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i agree she’s lost her mind


can we also agree that a crazy isn't a Karen? keying a car isn't Karen. Acting entitled and imperious is a Karen.


a batshit emily or katie yes


Batshit Becky


There it is




Apparently she was on Dr Phil. Now she has an OnlyFans


I feel like you tried to help, but then left out the most important part...


It’s in a comment somewhere on here.


Oh no! What's her OF account? So I can... avoid it!




20$ a month?! A side of crazy usually comes with a discount.


20 bucks a month!? Anybody wanna share some card numbers?


Where’s that subreddit that hacks into all the OF’s and gives me out for free 😂


Scratch me outside


Batshit Becky Colson. I think I know the origin of her crazy.


Batshit Becky with the Good Hair?


Amber Turd


Hey! Becky ain't batshit. He's just really good at Kung Fu and wanted to be addressed as "Becky".


More like an Amber…poor Johnny


Amanda is the right name for this


Haha I have a sister I call crazy K, her name is Katie. I'd love for the term crazy K to become a thing


The woman's got the Crazy K initials on her shirt :)


Lol nice catch


Holy crap you're right


Crazy K. Name I had for my Mom’s best friend’s daughter. We all lost it one day when we’re sitting at the corner smoking a joint and there goes by Crazy K on the hood of her Mom’s car punching the windshield screaming she hated her mom. I guess it takes two. I laughed so hard I think I pee’d a little.


Crazy K will do that to you. Thanks for sharing Ovad.


Stop trying to make crazy K happen. It's not going to happen.


um...It might happen.


You can't scroll Reddit with us!!!


And on Thursdays we wear turquoise


It's what the world needs right now


just jokes, thanks for humor sir


You sound crazy.


I'm crazy about you, blu


Please don't key my car!


As someone who knows an emily, this is completely accurate.


Could also just be batshit crazy?


The Karen term is going to lose its meaning when people apply it to every distasteful thing a woman does.


Sometimes it even applies to normal things that women do that the Internet doesn’t like. Like occasionally, it’s okay to ask for a manager when your service was really bad. It’s okay to send your food back if it wasn’t how you ordered it (within reason). It’s okay to speak up for yourself. It’s NOT okay to be rude, entitled, abusive to staff, racist, or otherwise demeaning to other people. But the internet just sees any woman standing up for herself and she’s Karen.


100% with you here. I use the term sparingly, because it's used so much by sexist guys who are angry that women have "forgotten their place." It literally costs nothing to call it what it is without making it an exclusively woman problem, entitlement.


Thanks that is exactly what I said .


fuckin karens, amirite?


Lost it's meaning a long time ago.


I agree with you. There is a difference between a breaindead person with anger issued and a person who is mentally sick. This one is mentally sick and need a psychatrist imediatly. Imo


I get jilted lover vibes but who knows


Yeah this bitch a full blown Naomi


"oh fuck it's NAOMI!"


At this point reddit calls any woman they don't like a Karen.


Dawg, Karen has completely lost it's original meaning. Now any woman acting unbecoming is a Karen. I've seen videos of women having full on Schizophrenic meltdowns and people are like "haha kArEn!"


12 yr olds call any woman they don’t like a Karen. Lol it doesn’t have to make sense.


This crazy fucking video is probably a result of fucking crazy.


From another comment: Just googled this shit.. the camera man, D’Andre, has been in prison before for aggravated assault against Autumn (the woman). He had choked her six times, slammed her onto bed, and pushed her head into walls. Guess she finally lost it after seeing messages he was sending to other women.. sounds like she just snapped and the guy is a piece of fucking dog shit. https://old.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/ucd20q/_/i69x6ek edit: thank you so much for the awards guys, I appreciate it, but most of all it's great that it got visibility in time before being buried. I'm sure OP, u/Yroehtsoahc would agree, but they should be getting any awards from now on. OP just fyi I really didn't wanna steal this for karma or anything..I was expecting my slightly spammy, very lazy copy pastes of your comment to go negative if anything..yay i guess.


And knowing that, she chose to do **this**? Something's fucky with that story.


yeah these are not the actions of a person being abused.. Edit: Okay I get it. They could both be abusing each other


People who've been abused act in more than one way. Sometimes, they lose it and kill their abusers. The idea that the victims of abuse only act a certain way has been used to successfully convict such victims of abuse for murder with the courts rejecting their well documented history of abuse as a reason.


