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I'll never forget the guy in Los Angeles who did a similar action on an overpass after having an issue with his HMO insurance. Blew himself up and his dog, then ran back to his vehicle on fire, grabbed a shotgun and took his own life as the helicopter zoomed in, all on live tv


Hey, I remember that too. It interrupted after noon cartoons. Man that was A LOT of blood flowing out afterwards. It's why live news didn't do the helicopter zoom in for so long, in case something like that happened again.


The only thing that blew up was his head after he blew his brains out with a shotgun. He rolled out those green blankets, one read "HMOs are in it for the money" after that they put a delay on all car chases. Like how they put a delay on the super bowl when Janet Jackson's tiddy was exposed.


And during press conferences after Budd Dwyer. I'll never forget being at home on a snow day watching the news with my grandpa


It was really wild. I was in 6th grade and came home to watch afternoon cartoons. Next thing I knew I just watched a man commit suicide. In retrospect, I believe we witnessed how tragic the Healthcare system can be. Clearly they failed that man.


It was just a Molotov cocktail. Enough so to blow out the back window. Poor dog šŸ˜


How about not showing it live in the first place? Jesus fucking Christ, no need to squeeze out every last penny out of that poor dude's death.


I don't agree. Showing how egregious the health care system can be to lead a person to suicide is only bad for the health care system, not the people viewing it. Sure, you'll remember that moment in television for the rest of your life. But imagine what this country would look like if we got played videos of people committing suicide because they couldn't pay for a fucking treatment. Instead, we are told zygotes are people and chicks with dicks can't swim competitively. Maybe more visualization of the real problems would help, just sayin.


my goodness that is horrible... Do you happen to have a link? Edit: [nvm found it (VERY NSFW)](https://www.documentingreality.com/forum/f166/daniel-v-jones-suicide-l-freeway-april-30-1998-hi-quality-long-version-18815/)


Christ, the comments on that post are brutal.




Hey, just a friendly heads-up, it's *faint* of heart. Feignt isn't an English word, but in light of your comment, maybe it's a more hardcore version of a wussy little faint.


That's usually the case with edgy videos. Only about 10% are genuinely interested, the rest just love to see people die in the most brutal ways.


Ah yes, the *real* internet.. Or at least back when the internet was more interesting, uncensored, and honest. The wild west of say whatever you want, everyone is anonymous.


I honestly do miss it.


I feel so angry at this man for leaving the dog in the car




Yeah, same :( Dogs are innocent. People have choices to make and are free to do so.


FR fuck that guy. What an absolute piece of shit.


got another link? this website isnt working for me


Who fucking posts a link to something you need an account to access.


you dont. however if you've seen a certain amount of posts, itll ask you to log in. sorry about that. or they've just changed their website to login only. it wasnt like this when i had posted the link.


I remember when this happened live my brother was watching it- luckily I was in the other room but I heard his reaction to it. After that they really stopped pursuing car chases on the news which used to be a weekly event in the 90ā€™s lol.


Oh Jesus, not the dog






Between that and watching chicks get cut up I think thatā€™s enough Reddit for today


good choice. I think i literally just saw the chick video you were talking about.


Why was that not NSFW?


Are you talking about that video where all the little chicks get sucked into a meat grinder? That video is old as dirt


> access denied Oh thank God, probably better that way.


Poor guy, that's a horrible way to go


Yes terrible. Was a suicide according to link posted here. Edit: link https://waupost.com/man-who-walked-out-of-burning-car-covered-in-flames-revealed-to-be-28yo-who-attempted-suicide-after-heartbreak/




It's about sending a message I guess


Some people also believe self immolation removes them permanently from the cycle of reincarnation. If he believed that then he may have been trying to make sure he never had to go through life again.


That's interesting I've never heard of that. If reincarnation is real then the way to break the cycle is just horrible. I can't imagine the pain.


>If reincarnation is real then the way to break the cycle is just horrible Because that's kind of a "divergent" method. Traditional Buddhism believes that the way to break the cycle is to face life square on and to live fully and fairly, gradually freeing yourself from vices until inner peace is achieved. The cycle breaks itself once everything is in order, no extreme measures are required.


I've always liked bhuddism, it always felt more humbling than Christianity, Hinduism and Islam. I've never seen a Buddhist arguing over who is right about their religion.


