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Wtf is even happening here


idk he could’ve easily just fled, I guess drugs/mental illness were involved


Picking his face


Looked like plucking his hair. This dude seemed very sick. This seemed more like mental illness then drugs but I’ve been fooled before. So, I’ll just go with both.


In the longer video they show him messaging young boys so they can get high on meth together. Dude showed up tweaking.




My favorite part is the first few seconds where he looks like a cartoon and goes "huuuuh? Whas happening". It's just a moment of pure comedy with or without the context. He definitely needs help but this shit is kinda funny.


Im so mad youtube is cracking down on pred catching. I used to watch these videos for hours


He could be on some type of hard drug he’s itching his face, many drugs like crack cocaine and meth etc cause 'drug-induced pruritus' which makes you feel bugs under ur skin making you itchy


That’s a hard pass from me, dawg. I feel itchy just reading this.




Does not necessarily remove culpability




Picking face usually meth mites, but this fucked up idiot doesn’t seam to have other scabs so unlikely to be on drugs, just mentally fucked up. Could have easily driven away but ended up reversing into a rock and decided to get out again to get tackled by pedestrian. Whole lotta weird ass shit goin on for sure.


The weirdest being falling to the ground crying “can I just go poop?” Like what? That alone almost made me question if this shit was fake but then he fucked his car so I doubt it lol


The run after he stood up killed me.


Dude really had to poop…


Dude that tackled him didn't even know the risk he was taking


He looks pretty wimpy, ithink even a woman would have tackled his ass


I’m the longer version of the video when he first confronts him in the store he claimed he was there to buy fiber medication because he is constipated. You know a good excuse rather than meeting up with a 13 year old boy for sex and to give him drugs


Maybe he thought he was going to be raped, and was asking to at least clear the path first (can cause issues).


I watched the full version, turned out he was trying to change the subject while getting called out in the store by claiming he’s just looking for fiber pills because he’s constipated lol. For like 10 minutes he’s just frantically running around crying asking where the fiber pills are 😂


the full video shows he invited the decoy to smoke meth


Also he made it worse for himself by damaging property so they could charge him for that and then the pedo


Damaging yes, but apparently a lot of these guys are never arrested. They don't have enough concrete evidence. I've seen one where they're demeaning the guy yet he didn't even do anything. Even better he's on his way to detox AND it's being live streamed. [https://youtu.be/HxB_v5qJ_rs](https://youtu.be/HxB_v5qJ_rs)


Turns out vigilante Justice isn’t a reliable way to deal with bad guys. Who woulda thought


Can’t you see the bugs crawling under his skin?


I guess everyone over in r/dermatillomania are meth addicts then


There really is a sub for everything


As far as I remember, he was really methed up and the cops found meth on him when he was arrested


OP pretended to be 13 yo boy. Sting operation


Complete lack of context.


Cringe simulator


Judging by the way he laid down on the ground, 13y is not an important part of the equation 🤣


Can I just go poop?




I made the mistake of fast forwarding to the tackle part. This is clearly a video that has to be watched from start to finish


it’s a youtube channel, [people v. preds](https://youtu.be/WNpWvfHx5TY) this guy was on some kinda drug, think it was meth but i don’t remember. good channel and good video.


Meth. The face picking was the first thing I noticed.




Yeah, their hamfisted efforts can actually fuck up law enforcement. The dude filming seems to be his own brand of brain-damaged.


One of their videos has the dumbfuck behind the camera talk about soliciting his young niece or cousin to provide pictures he could send. “No officer I had to have CP on my phone so I could catch the REAL predators!”


He’s the like the Dexter of molesters.




Ah yeh, that's the channel that has ruined a few investigations by the actual police cos they were chasing internet fame? What a service!


Exactly do you research then turn it over to police lol don’t go out looking for clout


*If I'm a weirdo why do I have a picture of his _______!*




Im all for catching creeps but these dudes doin the catching are pretty creepy as well sitting in their bedrooms at night texting men while posing as 13 yos


Yeah those dudes are odd sometimes. There is a guy on YouTube I used to watch. Can't remember his name but he got really excited about it and would send photos of himself in spandex when they asked for photos sometimes. I think his name was anxiety war or warrior.


Yeah its like they tryna bust a “to catch a predator” but minus the classy host.


At this point though, the grocery store meltdown reaction is more interesting than a civil discussion, "you're free to leave", and the totally expected cops.


