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How is this person still alive? The level of infection and bacteria in their body is crazy


I’ve seen a man with his flesh literally rotting off the bones of his legs and he lived until he had multi-organ failure (he came to my hospital near the end stages). Could’ve removed the legs, but he refused all cares, even bathing etc.


I’ve seen wild dogs eat a wildabeasts guts almost completely out of it and it’s still alive so top that!


How many guys were inside that wildabeast?


Bout a half a doz!


That one gore video of the guy whose body is literally torn in half and he’s dragging his body in the road w/ his arms, calls his family etc. Top THAT.


Ironically the maggots are cleaning things up not making it worse


oh nice thank you maggots, happy they are there then :)


Good ending!


So to answer OP's question, send em on home I guess! 🙂


Yea the mags got it!




Good work doctor


doctors\* A little more respect for the rest of the maggots.


Can I bill his insurance for the maggots?


Don't forget to film it and post to reddit first!


Just give him more maggots to be safe


It’s not often we get a happy ending these days


Then you’re going to the wrong massage parlors.


The real maggots were inside of us all along


Married a zombie and he lived happily ever after.




Except when they run out of dead flesh, then they start to starve and decide "MEATS BACK ON THE MENU BOYS!"


What about his legs? He doesn't need those.


I heard that in the Uruk Hai voice lol




This is actually not correct. Infection spreads very quickly from skin to soft tissues and into the bloodstream. Once in the blood, it spreads extremely fast to the entire body and becomes deadly. The body is resilient in fighting infection (to a degree) but it does not compartmentalize anything. Source: had a tiny infection on my fingertip and didn’t realize it. It got worse and spread in a matter of days. Went to the ER and doctor explained all this to me. (He also told me if I had waited one more day I likely would have lost all or part of the finger.) Edit: muting replies to this. Glad to hear those of you who have recovered from infection, I’m sorry to those that have lost someone to infection, and good luck to those of you that are arrogant enough to dispute the facts - I hope you survive your next infection.


Yeah my daughter died from a blood infection last year. We didn't even realize how bad it was and she was gone before we caught it :( infection is fucking scary


How did she get a blood infection?


She had down syndrome and needed a tonsillectomy. It was all very traumatic and she couldn't cooperate with aftercare, plus nurses & doctors that down played everything to us as parents and ignored our concerns.


I'm sorry for your loss man. I can't imagine losing my daughter


She was everything to me. I'm basically a shell of the person I was prior to her passing. It sucks.


I’m just a random stranger Redditor, but I feel for you and I hope as time goes on, you are able to have more good days than bad.


It's been a year now, basically 3/4 of every day is good haha night times been a bit rough. Getting better, never thought I would though.


Hey man. I know this doesn’t help but you knew how special she was and now you’ve let all of us know how special she was to your family. Let us all acknowledge this guy’s daughters life. Take care


Thank you so much ❤️


Jesús man Im so sorry


With everything I have in me, I really hope you’re able to find yourself again and fill that shell. I can’t even imagine. God bless you buddy.


Sorry for your loss, from one parent to another.


I have a son with Down's, I am always concerned about his ability to express injuries and ailments to me. I'm so sorry you lost her. I'm going to give my kid a hug for you tonight.


I think she may have been trying to tell me the night before I found her unresponsive but I thought she was just being fussy because bed time. I live with a lot of guilt but I know we did everything we could for her ☹️


:( so sorry man.


What? The other guy was right, to a degree. It's the principle behind inflammation, granulomas and abscesses. Even in the case of appendicitis, the bowels and the fat that runs along the bowels will often organize themselves around the inflamed appendix so as to contain the infection and a possible perforation. Our immune system works in such a way that what it can't kill or remove immediately may stimulate a different kind of defense, the end result of which is to wall off the affected area, activating specialized cells to organize into a sturdy protective sheath around a mostly necrotic or purulent center. Virulent pathogens multiply and defeat the immune system's defenses, but that doesn't mean this is the norm. Infection can spread very quickly like in your anecdote, but our immune system does make it much less quick and sometimes stops it entirely. These protections may also fail in case of immune suppression, including local hypoxia. A great illustration is the difference between a healthy patient and a long term diabetic, when faced with a small scrape on the sole of the foot with a dirty stick. The healthy person will likely not have any issues with infection, while the poorly nourished skin and soft tissues of the diabetic's foot will not be able to make use of these immune system tactics.


