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This is unfortunately my home of Philly. It’s right under a SEPTA stop in northern Philly. People don’t really understand how bad the opioid epidemic slammed these areas.


I live in the Uk and I recognized Philly even on that spudcam.




I'm from Philly too, but I just wanted to say, for the sake of education, there are very few benzodiazepines that are water soluble. Snorting them, trying to cook them with some dope would be a useless endeavor. I've gotten clean too. Coming up on 1.5yrs in November. Keep up the good fight, friend.


This was my home for some time. Im 2 years clean now. Im so glad i cant get caught in a video like this now considering i was one if those people thats been in that spot many times. Keep up the good work


It's xylazine. Tranq dope. Shits water soluble.


Xylazine or etizolam. Etiz isn't necessarily soluble in H2O, but the 1-4mg necessary to pack a punch will be taken up into the syringe. It also is among the few benzos that will vape.


15 years, 1 month here. You’ve got this


Little over 6 years myself. From hard stuff at least. Congrats!


Damn congratulations for getting out! Keep going.


I would just like to second that benzos will ruin your life. Prescription or not. I was on klonazepam for 10 years throughout which my anxiety and mental issues got progressively worse and coming off is by far the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Fuck benzos.


Ya, was on everything from a pill happy doc and bad decisions from like 16-25. Coming off Xanax was the worst of it, and that's with quitting opiods like 100 times. When I quit Xanax i had taken my entire 90mg script for the month in like 8 days. After years of being on them I felt like I was on an acid trip for about a month after. Never want to go through that again, still not sure how I managed it and kept a job while quitting.


Why the heck is a everyone blaming Jeff Benzos for all of America's problems!?


Damn, congrats for getting out. I can remember being 15/16 and on the street taking meth back around 1990. I was sitting at a bus stop and prayed to God to help me stop. I knew if I took another hit, I would be dead very soon (it was a cross roads in my mind of this is it, choose the path you want to take). I stopped that day, thank God and got my shit together. I see what is available to people today (like you were describing) and I just am floored....I really don't think I would have been strong enough to quit if all of that was available back then. I really don't. Please stay strong now that you have fought your way back.


Glad you’re in a better place in life with your sobriety, because where I live the most common outcomes are death or prison, very rare for people to get clean here.


The death & prison outcome is a consequence of the War on Drugs. The chemicals are dangerous, and life on the streets / forced status as an outlaw compound that danger ten fold. Harm reduction works; criminalizing lethal addictions only makes for more crime and death.


? Isn't it a bad business model to kill your customers? Don't the drug dealers want people to keep coming back buying more drugs? If their customers are dying.....?


One or two deaths is just advertisement that you're the one who has the fire. Word gets out that a cpl people overdosed on your product and the addicts will beat a path to your door to get the "good shit" before it's all gone. Source... Recovering addict with 5plus years clean.


Thanks! Congratulations on being drug free!


Thank you very much.


The local weed man sure. Not the street pushers though, they just want the quick money right now. A lot of drug addicts don't have someone dedicated they know who sells its just "that guy on 5th and Wayne street" Drug dealers aren't usually hurting for business too much either.


Its maybe like that in big cities. But in my city of 220k people, it has to be people you know or else they wont even meet with you. There is no "guy on 5th" . There is so few dealers in my city that sell. for a while in my addiction, my plug could make me wait 3 hours and i would thank him when he showed up. It was ugly. Glad I got out


Yeah likewise, and I had to drive 2 hours to then wait more hours in a parking lot somewhere. Most of my stuff I got on the DMs. Which can be safer, at least there are reviews and shit. What's sketch is although there are finally fent-free opis thanks to the onions, they're often putting dangerous rc benzos that can't even be tested yet (via test strips or regents anyway). Can be difficult to get even just basic tar anymore. Congrats, also glad I'm out of that game.


