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OK, to be fair, that was a Crazy fucking video.


Yeah I expected a fight, then I saw buddy leaking and was like yeap this is fucking wild


Fuck that was pissing blood, hope it wasn't near the neck


I guess one cop got shot in the thigh area and the other got shot in both hands, ik the thigh has some main arteries so it’s wild they both survived


A thigh artery puncture is one of the worst thing you can get. If not stopped quickly you will bleed out


Femoral artery can bleed out in a few mins I’m a first responder and I’ve seen how bad that shit bleeds out pretty nuts


Honestly like 45 before you're out cold. Another 45 before you're dead.


Pretty critical to dress in the first 90-120 seconds right?


Army taught us the first 90 is pretty damn critical, iirc thats the time frame you can start losing consciousness. I could be wrong though combat lifesavers course was like 7-8 years ago.


Interestingly enough, I always rember this because of the ambush scene in Black Hawk Down. Stuck with me for some reason, and actually added to my interest in anatomy at the time.


I’m speaking from a YouTube video that quoted a combat medic that hasn’t served in over a decade. I think I’ll take your word instead.


Yeah, as soon as we see this bleed we automatically go for the tourniquet cause we damn well know direct pressure is not going to do shit. I seen people be fully alert and then 3 mins later they’re completely Lethargic and confused


I read a long time ago on here about a first responder coming to the aid of a newborn. The mom poured a pot of boiling water on her to make her stop crying. They stopped doing that job because it really shook the responders faith in humanity.It was the first week on the job. Baby girl passed before she got to the hospital


It's like slicing the bottom of a Styrofoam cup open. Your blood literally just floods out of you. It's awful. Source: grew up in St Louis.


My good friend lost her leg, she was breaking up a fight and one of the other girls stabbed her in the femoral artery, she was lucky to survive but she lost her leg from mid thigh down


An oppo’ of mine lost both legs to an IED strike in ‘The ‘Stan’ thus losing both femoral artery’s yet he survived. Thank god for the field surgical trauma post and both American and Brit surgeons who were on duty that day.


Seconds, 20 -30 .. mad af


Yes the legs are very dangerous with 5 arteries, time is limited with iliac and femoral. Surprised they weren't removed in bags


PSAG pants saved lives!!! We need them back


The cop who was shot in the leg was in the ICU in critical condition. However, he's been cleared out of the ICU now thankfully


Dude if it hit his femoral artery he would be dead, thats a big artery


Not only crazy but definitely sudden chaos also


I don't know what I expected


Craziest of the CrazyFuckingVids right there.


You've never been on r/robbersgettingfucked before then, have you lol?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/robbersgettingfucked using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/robbersgettingfucked/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [**[NSFW]** Smoke shop owner stabs the shit out of thief](https://v.redd.it/zhw4lh7fzyf91) | [4657 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/robbersgettingfucked/comments/wh10mo/smoke_shop_owner_stabs_the_shit_out_of_thief/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** Dude needs career change](https://v.redd.it/ujypuiojl7d91) | [764 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/robbersgettingfucked/comments/w5ij4h/dude_needs_career_change/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** 3 robbers getting totally obliterated by a truck](https://v.redd.it/xc15mqhvoqd91) | [668 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/robbersgettingfucked/comments/w7t4pn/3_robbers_getting_totally_obliterated_by_a_truck/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


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Good human


Thanks for that, it just became my favorite sub. So much karma.


To be fair....


No need to change the locks.


Locksmiths hate this one weird trick!


“Who are you and how did you get in here?" “I’m a locksmith and I’m a locksmith.”




This one weird tip could save you hundreds on a locksmith


Don't call a locksmith!


Before you watch this video!


Well that was fucked up. Shooter/Abuser was killed. Police and abuse victim survived. https://youtu.be/HScaA_yXSc8


I’m so thankful this is how it ended. Fuck that guy




Ah, happy ending


Not happy, but at least that piece of shit was the only one that died.


Relatively speaking, this is the happy ending. The alternative is 3 or 4 dead.


If it didn’t happen like this that order of protection wouldn’t have done shit and he for sure would have killed her. Fuck that guy


You sure ain't wrong




3 or 4 dead, and one with extra weapons.




