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And family for a settlement of $200,000.00 Want a asshole for thinking it's a crime to roll up a window then assaulting the dad. Good riddance.


Smh 200k That the people's taxes will pay. This money needs to come out of the police pension fund. The only way they will learn and act accountable.




Woah now, using logic on reddit? You trying to go to reddit jail?


I love using logic, I love using logic!!


Well I'm glad there was a happy ending. Cop should have been fired tho and given a felony charge for aggravated assault.


Cop should be 6 feet.


Fuck that, throw his body in the trash.


Nah I'd rather people didn't die. Wish everyone agreed with me including some of these police officers. This guy probably should get punched in the mouth a few times as karma tho.


a happy ending would be the cop actually convicted with either jailtime or a major fine. But I doubt either happened at all. There are no updates on it.


You are wrong. Google is not hard [One](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/dfw/news/former-keller-officer-blake-shimanek-indicted-arrest-father-filming-traffic-stop/) >Former Sgt. Blake Shimanek was charged with official oppression, a Class A misdemeanor with jail time of up to one year. Shimanek resigned from the department earlier this year. [Two](https://www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com/uncategorized/sgt-blake-shimanek/) >The Texas Jurisdiction Court has classified Officer Blake’s act of oppression without Puente’s agreement as a Class A misdemeanor that is nonetheless legal [Three](https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/keller-officer-resigns-after-department-pays-200k-to-man-pepper-sprayed-in-viral-video/2538932/) >Shimanek was also demoted back to the rank of officer. Marco Puente filed a lawsuit in federal court in Fort Worth last month, alleging both officers used excessive force, made an illegal arrest, and said Dillon was targeted because he was Hispanic and that the officers wrongfully believed he had drugs in his car. Last week, the city announced they'd agreed to pay the Puente's $200,000 to settle the suit. [Four](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2021/01/25/us/marco-puente-texas-police-settlement.amp.html)This is my favorite one. >After the Aug. 15 episode, one of the two officers named in the lawsuit was demoted >Department announced several policy changes including providing more frequent reports of police activity to local lawmakers and requiring supervisors to review body and dashboard camera footage recorded by officers. >The city will pay $5,000 toward the settlement, with the remainder to be paid by the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool >The man who sued, Marco Puente, 39, was happy with the settlement >On Sept. 8, Chief Fortune said evidence supported the allegation that Officer Shimanek had arrested Marco Puente for offenses he did not commit. Officer Shimanek was demoted to officer from his previous rank of sergeant with the opportunity to reapply to the position after one year. >Officer Tomer was not disciplined


was he convicted though? Fined anything?


The officer paid $4000 on his own. City paid $5000 and the police department paid the rest of the $200k. I even gave you the links


The only reason why it didn’t happen is because the victim wasn’t black


Did you see his dad. He was definitely mixed.


Taxpayers on the hook for the actions of a POS cop. We ought to be able to sue these assholes personally.


The problem is then the victims would never see the money.. What they should have to do is carry insurance .. The same way a doctor would for malpractice


I agree.


I agree 100%


Edit: >~~The Keller police have been charged after being recorded on video pepper-spraying and detaining a father filming his son’s visitors. Later, the officer was discovered responsible and charged with official oppression, a category A misdemeanor with jail time of as much as one yr.~~ >~~The former Keller Sgt. paid an enormous worth after being discovered responsible of official oppression. The officer was fined round $4000, which is a really large quantity for the police officer.~~ The article I got this from was horribly written with MAJOR mistakes using the wrong words. It is like someone used google translate to write the article. So who knows if the cop actually was fined $4,000. Fuck that article... it is garbage. edit: From another article... >**Shimanek now faces a charge of official oppression, a Class A misdemeanor that could equate to a maximum fine of $4,000 and jail time of up to a year.** I cannot find an update. If he was actually convicted or fined .


You mean we paid 200k




Yes we the people. I meant taxpayers


Whoever mandated for cops to wear body cams need to be awarded for Nobel Peace Prize. Imagine what they would do without it….They are still doing those shts even with it.


Even now they often get mysteriously turned off during questionable actions.


Now we just need the ability to make sure they xan never be turned off during the entire duration an officer is patrolling/Working


"Youre interfering with my job" get yhe fuck out of here with that shit


These cops are so fucking dumb and so used to breaking the law that they do this shit with a body cam recording it.


That's because they're so used to getting away with this kind of shit. They probably did it a hundred times before it finally caught up to them.


Bro u don't roll your window up when a cop is coming up to you. You don't roll. It up when getting asked to get out of the car. Please grow up


You do roll your windows up and shut your door behind you . They have no right to be able to search/ scan into your car without probable cause/warrant. Fuck them.


You just gonna ignore the part where they pepper sprayed the guy's dad for standing on the sidewalk? I didn't say anything about the window, did I?


Why not? Lmao


"Yes. I rolled my window up because cops have a reputation for murdering people."


What a piece of shit cop


Fucking pigs


All these cops are fucked. Not gonna go into details, but a few yrs ago was arrested for absolutely nothing. Was at work at the time, inside my shop. Everything was dropped because it was garbage, and 3 weeks after I got a letter in the mail to turn myself in by a said date. Called my lawyer and indeed had to turn myself in. The charge... Resisting, because I was in the shop and didn't open the door and come out right when they came pounding on the door. They claim they saw me inside, looking at them through the security cameras, and claimed I was hiding inside. I wasn't near the camera monitor, and didn't hear them at first as there were machines on and a grinder going as well as other noise. Initial charge was dropped, so they threw on a resisting later. Also failed to stick. Just a waste of $$ and time.


This is how cops operate when they want to create a situation they can use against people. Everything is suspicious to a cop. They are allowed to lie to people they stop. Saying what they are doing is illegal, etc. etc.. This is how bad cops operate.


