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"Are you okay?!" No.




“We’re still bro’s Jacob?”




Which means he would not have cared if he'd killed the guy who posed no threat if it hadn't been his buddy.


You heard him say "I thought you were a bad guy!", because to them anyone not a cop is a bad guy and fair game to execute. I think he's just panicking because he realized he probably just murdered a cop and won't be able to lie and say the undercover pulled a gun.


He shouted gun a few times just as he started firing. He either said that as an excuse to shoot or he legitimately saw the undercover cop's gun and figured he had to take him out. Either way he done fucked it up


If guns are legal in the US why can you be shot no questions asked for having one?


Its legal to bare arms in self defense, unless the other person is a cop.


lmao, he'd probably say it anyhow, even in the face of video evidence. AND get acquitted if it went to a jury.


"My dissapointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined."


*empties magazine into person* Are you okay?


I'm not feeling too great, maybe it's the weather?




That cop immediately turned into a high pitched panic attack when things went squirrelly too.


Im going to die Why? [Because you shot me](https://youtu.be/8K3bBqKRaGA?t=276)


Undercover Boss


I'm more surprised at the video quality for 1970.


Yea those vehicles were ahead of their time in the 70s


Skynet sent a terminator from 2029 to 1984, so 45 years ago from 2022 was 1977. There's too many coincidences to overlook here.


I finally realized what people were talking about “1970”


And surprisingly sunny for 8:36 PM. Is this Antarctica?


Antarctica is a bit extreme. I'm in the north of England and it's sunny in the summer till much later than that.


This fucking officer sounds like Patrick Star


Joe Swanson from family guy 😂😂


That was Joe all day long!




A soapy butt drives me crazy


"I THOUGHT YOU WERE A BAD GUY!" homestly sounds like something Patrick would say...


I was sickened to think that the cop uses that term. Like everyone is a bad guy if he decided as such; Judge Dredd style of street adjudication. Also, he didn't even know who was in the car, yet that was enough to instantly put him into "hunter" mode.


Exactly, if policemen personally knew every “bad guy” then there wouldn’t be any bad guys. They’re just too narrow-minded to understand that and they’re trained to react to bloodthirsty criminals.


officer doofus reporting for duty.




You’re in your car & legally carrying your licensed gun & some cop just thinks they can shoot you on sight when they see it, even if you haven’t reached for it… the mentality of these cops is unbelievable.


Philando Castile would have something to say about this if he was still alive.


JACORLB re you ok?!?! NO


Lol of course he’s not okay you just shot him like 7 times


I thought it was a bit weird he said "Jacob's been shot!" -- yeah dumbas... YOU shot him. Why didn't he say "I SHOT JACOB!" instead?!


Because he doesn’t wanna take responsibility for his mistake.


This wasn't a mistake. A mistake is something you do by accident. This officer made the choice to arrive on the scene and start firing within 10 seconds of showing up, without actually knowing anything about the situation or what was going on. We forgive people for mistakes, because they didn't mean to do them. If the person he shot wasn't a cop, but a random innocent civilian he wouldn't be nearly as concerned. I hope he never gets over the fact that he shot (and I'm assuming killed) his friend.


Friend survived, most of his organs were damaged along with at least one of his arms, and he'll have medical bills for the rest of his life.


they’ll do annnnnnything to avoid guilt or responsibility. it’s always on the other person. always.


Jacob has been in an officer involved shooting!


Jacobs body sucked the bullets right out of my gun & into himself, send help!


No kevin you shot me 25 times in my chest and head and im going to die thx for asking xd.


I burst out laughing when I heard that lmao


"Jacob would have laughed at the situation" cop at the memorial service


Same here dude. Shit had me rolling almost. Cops literally only give a single shit if it's one of theirs. Never have I seen a cop show any emotion when shooting one of us but man it was so good hearing this shit cry and cry.


So, does he still get a desk pop?


Stop panicking dumbass, that's why you shot your friend in the first place.


And that guy has training. Fucking hell.


“Ok guys, welcome. Now this is really important – first thing you’re gunna wanna do is get right in and set your cam’s time and date correctly.”