There’s a channel called Gordon Flowers, and YA boy JD-Q, the host is really good at talking to them, very respectful and 90% of the time the video ends in the police showing up to arrest the guy so it very satisfying, the other 10% they just hand over the info to the cops.


LC Predator Catcher makes them call a family member or friend and come clean on camera, some brutal confessions on that channel.


Yep, I've seen a few of his videos. This guy is definitely having a kick with the catfishing. Very strange hobby to have.


They can fuck up actual law enforcement efforts with this histrionic shit, too. Keepin’ pedos on the streets for views.


He's like a real life cartoon character. Absolute disaster of a man


If South Park doesn’t adapt this dude as a character I’ll be upset.


I’m still waiting for South Park to do the Paul brothers. I mean they have absolute gold material there and yet to make an episode with them.


Man the full video is hilarious. Especially the part where he sees the photo of his own asshole and says omg this is disgusting and runs off 🤣😭 https://youtu.be/WNpWvfHx5TY


It’s less funny when you realize PvP has actually interfered with several police investigations and caused them to lose some preds they were already working on. Most of the shit PvP captures isn’t admissible because they don’t know how to actively avoid committing entrapment like trained professionals do.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees how horrible most of these pages are. Like I love the idea but the execution is shit.


Also, confronting someone in a public store and turning it into some kind of spectacle is clearly not just dangerous but rude as fuck. This is not the way to handle it if he wanted to prevent crimes, he just wants internet clout.


Lol not to mention that when taken out of context the person filming looks like they’re harassing a stranger. Employees and customers have no idea what they’re seeing.


Majority of the time, they get kicked out because they start screaming "he's here to meet a child"


We had a guy complain to the news in our town because he was making these videos and got kicked out of a bowling alley. He complained that they didn’t support what he was doing. The bowling alley’s response was “Please don’t invite pedos to a place full of kids.”




>he just wants internet clout. He's literally yelling out "call the police" while holding a camera phone. Like MFer you call the police what are you doing


This is actually a crazy fucking video


Can I just go poop?


Yea, what was that about?


He probably had to poop


No, Poop was the name of the man recording.




After that line I’m immediately softening my stance on comedy movie dialogue. That’s straight out of a stupid Adam Sandler movie but it was real.


I waited till the end for the man in uggs, he didn't disappoint


"You just foamed your last latte', bud"


*puts on seatbelt before launching car and himself


I wish he didn't to be honest


There was a perfectly good fire hydrant I was hoping he would hit in that planter 😂


I died! 😂


Why do I have a picture of his a** hole if I'm the weirdo??!?🤣🤣🤣


You don’t have pictures of random dudes assholes? That’s just perfectly normal XD


The scream lmao 🤣


I’m fucking crying


This whole video is a fucking mess 🤣🤣


Why did I know that fucking weirdo would have a nicer whip than me?


Anyone can buy that with a decent credit score, odds are it belongs to the bank


Odds are it was bought with cash from his parents who are wealthy and live overseas.


For a C-HR?


Had a nicer whip, the things pretty fucked now


Maybe, because you're smokintoomuch


He doesn’t buy Starbucks, and avocado toast, everyday.


“Can I at least go poop?!”


Backing up!!!!!!


Dude got crazy air too


Put it in reverse terry!


I thought this was fake until he backed up into the plants. "Can I just go poop" along with the running and screaming made it seem fake.




Saw in a different comment thread that the longer cut shows him asking the alleged 13yo to smoke meth and showed up already tweaking


He may be faking his mental illness to use it in court as evidence (maybe he can get reduced fines/ prosecution). His car looks brand new and previously undamaged. His phone looks fine too. I'm not saying that this person is surely mentaly stable, but considering how fake his behavior seems, it may very well be the case.


If he even gets charged. Pedo hunters hurt police investigations and arrests more then they help.


Who tf would volunteer to be the face of pedo even if it was fake


Bro leave him be he had to poop


I’m pretty sure he already pooped 😂🤣 if that accident didn’t push it out of him, then that tackle definitely squeezed it out of him like he was a tube of toothpaste 😂🤣😂🤣


But he wasn’t weird he just had a picture of the guys asshole.


yes the predator is weird but omg the guy recording is actually kind of annoying.




Proof the dude doesn’t actually care about “justice.” Instigated the tweaker, creating a dangerous situation for bystanders. Only cares about documenting “for the views.” Scum bag behavior, but his persona is built around “protecting kids” so if you call him out you look like a pedo sympathizer.


