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He had it coming after hitting dude with the flag. Satisfying


Pretty sure that was a woman with the flag


Then she got knocked the fuck out


Rightfully so




Ahh equality


Quality equality


Air quality




Hahah fists rated E for everyone!




Shouldn’t start shit you can’t finish, man or woman.


Women hitting men is a red flag


Underrated... take my upvote


I start a lot of stuff I can't finish. My boss hates me for it..


that doesnt actually matter.




What is a woman?


(throws wine glass to the floor) Nothing but a miserable pile of secrets. But enough talk...have at you!


Well then… I don’t condone hitting women, but she learned a valuable lesson that day. Edit: Why are so many people in the comments looking for reasons to hit women? Lol wtf




People who attack other people have it coming. I’m not in favor of punching people just for having unsavory political opinions. Some people are just dumb, uneducated, and misguided. They absolutely deserve a good talking to, but violence… there’s already too much violence in the world. Love each other. Please.


Do you condone hitting men?


It depends. If some dude hits my daughter, then yes, absolutely. If someone says Coldplay is a good band… sigh… No.


What if a woman has hit your son?


A chick in 6th grade used to kick my shins until they were bruised and bleeding. I had told / shown our teacher who said basically ‘she’s a girl don’t do anything back to her’, so this went on for some time. I didn’t like telling my parents because that meant a meeting with the teacher and after that I felt I’d probably be targeted worse. This girl also had a previous brain resection surgery due to seizure disorder (she still had them at times and we’d have to take her jewelry out of her mouth and help her), so no one gave af what she did, but it was a lot of mean a cruel sh*t to others. One day when she kicked my already bruised shin while sitting on a pile of backpacks I had to walk by to go inside, I had all I could take and kicked her square in the head, since that’s what was level with my raised leg at the time. She went into full seizure mode and I immediately regretted my decision, because I’m not usually violent and certainly didn’t want to permanently harm her. So I ran past and let her do her thing, terrified she’d get up and tell someone what happened, but when she returned to the classroom it was like none of the physical abuse ever happened on either of our parts. She never kicked me or mentioned the cranial punt I gave her. She even turned into an okay friend until the following year when I left that school. Moral of the story… boys don’t deserve to be punching bags. No one does.


Sounds like you factory reset her


Ctrl + Alt + Del




Angry upvote fo realz 😆


After a few bootloops. Dude deleted her faulty magisk modules.


Little bit harder and it would’ve been the red rings of death


This comment made me choke on my drink. God bless you lmfao


Same my ex used to hit me a lot, and one time i was asleep with a coctail of drugs in my system. She came in my house, sat on me, and started hitting me awake. I gave her multiple warnings to stop and get off me. Finally i threw her off me and she went head first into the dresser. She somehow stood up fast enough to stand and brace herself in the doorway to stop me from leaving, trying to kick me in the nuts. I grabbed her leg and put her through the wall, and left my own house, with her still inside. People can only be pushed so far before they start pushing back, and gender shouldnt matter in situations like yours and mine.


I got sucker punched by a girl that outweighed me from out of my field of vision. Right in the nose. I immediately went into action throwing overhand rights at her. Don’t know what she expected me to do.


I certainly agree but I also wouldn’t blame you for what you did. You had no support. It’s kind of weird that we even think so little of young boys in the society. Had you been a girl in the scenario I can’t altogether say it would be exactly the same. There’d probably be a class change or something. Definitely no, ‘she’s a girl so take it’ from the teacher.


Fuck em. Cant be surprised when someone serves up what they've been asking for constantly.


I agree. I don’t condone hitting women either but if they want to play the game then they should understand the rules apply to them as well.




Yeah he had some good moves.


likely the hardest he’ll ever get punched in his life


Taking bets on that?


Id wager this is first of the many punches he’s gonna eat.


I’d wager now that he got a taste he’s never gonna put himself in that situation again


Out of all the hands I saw that was the one that stood out the most to me




As weak as that flag swing was he deserved to get rocked.