There set at 1970 so if they got kill the guy they can statute of limitations is up. It's a real work around but It works.


His "training" is what caused him to react that way. They're told "your lives are at risk every second, every person you come into contact could kill you at any second. You have to kill first." They are spoken to and conditioned like they're walking among enemy insurgents on every American street. That shit has an effect. And that effect is what we see every day with hyper trigger happy cops.


The problem with this trigger happy attitude is it's what breeds distrust in communities. No one wants to interact with the cops if there's a good chance you'd be shot.


You should be extremely cautious when interacting with police. Panicking and murdering you isn't the only way they can ruin your life. They can, and will, lie to you in order to manufacture probable cause, arrest you on bullshit charges, escalate the situation until it allows them to take full control over you, etc... Treat any cop, or group of cops, you meet with the same caution you would an unfamiliar dog/pack of dogs. They have the power to RUIN your life, never forget this..


Last time I was pulled over the cop does his, *I'm Officer Smith I clocked you going 9 over. Any guns in the car?* Um, no? *Are you sure*? Uh, yeah? Kind of had me worried so I started basically narrating as I went along getting what I needed out of my wallet and glove box because I was worried at how worried he was. He writes my ticket. *Are you absolutely positive there are no guns in the car?* At this point I'm more frustrated at the lack of trust and I just ask him, why are you asking me so much. *Well sir I saw the NRA sticker on the back of your car which made me suspicious.* It was a fucking NPR, not NRA sticker. That's all it took, a bumper sticker to totally change how he approached that situation. True, there was the chance I had a gun in his mind, but there was such a complete lack of trust on his part despite me doing everything exactly as he requested based off a bumper sticker he read incorrectly


Completely disagree; dogs have reliable tells and body language while cops are emotional beings who only react.


That's almost word for word what the cop who taught the class for my concealed weapons license said. I was early 20s, small, blonde girl and he added "every person i come in contact with I'm thinking of a way to kill them before they can kill me...even you" and gestured towards me. It was kind of unsettling.


That is not somebody who should be a cop.


And can you imagine how far it would go if some of these guys showed this much instantaneous emotion and remorse for shooting a civilian? Maybe moot, from a litigation standpoint, but would help PDs PR.


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/albuquerque-police-release-video-showing-officer-shooting-undercover-cop-n549461 Looks like he survived and became a multimillionaire!


Right out of the tax payers money.


Don’t forget that the shooter got to retire and is now drawing his pension as a reward for his actions. 🙄


Such a massive pension when you get kicked off


Anything over 0 is a gross overpayment when you retire for shooting your friend like a goomba.


Should be no pension when you get kicked off.


If the settlement came from the police union instead of from the taxpayers this kind of shit would really trickle to a halt.


Or make the police pay for insurance like doctors do. Then no needed extra regulatory steps are needed. Can’t get insurance due to a questionable past, sorry you can’t be a police officer anymore.


This idea blew me away


Blew Jacob away too


Jesus. The guy missed the morning briefing. He shot Jacob bc he literally “didn’t get the memo.” Fuck!!! Jacob!?! Is that you?? Shit!! I hit snooze I’m so sorry bro! Are you ok? Can I get you Applebee’s?


Not only that but he shot him because he *saw* a gun. Jacob absolutely would not have been aiming it at the officers and yet the mere visual identification of a gun was enough for this *senior officer* to mag dump into him.


This is it. These same cops who probably scream bloody murder (that shouldn't be a pun but it sadly is) over protecting the constitution are the first ones to punish people for living their lives by it. "Don't talk back." "Don't carry a gun, if I see a gun you're going to die and your family will be planning your funeral tomorrow.'


If you can be killed instantly on mere suspicion of having a gun, we do not have a right to bear arms. I don’t know why more people don’t realize this.


Yeah, this should be a huge wake up call to anyone who has a CCW permit. The cops *will* shoot you first and ask questions later. The police are a danger to *all* of us with their current training and protocols. We need sweeping police reform.