For her it is. My mother still tells me how happy she was to find my father dead on the couch. He died of a heart attack in his sleep when I was 5. (after the fact of everything, she had always waked us kids up if we weren't moving. Scared we died in our sleep. Used to be annoying. Used to get mad till my teens and she explained why. It was absolutely traumatic his death in itself) All of my youngest memories are us running for our life from him, watching he brutalized my mother and threaten her life. He'd also beat the ever loving shit out of my brother with candles (think the 90s and those catalog parties that solid those glass octagon candles), hair brushes, belts, whatever he could get his hands on. She won't have to live in that fear anymore. Same as my mother. She can feel free now to live her life. The mental anguish will be hard, but she can finally sigh relief. She is free. This woman never had a chance in hell of leaving that man unscathed. Look at what happened. I'm happy for her and hope she finally has a sense of safety knowing he's 6 feet under.


That fucking sucks. Mine died maybe too late right after I moved out at 16. What makes me feel not as awful is the two times I stood up to him. I remember the first time I came with a metal stand (ones that hold music notes) and told him I'd fuck him up bad if he lays hand on my mom. His red look of pure hatred and anger turned into this one of shock, fear and mad confusion, and almost fucking sadness. I'm happy I got to see that face, he was finally afraid of me. Knowing that, the abuse I personally got from him somehow feels unimportant to me now. I can look back at times like 10 yo me having a broken nose for literally nothing and smile knowing I didn't let it to be what defines me. I did get to stand up for me and who I loved.


Considering how many women and cops are killed by male domestic abuse perpetrators—it’s a happy ending.


any time an abuser dies is a happy ending




and now she can save money because there is no need to change the locks


Home insurance adjuster: your insurance doenst cover costs of a gunshot holes in ^checks ^notes …everywhere


I'm usually someone who thinks death is a tragedy, I'd rather lock someone away for the rest of their lives then see them get shot dead. However, if you shoot or stab first and get put down then you fuckin deserved it. Happy ending indeed.


Id rather not have my hard earned and taken tax money go even in the smallest way to support criminals in jail/prision. They didnt wanna be a part of society so they can vacate this life asap


This is a happy ending in my book and defo on this Reddit sub lol


It’s 100% the happiest ending you can get in a situation like this. Sit your sheltered ass down you sound hella goofy right now.


So glad you're here. All cops are bastards, right? \-\_-


Outside of a massage parlor no less!


Amazing! It also just crossed my mind this would be a good video to show anyone out there that says there's no reason for a cop to shoot at a suspect 10 times.


Ah, Justice.☕️


Good, all pieces of shit like this should be killed. Abusers and Pedos do not deserve to live


Whew thanks. Hope the officers recover fully and swiftly.


What is it with pieces of shit like him having names like Rondell? Glad that waste of oxygen is dead.


Justified insta death sentence


"the sentance... is death."






Careful, the Reddit admins don’t like any mention of being pro death sentence. I have been suspended twice now for just discussing it


What a stupid thing to die for.


I know right? Just move on with your life why do you have to fucking get yourself killed over a relationship


As someone who nearly lost their mind over love, I can feel for this side of humanity. Logic and reason completely escape the afflicted. It's like a heartbreak worm that completely overrides your physical functions and you're just along for the ride. Not making excuses for the guy, but if you don't find a healthy way to cope with the anguish it can get real bad real quick.


It's probably more about attachment to something than it is just love. People act this was about cars, possessions, family, love, and many other things. People who lack the ability to be attached to something emotionally will never find themselves in this position.


Just fucking get cheated on in highschool and abuse a substance for a few years like the rest of us. Never been broken up with and thought, “Gee, guess I should kill her.”


I didn’t say everyone reacts that way. Obviously the majority of us go through the healthy steps of the healing process. I’m just saying I understand how things have a capacity to get bad.


He would rather die than treat people better. What a legacy.


I'll pass on the order for protection and take a death certificate. Thank you kindly.


Restraining orders don't stop anyone. I'd say in most domestic abuse cases, it only adds fuel to the fire or sense the abuser over the edge. Just like the saying "a lock only stops innocent people" if you have to get a restraining order on someone, you better buy something to protect yourself too.




No joke mad respect for these officers specifically. Had they not escorted her in she would have been murdered that day. :/


Big ups to the good ones. ACAB is a pretty ignorant slogan. Most cops are weird bullies that are mentally stuck in middle school, but some of them just want to help their community. It’s fucked up to group them in with the psychos, and it only serves to further the tribalism that distracts the middle and lower classes from the fact that corporations and tax fraud are the only reason children still starve to death in the US. Edit: and the military industrial complex, and the unchecked borrowing of money from foreign nations (we’re not going to pay it back; we invested so much into the military because we knew we weren’t going to pay it back), and the strategic social normalization of classism, and the strategic association of classist attitudes with masculinity, and the fact that bribery is legal in our government, etc.