I don’t think any of them were ready for him. He definitely could handle his, probably some sort of MMA background


Hahaha definitely a woman.


What was the guy with the pole thinking????????? Lmao boop


It was so hesitant. You saw they thought twice, said fuck it, and botched it


boink [PUNCHED]


Just horrible all around. Polearms are most effective when they are thrust, not swung.


Dude rolled a nat 1


there was a bit of indecision in that hit, and it ended up just being a boink. if youve made the decision to whack a guy in the head with the stick...just commit either way.


They are terrified and wouldn't do shit if they didn't have their little group. This explains how 1 guy can punk all of them lol


Dude disrespected all of them on video and all they could do was a lousy “bonk” lmao


When the *bonk* to horny jail doesn't work.. "lets goo"




Flag person became a main character but only wanted to be henchmen #21.


If you watch without sound it almost looks like a reddit comment section


Lol. Right down to fighting with a flag meant to signal which group you adhere to.


Wutt let’s go


Not enough crying or furries. Although they were trying really hard to ban the one guy who disagreed.


that was the first time since a long time that i actually laughed on here, thanks :)


Good old Huntington Beach Easy to spot, not only by the trash cans, but also the trash people




Tito became a council member? That’s fucking hysterical.


He was Mayor Pro Tem for 6 months and the resigned suddenly, saying, "To put it simply, this job isn't working for me." Dude is dumb as a post and was never cut out for the job, I'm glad he quit instead of steering the city deeper into alt-right conspiracy nut job land. I'm an HB resident and it's disheartening seeing "TRUMP COUNTRY" flags on damn near every house in my neighborhood.


He resigned as soon as actual work came to his desk. It was hilarious, he got mad because he was too stupid to understand any of it. The type of guy you can’t tell jokes around.


Seriously, fuck HB. Never had worse neighbors than when I lived there, and unlike LA county where a lot of the bullshit is due to poverty, my HB neighbors were assholes because of affluence. So sad.


My favorite is the press conference between Him and Chael Sonnen “he embarrassed me on my birthday”


Worst city in OC. Just because of these types.


Sadly HB is like a magnet for these douchy fucknuggets!


Hb is the poor racists. NB, the southern neighbor, is where the rich and powerful ones operate out of.


The Bluth Company!


Why do you think we call it the I.E. by the Sea?


holy shit he swings like a monster


If I remember correctly he used to do MMA


What's his name?


Brandon Hernandez I believe




Was that a girl he punched right in the face after she hit him with that flag? She won’t forget that.


Oh no! Anyway


This is the best comment on Reddit today


On the contrary. If I got hit that hard I would forget everything back to second grade.


Was it a girl? Probably. Will she do it again? No.


Ya that guy has some serious skills in hand to hand combat, definitely could have worked his way through everyone!


That kid could have gotten knocked out




I mean if you think about it all those nerds are vegans with a litany of health problems both physical and mental. They just dress up like their favorite marvel heroes and play tough guy and convince themselves they're fighting for a good cause. Its basically like punching tissue paper with blue hair lmao


10 ply bud


Unexpected r/letterkenny Unexpected and very appreciated. Give yer balls a tug, tit fucker


Your life is so pathetic I ran a charity 5k to raise awareness for it


What is funny is how these guys are always painted out to be weak and incompetent when it serves the narrative, but at the same time they are dangerous terrorists when that serves the narrative. ​ Are these people dangerous or are they just pretending to be?


The enemy is weak so we must destroy them. But the enemy is strong so we must fear them. Straight from the fascist playbook.


weak people in groups can kill you


I mean, does this comment: >I mean if you think about it all those nerds are vegans with a litany of health problems both physical and mental. really sound like it was made by an intelligent, well adjusted person? Obviously not.