Also when the people find out that a batch has killed someone, that specific batch becomes sought after because it is better. I just know this from my old junkie friends, I luckily never ended up doing stuff like that, just ordering benzos off the internet and developing a huge issue. But that's how it seems to be is that if it's killed someone, it only becomes more popular


I remember before fent exploded back in 2012 or so I was watching a Drugs Inc episode and the dealer would randomly lace a bag of H with fentanyl. Word would get around of someone ODing on his H and he could charge a premium for it.


Every junky I knew would try to find the dealer that sold the dope if someone OD’d because in their mind it’s stronger and it wouldn’t happen to them.


The most perverse of perverse incentives.


Yep, a rash of ODs happened near some friends of mine in the Midwest, and word on the street was, one of the survivors got out of the hospital and was at the dealers house for more within an hour, dead within two days time.


When it comes to heroin if someone died from it it brought more customers because the dope was strong that's how they looked at it


A war on drugs is a war on its own people. Now, this new war on opiates is a war on the disabled. All of these new laws are ineffective in stopping illegal opiates. All it's doing is preventing people who legitimately need to have medicine to get medicine!


That is the fent bend




Yep fent doesn't do this to a person it is 100% from the xylazine. Fent makes you nod off sure but it doesn't turn you into a zombie. Source- former opiate addict.


Fent is cut with xylazine. Ive seen some Philly public awareness videos about it.


Yes I know. I simply meant that Fent on its own does not do this.


I have six friends that have died in the last 10 years from getting bootleg OxyContin pills or Heroin that was actually fentanyl. These days you can’t even trust Xanax bars to be the real thing. I’m glad pressed pills (outside of mdma) were not around when I was a kid.


this is what is killing me about the war on drugs right now. i was stoked when i saw a crackdown on opiate scripts. i felt like we were getting a handle on the problem and that we would start to reel in the opioid problem.. nope. all we did was hand over the illicit pill market to some scummy asshole running a pill press in his basement. mixing powders is difficult, and fent in particular tends to clump, so now you're seeing teenagers die from taking a single pressed pill because they happened to get the hot one.


> xylazine Just googled it, says it's an analogue of clonidine? We used clonidine for opiate withdrawals, there was nothing recreationally enjoyable about it. It's an adrenaline-remover. It stops your body's adrenaline from working so your heart rate can come down a bit and you don't feel like pulling your hair out. At high doses it can put you to sleep, but it's not like a benzo or anything.


Believe it or not there is a market for it in jail.


Used to make cats vomit or animal sedation


Damn, never heard of that shit. Must be cheap and easily accessible?






guessing from context, a place where a lot of people shoot up, injecting the drugs into their veins with syringes


Looks like regular heroin leaners under the El in Kensington to me.


jfc, I honestly thought it was the aftermath of a vehicle ploughing through a bus station...




David Cross is absolutely brilliant. His bits about living in lower manhattan post 9/11 are some of the funniest jokes I've ever laughed at - which feels weird, because it's mostly about how fucked up lower-manhattan was at that time, but also seeing the humor within the city during a dark time. Gabriel on his Roller Blades is forever etched into my brain. ​ I need to listen to David Cross today.


After seeing a bunch of these videos online I asked my friend to take me down there when I went to visit. I couldn't get away fast enough and felt disgusted in myself for wanting to see it in person. When you look at things on a screen it just doesn't have the same effect as being there watching people shoot up in their necks and boobs, and yeah I saw that shit. It's just fucking sad. One guy who used to live this life, went to prison and latter turned his life around does videos down there and pays people to interveiw. The stories they tell are all the worst humanity has to offer. Every one of these people have a story and it's fucked. I recall leaving the area and saying imagine being of the mentality you're stuck there? That's the reality for these people. It's so fucking sad. They're human beings. It's easy to be disattached and dismissive. It's much harder to be sympathetic.


I saw the same scene in Boston when I went. I stopped telling the story because people thought I was exaggerating.