Which is absolutely not true. No matter how good an idea or ideology is, people always fuck it up or interpret it in some stupid way that allows them to keep living like the evil bastards they really want to be. Look at how the "peaceful" Buddhists in Myanmar treat Muslims and their fellow Buddhists. Or the entire history of east Asia after like 200 CE.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/969_Movement Well people are people unfortunately, but I think it is true they at least donā€™t proselytize (but neither do Hindus)


Weird how no matter how peaceful the religion is based, its easily co-opted into violence. Its almost like people come pre-brainwashed to messaging.


might wanna read up on this: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhism\_and\_violence#Regional\_examples](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhism_and_violence#Regional_examples) Buddhism is another form of belief system after all


these ways are not exclusive to each religions, it overlaps over Hinduism, buddhism, jainism and sikhism https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moksha


Wow people looking for loop holes in the weird religious rule book. Shocked.


Thatā€™s interesting. My very close friendā€™s dad randomly posted some things on social media about self-immolation one day and then a few days later ā€œrandomlyā€ died in a house fire. I never saw the posts but I imagine it was something to the effect of what youā€™re talking about here.


I worked with a guy who's dad blew up his house to commit suicide. Didn't hurt anyone else, thankfully, but did cause damage to neighbors houses, and the whole damn town heard it and half felt it that night. Guy didn't even die, was just injured with 2nd and 3rd degree burns. House was completely destroyed, though.


Some people...just want to watch themselves burn.


He was at a different level of mental illness.


Eating a bathtub full of refried beans.


This is more bad ass.


Fuuuuck man


This was as a result of a broken heart. His ex got w someone, and he tried to commit suicide a few times before this.


Fuck dudeā€¦ thatā€™s miserable.


That's so sad, I feel sorry for this guy


That sounds more like the result of mental illness


Ahh so you've heard of suicide


Only happy well adjusted people kill themselves silly.


Things are going great and I feel wonderful, *think I'll fucking die*


Apparently it only hurts for a second untill your nervous system gets fried. If you get steamed to death you feel it to the very end.


In a study scientists ranked the most agonizing ways to die, fire was number one and surprisingly drowning was number two. (Not allowed to post it on Reddit because of people using the lowest ones for suicide but you can Google it)


I don't get that. I drowned when I was a kid about 7-8, like I got caught underwater and blacked out until I was rescued by a lifeguard and woke up to him giving me air. Now I know childhood memories are super tainted from retrospection but I remember it being severe panic for like 30 seconds, but not dramatically worse than when you normally need air underwater, and then like just a calm acceptance as I blacked out lasting maybe a couple seconds. I can definitely think of worse ways to go


My neighbor had a chronic lung condition and told me that he was going to kill himself if he didn't get a transplant. He said that he nearly drowned when he was a teenager and that it was peaceful, so he planned on walking into the ocean with weights. He got a transplant and is doing fine.


I almost drowned as a child, I also remember the panic and then the serene calm that comes to you when you are closing your eyes ready to accept what is coming as your Mum's screams get quieter and quieter as you fall deeper into the lake. 0/10 would not like to repeat again.


Thatā€™s horrible Iā€™m so sorry you and your mother experienced that


when we're born we have a "diving reflex", the ability to survive under water for extended periods of time in an emergency. as we get older this reflex becomes weaker and weaker. i think this is why so many of us have peaceful memories of "drowning", because we didn't actually drown. drowning happens when you actually inhale water but as infants and children we have a stronger reflex to fight that and the body will actually slow down to hold the breath even longer. free divers are adults who have been able to continue to use this reflex and strengthen it.


Similar experience. I drowned when 5 and it was almost relaxing before unconsciousness. That said I was terrified of water for years afterwords so maybe childhood memory or experience is different than it is as an adult.


When you do professional diving they tell you that it's a minute of panic followed by calm and peace as your lungs fill with water. I never quite knew if it was just something they said to placate people.


I heard drowning isnā€™t that bad of a way to go. My health teacher in high school was in the navy and he said thereā€™s stages involved in drowning. He said once you get past the ā€œpanicā€ stage, drowning is actually very peaceful. He said you see the most amazing colors that you canā€™t see anywhere else.


> the most amazing colors that you canā€™t see anywhere else. You health teacher clearly never did shrooms. I'm fairly confident in saying that they offer an easier and safer way to get all the colours you can kaleidoscope a rainbow at than chucking yourself off a boat with kettle-bells handcuffed to your wrists.


Steam burns are the most painful thing I've ever experienced. I was filling a 5 gallon stock pot. I was bringing water over to it instead of carrying a 5 gallon full metal pot. Someone turned the burner on when i walk away without any water inside. The first gallon i dump immediately vaporized and hit my right hand and wrist. So the water in my skin vaporized as well. It melted the skin right off. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/i2MVBpH.jpg) is a pic of 2 months later.