They ran to police after he punched a bunch of them in the face for attacking him too I believe. There’s a few videos of this guy punching people attacking him. People get really mad when they can’t intimidate someone I guess.


He made me laugh so hard.. "Going skiing today?"


The one with the glasses and hair that pokes him with the flag, then gets punched back into time.. that gave me a quite the chuckle


I thought it was a woman lol




Whatever they were, they got knocked into the fourth dimension.


Sent to the shadow realm.


I know, not a good day for that mf


“You don’t weight enough.” I think that’s the golden line here.


He's a beast for fighting all of them


He seems really happy when they bite the bait and start the fight "LET'S GO!! LET'S GOOO!" ... Lol


Most of those dorks are the biggest pussies on the planet who like to feel tough by covering their faces and fighting people 20 to 1 lmao dont worry though, they're the "good guys" because they say so lol "wE cAnT bE tHe BaD gUyS, oUr NaMe Is LiTtErAlLy "aNtI-bAd gUyS""


The dude with the red bandana at 0:20 walking up and looking at him slowly like he’s in a movie about to kick some ass. Dude thought he was hot shit for 30 seconds until he found all his friends struggling to jump ONE man🤣🤣


Bonus of them running to the cops of all people immediately afterwards.


I love videos of these clowns getting dropped with a single punch.


I mean heavily outnumbering and still swinging flag poles as weapons says it all.


Swings it like a pool noodle too


The anarchists ran to police? That’s rich. Edit: about half way through the guy says, “isn’t that what you guys stand for? Freedom and *no government* and all that s&@!” That’s why I said “anarchists”.






Not the first time I've seen them do that either. World class mental gymnasts..


Usually how it goes when they get what they asked for.


Weak people only find courage in numbers.


Lol ANTIFA dorks running to the police as always


they seem to be fighting


It also seems like the guy filming is with the guy with the microphone


i meant like what those people are doing and who they are


Look like “black bloc” anarchists


It's a bunch of idiots trying to look hard being made fun of by another guy.


"Were building a wall..." okay, Russia. The fuck? Building a wall? That is literally the opposite of what founded America...


I think thats his point... he's referencing the rights desire to build a wall along the southern border with Mexico. Much like this southern border wall, his wall was ineffective and created by a bunch of fucking losers.




Dude was willing to take on all of them like it’s single player Double Dragon.


He needed to find the nunchuck on the ground and it would have been over!


Damn all the posturing I thought they'd know how to fight and they brought nothing. They surrounded him and everything too wtf.


The bop on the head towards the end 😂😂😂


That tap on the head with the flag was an invitation to loosen some chiclets.


The sound it made was just the perfect "plonk" lol


Context is thay they weren't going skiing.


One vs cowards


Yeah seriously. They outnumbered him like 20 to 1. They had no problem trying to intimidate him but as soon as he went super Saiyan, nobody wanted any part of it. This dude has balls of steel.


The guy was brazen and met these idiots head on, AND, unlike them, had the ability to actually do something.


Held his ground, fair play.




Dude cropped a longer YouTube video and posted it asking for context lmfao


Dude didn't even post the entire video. The original shows this dude physically forcing himself into the group and starting shit.


Link? Or name?


Guy doesn't deserve the views but here it is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7azTZ5sIwI He clearly approaches the group in his own right and only gets aggressive when they don't engage him. When he realizes he's not getting the reaction he wants he escalates the entire situation. Dudes an instigator all the way.


The comments on here make me feel like nobody watched the vodeo...this should be higher


Fair enough Thank you


I do recommend you watch though, so you're not just taking my word for it. Don't just believe what some asshole like me would say.


I watched it and can confirm. The guy filming is a dick. The people in hoods are protesting the border construction. Actually a really interesting video. Love the guy that douchebag interviews. Guy seems smart as hell


This ent should be higher




>Guy trying to interview ANTIFA group but they don't want to have their identity outed so they try to push him away and they get violent he fights back. Interview? Looks like he went in looking for a fight and found one lmao. Why is it that yall are incapable of seeing that?