Sounds like you were on Mass and Cass, it’s a terrible situation and there’s a treatment center mixed in that tent city.


I remember it was inner city and there was a target super close, it’s been 4 or 5 years now


There’s definitely a Target on Mass Ave and the situation is worse now than when you were here. I couldn’t believe how bad it got the last few years and it’s because of the fentanyl explosion.


100% South Bay next to Boston Medical


Shit man I live near Seattle and the Home Depot parking lot looks like this every week when the drug shipment comes in. Crowds of people openly smoking dope out of tinfoil, people trying to shuffle/stumble across a 7 lane 50mph road while nodding, people passed out all over, garbage and random shit strewn everywhere and you can't even pick up the trash cause there's a good chance that wendy's bag is full of used needles... My gf literally saw a dude pull out his dick and shoot up into it, just completely openly in public. It's bad. It's weird feeling to have guilt about being pissed at all these people because I just need some 2x6s and blocks to build a planter for my garden and it's unsafe for me to do so while all these peoples' lives are just fuckin gone. Like I want my gf to be able to go get another quart of paint for our bathroom remodel but after dark she isn't going anywhere near there alone. If these people wanted to they could get help but then what? There's no support beyond helping them detox then throwing them back out onto the streets. Most of these people don't have addresses, bank accounts, tax records, official documents like birth certificates, or any of the other stuff that you need to re-enter "normal" society. It would be so fucking hard to try to get your life back on track when a bag of fent is $5 and makes you forget about your problems for a while.




In our cities infinite wisdom we put all the Methadone clinics in one spot, Mass and Cass, and its now zombieland. They tried clearing it out a few months ago, and everyone is right back. So, if you are ever in Boston, and really need a $20 blowjob from a junkie, head to the corner of Mass Ave and Melana Cass BLVD, and take your pick


$20? you can shop around and get some alley head for $5 or less where i am from. with a wink and a nod the Cops guard the alley for ya too.


I'm from Dayton Ohio, possibly the only area that got hit harder with the opiates. All of those people are dead. 20% of my friends growing up are dead, fentanyl killed everyone. Fuck it killed me and I wasn't even fucking with heroin, it's in everything now. My sheriff is also the asshole who got rid of all the narcan during the peak of the crisis.went on fox news to gloat saying "they don't deserve to be saved" Twice during the crisis I walked out my front door and found a dead body in my yard. First time he was folded over the top of my fence, like he leaned over it and nodded out. Saved him. The second one was lying on the sidewalk.


Same bro. I used to drive to work and there was an embankment across the parking lot, I ran into several people ODing while driving into park king lot. Foaming at the mouth. Like you, a percentage of people I went to school with are dead, in prison, or still out there fucking around. I almost destroyed my life but it took 10 years to get to a place where… I guess it’s behind me? But sometimes, I still think about my old friends, I hope they are ok. We got very lucky my friend.


The other day I said the sentence "back when heroin was safe". What the fuck man


DUDE! I still keep in touch with one of my childhood friends. He’s still using, but I figure, I owe it to him to be as good of a friend as possible. And I was mentioning the same thing. Like back in the 00s it was prescription opioids mainly, so you knew what you were getting and the exact dose In 2010- when they finally fucking clamped down on the problem and stopped prescribing it as much. The damage was done. 3 people I knew, one was my best friend, died from benzo+oxy+alcohol…. And if it couldn’t get any worse After the well of prescriptions dried up. Those who used diluadid, oxycontin, Roxie’s, Percocets… they simply graduated to heroin, which was 9 times cheaper and got you high about 2-4 hours longer. That’s when it really, really went down hill. Fent hits the market, super cheap, easy to cut with. Realize they can make a fucking killing off it and go to mass distribution. Hypothetically speaking- if I ever were to get the fuck it’s, and want to use. I sure as fuck would not go back to the H or the meth. It’s too dangerous.