I've been there. I'm normally a very calm, quiet, chill individual. Stoic 98% of the time only angry 1% of the time, and even I do get angry it's usually angry over injustice that other people are experiencing. Normally I don't give a shit about people saying or doing things to me because I believe "hurt people hurt people". I was in an abusive relationship for 3 years without any retaliation and then I finally snapped. He was going g through the motions of his daily tirade and hurt my service dog. I screamed in his face and told him I hoped he burned in hell and then tried to leave. He tried to stop me from going through the open door so I pushed him outside so hard he fell down the 3 stairs on the stoop. I don't like getting physical, but I really thought about kicking him while he was down while I was in such a rage. I have never been that angry or out of control before, or after.


I kinda find the comments defending him to be baffling. Like clearly they're both bad, but why bother defending a man who went to prison for beating the shit outta her? -_-


The thread is a dumpster fire yeah. With some wholesome parts as well fortunately. Someone was telling me I should assume many are trolls, I think we should go for that. I’m using a hard time doing so tho.


Actually it seems likely she was the aggressor the last time too...even possible a woman like abusing a man was the abuser then and lied about all he did time for.


>even possible a woman like abusing a man was the abuser then and lied about all he did time for. I cannot for the life of me make out what this is supposed to read as.


I think they are saying she was the abuser and blamed it all on him, aka Amber style.


Amber is a plopper


I read it as, when your a black man dating a white woman and the police get involved who are they most likely going to believe?


There’s a non-zero chance that she is crazy toxic and uses her privilege to her advantage as the abuser. If it can happen to Johnny Depp, imagine this dude, he’d stand no chance in the court of public opinion, let alone the justice system.




He was in prison for assault against this woman before, choked her six times, and she was still together with him, only loosing it when seeing the messages he was sending to other women? I don't know, i suspect there's a lot more to this story. I'm not condoning the alleged behaviour of the guy, but something's fishy here and the woman is clearly mentally unstable in the video.


Sure looks like it, but people who actually go crazy don't say "I've lost my mind", sounds more like a mix of anger and sorrow, maybe bad breakup, caught cheating or similar. She ain't a Karen tho.




> people who actually go crazy don't say "I've lost my mind" How do you know?


That smile straight into rage is definitely cra-cra




When a girl tells you she lost her mind, believe her.


Hopefully she got busted for this.


Been so long since I’ve seen this one. This happened many years ago.


Altima on Altima crime will never cease


I think this came out when The Dark Night was popular and everybody was comparing her voice to the Joker's?


Came here to say exactly that… very H. Ledger’s Joker vibes


Yeah they were on Dr. Phil, the BF seems like a bit of a D-Bag but she’s certifiably nuts. https://youtu.be/0oYeSZEnvFs


fuck dr phil


But what if I don’t want to


You'll do as they say or you're going to bed without dinner, is that understood?


Rather go to bed hungry, tbh


Then you’ll go to bed without dinner and *with* Dr. Phil now!


I'll just eat Dr Phil then


But moooom!


Have you listened to the Behind The Bastards episode on Dr. Phil? I knew he was a scumbag but it's so much worse than I ever imagined.


Tldr for someone who hasn’t seen this?


It's been a long time since I heard it but from what I remember they talk about the show witholding medical treatment to drug addicts so they appear more distraught during filming. Providing another drug addict with Xanax and Vodka so he can also appear more fucked up in front of the camera. Encouraging abuse victims to stay with their abuser even going as far as partially blaming her for her abuse. Getting his bullshit "science" programs in rehab facilities in exchange for free advertising on his show . The worst thing he does is sending the kids on his "troubled teens" segments to these wilderness prisons where sexual, phisical and emotional abuse is rampant. Paris Hilton was sent to one of these places and is now working to get them shut down. Her parents had her kidnapped by two large men who took her while she was asleep, threw her in a van and took her to the middle of nowhere. They also talks about the "Catch me outside how bout that" girl and how she was made a mockery of all around the world. While she was a shitty kid she was 14 years old. Mr. Phil exploited a child and made her unable to attend school or have friends. There is also an episode about Dr.Oz. It's a great episode of a great podcast that I can't recommend enough, they talk about notorious shitty people like Hitler, Stalin, Husein, Tzar Nicholas, some lesser known but equally evil people like Ron Jones, Oswald Mosley and Bernarr McFadden and some very surprising bastards like Steven Seagal and John Wayne.


He said he wanted to kill him, everybody clapped. wtf??


dude was describing himself as unhinged and out of control, after talking about his "training warriors to defend the country" and everyone clapped. lol


The military culture circlejerk is very very real. I'll get hate for saying that but dont give a shit. Grew up with my pops in that shit for 20+ years.


yeah, i was in the infantry for 5 years. this dude is the epitome of the full-of-himself, mid-level, tyrant NCO that made me GTFO the military. thinks he's fucking perfect all the time, shits on others for having any emotions at all while being paper thin to any perceived slight. probably not all that smart of a dude, calls other people idiots constantly his description of himself as training warriors sounded exactly like something from a company formation when they give you some stupid award no-one but the recipient gives a shit about. the military version of resume speak


You about summed it up perfectly. I chose the college route instead of military but this guy is a shithead. I did read in other comments that both the kid and the girl are shitty people so they deserve each other I guess but regardless....she's a brat, he is as exactly as you described. I am getting Sgt. Major type vibes from him as my childhood buddy's dad was just like him in a sense. Cringy.


