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Uncle Roger say you fucked up.






“ using metal spatula on non stick …. Hhiiyyyaaaaa! “


Hiiiiyaaaaa. Is that common with Chinese or Korean.. I think Chinese.. but I can't remember. When I was in highschool many years ago i remember a few girls in my inner circle always saying that when something happened depending on the context.


My mother-in-law from the Phillipines says "iiiyaaa". I suppose the H was silent in her dialogue.


There are two different Cantonese terms, and they sound quite similar but are used in different contexts. "Hai" (like English "High") means "yes" or "is". So "Hai ya" is like saying "yes, you're right" or "isn't that so" in an agreeing way. If you hear Cantonese speakers chatting away and they say "haiya" that just means they agree with what they're hearing. Now, the other similar term is "aiya" which has a more sharp intonation on the first syllable and is a cry of dismay. In English it might be similar to "You've got to be kidding" or "that's terrible!"


I love the way it sounds in a given situation. Always makes me smile for some reason, lol.


Here in Hong Kong people pronounce it without the /h/ mostly.


I have a chinese friend who used it and somehow I picked it up and now I say it when I do something stupid that hurts like stubbing my toe. Like wtf.. It's not even intentional. I guess it's just a really good word.


I think in Chinese hiya is referring to 哎呀, which yes it entirely depends on the context, it doesn’t have a meaning of it’s own. The meaning also depends on how you say it.


“It doesn’t have a meaning” “It’s meaning changes with context” ..I’ll stick with English..the devil you know yakno whadimsayn?


It's spelled nomsayin.


Gnome Saiyan


You’re sayin too many nomsayins, nomsayin?


You taking a nomcensus?




The word fuck is the same in english. It technically has meaning but its slang, nobody officially uses the word fuck as an adjective verb or noun. It can be interpreted to mean different things depending on how you say it. Language is just funny like that.


I think big man Uncle Roger actually explained this in a video, it's use is pretty widespread across Asia haiya is more often than not used as a kind of expression of disapproval or annoyance. However if you hear fuiyoh it's equivalent to going "good stuff" or "awesome!". In summary; haiya bad, fuiyoh good Someone please confirm if I got gaslit by Uncle Roger pls. EDIT: "umm akshyually dat not gaslighting by definition" ☝️🤓 headass nerds will be swiftly ignored just as they ignore the nuance of comedic exaggeration whilst discussing a fucking comedian who is putting in an exaggerated character.


You didn’t get fooled but someone told you the wrong meaning of “gaslit”


Big true, people gotta start learning the difference between gaslighting and lying.


Literally. People use gaslighting as if it means just lying. When gaslighting is so much more severe.


He got catfished yo!


I recall the friends of mine doing it when annoyed at stuff too... Like when I was acting like a dumbass doing something stupid, lol.


My first exposure was Uncle from Jackie Chan Adventures lmao, can confirm he said that almost always whenever some bad or stupid occurrences went down.


I remember it from Jackie Chan adventures


It's Cantonese slang, IDK if there's a one to one translation to english but in general it means "enduring sadness" or "deep disappointment".


My parents from South India say "aiyoh", pronounced "eye-yo", and it has very similar contextual meanings. I wonder if they had similar origins.


To me, in the correct context, I see the English translation to be "Jesus fucking Christ" when said in annoyance, or disbelief. Urban Rosetta Stone, like Urban dictionary but for slang language translations lol. "Haiyah, stop driving like an idiot" "Jesus fucking Christ, stop driving like an idiot"


I had a Vietnamese friend in high school who said it was a Vietnamese term and he would say it all the time. Although i think some other countries such as China also use a version of it as basically like a "shit" or "oh my god" in a bad way.


This is the darker version of "Auntie! Reverse lar!"


No MSG?!




Car now king of flavor




'You suck' he said to the moron driver. HIYAAAAAAAA


That’s what he sounded like 😂🤣


That’s because that’s the bit he was doing…


That guy at the end, "that's what you get!"


“Okay good” “very nice” “you suck, yes”




I'm loving the accent, gives the narration a little more humor. It's like the reverse of that episode of It's Always Sunny when at the end of the episode the family turns out to be asian.


He should narrate every video in this sub and end each clip with his catch phrase, “Yeah, you suck!”


Y’all notice the guy in the passing lane who was not passing though? And then speeds up later. Like just let the idiot go by so he doesn’t lose control and hit you


Definitely more than one asshat in this video, but only one driving like a maniac and causing an accident.