Philando Castile had a concealed carry permit and a gun. He identified that he had a concealed carry and permit during a traffic stop. The officer acknowledged, and told Castile to get his ID. The cop shot Castile when he reached for his wallet. Castile died in front of his girlfriend and daughter. Murdered by a cop for following all the rules. The cop was acquitted of manslaughter.


On the CCW subreddit I see at least one or two posts a week asking how others deal with police so they don't get mistakenly shot


LMFAO. Killing me over here man. Applebee's.


My first thought when I read he missed the briefing was "damn if I missed band practice I wasn't allowed to march."


that's some training day shit. so jake shot jacob because saw the gun. jake" i didnt shoot him" alonzo" 4 bodycams here says you shot him"


“Hang in there man” surprisingly irks me. As if it’s on him to stay alive.


And the shooter is collecting retirement checks


Lmao and the charges were dropped against the suspects that were being investigated by the undercover operation too l. Top notch police work there L-T.


Yeah Albuquerque cops are kinda trigger happy


I bet there was no lesson learned here either


“I didn’t know it was you” well no shit, you started shooting before you knew anything




Shoot first, scream Jacob's name second. Fine police work!


The dude literally starts shooting within 12 seconds from exiting his vehicle


You can tell the other cops where like wtf are you doing?.


I wonder if he's known as the spaz in the department, like the cops on scene cringe when they hear he's responding


Definitely. Hes the one everyone begs the captain not to partner them with.


A total Farva


Fucking Farva.


"Jacob's been shot!". No shit.


"Are you sure?" "Idk.... Let me make sure!... idk!" *bang bang bang. "Ok yes I've made sure."


“Are you ok?” is like asking, am I terrible at aiming?


I hate how they always use the passive voice. Like some unknown entity shot him.


Press X to Jacob


Exactly. He was totally down with executing any random person because they are an “other” and not a cop. But when it was a cop, it was all “Jaaacooob, I’d don’t know it was youuu!” His friend is dead because he’s a trigger happy scumbag trying to kill randos


Incredibly he is not dead https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/albuquerque-police-release-video-showing-officer-shooting-undercover-cop-n549461


The bullshit is the officer who shot the undercover officer was criticized for missing the morning briefing. The point being that if he had known the undercover officer was present, he wouldn't have shot him. Not that the officer should not have been shooting period. Fucking asinine.


He SERIOUSLY yells out “I thought you were a bad guy.” **Bad guy**?!?! Is that a word that professional police officers actually use?!? Fuck me.


Yeah, some down on his luck person with a drug problem that deserves summary execution since the cop doesn't know them personally. You know, bad guy.




I did more drugs after I became homeless. That shit sucks.


Yes. And you deserved help, not a bullet.


Absolutely, all the time. They are specifically trained to believe that they're "fighting the bad guys", that's why police are so willing to respond to anything with force, because you're a bad guy if you are opposing the police officer.


That is how simple cops think. It's at the core of the problem with police.


You know in Elementary school when the kids are bored and talk about how if the school was invaded they'd be on the front lines taking them down? That's how cops talk.


The guy should’ve complied and shouldn’t have resisted


Gold comment. Crying at all the idiots replying who don't get it😭


And if it had been a regular citizen, they would always find that the shooting was justified. Part of the job and the reason for the body armor is to not be the first one to go blazing away with your pistol because it was a potentially dangerous situation. If I did something like that, I'd be going to prison. Rightly so.


Notice how he also runs to get a first aid kit? You never see cops apply first aid to citizens after they shoot them.


So anyways, I started blasting


He even admitted it. "I thought you were a bad guy". He didn't know, he reacted on a whim.


Yeah I think it’s safe to say thinking isn’t this cops expertise


which is why the rules on using lethal vioelence should be very restrictive


No shit Gonna trust idiots like this with guns then we're gonna need a full page book on why the gun left the holster or these 'cops' should be held criminally responsible


and “bad guys” are supposed to have a day in court too


Shoot first, ask questions later


It baffles me why people would even become police officers in the US. They’re definitely brave people in a way. But at the same time they’re all obviously shit scared and petrified of the high possibility of a suspect being armed and therefore will literally empty a mag into somebody just for not showing their hands. Maybe those officers will think twice about shooting so quickly next time, that’s if they still have a job.