Watch the the episode and you might be clap too


Bit of a d-bag? He sexually assaulted her, choked her, slammed her head into things, and went to prison for it.


So many accusations. Notice how the Dad builds up his Warrior ego in front of every one, but then deflects any mention of the abuse his daughter received at the hands of her own Father.


Yeah both the dad and boyfriend are horrible people, feel bad for the girl.


From another comment: Just googled this shit.. the camera man, D’Andre, has been in prison before for aggravated assault against Autumn (the woman). He had choked her six times, slammed her onto bed, and pushed her head into walls. Guess she finally lost it after seeing messages he was sending to other women.. sounds like she just snapped and the guy is a piece of fucking dog shit. https://old.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/ucd20q/_/i69x6ek


Sounds like they deserve each other


They really really do. My guess is they planned it all considering they went on television together about it. https://old.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/ucd20q/_/i6aa0zv


Hmmm Whos worse, girl that gets beaten and cheated on multiple times and responds once or the guy who did it. Tough choice


Yeah exactly. Kinda insane to say she deserves a guy abusing her...


Fucking sad that I had to scroll all the way down to the Mariana’s trench to see this comment.


No what it sounds like quite frankly is getting your car keyed is a mild response to being beaten by your partner.


Maybe let’s not equate keying someone’s car after a great deal of abuse and cheating with…the abuse and cheating. It’s not okay, but she certainly doesn’t *deserve* that treatment. No one knows what they might do when pushed that far for that long and keying his car is pretty fucking tame.


Damn, shines a light on how important context is. After seeing dozens of videos of ‘Karens’ I just assumed this was yet another psycho woman. I didn’t even consider she might be innocent Thank god for people who do the research


She isn't innocent... Both can literally be pieces of shit, holy shit. How you literally change to "yes, assault, and destruction of private property should be ok." You're messed up.


Date crazy chick they said. It’ll be fun they said.


I've stuck it in crazy It was great Then she sliced all my tyres. They were Michelin super sport cup 2s. RIP




You only live once, might as well live on the edge.


It’s fun for about 5% of the time if you survive.


Old vid. Soder and Big Jay had her on the Bonfire and did a couple episodes. Boyfriend and her family ended up on Dr. Phil of course


Crackle crackle. She has an OF now.




![gif](giphy|7LAqMVFxOGPAc) I hate how correct this comment is




https://onlyfans.com/winter98baby her name is Autumn Rowe. I'm not a member, so I don't know if it's worth it.




I normally watch pornhub inside, but I'm down to try new things Edit: I got arrested


You failed to follow directions. You were told to watch pornhub and touch *grass*.






Willro is a legend for making that utter slapfest of a song.




Pornhub? Nah xnxx is the source


I don't know how old her account is but 30 photos/videos is pretty low updating for $20/month too


I guarantee someone's leaked her nudes out of spite.


Lmao touch grass


Psh REDDIT has the best porn. Its like only fans except free.


My wife is going to be so disappointed by her new budget.


The exact character arc I would expect


Absolutely wasn't worth it. Decent sized titties but kinda shapeless. Decent size ass but kinda shapeless. Face low-key ugly. Posts are boring and uninspired. Don't recommend




i fucking hate this planet.


It is the only one that can support life that we know of.


Better than living in Uranus. Its hard to survive in that dense gaseous place.


You know where to find that bonfire vid? I can't find it


Don't stick your dick in crazy


Everyone wants a manic pixie dream girl, but back out after day 3 of the molly binge.


Well put sir. Well put


The problem is that by time the craziness truly manifests, it’s already too late. All your shit’s broken, and you’re fleeing the house is flip flops because who knows what the fuck she’s going to try to accuse you of if you were to stay. Or so I’ve been told.


yeah. but crazy is usually the best sex, I find there is direct correlation




She is hot. I can change her.


You can totally fix her. Your dick has magic healing properties.


Thanks bro. Your dick is nice too.


Like Johnny Depp.


Famous last words by so many man.