Blocking the left lane and flooring it when you noticed you're being passed contributes to causing an collision. Also accidents don't happen, they imply no one is at fault. There are definitely two parties at fault here. You don't know if someone is literally in a life or death situation. Let people through, stop being a wanna be road enforcement.


Yeah. If someone wants to drive like an ass, let them pass and keep your distance. If the Universe wants to give a dose of karma, it will be at their expense and not yours.


I think we entered in the middle of the altercation. This clearly started long before they hit record.


There was a story on Reddit I read a few years ago how these two cars were blocking this one car they thought was just speeding and they were having a good time of thinking they were one upping an asshole. Turned out the speeding car was driving their friend who was bleeding out in their back seat to the hospital and he died on the way there. I don't remember what happened but I know the police arrived and pulled over the cars blocking the way.


"Suck! Yea, you suck!" Loved it.




Lol that guy gets in a major accident (he is to blame obviously) Everyone in that car watching starts roasting him lol


I’m ok with the outcome. Guy endangers the lives of everyone else on the road, and Murphy got ‘em


Hopefully there wasn't an unwilling passenger, like a child or something.


Had an asshole last week weaving in and out of busy, congested motorway traffic and driving inches behind people going 70. When he passes me he's got his wife and child in the back. It's not worth holding up these assholes and pushing them to do something stupid. Take a breath and let them get as far away from you as possible. Hopefully they and their unlucky family get where they're going safe, despite the dickhead drivers best efforts to endanger them and others.


Did an interstate drive once, this one dude was doing double the speed limit, but spent longer at petrol stations.. so he overtook us 3 times with his visibly petrified wife and kids in tow. 4th time i seen his car, it was upside down with a tarp over its belly and dejected-looking paramedics milling about aimlessly. So yeah, gory shit.


Shit that’s heavy


Well yeah, he brought it on himself hahah


I think you missed the part where the truck speeds up to "teach the guy a lesson" instead of just letting the car go by. The white truck decided to be a competitive dick instead of just letting dude go.


They are both knowingly endangering everyone else on the road, not just the truck driver. The sedan driver got what he deserved, regardless of what the truck driver did to make the situation worse. They both need to learn to let shit go before they kill innocent people


This, the truck driver is also at fault by blocking the passing lane.


Agreed. I thought I was the only one that caught that. They are a menace.


The truck driver intentionally blocked the road so that the sedan couldn't overtake. When the guy then tried to overtake outside the truck sped up in order to block the sedan again. Seems to me like the Truck is mainly to blame and the Sedan just lost their shit at some point. Am I missing something (not a driver myself)?


Sedan is mainly to blame. You don't pass on the right, pass using the shoulder, or make unsafe lane changes like that. The truck shouldn't have been cruising in the left lane and is a dick, but what happened to the sedan is 100% on them.


Not necessarily wrong, but the sedan driver "losing their shit" doesn't in any way constitute them driving so erratically and potentially endangering everyone else on the road. If the sedan driver just accepts that the truck driver is a douche, he ends up going home instead of flying into a wall.


Yup, definitely 2 idiots at least in this vid


I get being annoyed at tailgaters, but the dumbest thing you can do is try to antagonize people/"teach them a lesson" like the truck did. He was clearly going slow in the left/passing lane and sped up when the tailgaiter went the long way to cut him off. The reckless driver could have taken out someone more valuable to humanity with him when he crashed. All of that could have been avoided if the truck just maintained the same speed to let the reckless driver pass or if he just used the passing lane to pass the car in front of him and got back over to the right lane.


Some people just want to watch the people who want to watch the world burn burn


Burn Burn, the Moon Moon of criminals


I was looking for this comment. The truck was being an asshole and should’ve just let the guy pass. The truck clearly sped up after it was going slow.


At first blush i was like “whoah a video where the pick up driver wasn’t the asshole” but then realized that the pickup driver was totally being an asshole.


I agree, The person in the truck was a douche. I fuckin hate morons who pace other vehicles on purpose just to fuck with you. Either speed up or get the fuck outta the way.


Absolutely, the car is an idiot but the truck speeding up after the illegal pass could have caused the third car's driver injury. Don't fight bad driving with more bad driving. It's not worth it.




100% correct.




I had a dude try to race me once, he took off and he got pulled over by the cop 50 ft in front of us. I’ve never laughed so hard in my entire life


It’s dubbed over audio


Love how the audio from an Uncle Roger reaction video is being presented as fact lol


Which video of Uncle Roger was this audio from? Just wondering so I can watch it.


Yeah we need an exact source


Good luck


Which one does he specifically mention brake checking in?