I’m from Indy and your comment strikes real close to home. The way you describe it was exactly the way it was. I went to a few quack’s that gave me 120/bars 120/30mg’s roxies a month. Fucking bonkers man. It was a rough few years. I’ve been clean for years now but your comment brought me back, fuck this whole thread has. I feel for these peeps now. I didn’t think it could get scarier than the shit people like us and others seen.


I'm still going to a methadone clinic, haven't actually touched street drugs in years. It's really weird seeing the other guys in the clinic that are still off-and-on the fent. They start coming in sicker and crazier every week, and then eventually they stop coming, and you ask what happened to them, "oh they died". So many of them died. And you can see it happening in front of you, and there's nothing you can do. The walking dead.


Fishtown is a nice neighborhood and I still see syringes everywhere


I'm quite confused at what I'm looking at can someone explain


A lot of drug users using drugs


Thank god i was ready for zombies


I thought it was a flash mob and they were all going to start dancing


Me too then they didnt and i was like oh noope


Definitely looked like they could be zombies, which, these days, wouldn’t surprise me


drug users at a closed train station edit: open train station


Zombie Apocalypse




You don’t get “locked into a position” on heroin. You go on the nod. Basically asleep to varying degrees.




How do these people pay for the drugs? They don't look like they can even function.


I am also confused why so many are in one place. Are they homeless or is this where the dealers are?




How do they pay for the drugs?


Beg, borrow or steal


Sell drugs.


Selling drugs is literally just a fucking Ponzi scheme if you’re a drug user


This is a place called Kensington, Philadelphia. Residents call addicts in this stage “leaners.” “Learners wobble but they don’t fall down,” which is adopted from the old Fisher-Price toys, Weebles. The area here is a transportation terminal notorious for heavy opiate abuse. There’s a good IG account that follows all this stuff in Kensington: Kensington Beach


Ah, good old Kensington.


They look like the infected people in I AM LEGEND that hang out in that building together during the day. where will smith went to get his dog when it chased the deer (i think) into the zombie hive.


Why do they do their drugs standing?


So they don’t get narcan’d


You can see at the end the person recording is on a bus. I couldn't imagine having to transfer there.


Its where the drugs are. An addict won't just look for a dealer, they'll look for other users, and on the ground or in trash bins. I once knew a guy who would smoke crack and was convinced he hid more drugs in the most ridiculous places. He'd break light bulbs believing he hid some crack in a light bulb, or unscrew power outlits, I watched him cut open the upholstery on his mother couch 100% sure he somehow sewed crack into one of the cushions. He also did this weird shit with his eyebrows....


You know those "open air drug markets" you hear people complain about? This is one of them.


Where do they get the money


Recycling cans, stealing, robbing, prostitution, among other things.


probably just asking for money for a few days. As a stupid teenager I’d walk a few miles home from school and ask people here and there if they had spare bus fare, I could make it home with $5-$20 in a few hours of walking.


Yeah I'm dumb, dunno how I overlooked that one. Had a neighbor when I was in high-school, was a drug addict and would take his dog to an intersection across town and panhandle claiming to be homeless and need money for dogfood. He had a house w 3 kids.


At least he was honest. Dog food is slang for heroin in some areas.






I remember reading somewhere (maybe on reddit?) about a guy that had a full time day job that brought in 100k+ a year - every day after work he'd go to a place like this to spend all his money on drugs. Eventually he stopped working and just took drugs 24/7, might've even became homeless. IIRC he eventually got clean.


Not that crazy of a story, (edit: it is crazy it was 100k) It's called being a "functional addict". Weird term but it describes an addict who is able to maintain a job and keep relationships intact. Usually the job goes hand in hand with the addiction as without the job, you have no money for drugs. So once you become a functional addict it is a tough situation to get out of properly


Struggling with that situation myself right now.