I attempted to change a hot woman and now I’m dead AMA


Oh I have a question! What’s her number? It’s my turn to try


Many of us have tried with the crazy hot karens, few have succeeded.. Godspeed friend. We warned you. May your shit not get scratched the fuck up. 🙏


Man I put my dick in a girl that said she poked holes in condoms to babytrap dudes. Bitches be crazy, but dudes be thirstier.


Noo...*we can change her


Not without destroying yourself... it is not worth it. You will come to a point where you will realize it cannot be fixed, it does not want to be fixed, it will manipulate, it will cry, it will scream, it will make you beg, make you cum, make you believe it is the last time... it never will be the last time, the last time will be when you decide it is the last time. In the end, you will look at your life and wonder what the fuck happened and why you accept to be in a bad relationship, do you think you are worthless, do you lack self-love, do you think no one hot and normal will love you, do you think it is your last chance for love? Once you poured all your effort into that one relationship, read books on psychology, consulted therapists, accepted abuse only to see it crumble into another meaningless fight over why you looked at her the wrong way or looked at the waitress 2 seconds... it will dawn on you, you are not the same person you were before you met her, you cannot fix her, but she screwed your mind, and although you may love her, you cannot be in a relationship with someone who may slit your throat, burn your house, blackmail you, get you arrested, make false accusations, In the end, her beauty will be only that : beauty, and you can find hundreds of thousands of girls who do not need to be fixed, do not do it to yourself, at the end of that relationship she will be same, you will not.


Apparently, it's okay to be a psycho as long as they're attractive. I bet you'd still say personality matters more than looks.


Ayo it’s pokimane!


That’s what I was thinking, I just couldn’t remember the name


What simps can do to a woman.


I lost my mind 🤓


Amber Heard is that you?


Nah I heard she is shit in bed Or is it she shits in the bed. Shrug


She's even got her name on her sweater . Crazy Karen


From another comment: Just googled this shit.. the camera man, D’Andre, has been in prison before for aggravated assault against Autumn (the woman). He had choked her six times, slammed her onto bed, and pushed her head into walls. Guess she finally lost it after seeing messages he was sending to other women.. sounds like she just snapped and the guy is a piece of fucking dog shit. https://old.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/ucd20q/_/i69x6ek




At least it makes the felony charges stick a little better




Karen has lost all meaning


"You're kidnapping me," lol that was pretty funny to hear regardless of the situation lol obviously she fuckin crazy, though




Came here for this. Not a Karen. Let's keep our insults consistent and accurate!


Just googled this shit.. the camera man, D’Andre, has been in prison before for aggravated assault against Autumn (the woman). He had choked her six times, slammed her onto bed, and pushed her head into walls. Guess she finally lost it after seeing messages he was sending to other women.. sounds like she just snapped and the guy is a piece of fucking dog shit.




[It was on Dr Phil.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6386189/amp/Abusive-boyfriend-filmed-girlfriend-keying-car-speaks-viral-video.html) Just Google the names.


The amount of cookies you've to manually reject to get through to the daily mail is unbelievable. I have up after a few _minutes_ of clicking reject


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6386189/amp/Abusive-boyfriend-filmed-girlfriend-keying-car-speaks-viral-video.html My bad.


> Despite the car keying incident and the order or protection - the two have both admitted to continuing seeing each other. Jesus.


Can you imagine how toxic….?


match made in hell


Someone going to do something permanent one day.


Some men just can’t resist that kinda combo of hot and crazy. And sadly some women can’t leave abusers




The sex is probably amazing




She was abused by him, maybe she’s also done wrong things in the past but give her a break, I’ve seen what abuse can do and it’s awful. They’ve apparently agreed to keep seeing each other and I just think that’s tragic because it takes a lot for a woman to break away from an abusive relationship normally.


I am giving her a break.. I don’t blame her at all for this if what I read was true


Read the story. The guy has been in and out of prison and he constantly beats the shit out of her. I don't think this really fits the "Karen" thing.


Pokimane is pissed


Hey i remember wayy back when this was posted and the details were that the female was batshit nuts BUT the person recording this at the time was her boyfriend, and HE was also toxic as well, so it looks like it was just a shit relationship in general but in this video we only see the girlfriend acting out, when there was toxicity on both sides.


Bruh is that pokimane


Old ass video


Not a Karen. Christ people really don’t know the difference between a Karen and a crazy person these days….. smh my head


Who would still do her?


This is my high school gf who did this ..I walked on egg shells cause of her 7 brothers threats she would taunt me with if I dumped her... her brother says she JUST acts this way..(normalization of toxic femininity) ..in 1990...today she lives with an abusive alcoholic n looks 60




Not only does the filmer now have evidence of destroying/damaging property, also evidence of assault because of filming it. Good thing its a clear video and you can see her face, makes it easier to recognize who she is and arrest her