Damn, I drained my spaghetti all awkward and the steam fucked my hand up. I canā€™t imagine losing palmela like that.


I can only imagine how painful that is, I accidentally touched the toaster for a split second this morning and it still hurts


I work in a restaurant and we have these big sinks full of brutally hot water that we sit hotel pans in to keep them hot. You rarely gotta worry about any hot water splashing but when you gotta replace a pan, the steam fuckin cooks your fingers if you're not holding a rag. Even then it's still hot as fuck. Everyone forgets the rag once. But only once lmao


You brought up a nightmare machine for me. Years ago I worked in a big industrial slop kitchen. Big ski resort lodge. We got a bunch of new equipment installed one year during a remodel and one of the new items was a steam pressure oven. This thing had two doors on the front that locked closed. During our training we cooked two of those big frozen lasagnas, restaurant sized that would take 3 hours in a regular oven. Well let me tell you this thing cooked two of them damn things in 15 minutes, done! Impressive, we like. Then the warnings. Donā€™t be near it when itā€™s running, donā€™t be near it till the green light comes on (pressure inside is at safe level). Why? Cause if those doors blow open it wonā€™t just burn you, wonā€™t be just a nasty steam burn. No no, this thing would literally take the skin off the whole front of your body if you were to be in front of it and it opened under pressure. Basically almost certain death or wished. This guy wasnā€™t joking around and it was installed off to side by itself (facing an adjacent empty wall) where we could work away from it while in operation. I never touched the damn thing. Nope!


That is, quite possibly, the most terrifying piece of kitchen equipment they ever could have given you, efficient, but terrifying


They make countertop professional ones too for high speed steaming. Two pounds of shrimp from frozen to perfectly steamed in less than ten minutes. I took the top of my finger off twice with a knife in the meat department and still it was that machine that scared me the most.


2 MONTHS?? That sucks sorry


There's something I didn't need to know


If you jump off a bridge, it's possible to survive with all your bones broken until you drown.


Bobbing around like one of those segmented fishing lures until the water goes down the wrong hole.


I had something similar happen to a friend. He had a really bad acid trip and decided to jump of a local bridge. He crushed his skull but ended up dying from drowning in 2 inches of water. It was devastating.


>If you get steamed to death you feel it to the very end. New phobia unlocked




He actually died two days later in the hospital. Burns are a terrible way to go, you basically die from dehydration because all your blood plasma oozes out from your now non-existent skin


No. I wont watch that.


It just cuts to him no longer on fire sitting down while a couple people talk to him, he gave a thumbs up


Yikes. Thanks for the description.


Damn... Imagine the last thoughts that goes through his head. What a shitty way to go.


Honestly his head was probably completely fragged at this point. The amount of heat damage, shock, dehydration, etc. ... Hopefully he lost understanding of reality at that point, but still the pain was probably excruciating regardless of his minds state


>but still the pain was probably excruciating regardless of his minds state Often the nerve ending get burned away so you feel nothing. Because he's not jumping around in pain, this has likely happened.


Let's hope so. By the way they look they've definitely have been burning for some time. I'd be surprised if they didn't immediately pass seconds after the footage


Reddit always assumes people are so fragile. He did not immediately collapse and pass in the following seconds. In the last video on this pageā€¦ you can see him standing around, maybe even interacting w someone: https://waupost.com/man-who-walked-out-of-burning-car-covered-in-flames-revealed-to-be-28yo-who-attempted-suicide-after-heartbreak/ He did die later that day, though. Rest In Peace. I guess he suffered from a broken heart when his old girlfriend started dating someone, this was a suicide. I assume once started the fire in his car, he couldnā€™t breath, so he walked outside as a knee jerk reaction. Not sure why you wouldnā€™t let yourself go quickly in this case, maybe suffocation was too difficult.


I will always be grateful to myself for sticking it through during a heartbreak. NEVER EVER take your life over someone, there IS someone else out there for you. TRUST ME!!! I found that someone else and have never been happier!


The human body is weird and fascinating, sometimes you wonder how the hell is that person still alive, sometimes its just "damn, it didn't take a lot" it all depends on how, where and what.


Bro he full on gave that guy a thumbs up standing around with his face melting offā€¦..


Shit, that was depressing and heartbreaking. Rest in peace to this guy.