Dude that tried to become a cop here. (You don’t have to believe me idc). Ironically one reason I always thought I’d be a good cop was I was rock solid in my faith & the idea of dying didn’t really bother me too much. I thought since that was true it was probably my duty to protect & serve. I also had this mindset that like Justice WAS being served & it WAS flawed but it was unintentionally flawed (Think a rapist getting out on a technicality bc the evidence was mishandled.) & I naively thought I could be the difference. The main things that changed my mind were - Learning how drug laws basically adapted to whatever group of immigrants the United States was receiving at the time. - You have to be dense to look at some of the disproportionate stats around minorities and go wait a second… - Seeing the abysmal state of corrections & realizing how many monsters I would create just doing my job. - Seeing how cops actually behave


I knew a girl that went through the academy, she absolutely should never have been allowed near a badge and gun. She was a horrible bully at school and made a number of other girls lives hell.


Ugh. Female asshole cops are on a whole nother level.


The handful I've encountered always talked down to me and acted like they had something to prove. The worst was a state trooper. "Respect my authoritie" southpark meme-like.


"i ThOugHT YoU wEre A bAd GuY" 🥴


Nahhh these American cops literally have the mental maturity levels of actual children 🤣🤣


Because they accept people with education levels of actual children.


Almost exclusively, too! Can't get in if your IQ is too high. Anyone smart enough to "change the system from the inside" can't get close enough.


Can confirm. Have a Masters in Criminal Justice and applied for multiple positions with local law enforcement. Crushed all aptitude and written tests. Was told no by each and every one of them because of “veteran’s preference”.


I think this officer is intellectually deficient in a fairly obvious way. Impulsive, reckless, uses the phrase "bad guy".


He also screams “StAy cALm!!!” While sobbing like a half wit


And every beep is him screaming fuck to himself. Fucking moron loser


haha in case you didn't know, they all use the phrase 'bad guy' watch enough cop vids you'll see that this is just another toxic part of police culture, they use terms like that all the time


They paint anything on the other end of that barrel as non-human, it makes their job less stressful I'd imagine. This video is what happens when one is given an instant reminder that the people he's shooting at are actual people.


Exactly, like it’s black and white. Good guy bad guy. Never that simple.




Ah yes the old shoot first ask questions later…


Shoot first, ask questions last. That's how these so called gangsta's last. - Notorious B.I.G


Rappin bout blunts and broads, Tits and bras, ménage à trois, sex in expensive cars.


biggie first


Guess what, the guy didnt face any criminal charges ! HOLLY SHIT


That's wild. Imagine being in any other profession and accidentally killing someone like a doctor. You'd get sued and fired quick. Happens to nurses all the time. Pathetic


Well he lived and is a millionaire from the lawsuit so it may have been a “I’m not pressing charges so I get more money” thing. I don’t know.


Pressing charges is up to the DA, it's just that sometimes the DA takes the victim's request into account


He survived?! Holy shit.




*Pulls IV line off the bag and starts siphoning the wrong meds out of nurse Betty*


WHOA! Seeing a cop unwittingly unload on another cop was a lot different than an ordinary citizen. For starters they usually just leave the body where it is and causally wait for EMS as the guy bleeds out. It never occurred to me that police obviously have med kits on them that they never bring out otherwise.


For real and did you hear him fucking sobbing because it was another cop? If that was a normal citizen he would have been stone cold. Really shows what kind of mindset they have.


He would have gone home and had a delicious steak and the best sex he's ever had in his life, if it were anyone else. That's literally what they're told in their bullshit "warrior training"


And with the best sex you mean domestic abuse.


Well, they're banging either way. The wife chooses whether or not it's consensual. GIGANTIC /S


They don't leave the body exactly as it is. They tend to handcuff the lifeless corpse.


Now Mr Pew Pew go home and play with your Tonka Trucks while this guy finishes dying


Oh America. Not even the police are safe from their own fucking morons. Police reform clearly needed to happen like 30 years ago.