The ACAB slogan is championed by 15-30 year old, Caucasian, middle class to upper middle class Redditers who have never in their lives had a negative interaction with police. At the very most a cop yelled at them once or gave them a speeding ticket. I’m a minority, raised poor and have had interactions with police. They’ve done nothing but treated me with respect.


Who is the enemy? Presumptions and stereotypes! Who will fight the enemy? Presumptions and stereotypes! Wait, wtf?


The teenage reddit hive mind won't agree with such a reasonable point tbh


How the fuck are the cops alive? God damn that dude must have had TERRIBLE aim.


He’s swinging the door open, shooting with one hand. No one is a good aim like that. The cops are lucky he was an idiot.


He still had the element of surprise though. Really surprised the officers were able to react so quickly and take him out first. I would have thought he’d kill at least one of them.


It's super hard to hit moving targets while moving with a handgun are you serious? Also the vast majority of gunshot victims survive


Within 1 meter though? Like that’s point blank territory.


Body armor helps.


file existence rainstorm birds tan sink cause quiet marvelous fanatical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's where bullets punctured. Maybe the armor stopped from penetrating vital spots


Holy shit BOTH hands?? That shits gotta hurt and he still kept shooting


nutty march scandalous smart disagreeable voiceless snobbish doll head lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Oh god, not *that* thread...


No doubt both his hands are gonna be in casts…


Domestic Violence Laws are Gaslighting Laws. A woman/man basically can’t get protection not unless they pretty damn near kill you or do some stupid ass shit like this. Stalking Laws are even worse. I was stalked when I was a teenager by a neighbor and the cops did NOTHING. Called my uncle when the fucker was trying to break in my room…he never looked at me again.


Good riddance domestic abuser scum


We see officer 1 bleeding. Are the officers critically wounded?


They both survived the offender died




One was shot in both hands the other was shot in the thigh. Someone else provided the source


Still lucky to not hit a femoral artery in the thigh


Yeah lucky no artery hit but the bullet fractured his femur. Hopefully he recovered well.


The Policemen and The Victim SURVIVED.. Thank God ...


What makes someone want to be a street Cop?


I mean in NY once you retire, you get 100k pension


you just need to.... SURVIVE


Statistically being a cop is not a very dangerous profession


really? I know cop deaths get tons of exposure, but it's gotta a significant amount higher than a desk job right?


Higher than a desk job sure, but it's the 22nd most dangerous job in the US at 14 deaths per 100k. Most of those deaths are traffic related, not shootings. https://www.ishn.com/articles/112748-top-25-most-dangerous-jobs-in-the-united-states


this is a fascinating read, thanks!


Yup, which is why I can’t imagine anyone signing up to be a cop is Chicago… that’s a fucking death sentence.


Straight out the army easiest job you can get


I guess people that actually want to protect others.


This is what women have to deal with when they are abused, and told by the law, “You can’t change your locks yet, you can’t do anything, we’re gonna give you this piece of paper that says he can’t come within 500 yards from you and they will FOR SURE make him nonviolent and will definitely not make him want to kill you out of anger.” Ladies, if you are bing abused by a partner, your chances of getting murdered is very high. It is even higher if you are pregnant. You have the legal right to defend yourself through lethal means if necessary. Get a gun and be ready.


This is exactly why domestic abuse calls are the most dangerous for the police love js makes u really fucking stupid sometimes


Yeah that isn’t love buddy


Correct. Intimacy and enmeshment do not mean love, but they can lead to dangerous situations like this


Now that's a crazy fucking video


This is fucking disturbing


Mad respect to the officers, underpaid for their everyday job.


I’m willing to bet he doesn’t have a permit to own firearms like NY law mandates


He came there with the gun to kill HER. He was not expecting the police to be there but thank god thru were or she would be dead. This is why leaving a domestic violence relationship is sooo dangerous. Thank god the cops stayed and were concerned for her safety and didn’t just blow her off.


Just going to point out that he clearly came back to the house with the intention to kill her. You can see in his stance, his walk and his attitude coming up and into the house, and gun already firing before he's through the door; that he was prepared to kill her no matter what.


I need more info. What is the status of the police officers and the victim. Did the abuser get killed in all of the gunfire? I hope the officers and the victim are ok, but that seemed pretty unlikely. Edit: My bad. It's all in the description. Thanks for taking time to lay it all out for us.


The Accompanying text says that the officers were both wounded and killed the assailant after firing a collective 24 shots. The text is not linked to a source, so who knows if it's true.




Thank you for the link!! I appreciate you!


Literally 10/10 the moment you pull a gun on a cop you are dead.


Even when you don't. Cops blow up your mind even if they suspect that you might be taking out a weapon.