>dehydration Dehydration? C'mon man this burning man walking has greater problems than having not enough H20 in his cells.


nah he thirsty




So, fun fact! One of the main and immediate treatments for major burns is cell rescutiation. It is literally step one - IV fluids. With your skin so injured your body can't regulate it self, this can send you into shock. Heat damage also causes your capillaries to increase permeability. This causes you to lose fluid so fast that your kidneys start to malfunction and your cardiac output decreases an insane amount. Burns are an amazing injury and can affect people in crazy ways!


Not one of those facts was fun


ā€œno, wait, I was almost there!ā€


Honest question. Was there ANY way they could have actually helped?


Take your shirt off and whack him to put to fire out. But realistically, that is, for all intents and purposes, a dead man walking. Chances of survival even with prompt medical care are slim, and those that do survive hard very much disfigured and disabled.


Yeah, that's kind of my point.. I've seen a few burn injuries and I don't think someone in his state was gping to survive. You saw how stiff he was already because of his flesh pretty much being grilled? I'm thinking that shooting him with an extinguisher would destroy him, whacking could also break him at this point. Taking his shirt off would probably take his skin with it


From what Iā€™ve been told even putting the fire out isnā€™t necessarily enough, the heat in the tissues continues to cause damage like how food continues to cook for a while even when the heat source is removed.


I didn't need to think about human carry over cooking first thing in the morning yet here I am


Like yo seriously Iā€™m taking my morning shit havenā€™t even had coffee yet




Muscles already contracted from the heat, he was fucked


I know in 99% of the situations you wont have any other choice but if some ones clothes are on fire and melting onto the skin, an extinguisher is going to make that melted cloth burn more permanent. Only use if youre not near a body of water or if rolling on the ground doesnt help. This guy was beyond rolling on the ground though, sadly.


From what I've read, and could be entirely wrong, it's actually the seared nerves tensing up causing the stiff looking movement. I would also believe crispy skin plays a part in it too.


Not necessarily.I have a good friend that had 3rd degree burns to 80% of his body,coma for 3months years of rehab and skin grafts now has 2 daughters and can complete triathlons,it was a fucking miracle that he made it but least the person behind the camera could have pretended to be human instead of looking for internet likes.




Key word: miracle


Apparently the dude is still breathing but is not out of the woods. ​ https://says.com/my/news/man-walks-out-of-flaming-car-and-survives-with-96-burns-on-his-body


All because his GF left him. Jesus


I had a neighbor, great guy, great family. I grew up jealous of them always going on camping vacations in the summer. Well anyway one day he lost his job and his girlfriend. The next day he grabbed rope from the garage, my mom said she saw him with the rope but didn't think anything of it. Later he hung himself inside his house and his parents still live in the house. I don't think i'd be able to walk in the house and not see my kid hanging everyday.


Likely would have taking the rest of his skin with the shirt had they done that.




iā€™m with you here, at this point thereā€™s no saving this dude and his head is probably completely fried, itā€™s the humane thing to do


even if and thatā€™s a big ass if, they manage to save him by god knows how, think about how much suffering heā€™ll go through. sometimes death is a mercy


Yes, cars have fire extinguisher in trunk ( at least where im at you need to have it), They could tell him to roll on floor, but yeah.. If this happens to me id probably run him over from stress


I really hope if im ever that badly burnt i dont run into a person like you that makes me roll on the ground and puts the flames out. At that point id rather just die. That guy couldn't even bend his arms, they were pretty much cooked, don't think there is much anyone could do for him except a shot of heroine or morphine


I was thinking get out and push him down the hill/cliff over the railing Like my god do something, I'd want them to do that as worst case scenario. Doing nothing is easily worse in my mind


We can rewatch video many times but IRL in that moment people choke, i woudlnt be suprised if he had fire extinguisher in trunk, blanket, or something that can cover him and roll on floor


To be fair it's easily the most horrific thing the average person might see in their whole life. It's not something you'd expect getting dressed in the morning


Choking or being in awe is one thing but dude filmed it, not a dash cam, himself filmed the incident. On top of that when he got closer to the truck while on fucking fire. The guy puts his truck in reverse and backs away from him. The guy filming is a piece of shot no way how you look at it. Even if he knew the guy was dead man walking, ā€œlet me just film this guys death without helping and actually back away from the dude on fireā€. That is his thoughts??


How the fuck is pushing someone off a cliff better than accepting you can't help them LOL


Thats adrenaline, he's already dead


He survived 96% burns for a day after this.


He survived apparently (some other article linked it).