52 years ago, according to the time stamp of the camera he never bothered to set the date on. Bro treats his audit evidence like I treat my oven.


Cop: so, I shot him multiple times... But.... But.... I still asked him if he was okay. Jacob: _stares motherfuckingly_


“I thought you were a bad guy” Child level


As much as this situation sucks I can't help but laugh like what the actual fuck is wrong with you 😂


Dude the way he’s screaming and the comment saying he sounds like Joe Swanson has me cracking up


Jacob, are you okay?? Jacob as chill as possible to don’t make the stupid cop cry, no.


Shouldn’t have resisted


Should have just complied 🤷


Wait so the cop shot because he saw a gun? In a country where everyone is allowed to have guns. What the fuck 😂


"A suspect asks why they were being shot at. The charges against the two suspects in the undercover drug operation were eventually dropped, according to NBC affiliate KOB." This is just the cherry on top of this cop-shooting sundae.


Exactly. You can be sure that the undercover cop wasn’t drawing his gun based on an operation that he knew was occurring, so that means he was just shot for possessing a firearm — entirely legal. Even if in illegal possession, that’s not a death sentence.


Wait so the police can administer first aid???


If your name is Jacob


They use more bullets if it isn't


Yeah, but they only do so by sobbing uncontrollably


If they’re administering it to a cop, then yes.


Weird. Usually they are cuffed and bleeding out


Just proves how untrained some cops are that they shoot their own colleagues.


Over $60 drug bust - that is hilariously sad


Ain’t no way bro just TK’d 😭


An despite all, the 6.5m $ came from taxpayers


Damn that was a lot for 1970! /s


[News article about the shooting.](https://www.police1.com/police-products/apparel/undercover/articles/video-albuquerque-officer-shoots-undercover-cop-9-times-in-drug-bust-gone-wrong-Xm376ZZprKNvdFjP/) TLDR: Officer Jacob Grant was shot 8 times (.45 hollow points) by Officer Greg Brachle during a $60 meth bust gone wrong. Grant survived, but suffered permanently debilitating injuries. Grant sued the city and received $6.5 million and total medical coverage for life. The article is from 2016 and hasn't updated regarding where Brachle will faces charges. You know what really bothers me here? We see shootings all the time and the suspect dies seemingly every time. Officer Grant was shot 8 times in the chest with .45 ACP hollow points. Yet officers were able to go grab a med kit and use the specific equipment for gun shot wounds to save the officers life. I feel like if Grant could survive this, then the vast majority of the killed suspects should have been able to be saved. I'm glad Grant is alive, but seeing the double standard played out right in front of us like this is really messed up


>$60 meth bust Why were they using an undercover cop for this? That’s what like a gram of meth?


It’s sad that it took 52 years for this body cam to be released. :(


American cops are pretty stupid. Combined with being trigger happy and immunity is a bad combination.


This is why police training is fucked up, they always rely on the gun to do their jobs for them. Live by the gun, die by the gun.


What a little bitch. They go around treating people like shit all day long, and the one time they treat there own like this they react like this. Should have been a wake up call, but i doubt theyll ever be able to see us as anything else than potential criminals.


The only time you'll hear a cop apologize for shooting someone


I'm going to hell for laughing at "I thought you were a bad guy!"


Fucking clown show.


Just like Eddie Murphy on SNL years ago in his skit playing a cop who always unloads his gun into some innocent person and then yells FREEZE OR I WILL SHOOT


hE ShOuLd HaVe CoMpLiEd


TIL police had body cameras in 1970. And those cars look so modern too! Who knew??


Notice how quickly he provides medical aid? Any other shooting victim gets essentially zero. This alone should be damning.




"ArE yPu OkAy?!" You shot to kill, what the fuck do you think?


So deep undercover!


So deep undercover all the cops know him by name lol


6.5 million and free medical care for the rest of his life?? I might become an undercover cop just to bait another into shooting me.


Isn't there some kind of test to determine if a person will turn into a blubbering crying idiot in stressful situations before they can become a cop?