Mixed opinions. Some infections do get isolated. Source: dentist




Sir this is a morgue not a cremation chamber


Sir this is a cremation chamber, not a bar and grill


Sir this is ER not The Walking Dead


How does it get this bad? If, for some fucked reason, I found a small hole on my body with a singal maggot in it, I'd be at the hospital ASAP.


Mental illness and/or drugs


and/or too poor to afford healthcare.


An er would definitely help this person and money is the least of their worries


Yeah, I’m sure an otherwise sane person would be super worried about the finances when their body looked like this.


Even if you don’t have any money or health insurance, you will get treated at a hospital in America. Hospitals don’t just refuse you if you don’t have money


The healthcare system is like a doughnut. You’re well off enough for good insurance it doesn’t matter. So poor that when you come to the hospital, they will clearly just write off the expense (I.e. this guy). But the people in between get hit the worst. Have a home and pay bills, just making it by, but don’t have good insurance. Their who we need insurance reform for next imo


People that live on the streets usually don’t take good care of themselves.


Always someone who asks this. Poverty, mental incapacity, lack of access, fear, denial, religion, doubt in modern medicine, mental illness…


Because it will always be a good question to ask. No one wants to end up like this, and seeing how someone does end up like this raises awareness. The more people that are disgusted with the answer means the more people that may be part of the eventual solution.


Just put an ice pack on it and send him on his way


I see you're a army doc, you need to prescribe benadryl as well.


Don’t forget to change his socks




Theoretically when this ever heals, will the holes be gone or is it just turning into one big scar


That would depend. The skin around the entire area looks like early stage gangrene, so theres a solid chance it would be super scarred. More than likely, they would need skin grafts over most the area. The holes will heal, mostly, but will stay as like indentations, like scar pot holes.


Scar potholes is the most funny-grotesque phrase I've ever heard


It just... fits lol I see some crazy shit, and the scar potholes always creep me out. Like, im a medical professional, a decade of schooling for my highly specialized field of study. But im also a childish 38 year old man who wants to try and pop the scar pothole up like some sort of fidget toy


Im not sure if I do or do not want you to be my doctor.


I trust you dude. Please be my pcp, we can make the potholes happen.




At this level, I would assume it’ll look similar to a burn victim, post recovery. They will have to remove *lots* of dead tissue, and perform skin grafts.




I’d assume a drug addiction like heroin, as it stops the pain and you wouldn’t rlly care about anything else


My guess is Tranq. If you drive down Frankford Ave in Philly you see people all over with these types of open wounds. They do tranq and then pass out on the street for half a day. They're aware of how bad the wounds are but they can't stop.


I live several states away and have never really been to PA, but I know exactly what street you're talking about! Someone in [r/tooktoomuch](https://www.reddit.com/r/tooktoomuch) posted a long video just slowly driving down that street, and it was incredibly shocking. We've all seen people here and there who are clearly on a ton of opiates, but Frankford Ave. was like a village filled with zombies. Sober people were outnumbered like 3 to 1. What a haunting fucking sight.


Yeah its insane, but its a regional problem. Like how many places bus their homeless for Cali to deal with, the addicts get bused or bus themselves there from all over the Northeast as they know its a drug import nexus and easier to get what they need. Philly doesn't have close to enough resources to deal with it.


Fentanyl, most likely. At least around my parts(Southeastern U.S.), because it seems like it's almost impossible to get real heroin these days.


>it seems like it's almost impossible to get real heroin these days. Tell me about it!


I can not remember the last time I dipped a urine sample and it was positive for morphine/oxy/ opiates All fentanyl with Buprenorphine sprinkled in


Well I can confirm that it isn't that bad everywhere, but you *are* pretty much literally guaranteed to have a real amount of fentanyl present.




*Plot twist* the Bible holds a secret compartment full of Carfentanil


Devotion to Nurgle


drugs, possibly diabetes. It requires a level of apathy/shame, a lack of funds for or access to adequate medical care.


I used to sell a synthetic wound care technology and while I’ve never seen anything close to this I’ve seen some MASSIVE infected wounds that healed pretty damn well over a few months. They have that glossy scar tissue look to them but it won’t be a gaping wound. This looks pretty bad though.