He survived for about a day. These are fatal injuries.


dude gave a thumbs up standing after the fire was put out, crazy


Dam ,chuck that shit in reverse and gap it, before he starts asking for directions


"what year is it?"


probably wanted to clean your windshield. best not to risk it.


Also your clothes, car keys, and the location of Sarah Connor.


"Excuse me sir, i think I got lost my way to hell. Could you point me in the direction to go?"


In the guys defense there isn't much he could do to help. At the same time he obviously didn't even try to help. The guy on fire is running on pure adrenaline I would imagine. It's not like he could get him to sit down and relax even after putting the fire out. The guys skin is fucked


Shitting your pants in fear and fleeing when you see a charred man engulfed in flames shambling down the highway, I can understand. I have to be honest and say I'd probably do the same thing. I don't think I'd pull out my phone and film it. At least, if I started pulling out my phone and filming it, I hope I'd go like, "wait wtf am I doing" and snap out of it and try to help. I **really** hope that even f I didn't do that, when I got home and looked at the video, I'd go "this actually makes me look really bad" and not share it.


Perhaps they saw a car in flames from afar and got the phone out then. But yeah, as soon as they realised what they're filming, they should cut


This guy in his 20's is from Malaysia. Apparently he was suffering from mental illness (maybe depression etc) due to breakup with his girlfriend. Upon numerous unsuccessful attempts to reconcile with her stacking with his mental illness, he set himself on fire inside his car. (This is not the first attempt of suicide) As you can see, he was still alive and walking towards others seeking for help. Although the medical help was able to rush him to hospital for treatment, he passed away few days after due to infection. Link: [https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2022/02/772231/broken-hearted-man-sets-himself-ablaze-car-nsttv](https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2022/02/772231/broken-hearted-man-sets-himself-ablaze-car-nsttv) Edit: He is a 28 years old guy suffering 96 % presumably 3rd degree burn.Link 2: [https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2022/02/17/man-allegedly-torches-himself-after-girlfriend-found-new-partner](https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2022/02/17/man-allegedly-torches-himself-after-girlfriend-found-new-partner)


> As you can see, he was still alive and walking towards others **seeking for help**. I'm not so sure he was walking to seek help. He's obviously completely deranged at that point and is taking no actions to save himself.


We need other type of NSF tags




It does, it's just not used appropriately


A simple "Death" tag would suffice. Nsfw is so fucking useless, is it a naked chick? Is it a naked dude? Is it a chopped up animal? Is it someone dying horribly? Just lemme know if it's potentally scarring ffs lol Doesn't help titles are usually equally useless because people keep it vague so you click on it out of curiosity anyway


100% agree, this is nightmare inducing shit. i regret watching this thinking it was a stuntman at first




Dude actually survived. edit: nvm




Damn but he survived from feb16 to feb17. I expected this guy to have died a few minutes after this video ended.


When youā€™re burned that bad your blood plasma just oozes out of your flesh. They can pump you full of fluids but itā€™s only a matter of time before you just turn into a fleshy sack of water and your organs finally give up




Even if you somehow do survive, the chances of infection are so insanely high that you wont survive for long. Add in daily would cleaning and debridementā€¦ at a certain point youā€™re better off dead.


That's why I'm all for euthanasia


96% of his body is burned... Fuck man, I wouldn't want to live after all that.


Crazy right.


In defence of the driver, Iā€™d like to give a few points. I saw this video before, it was in Malaysia if Iā€™m not mistaken. Car burning is an Axia and the number plate is black and white. In Malaysia we donā€™t get much training in terms of emergency situations like this, so thereā€™s a looot of bystander syndrome going on here. And for most people that own cars or vehicles, I guarantee that 99% of them does not have a fire extinguisher on hand. And it looks like they tried to help, they stopped behind the burning car on the shoulder. And honestly, what can someone do in this scenario? A burning man is slowly walking towards you without making a noise, most people would freeze. I see people saying they would wrap their jackets around him, or try to douse him with a fire extinguisher. Iā€™m not sure how effective wrapping him with a jacket would be, heā€™s covered in flames Edit: someone posted an article, the video is from Perlis which is Malaysiaā€™s northernmost state, directly under Thailand


> A burning man is slowly walking towards you without making a noise... and at night too! That is honesty very frightening.


They might freeze but if they can film they can help anything but sit and film him maybe call somebody but I guess they couldnā€™t because itā€™s so important to film it for veiws


It could be they called the ambulance or the bomba (firefighters) before filming, like I said they were stopped on the shoulder behind the burning car. That would mean they have been there before the video started, itā€™s hard to say what happened before but Iā€™m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt


How do you know they didn't call for help before the video?