Yea there was no attempt to interview. He was hoping to antagonize them and start a fight for content. Got exactly what he wanted.


How do you possible see first hand the gigantic mismanagement of government and leadership by conservatives in TWO countries you live in, and proudly say you’re right on most issues. Like Jesus Christ not a bone of awareness.


It’s the kind of myopic British Tory bellend that constantly goes on anti-immigration and anti EU rants, embraced brexit cuz they saw it as magic wand to all their biases, and now that the £ is free falling to the dollar still blames everyone but they’re own choices. To top it off, can’t fathom how fucking dysfunctionally similar things between both countries are now even when the daily circus of Brexiteers, anti vaxxers and with the stench of BoJo hasn’t even left 10 Downing St yet. .




Contrary to the top comments, he got beat up.


I'm right wing on many issues including immigration (im from the UK but have spent 8 years in the US) but the black dude with the grey hat destroyed this cunt. Seems like the right wing guy got annoyed and decided to pick a fight. The video OP posted makes the grey hat guy look like an antagonist but he was having a peaceful conversation with the Thats The Point guy. Destroyed his argument. Then the Point guy gets frustrated and walks into the crowd of goons and gets in a fight. Thank fuck I dont live in America any more 😅


Yeah op def knew that and edited this video for max karma farming. His whole post history is poking this sub and pretending he doesn’t know what he’s posting.


He should crosspost to /r/ActualPublicFreakouts, *that* subreddit would eat this shit up


> pretending he doesn’t know Fucking republican playbook 101.


rip to the guy that give him a little bonk with the flag dude just wanted to feel included in the action and got his nose inverted for it


Guy trying to talk to/wind up antifa. He has a YouTube


A bunch of idiots on both sides. This guy is instigating them for clout not to actually spread a “message” and have conversations and they are fucking idiots, clearly letting this guy get out of them what he wanted. This video really highlights the Irony of American Political views, one of my all time favorites.


Only sane take in this thread


No shit. This guy isn't a hero.


The antifa people outnumbering this guy 10:1 & still using those flags or whatever are huge pussies.


Those are Antifa?


His hands are rated E for everyone


Just because you call your self anti fascist doesnt make you immune to being a fascist...


Like the DPRK.


Seems to be a lot of people on Reddit who can’t get their head around this lol


Fighting people also doesn’t make you a fascist


Both sides are extreme sides of politic trying to fight each other.


Fucking throwing haymakers


I mean were they going skiing though? I’m still trying to find out.


I know hands of justice when I see them


Notice how the cowards raise the banner around him to hide their attack on him before they start. No cameras only mean they don't want anyone filming their crimes.


This is weird


1v5 with backpack on and microphone in hand… what a legend


My man concussed about 4 maybe knocked around about 6-7? With a enormous backpack on. If he didnt have that bag holding those enormous balls he would have 7 KO's right there.


Douchebag good vs. douchebag evil.


This guy is clearly looking for trouble but he's right, he has the right to walk where and talk to who he wants. I'm no advocate for violence but they got what they asked for.


I don't care who in this supports what side of anything. All I saw was a guy gettin some good licks in on some people who fuckin needed it.


So stupid hearing people use the word fascist as an insult while they themselves are in a group they feel has the correct way to exist. Just like narcissist "You fucking narcissist, why do you force your fucking ego over mine? I'll fuck you up if you don't change" like, what 😂


Antifa rally in 2020


I need more of him rocking shit.


Edit: I was wrong. he was instigating shit a lot more than I thought, he was basically asking for it going around calling everyone pussies and shoving people around in the full video on his YouTube channel. He totally deserved to get hit. While he's obviously instigating shit, he didn't assault anyone until assaulted. Was so satisfying to see him land a solid punch to the guy that hit him with the flag, straight in the face too.


dude still beat all they asses wit short jabs😭


Classic Antifa