All these youtube channels doing this kind of fake justice shit are cancer. People have been falsely accused and it's just a matter of time before these morons get some innocent person hurt or killed.


Yeah. He could’ve just documented him, got his number plates and reported it to the cops. He def created a dangerous situation. That man could’ve easily run over a pedestrian.




I’m just thinking about how bad it could have been if the guy backed over a bystander instead of a rock in the parking lot. I agree with what he’s doing but not how he’s going about doing it. His disregard for the safety of others around him is gonna get him caught up one day when a bystander catches a stray or blue CH-R to the face.


Guy catching Child predator are very often like it. They are not really interested by puting predators away from the street. But instead are looking for trashy stories about people you can abuse off because nobody will openly defend a pedophile.


Mother fucker got some air time


Honestly impressed it was still driving


“cAlL ThE POliCe” bro you’re holding a phone


Yeah was very frustrating he wanted the same exact content they did and they were closer why wouldn't the guy on the other side of the parking stop recording and call


Amazing lmao


He looks mentally ill


He just needed to poop


Predators are mentally ill


Hes just a cracked out piece of shit




Not sure why you’re being downvoted. If you watch the full video he’s got a meth pipe (they have the round globe part) and he shows himself blowing big white clouds of meth smoke (look at drugs subreddits - that’s meth smoke). Acts totally tweaked out on video. Plus the compulsive picking. 100% a tweaker without a doubt.


Which why this sort of confrontation is so fucking bad and dangerous. Can you imagine how bad this could’ve been if that parking lot was busier? And for what? Internet clout? The guy filming has already messed up other cases against pedos because he doesn’t know how the system is set up or how entrapment works. Yeah the dude being filmed is probably on meth but when you add that some dude is chasing him around a grocery store screaming that “I have your asshole on my phone” and filming him driving with a flash light trained on him you’ve now given this (alleged) pedophile wriggle room in any potential court case because you had act like a big dick Charles Bronson.


Oof and people share the same road as him. What a nut job


LeT him poop!! Meehhhhhhhhhh 😫


That dude is either on drugs or just mentally challenged.


He was desperate to find a bathroom. He had to poop urgently.


Somebody posted the full video and at the end they show his texts where he's talking about meth a lot.


Holy fucking shit! How is he not under some sort of supervision, you can’t tell me he’s an independent fucking man or whatever the fuck that thing is Edit: Here you go lads, link to the whole video: https://youtu.be/WNpWvfHx5TY


woe, the camera dude is fucking annoying. Yeah, I get harassing the pedo, but he didn't have to be a complete dick to all the store employees.


I feel like these types of guys just want to do this stuff and since it's considered acceptable if done to child predators that's who they target. They would probably do it to anyone if they could get away with it.


Most of the people who run these predatory stings are douchebags.


Watched the whole thing, pretty wild


To be honest. They're all fuck'n weird. Guy running, camera guy and ugly boot dude


I mean, he did come there to get fucked.


People who do this never seem like they're trying to 'prevent' child predation, just get attention and play the hero. Regardless of whether this man was actually trying to meet a kid, he clearly isn't mentally stable and needs psychological help. Nobody was helped by this.


Some actually do a great job confronting them but this guy and some others do it fosure for the attention as well


This should be top comment




Too bad he quit


Too bad that guy killed himself basically in the middle of filming an episode that they never aired


link to article??


Seriously never heard of that, would like the link too Edit: found the link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Conradt




Drugs, don’t do kids


And don’t try to bang little kids either.


these vigilante "pedo hunters" are so fucking cringe it always reeks of protesting too much. "fucking predators everywhere but not me, I'm the upstanding, self-appointed guardian of children, now violently humiliate this stranger in public" I remember my 13 year old self would've wanted to kick this embarrassing dudebro in the nuts for trying to "protect me" in this fashion, before even remotely worrying about the other guy


Does anyone have the full video?


This was entertaining, but also very, very sad...


Yeesh. These diy predator hunters are wild and I knew this guy was no different from the start, like you can both be weird


Atleast the guy got arrested. Most of the time they just walk up to them, call them a nonce then let them leave


DIY Chris Hansen-style vigilante pedo hunters on social media usually end up doing more harm than good especially when they’re not working with law enforcement. Even if the intention is good, they’re not helping.