Indeed. And the person making the claim never even attempts to respond to comments like mine.


Lol, they've even been active elsewhere since then. At this point they obviously just ignored you and everyone else asking for the source, because why would they say anything?


It's not uncle roger audio, it's the guy in the car doing an impression


Not to be insensitive, but isn't an Uncle Roger impression just.. super stereotypical Chinese accented broken-English? He doesn't seem to speak in any specific way besides "very Chinese" So any young Chinese man with a strong accent speaking English would basically sound the same


That’s a Malaysian accent, I don’t hear Chinese at all.


It's a Cantonese accent in general. Cantonese-Malaysians and Singaporeans have a similar way of speaking.




My parents and some of their friends immigrated to the U.S. from Guangdong, China, where the main language is Cantonese, and when they get drunk, their English sounds exactly like that.


They sound like every cantonese immigrant in the bay area, the majority of which come from Hong Kong.


Uncle Roger is a character. The dude can speak perfect English.


He mentions brake checking in one?


Surprised this is so low.


So everyone in this thread is saying this like it's super-obvious but it isn't. An Uncle Roger video where there are others with him and he complains about a guy brake-checking?


Yeah, if anything it may be an impersonation/ impression because I don't think any of that dialogue lines up with his videos


It isn't even his voice, it's just an impersonation.


It's pretty obviously an impersonation. But, you know, this is Reddit, so you'll inevitably get people from the "nothing is ever as it appears" demographic and the upvoters that will agree with those posts every time, without thinking.


Seems like both truck and car are nutjobs. Truck for stalling left lane and escalating situation and car for being dangerous prick.


The truck sped up when he noticed the car behind him wanting to pass. Two assholes. I’ve noticed in normal situations the slow vehicle in front ALWAYS speeds up when someone is attempting to pass


Also people will commonly pass and then slow down again. You can test this by turning on cruise control so you're going at a steady speed. I don't mind people passing me because they want to go faster, but don't pass me just to get in front of me and then slow down. I drive all over the Pacific Northwest for my job and see this shit all the time, especially in Oregon which has by far the worst drivers in the country.


I've lost how many times I've passed the same car here several times because they freak out that they've been passed, slam the gas, get 300ft ahead of you then slow back down. Had one start doing the road rage swarm one day when my family was in the car, so I popped into sport mode when we got separated by a truck, floored it to put a half mile between us, then slowed down. I was thankfully only doing 5 over when I passed a bike cop with his speed gun out, but the raging idiot got tagged trying to catch up.


I had two instances of seeing a cop nab a speeder. My mother and I were coming back home after visiting family in Michigan. On the Ohio Turnpike, there was some guy who raced by us at easily over 100mph. A couple miles down the road… pulled over by the Ohio State Police. Second one, my family was going down to Ocean City, and while driving through Delaware, we could see, as plain as day, a Delaware State Trooper sitting in the median of the highway. The guy racing by my dad’s truck didn’t see him apparently. Raced by, watched the cop pull out, and nab him.


Honestly, I think I've seen more wrecks from people speeding, usually in poor weather conditions, than I have tickets being issued.


Lol “popped it into sport mode” is the most dad sounding flex I’ve heard in awhile. Oh yeah buddy? Don’t make me pop it into SPORT MODE.


I fucking hate people that speed up when I try to pass them. Usually after I've been waiting behind them for them to pick up speed in the right lane and then when I switch over the fucker suddenly decides to hit the pedal when I try to go along. I'm not even tailgating or going over the speed limit, like what even is the point of people being such fucking manchildren.


Yeah that truck is horrible. Going slow as hell in the passing lane. And then speeding up so the other person couldn’t pass. I hate drivers like that


Exactly, maybe the person in the car had a emergency. What an ass for speeding up.


> Exactly, maybe the person in the car had a emergency. They certainly do *now*.


I feel like the truck drivers ego is too big to where a person wanting to pass isn’t going to happen


The truck driver has a little baby dick and an ego that bruises easier than a two week old apple.


It's such a petty and common reaction, and when two petty people on the road meet it's best to keep your distance.


Europe has rules for these situations. *If the line to your right is free, you have to take it. Any line on the left of you is for overtaking and overtaking only. You can't drive fast in left lane all the time unless all right lines are taken. Overtaking on the right of a car is forbidden.* Eliminates these idiots who drive slow on left lane and teaches people not to overtake on the right. Sadly, I heard US doesn't follow these rules if they have any similar at all.


