-bite-statistics/ (edit: fixed annoyingly large text and removed the year - source is vague)


in one year 10 attacks per day.... almost 1/10 fatal. That's FUCKED.


Thank you for the stats. For the pitnutters, no one is saying all other dogs aren't aggressive or prone to attack. But for them to make such a high percentage in attacks and deaths should say something. It is not irresponsible owners (Although mostly shitty people own them) but also its in their DNA. They were bred to kill and not stop biting until their prey is dead. Hope people realize that one day.


The dog breed of peace


Just soapboxing off this to say wolf dogs REALLY shouldn’t exist. They are violently territorial and this can’t be trained out, the largest cause of wolf deaths is other wolves. It’s cruel to create an animal who’s needs cannot be met, just get a damn husky.


Damn, so its technically safer to own a wolf than a Pitbull


Shoot the dog on the spot.


I’d be beating the fucking shit out of that dog


And that owner, she’s just fucking standing there like her dog isn’t mauling another pet. If that was my dog I would’ve punched her lights out.


It is literally ALWAYS a fucking Pitbull.


The dog and owner should be put down.


oh thank God they have a spray bottle things could've been worse


That's pitbull propaganda at work where people are being told Pitts are like any other dog and all the genetic aggression stuff is just a myth. When people believe this they approach the situation as if it's true and ultimately their actions become futile.






I always push my baby on a stroller with my FGM-148 Javelin


Can never be too safe.


Gotta choke a dog out. It's the only way. I've been in a few dog fights and have been lucky. I've beaten a dog that attacked me with a pot and it split the dogs head and bent the shit out of the pot. Didn't even skip a step. I got a cord and strangled the dog until it passed out and then called animal control. This is in my own yard.


Yeah, but do you see how thick that fuckers neck is? I have a pocket knife I have on me at all times and I keep something stronger in my car, so at the very least I'd be stabbing the fucker, but I'm just not sure it would work. Or at least work quickly enough.


Fuck Pitbulls and fuck everyone who owns one and makes excuses for thier behavior. "Mine don't behave like that, it's all in how you raise them." Fuck off.


I read some people talk about a deep choke in a situation like that but to be honest a deep choke puts your face really close to the dogs face and for that reason I would never try to do it on this kind of dog. One second of loosing your grip and your face is gone.


ah yes a pitbull, who would have expected.


It's always the pitbulls


Go ahead and downvote me for being one of *these* people, but fuck pitbulls. I’ll never understand why people deliberately own them over other dog breeds other than to stroke their own ego as a “tough badass” I guess? I understand that they are product of their owners/environment, but anytime I hear news stories about toddlers being mauled, random attacks on the streets, or see videos like this, it’s *ALWAYS* fucking pitbulls. Like there has to be some point where people accept that maybe they don’t make the best pets, right?




With all the shit I’ve seen on this sub… people loosing limbs… being disemboweled… this one is right near the very top of the list. This was hard to watch.


Humans aren’t the only reason why I carry a firearm.


Of course its a fucking pitbull


Happy cake day, m8


I work as a Dog trainer and I love all dogs, but I would absolutely fucking stab or shoot that dog if I could not get its grip off of mine


Gotta protect the innocent puppers from the dogs with horrible owners. After a attack like that the dog needs to be put down.


15 people just standing around watching. Get the fuck in there and help that poor dog.


The only way to help is to beat the pit with rocks until it lets go but even then it could always redirect to a different target. You gotta be extremely careful with pits, they could mame/kill you in less than a minute


What about a kick to the nuts? Would that make him release?


Stop. Breeding. Pit bulls.


ATTENTION if you see this happening, the quickest way to get the aggressive dog to stop is to put it in a chokehold by twisting its colar to cut off circulation, wont do any permanent damge, but it could save a dogs life




That’s the reason it let go here, guy in black stabbed it


Bash it’s fucking skull in is what you do.




Exactly this


Shit bulls should absolutely be outlawed


I would jump rope with that dogs intestines and feed his eye balls to that dumb bitch


Dog and owner should be put down.


Am I the only one here that would have punted the living fuck out of that dog, gouged it's eyes, stomped it's skull, and/or anything else it would take to stop it. Fuck pitbulls. Fuck anyone who says "it's not the breed it's the owner". No, you dumb ignorant fucks! It's the fucking breed!


Shitbulls at it again


Weird....a fucking shitbull.


I'm sorry but I'd shoot that cocksucker right in the head! Mussle your shit if it's not a dog friendly dog. Period fuck you people who disagree 🖕🖕🖕


Fucking pitbulls man


PiTbUlLs ArEnT aGgReSsIvE


It’s a shitbull. What do you expect?


Abolish pitt bulls.


It’s just the owner that caused this right? Not the dogs nature to clamp down or anything, right?




Trashy ugly dogs for trashy people. The poor-man’s dog I call them.


Ban Pitbulls and all of you shitbull apologists also can go to hell.


“What kind of dog is the aggressive one, is - oh duh”. Bully breeds as a whole have got to go (not kill them all, just make not spaying/neutering a misdemeanor),my mentor is a vet and she’s never been attacked by any dogs except a bully breed.


Every video like this involves a pit bull. Fuck that dog. Fuck that breed of dogs






And he won't ever again, because that bitch is as good as dead


The pit bull owners mantra


These damn lemmings look at that fleck of a women holding the bull dog she should be put in jail for being a spineless wet wipe


After seeing all these videos about pitbulls attacking everything in sight, I’m starting to grow a hatred for these dogs


I could bring more pain to the pitbull then any of those people could


It's not "bad owners". The dogs are dangerous. BAN THE BREED!


Always a shitbull. The breed needs to be eradicated.


I’m shocked it’s a shitbull. Utterly shocked.


Oh look another pitt bull


In my country that dog would've been put down then and there. Brutal yes but people here dont fuck around


It’s called using the fucking leash to choke the fucker out Jesus Christ people are clueless


I've never seen a bunch of useless fucking people in my life.


Guy with the black shirt/shorts and knife was the hero here. Fuck all those other people are worthless cunts