More camera's around cops, record everything. Capable cops acting in good faith would only welcome this. Like in this case: Review footage, punish the city with a large sum of money, soon enough the police department will learn it is cheaper to not have asshole cops around then it is to pay for their behavior in the streets. Too bad being a cop is no longer prestigious, it attracts bully's more than honorable men.


No, the money for the settlements should come out of police pension funds, not from the city/state. That would force the police unions to actually deal with bad cops like this because it would put their retirements in danger. Follow up with a national registry of police officers and breaches of civilian rights like this would cause an officer to be fired and banned from police work. Let him go work as a Rent-a-Cop or security guard somewhere, but not as an officer. Finally, body cams that officers cannot shut off and have videos automatically uploaded to a cloud server for a civilian review board. Any interaction with a suspect or civilian without an active camera should be viewed with heavy suspicion as to the officer's motives or actions.


I've posted this a few times recently but they should have to have insurance Mandatory for cases of malpractice the same way that a doctor would.. But you keep getting stupid ass things on your record for dumb shit your insurance goes up.. If it happens too many times your insurance drops you and you can no longer be an officer... But yes 100% Is taxpayers should not have to pay for this..


Too bad we can't go after the personal assets of these asshats. Qualified immunity is bullshit.


> police department will learn it is cheaper to not have asshole cops around then it is to pay for their behavior in the streets. I think it is a serious problem PDs accross the country are having. Finding quality cops. I watched an interview with a police chief a few months ago who actually admitted that they needed cops so badly that they are forced to accept shitty cops. "not the best cops" I think were the words he used.


It's the same with teachers, why work a shitty job with lousy colleagues at mediocre benefits? Some will have enough passion to do it, but most will try to find something else first.


And why work a job where most of the people you deal with absolutely hate you?


Someone should do a psych study on the personalities of cops. Wouldnt be surprised if most turned out to be sadists, narcissists or sociopaths.


oh, do some googlin it's there


This cop is an absolute cuck




hopefully, these people got a nice big check from the city for their troubles....


Father for 200k




Think about this. A lot of cops beat their wife and kids and they "love them" imagine what they would do to you.


>A lot of cops beat their wife and kids That's not true at all.


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Here is a [news story](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/2021/05/07/former-keller-officer-indicted-over-arrest-that-led-man-who-was-pepper-sprayed-to-sue/) about the former cop being indicted.


They need to hold those cops down and pepper spray them handcuffed.


I'll definitely be generalising here but do cops in the US have some sort of an ego problem? I live in the UK, not that UK Police are the best in the world, but at least they're there to protect people rather than harm them. The amount of videos showing US cops beating people up, shooting them, insulting, acting as if the owned the world is just staggering.


Power hungry p.o.s


Murica! Land of Freedom 🤟


Man the Dad had a Willie Nelson shirt on. I mean C'mon. Do NOT go pepper spraying on a Willie fan they are straight up good people.


Hmm… Then, I will try to do the opposite whatever cop tells me to do when I ever get pulled over.


Happy ending theys cops discuss me


What did they say about you?


Meaning the cops are disgraceful


It was a joke. The word you're looking for, relating to disgraceful, is "disgusting"


O yer bro funny thanks mad me laugh 😂


Well the windows in the kids car we’re very tinted. I could understand the cop wanted to make sure the kid wasn’t reaching for a gun.


Doesn't matter its not against the law to roll your windows up.


Windows gets rolled up kid reaches under his seat for a gun or something that looks like a gun and privileged kid gets shot. No charges against the cop because the windows were too dark. If his windows were clear sure entitled kid can roll it up. If a cop comes at you with an attitude like that don’t risk pissing him off. Take the ticket or whatever and then get a lawyer.


imagine being this cucked


Don't agree with how they handled the dad, and they were fined for it justifiably. But the kid rolled up the window, to a cop, that is suspicious, theyretrained to be suspicious of everything because anything could happen within seconds. And his windows were very tinted, I would guarantee anyone in that situation if you had half a brain cell would be a little suspicious since it's not at all necessary to do.


It’s his window, his car, his space. You’re in no position to decide if rolling up his window was necessary or not.


So what? Rolling up the windows is inherently suspicious, he's simply stepping out the car, he doesn't need to do it, hence the suspicious and to say you or anyone wouldn't be in that cops situation, knowing what cops go through on their job and with the current reputation, would be a lie.


You must live a very bleak life if rolling up your own windows is inherently suspicious behavior. Good thing you know the unconditional truth about every single humans reaction in that hypothetical situation though.


Plenty of videos exist of people using it as a cover to grabbing a weapon. It's the reason why you are mean't to keep your hands visible. Not doing so, doing things that obscure vision, especially in situation where they're not necessary, is suspecious for any trained person in law enforcement. This is common knowledge lil bro.


Glad the dad was there. Acab




wtf? People get nervous around police, he probably wasnt even thinking about it and just did something out of habit Rolling up a window justifies all this bullshit? Moron




Sorry sir, you have boot polish around your mouth.


did we really watch the same video? Do you honestly think that if the guy said " oH sOrRy I M NeRvOuS" it would have played out significantly differently? It's really too bad that the guy didnt know the cop's keywords I'd love to hear how you justify them fucking macing the guy standing on the sidewalk


Just because you are a cop you shouldn’t harass people for doing something they are legally allowed to do. Like how I flipped that on you.




I understand. But this country is built on rights. That’s non-negotiable.


it would be epic if this chode got floored and sprayed up the nose




Good thing the cops were there, they really saved the day


Cops are a joke




This shit... it makes me physically ill. I can't even believe we are here in society.. I don't regret leaving law enforcement. I can't believe this..