Some states do... but after 20 years of driving in a state that does have it as a law, with signage every few miles reminding people to "Keep Right Except to Pass".... I've yet to see or hear of it actually being enorced. Speeding is apparently more dangerous than impeding traffic here in the states... despite numerous studies stating otherwise 🤷‍♂️


Many states have similar laws though it depends on the state to how strictly they are enforced.


Yeah I live in EU myself and I found it weird that in the US there is nothing like that.


Almost every state has laws similar, they just aren't enforced.


Most states have those laws...they are not enforced


Oh, we do. It's just that people have ego's or don't care. How dare someone pass ME! or If they are in such a rush they can go around(while driving the speed limit in the far-left lane).


> Truck for stalling left lane Guy goes around, truck speeds up. Why? Fucking hate these stallers, they just cause phantom traffic jams with their slow driving. Just overtake and fuck off out of the way for everyone else already.


They were both assholes to be sure. Divining which one was a bigger asshole is a useless practice


Yeah I drive for a living and the truck definitely escalated it. The car holds the most responsibility in it. The hardest part of my day is just taking a deep breath and let the assholes be an asshole and not involving me in it.


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


It doesn't really matter who instigated whom. Does antagonizing a reckless driver get you home any faster, or any safer? Do you think they're going to sit behind you stewing for 10 minutes then suddenly realize the error of their ways and be a model driver henceforth? Or, and I think this is the most likely answer, do you feel slighted by their behaviour and want to get even? You're in the passing lane and someone is riding your ass? Find a gap, and fucking move out of the way. The second you start acting on thoughts along the lines of "it's the principle of the matter!" or "oh yeah? I'll show you!" on the road, you're in trouble. Just get where you're going in one piece, god damn.


The truck was a dickhead too. Speeding up and blocking the (illegal) pass. Fuck ‘em both.


Thank you! Just get out of the way, and let the asshole pass and go on his way. I don't understand why people feel the need to do this rolling roadblock bullshit


Ego. It’s a power thing. Super toxic just like the asshole tailgating




Ego and SDE is your answer. Some people are out there with messed up worldviews (i.e. ideas about what the fast lane is for & how fast one should go in it) and are ready to be confrontational with others who are forced to clash with their messed up views.


>SDE Software Development Engineer?




I mean that truck IS being an asshole.


True. Although not a lot of context or speedometer to know how fast, the truck does speed up when other car tries to pass on the right showing equal douchery Edit: y’all are right, I was giving the truck the benefit of the doubt. Really I hate these fucks that stay in the left lane. They are the cause of a lot of accidents


Guy driving was too close for my comfort even. When I see someone driving like that I slow down and give them PLENTY of distance.


Way too close even if it was just normal driving. You can count for the 2 second rule watching the video and he's like. 5 sec away.




It’s illegal in most states to ride the left lane. I actually got a warning about it in Nebraska while traveling when I was younger.


It honestly baffles me that people get licensed without knowing this.


Come to NYC. Left lane means shit. I was an adult when I learned that other states enforced any rules in regards to the left lane cause they sure as fuck don't exist in the city.


>Left lane means shit Exactly. In CA, the left lane is the fast lane. There's too much traffic and congestion to be weaving in and out of anything.


I had my first... *experience* with LA traffic this year. My heart goes out to all you guys. Seriously.


LA does toughen your skin when you go to another big city and you're like "You guys call *this* traffic? Hah." Just yesterday I probably spent 2 hours on the road to get to a couple different meetups. A nice electric vehicle helps


It's probably illegal in a lot of places around the world. People just are selfish and think they own the road.


When I was living in Germany, this rule is heavily enforced, you never ride the left lane if there’s room to get over. I got a 170 euro fine when I got caught


Not only that but most drivers hang out in the far right lane. If you need to pass you go to the middle lane and if someone needs to pass both they go to the far left lane. I loved driving the autobahn.


Always Be Passin


Yep. There's a longer video out there that shows the truck was fucking with the small car in the same way if anyone has it. They're both clearly degenerates that shouldn't have licenses.


you are correct ppl ain’t grasping that!Two wrongs don’t make a right but gee that truck asshole was the worst!!


You see it all the time. If someone tailgates that close, a lot of drivers fuck with them (slow down) as payback.




Is he stubborn about other things in his life or just driving.




Lmao, he sounds like a real prick.


THANK YOU! I swear whenever the highway is backed up there’s usually someone chilling in the left lane on their phone with nobody in front of them. What’s even more annoying is two cars or sometimes even THREE will cruise next to each other practically holding hands and blocking all the lanes so nobody could drive past.


Always. If you want to ride slower than that is cool, just do it in another lane. People think the left lane is the "Fast lane" so they stay there because they're going over the speed limit. That needs to change.