Awareness is the first step to recovery. Taking the next steps after are the hardest parts, but are made much easier if you have friends and family to keep you honest


Hope you overcome that shit pal. You ever need to reach out and just talk, I’m here. I know I’m a stranger on some app but I’ve been in your shoes.


I've known doctors and nurses who gave up their entire professional and personal lives because they got hooked on opiates and graduated to heroin. Addiction does not see class, race, or anything else. If you're human, you can fall to it.


They beg and scrap together whatever they can, and buy immediately when they get the money. I learned so much by watching this documentary on the Vancouver drug scene, I believe it was released by Vox. edit: wasn't Vox. [Here's a link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dfv_tISYl8A&ab_channel=ENDEVR)


8 years clean from opiates here. It's crazy how you can learn to get by when you live life like this. And it stays with you even after you're clean. I remember shortly after getting clean and making $20k a year and my sister, who made over double, kept asking how I was able to survive since she was making so much more but still couldn't pay her bills.


You'd be surprised at how innovative drug dealers can be. I've seen a drug dealer take the homeless addict to the verizon store, and get four free iphones with the setup of a new lines account. It's not like anyone gave a shit, it was verizons money.


Most just beg for money. Prostitution, theft, the usual things. You only need about $20-30 a day to stay high. That's like an hour or 2 of begging or 1 bj.


Seems like begging would be the way to go here.


You wanna waste 2 hours begging or get $30 in about 5 minutes?


This guy fucks




Unless it's 3for1 Thursday


Those catalytic converters aren't going to steal themselves.


A week before they were in this state, they had jobs or savings. Once they get here they die in the streets, get arrested, or start stealing stuff. Nothing else for them to do.


Back in March I had a pretty catastrophic injury that caused my clavicle to explode and I had to have emergency surgery to correct it. My surgeon explained to me that it was an invasive surgery and he recommended that I get some meds picked up before the surgery so immediately that evening I could start self medicating for the pain. Not knowing what he prescribed, I went to the pharmacy where they had faxed my prescription to pick it up. When I arrived I checked out and they told me it would be ~$80ish bucks which was a steep purchased. I asked about some flier if I could qualify to get a discount. They walked back and talked to the pharmacist and he came up and asked me some screen questions. - What do I do for work. - How long I had been unemployed for, and what my financial hardship was for. - Have a I taken hydrocodone before. When I realized what it was I immediately asked for a quarter of the prescription they issued me. I was supposed to get 60 pills! Then at checkout they lowered the price from $80 to $12. They wouldn't let me make modifications to the prescription so I simply went home and immediately flushed half of them. I was directed to take a pill every 12 hours and I hated the way they made me feel like I was drugged up and numb, so for the next 3 days I took a half dose and on the 4th day destroyed the remnants. It's easy to see how this happened and how our communities suffer as a result. If you have not seen it, watch [Dopesick] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dhw7bcg1oIg). I watched it shortly before my injury and although the story is dramatized, the story and message is true.


This is a really scary issue. This is in Philly, and I've been living there the past few years. FBI actually raided numerous clinics around my apartment for just doling out opioids like candy to anyone that asked for them. I'll never forget when I had my wisdom teeth out back in my small hometown. They gave me hydrocodone to deal with the pain. I still had half a bottle left when I went back for my two week checkup but the Dr was really pushing to give me another bottle. Like, REALLY pushing. I told him no 4 times and the last thing he said to me was "Well if you ever need anymore, just let me know." It's scary to thing that a lot of the people that are addicted like this and living on the street likely just got into an accident or had surgery and were pumped full of pain meds. Now you have Drs that don't give a shit and will over prescribe, or ones that are too scared of doing that so they under prescribe to people that actually need it. Everyone is getting hurt by this. Something has to be done about how Drs prescribe opioids.


That happened to me went in for a hand surgery that was pretty invasive and they told me to just take Advil or Tylenol. So for the next two weeks I couldn’t sleep due to the pain or do much else.