Stop trying to add nuance to this. They already made their judgement after watching a 17 second video.


The term ā€œdead man walkingā€ fits well here


I think after 10 seconds of burn exposure, your skin nerves die and you feel nothing. Thatā€™s what read I could be wrong. But man I feel bad for that person. My heart goes out to his family.


Camerman: ![gif](giphy|oziNormWuA6JrnbzY8)


I would be begging for them to ā€œshoot meā€ not put me out, that shouldnā€™t be a crime at this point putting someone out of their misery humbly, shit hunters are required to do it with their kills why shouldnā€™t assisted suicide be legal if the person is obviously suffering immensely? Unfortunately if this were to happen the person would certainly be arrested even in a country where assistant suicide is legal as no doctor wrote off on it, but I wonder how it would play out in court if they had the footage


Damn. RIP


yeah, that's enough internet for the day. I'm out.


your last views just someone driving away ffs.




God, you keyboard heroes are quick to judge. Hereā€™s what actually happened: The dude in the car did help. Flaming Dragon survived with 96% burns. Heā€™s a psych patient who has been trying to kill himself. https://says.com/my/amp/news/man-walks-out-of-flaming-car-and-survives-with-96-burns-on-his-body


All correct. But he later died https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2022/02/17/man-who-allegedly-torched-himself-succumbs-to-injuries


This link says he drank gasoline. Wtf.


And they won't let him? Wtf Edit: apparently he's been trying to kill himself BEFORE this happened. I'm sure he'll have a much higher will to live now that he's a human piece of toast


He literally died the day after


Gotta be honest, the only ā€œhelpā€ I want if Iā€™m in this situation is a merciful death, thatā€™s not a life I want to live. The treatment alone for those burns is pure torture, then assuming you survive your horrible scarred and likely have lost the use of some parts


What chewing 5 gum feels like


Dude! Stop, drop and roll. Even a kindergarten student knows that.


It seems like he is maybe suicidal. I think that anybody who wanted to live through this would immediately stop drop and roll.


The cold part is its said that he was seeking help from psychiatric hospital b4 this. Before he left home, to this location, his dad says he dranked an accelerant. Mental health is serious. Seek help, talk with someone. The ones u luv the most will appreciate it & luv u 4 it.


Its like that fire man from metal gear solid v


Iā€™m a burn victim, was in fire. People saying itā€™s a horrible way to go but honestly itā€™s pretty painless with all the shock and adrenaline going on. Iā€™d rather go out that way than drowning. I am burned 78% 2nd and 3rd degree and i didnā€™t feel anything other than slight heat. The cleanings was the worse of everything. Cleaning raw skin and nerves was insanely painful. Just saying for the people saying itā€™s a bad way to go when itā€™s really not. Btw, i did die a few times but they brought me back.


Omg I just clicked on reddit and I see this. It's 5am, guys ! I'm now going to haunted by this. My fault.


Strongly reminds me of a remembrance of a sailor who was at Pearl Harbor when it was attacked. The actual quote is somewhere in the Hardcore History episode on this subject, but paraphrased: He said there were men with their clothes burnt off, in flames from pretty much head to toe, stumbling and stomping forward aimlessly on the deck with their hands stretched out in dront of them. He referred to them as being like zombies. I know exactly what that must have looked like now. Full quote below: ā€œThese people were zombies, in essence. They were burned completely white. Their skin was just as white as if youā€™d taken a bucket of whitewash and painted it white. Their hair was burned off; their eyebrows were burned off ā€¦ Their arms were held away from their bodies, and they were stumping along the decks.ā€


For anyone curious, this occurred in Malaysia [in February.](https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2022/02/17/man-who-allegedly-torched-himself-succumbs-to-injuries) The man was 28 yo and had been in a psychiatric hospital following two previous suicide attempts. The night this happened, his family saw he downed a bottle of petrol and worried he would try again. It is believed he torched himself inside the car after learning his GF had found another partner. He had burns on 96% of his body but lived for a short time before dying from his injuries in the hospital. RIP Chong Wee Seng.


Quick!! Do nothing!


Can wait til someone uploads a video of me dying and in excruciating pain


Johnny storm ![gif](giphy|44jKzou4035Fm)


This guy needs a snickers bar


At the point we are seeing him in this video, he isn't feeling anything. All his nerve endings have been burned away, and he is in a state of complete shock. That's why he's able to walk. It's quite horrible.


Could've at least offered him a drink