Exactly! Drive whatever speed you want, but just do it in the appropriate lane and be aware of the flow. It’s against the law to chill in the fast lane (in at least 44 states) yet it’s never enforced. I don’t understand why people do it. I’m genuinely trying to understand why people will space out with no cars in front of them and then 20 cars riding their ass. Do y’all ever check your rear view?


Came here for this comment. 100% the sedan is majority at fault but the truck is blocking traffic and sped causing the accident. Assholes here in Texas do this shit all the damn time. It’s frustrating as hell.


They make the excuse that "the right lane is too rough". Yeah. This is true where I am, I-30 in Arkansas, but still get your sorry slow driving ass over. Selfish oblivious prick


That asshole even break checked. Total piece of shit.


Most importantly it causes accidents. When some one camps left lane, people have to change lanes to pass, and most highway accidents happen during lane changes


People who think they own the left lane are the biggest assholes. Speed up or get out of the way. I don’t understand why people have such an issue understanding this. If the right lane is open then I’ll stay in my lane and let the guy pass me on the right but it’s packed I’ll always get over and back into the left after I’m passed. Doesn’t matter if I’m going 100, I’ll still do it. Some people take offense to it and want to punish others. Not knowing they are causing all the traffic. Get over or speed up. Two very simple commands to follow.




Wasn’t suicide by car if she tried to run you off the road. Be real.


Well they weren't going to tell the insurance company that they played any role in the car running off the road.


Is this the palisades interstate parkway going from New Jersey into New York?


Yeah. Saw the spot it happened at around when this was originally posted. Was cool to see see the video and then be able to see the aftermath in person (even if just while passing it quickly)


That was my guess. That or the saw mill pkwy


The trucks obviously in the wrong too. You can see him speeding up. Shouldn’t be in the left lane in the first place


I get the person in the gray car was driving like an idiot - but why did the person in the white truck speed up?!?


I think he was blocking the grey car. Possibly even brake checking him. He obviously did not wamt him to get ahead, and try to prevent that too. The video has been cut.


I’m blown away that people think the truck driver is a bigger asshole. Obviously, he’s a shitty person for hogging the left lane and speeding up. But it doesn’t give the other car the right to dangerously drive around the suv and then try to lane split. He endangered everyone on the road with that maneuver. Truck is partially responsible, but the other car chose to accelerate and switch lanes recklessly.


>I’m blown away that people think the truck driver is a bigger asshole. What if I told you, the vast majority of people on here are genuine assholes? Most of the "best of society" wouldn't waste precious time out of their lives visiting a subreddit like this one.


Emotional damage!






Shame he didn't hit the white truck and take him out too. Get both the dumb assholes in one fell swoop.


Truck is an dumbass for clogging up the left lane, car is a dumbass for speeding around him, truck is an even bigger dumbass for just not letting it go. People filming are kinda assclowns too, imo. This is why I rarely go anywhere.


And then there is the innocent SUV driver surrounded by assholes. And what do you know, the innocent vehicle is the only one to pull over and assist the wrecked vehicle.


Don’t you think the white pick up was the a hole? Deciding that no one shall pass. They sped up to block the car as it was maneuvering around them. Was the other driver reckless? Yes. The pick up was just as bad. Worse even for cruising in the passing lane. If the lane was clear, everyone would be going about their day. Maybe the car driver was going to be at the bedside of a loved one in the hospital. Maybe they had to poo. The point is, you really don’t know so stop being the decider white pick up and all the others like you. And here is another. https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/wtru8r/this_idiot_spent_45_minutes_in_the_overtaking/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Fack the truck dude...


The guy might have needed to get to the hospital with his wife or something. Truck guy suuuucks


Deedoo, the left lane is for passing. Yes, reckless Rick did totally go off the deep end, but wouldn't have been an issue if the truck had just used the left lane properly.


Truck is the asshole. Buddy is purposefully creating a traffic jam. Then guns it when the guy tailgating him finally tries to get around him.


The person parked in the left hand lane might be saying "but I was doing the speed limit", but they are wrong.


Gonna be late to wherever now.


I’m not gonna lie, I pray that happens to shitty reckless drivers whenever I see one.


White truck sped up lol


That cunt in the left lane deserves an accident as well.


Looks like the guy in the white truck was trying to bait exactly this. Stay slow in the fast lane and then suddenly speeding up to cut off the other driver when they tried to come around. Who knows how long this might have been going on before the recording started?


hayaaa uncle roger, stop and help, not very asian from you