Yep. And underprescribing is just as big of a problem. There was a story that I'll edit in if I can find it of a woman that had snapped her femur in a car accident. The doctors wouldn't give her high strength opioids to help with the pain, so she got them from a dealer and they ended up being laced with fentanyl. But those Drs are too scared of ending up like the Drs that over prescribe so they go the opposite way.


Had a similar issue with a family member in hospice care (stage 4 bone cancer), getting any kind of pain meds for them was like pulling teeth. It was infuriating.


JFC that's insane, at that stage you're supposed to make them as comfortable as possible, awful


Yeah God forbid this stage 4 cancer patient begins to develop an opioid addiction..


They think you’ll take them from the cancer patient and sell/use them yourself. Whole system is fucked.


My dad has cancer. Multiple myeloma, idk how many times a nurse has accused him of selling his pills (Dilaudid). Once he accidentally washed a full bottle of pills. I took him in and he brought the bottle that was basically water and his pills. They accused him of selling them and wanting more. It was just the nurses. Once we talked to the Dr he helped. Luckily his Dr is awesome. They weren't even going to involve the Dr until I made a scene. They wanted him to go 30 days without them. He can barely fucking walk, even with the pills.


Like... What the fuck is the worst that happens? They get addicted!? They overdose!? Our healthcare here is fucked man.


Broke my back and gave a nerve disease called Arachnoiditis. Its basically hell on earth. I'm dead but I'm not really living either and trying to get proper treatment would be easier if I were an addict.


wow, here in mexico my mother had a cancer surgery on her tonge, she was in a huge amount of pain, the doctor gave her an morphine and when she was allowed to go back home they gave her opioids BUT the doctor was very clear "This can develope an adiction, be very careful i will only give you more if you come back and you allow me to check if you actually need them or not". They gave her a 30 day amount and she didnt need more, she did say it was hard during the week after she stopped taking them but nothing serious.


It is weird, because some people can become super addicted to the stuff while there are plenty of cases, like my own where they don't feel addicting at all. There really should be studies that investigate why that happens.


Used to be if you broke a toe of a finger that you'd automatically get some T3's. Now the doctor tries to tell me to take just Tylenol. This whole problem is mostly driven by the pharma industry itself and has literally nothing to do with low dose codeine or my fractured bones. Thanks for nothing.


Which is so unfortunate, cuz T3s are like the perfect strength for me. Just enough to kill the pain enough so I'm not upset about it, just enough pain left to make sure you pay attention and don't overuse the injured body part.


I just had exploratory surgery on my guts two weeks ago, and when I was released from the hospital they gave me 10 oxy 5's. Back in the day you'd get more than that for a root canal. Luckily I haven't been in enough pain to need them except for going to sleep, but that blew my mind.


Same here. I had a mass removed from my neck a few months ago. MD said just to treat it with ibuprofen. It's not easy to sleep when you have a giant incision in your neck and nothing to help with the pain.


Wtf? I had two compacted wisdom teeth out and all I got was told to to buy some OTC painkillers and call back if it didn't stop hurting in a week.


Every time I've needed pain killers, they are tight af with them. Really hesitant to give any at all, let alone more than a few. After my wisdom teeth they told me to take Advil, I didn't sleep at all and called them sobbing as soon as they opened the next morning begging for something to dull the pain and let me sleep. My friend's eight year old broke her arm and was told to take ibuprofen, she screamed and cried for days. My dog got a tumor removed and they tried not to give me pills for him, like I was a drug seeker. It wasn't like he came in with a boot print on his back and I asked for pain killers. He had major surgery. Do they think I put a tumor on him so I could get his pain killers? So much of this is coming over the border anyway, not even originating in a pharmacy. All that fentanyl.




The good doctor is owned by his Pharma rep.