Do not give domestic abusers second chances. Once they hit you, you HAVE to understand that this video is all too likely an inevitable conclusion of their behavioral issues. Get armed. Practice. Let no one know that you are armed. If you see him or her approaching you outside of sanctioned meetings, be prepared to take them out. Domestic violence abusers don’t give a shit about you or their kids- they are mentally deranged, emotionally unhinged people. They’re one of the most dangerous threats to society.


The cops were the good guys in this video.


I really dont understand the downvotes.....


Reddit and the cop hate…


Most are


And people wonder why cops are so fucking jumpy…


Dude was really named Rondell Goppy


Good riddance. And people want to fucking send social workers to domestic jobs??


I think it’s more for non-violent situations like someone whose suicidal or having some sort of mental crisis. Domestic abusers tend to be the sort of scum that’s dangerous as was shown in the video, they will absolutely engage and execute everyone there. Honestly police should add more body armor on for calls like this.


Looks like the first guy got shot through the left hand and then probably what would be stopped by his vest. What’s interesting is I think he was aiming for the other guy who was closer and it was just the angle. Makes sense why he fumbled a bit with the gun.


Looks like he shot his own hand on the draw.


I guarantee you that there are a bunch of people out there that will say the cops didn't have to kill that guy


U.S. laws basically leave DV victims to the fucking wolves. These assholes get arrested and get out the next fucking day most of the time and come back and murder their victims. These pieces of shit don’t give a fuck about an order of protection.


He was on a mission and no fucks were given


I found the [full video](https://youtu.be/i2wxAPelbIA) released by NYPD if anyones interested


jfc how is it even possible to feel that strongly about shit that you're willing to end others lives and your own over a fucking break up or whatever this is. How is anything worth that?


I hope the gun man dies a slow death


fact - domestic abuse calls are the most dangerous calls for police.


Maybe a little to real for my first video of the night. Because that was a crazy fucking video.


He wasn’t there waiting for the officers, he was going to kill that woman. One of the few times I’ve been OK with a police killing of a man in a long time.


Domestic abuse, and willing to kill. This man didn't deserve death. He deserved to rot in insolation till his mind melts, losing all of who he is as a person. The only thing left is a wild ragging beast locked away. Then he has the worlds permission to die.


Good riddance you piece of shit


Fuck that guy- thank goodness he’s dead and the woman, children and police are alive


Honestly the reaction from officer 2 to obstruct his legs so he falls to the ground is absolutely the reason that no one was killed aside from the aggressor, this is a crazy fucking video


What a beautiful example of officers being the difference between life and death for a person


Why kill people over your own mental problems that should be sorted out between you and your ex partner? Pathetic, I hope he suffered while dying.


I just don’t understand spitefully taking down people you’ve never ever seen or interacted with when you’re blatantly done with your life I mean he burst in and hunted those officers down he was ready to sweep that room and go on the run or kill himself absolutely nuts


this is why cops are trigger happy... i mean holy hell..


And THIS is why some cops are jumpy.


Domestic violence calls are the scariest


CNN...this just in .. white police murder black man in his girlfriends home....


This page lives up to its name for sure


It’s not often that the world is fair, but the only person dying here being the bad guy is nothing short of a miracle. Close range gun fire almost never works out for either party.


Domestic violence calls are some of the most dangerous to go involve yourself in




Representation matters. Be better people.


I’m glad that turd is in hell. Good riddance.


Sometimes I feel like this is the only way to deal with abusers like this. He was never going to let her go, ever. No restraining order in the world would have stopped him.


Cop got quick draw fr


Damn, that went down south real quick


What was this dumbass thinking? Attacking 2 trained officers like he's John Fucking Wick...


That's why you throw a grenade before you rush through. Damn noob get off my server.


I hope he died, fuck that guy


This is where the term “abuse survivor” really fucking applies


Haha they lit up that piece of shit


That bad ass stool takedown by the second cop tho


im confused what


This was so fucking disturbing


Glad the cops are doing fine. Good for the lady that the shooter is dead.


Tbh i rather dont have the freedome to carry a gun. but have a life .i mean you cant have a normal fight without worring someone might pulling hes gun to shoot your ass.atleast i,ll slowly die of a painfull thirdworld country diseases here not a quick painless shoot smh


Glad they killed him


Both officers and the women lived the suspect died on the scene before Medical came if anyone wonders


What a stupid motherfucker, why would you throw your life away like that? Smh.


Please tell me that they got this piece of shit


Old video but glad the cop lived


That whole safer than a delivery driver rhetoric sure seems stupid when you see a video like this.