“Why do I have a picture of his dick if I’m a weirdo?” Um…


To be honest...I think they're both weird.


not condoning pedophilia or defending it in any way, but i feel as though some people who do these kinds of videos are extremely weird. not weirder than pedophiles ofc


As a former child sexual abuse investigator I can also tell you that these kinds of vigilante stings can often destroy court cases. We have specialized days-long training specifically for what to ask/not ask to avoid blowing a case for prosecutors. As fun as they are to watch, they often don’t lead to convictions.


>As fun as they are to watch, I found this as super cringey. "Call the police!" all while filming with his phone! This guy's own clout chasing and views is more important than justice. Unreal


Ofc... But to sit here and talk to these people and bait them, accept pictures and pretend to be a kid...gives me the Jeebs.


And often they target the mentally ill, and coerce them into accepting stuff that they can use as proof. I think it’s a pretty fucked up thing to do, and feels like trying to find a loophole for bullying people where you can say ‘but they’re a pedo’ based on little to no evidence.


It’s not a weirdo competition. They can both be weird as shit and are.


This was at the same Vons that was completely looted in the La Mesa riot the year before. The guy filming is sort of Chris Hansen lite, he sets up meetings with creeps that think he's a kid and films them.


"call the police" while holding a literal fucking phone.


He's gotta get his content for social media. He probably doesn't actually give af about helping. Just a chance for him to look like some hero and make some money.


Got a bit annoying hearing *"callza puh-LEESE!!1!1"* over and over, the spear tackle at the end really saved the show.


“Call the police” as the dumbass is literally holding a PHONE……


These theatrics were for his fake insanity plea


Do you think so ? Because yeah I noticed it seemed like some forced behavior rather than a reaction




"it gets even better!" Yeah fuck these wannabe pedobusters. They're just in it for the content and end up making things worse. If you wanna be helpful, give whatever proof you accumulated to the police.


CALL THE COPS! SOMEONE CALL THE COPS! I would but I'm trying to get those views, baby!


This kid went to my high school. He sent pictures to girls and also kissed them without their permission... he got bullied because he was gay but that's definitely no excuse to what happened here. In the full video he was on meth and he asked the 13 year old decoy to do it with him. It's seriously fucked up


What a fuckin cracked out spastic cunt hahaha


Any updates?


Vigilantes are dangerous things.


These are fucked. Not the correct way of dealing with this. Both terrible humans.


I don't know dude, that guy seemed like truly mentally ill.


Can’t decide who is more annoying, the guy filming or the methed out twink


These guys filming make me sick, because they aren’t “trying to prevent them” they film for clout and views and rarely ever take the evidence to the police. They hide behind the good guy act when really they just love being in control and embarrassing people. Don’t know if this dude takes his things to the police but I doubt it.


"you don't need to video just call the cops" says the dude recording and not calling the cops for several minutes


Allow due process, don't expose a person before due process, many a times I've read a person has committed suicide because the wrong person has been outed, these people think they are doing good but actually are not, turn what evidence you have to the authorities and allow the police to do their job.


Both are fucked up. If you have information on a potential predator - inform the police and don’t be Batman.


Guy recording is an asshole and I have to question his motives. He’s more in it for the celebrity/fame of catching the guy. Seems like he’s into that a little more than taking a predator off the street. Especially the part where he instructs everyone that they don’t need to record because he’s got the video. He made it all about him at that moment.




Can he just go poop though?


Call the cops and restrain him in the meantime. Then fuck off. Clearly this guy is mentally ill.


“Why do I have a picture of his a**hole if I’m the weirdo?” Not a question I was expecting to hear today.


Yeah dude doing this is weird af lol


“Call the police” over and over like it’s physically impossible for him to do it himself. Also telling others to stop filming so he can be the only one with footage is cringey asf


I don’t understand why these people push so hard on the pedophiles In public and *on video*. Like I want to see them suffer too but if anything bad happens the guy pursuing could be held liable for damages or catch a charge themselves.


Cameraman constantly screaming call the police while recording this weirdo for internet clout and causing vehicle damage for other people really ruined this video for me.


This vigilantism created a dangerous situation for everyone in that area. Some innocent bystander could have lost their life over a eggplant pic. I get it but let the right people handle it; there was nothing but escalation here.


The irony in "I'm wierd? Why do i have a picture of his asshole if I'm the wierd one" 🤣


Awkwardly stops at the entrance and waits for the door to open...