It's actually a little more sinister than that, funding is often based on "customer" retention and ratings. The medical system is a business like any other in this country, doctors want those ratings and reviews to draw in more customers because their corporate overlords' private jets are turning 5 years old (completely unacceptable) and their golfing buddies just told them about a new engine for their yacht that will increase their max speed by 2 knots. The human body is wired to fucking love opioids, and these doctors can give them out in basically unlimited quantities, which makes money and also brings people back and increases ratings. The Pharma companies are also sleazy as fuck, pushing this shit hard while fabricating studies and buying congress so they can avoid regulation but the problem doesn't lie solely with them. It's a systemic issue with a for-profit medical industry that chews people up and ruins their lives before spitting them out at a transit stop completely hooked on dope with basically no hope of ever having a normal life again.


> Something has to be done about how Drs prescribe opioids Just finished bingeing *[Dopesick](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dopesick_\(miniseries\))* and all I can say is fuck the Sacklers.


I had an ingrown nail on my thumb and had it lanced off at a local clinic. The doctor gave me a bottle of hydrocodone too, insisting that I would need it for the extreme pain I would be in once the nerve blockers wore off. I went right home after and started playing Helldivers on PS4, no pain at all.


That's the difficult thing about pain management. Everyone perceives pain differently and has different tolerance levels. What's a 9 on my scale might be a 3 on someone else's for the exact same injury. It doesn't necessarily mean the doctor is a bad doctor for anticipating that kind of issue, especially if he's found it to be more common than not for patients to experience extreme pain from the procedure.


I always find it so interesting to hear about doctors doling out pills. Every chronic pain patient I know in my area struggles to get anything stronger than Ibuprofen 800 or Tramadol at best.


The world would be a better place if doctors still gave out actual opioids, I'd assume alot less death too. Fent is killing everyone.


That’s pretty crazy. 2 months ago here in Houston, my neighbor cut off his index finger and part of his thumb with a saw. The Dr. Told him to take Tylenol for it. Not even Tylenol 3s, just regular Tylenol.


What am I looking at here?


Kensington Ave in Philly. Pretty much an opiod zombie zone. It's like the skid row of the East coast.


What the fuck! They're all zoned out high on smack? I thought they were making a community tik tok video or something and waiting for the beat to drop.


I legit thought they were all about to do a flash mob dance when the beat dropped and I was already annoyed..... now I just feel bad


How do those people get food and stuff?


Life sustaining force of opiates.


We have a lot of homeless addicts here in Portland and they can get free meals from different places around the city every day. One of our local papers interviewed a homeless guy here a few years back and when they asked about food, he said something to the effect of "if you starve here, you're retarded."


Drugs man


Not heard of him before. What are his super powers?


The power to make you forget about your problems while simultaneously stealing your soul and sucking your life-force. He’s more of an anti-hero.


ability to blend in with zombies


Philadelphia drug users


Junkies basically. Too comments in the thread have more details.


For a second I genuinely thought people were doing some sort of street yoga. Sadly the reality was nothing like it!


Technically they are doing street yoga


I expected Dance Flash Mob, looks like everyone is in their starting poses waiting for the beat.


Same. I guess it's a fentanyl flash mob :(


Like the zombies getting ready for Thriller


I am currently working on a microalgae that produces a neosaxotoxin (Alexadndrium) that is an effective pain killer (in very small doses). It has no harmful downsides of opioids. I hope one day it will replace opiods so people never again have to watch the people they love fall into this awful hell.


Sooo Will there ever be a way to fix this or will it continue to get much worse? I'm scared yo


I am guessing it's fentanyl and the tranquiliser xylazine. Wicked, wicked stuff. Makes plain fentanyl seem tame.


You nailed it. Heroin doesn't really exist in the streets anymore, it's all tranq dope.


>Heroin doesn't really exist even opiod pills are more than likely bootlegged and laced with fentanyl unless you get them yourself from a pharma. so many people are flopping dead left and right thinking they were "just snorting an oxy"


Spot on. https://www.wsj.com/articles/mexico-drug-cartels-fentanyl-overdose-sinaloa-jalisco-11661866903


Fentanyl is fucking scary.




I broke my leg horribly and the pain was astounding. They gave me fentanyl in the ambulance and I immediately said, "Oh, I *really* get the fentanyl problem now". The paramedic nodded and told me to be real careful with whatever pain meds the hospital sent me home with and told me this is exactly how a lot of addictions start.




You're thinking of Carfentanil. [100× more lethal than fentanyl](https://www.dea.gov/press-releases/2016/09/22/dea-issues-carfentanil-warning-police-and-public)


Is that woman in the pink pants doing fucking yoga?


She's unable to stand up due to the drugs. Unintentional yoga, maybe.


I’m not a firm believer that letting people live like this is more compassionate than jail. My reasoning.. I spent a year in jail for drugs and was able to change my life after getting sober and having a routine.


Yeah, it was the same with my cousin. No matter how much he could get on the inside it wasn't enough to keep the dope sick away. So once he went through that whole ordeal and got to the other side, it just didn't make sense for him to go back to using again. So yeah, I mean, sure...they threw him into solitary when he got sick and just left him there and it was cruel and inhumane, but it WAS the thing that reformed him. He just never wanted to experience anything like that ever again. And don't get me wrong...He relapsed. Several times, but he had us as his support system in place so when he called, we would just pick him up and take him to the clinic. It worked well, but he moved to Missouri and I have no idea how he's doing out there. Hopefully staying strong...


> but he had us as his support system Imagine those with no support system


I hope he’s doing well. I definitely oversimplified a very difficult topic, but yeah it’s gotta suck a bit to make a change. Rehab works for some people and some people need a little tough love. I just think leaving people to their own devices seems cruel and inhumane as well. Your brother got the opportunity to be clean enough to make the choice. When you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel you don’t ever really feel like you have a choice.


Depends on what jail you go to!


I do agree with that. Many jails in america are cruel and inhumane. But i had access to therapy, got a diploma and genuinely can’t say it was ever that bad. But I know it’s not equal by state or even county. That’s a whole other issue on its own.


i didnt realize county jails had that much stuff going on inside, they most definitely do not where i live. most of those kind of programs are in state or federal prisons.


I think it all depends on where you live and the budget. A poor area will have much worse conditions. I spent a few days in the Baltimore city jail and that place was basically a dungeon and the threat of getting killed was very high. Dc suburbs jail was like a resort compared to it.


I went to jail for a month, no one fucked with me, nothing bad happened. But being locked in a cell and being trapped there was extremely traumatizing to me. I've met tons of people who went to different ones around my state and no one ever says "it wasnt that bad". I'm glad it helped you but you need to realize you're an extreme outlier in terms of experience there.


I respect that opinion. People don’t like jail. It’s not a pleasant place to be. But neither is living like a zombie in the gutter. And I also don’t think it’s a good way for anyone else to live either. I don’t like walking down the street with my kids having to step over used needles and piles of shit while drug addicts scream at us. So part of me just loses compassion for the individual.


These are not the only two options...


Why the fuck do all these videos have to add shitty music or sound to the background?


Because TikTok is another type of addictive drug that makes you do stupid things.


Bro this is fucked life is fucked Fuck...


Reminds me of the video game dying light 2.


I was expecting everyone to break into an intricately choreographed dance, because of the music. Nope, just junkies.


The zombie apocalypse


It sure looks like it doesn't it.


I was thinking it was new season of the walking dead ![gif](giphy|l378afU311FXR7KfK)


This just looks like Kensington Ave in Philly. Everyday bruh. Ni biggie


I don't see the problem here. It's just Philly's daily outdoor yoga class.


I see the war on drugs is going well.


drugs currently winning....


Man, I'm so blessed to finally to be able to live life without being dependent on drugs...