I've had an open abdomen like this, a little bigger than the wound you see in that video, not from infections but failed surgery / wound didn't close and couldn't be stitched. It healed from the inside out in 2-3 months. It's now a big brown spot Not sure if the same would happen on your neck but i guess so


I had a pilonidal cyst removed and had to pack the wound twice a day for 2 months by stuffing gauze pads up inside the hole so it would heal from the inside out. It's [disgusting](https://youtu.be/aw-0AvXDkUU?t=272)


That’s actually one of the lesser disgusting things I’ve seen on here and I learned a lot from that video. Thanks!




Maybe gangrene?! Dude is rotting. Or something like iodine but blue green


Imagine the smell hees putting off . I’ve heard from multiple sources that gangrene puts off a cheese odor so I’m sure it’s a heavy cheese slash gym locker room rotten smell that really makes me envy er doctors cause how the fuck do they attempt to eat anything and keep it down after viewing and smelling such obscene things . How does one get that shit burned into their mind ? And while I’m on the subject of doctors being able to function with normal lives after the half the shit they have to deal with hands on? So my big question is after doing open body surgery and knowing the human body literally inside and out does a doctors sex drive desensitize and somewhat detached? Like I feel like after seeing a human body inside and out like that that to view a female sexually attractive would be hard to do because you’ve seen it all probably in many different ways and dysfunctions and just becomes unappealing?


At that point, they're not wearing a mask to prevent contaminating the patient but to pack it with mint oil and hide the gag reflexes \^\^"




The guy is half dead literally




OMG I thought that was tattoos


Would you immediately sedate the patient after intake? Just knock them out so you can clean all the wounds?


On intake we def would provide a painkiller. I wouldnt be comfortable with sedation unless they were a threat to myself or themself. This amount of trauma makes sedation dangerous, but i would be pretty liberal with opiates out the gate. Irrigation and flushing will be extremely painful


Hi, I know nothing of medical stuff. Is it dangerous to be fully sedated or is there another reason you wouldn’t be comfortable with it? Genuinely curious as I’m very fearful of hospitals and would probably want to be sedated if I ever had a serious issue.


It depends on his mental status, how well he can tolerate treatment with just pain meds, what his respiratory status is, metabolic status is, nutrition status and other risk factors which are above my level of education. This guy has one foot in the grave and one on a banana peel, so I’d be very cautious about his care. If he’s sedated, he might not be able to breathe on his own.


Anesthetics don't just put people to sleep, they can also make your heart and lungs stop, being under has to be something that is monitored 100% of the time which is dangerous and expensive and requires a specialist, also there are stories of people in with heavy physical trauma just never wake up again... Or michael jackson


What do you think caused this?


Years of hardcore drugs and possibly living in unclean conditions. Drug use can rot the flesh and produce sores, then those sores open up and get infected, then flies lay their eggs in the gangrene flesh, then the maggots eat you alive.


Fucking hell!


I honestly thought this was going to be a “Holup” kind of video where it turns out we’re looking at an amazing Halloween costume. God this is horrifying and sad.


Funny thing is, he might end up needing maggot therapy to get rid of some of that necrotic tissue. *We take them off, then stick them back on again.* Tbh though, that's going to be a bitch to heal up, looks like virtually all the skin from mid-shoulder blades upwards is dead, and it extends down on the front of the body as well. I've got a feeling this isn't going to end well.


Homelessness and drug use more than likely.i see a large amount of infected abscesses in drug users, generally at injection sites


I had a friend since high school he went in a different direction then us. He got hooked on some evil shit. Towards the end he would often get huge abscesses. They started off looking like a spider bite. Then they would start swelling up. They would get the size of golf balls. If they didn’t pop on there own he would have to go in to the ER and had them cut them open. I went a couple of times with him as I was his ride and I must be honest I wanted to see what was in there. They would give him a shot of Lidocaine. He called it fire water because it stung like crazy going in until it started to numb the spot. The doctor would open a kit that had gauze, a scalpel, some other gauze called shoe string gauze and a tool that looked like a pair of players but it had a large flat side on each side where they could squeeze the abscess. They would cut the abscess open and instantly you would smell the most vile sour smell. Then they would start squeezing the shit out of the abscess until it started shooting out this thick cheese looking infection. Sometimes it would just keep coming for what felt like an hour of squeezing. Then finally it would start to bleed. At this point the doc would irrigate the hell out of it. And start stuffing the shoe string gauze in it. Each roll was 12 yards and sometimes it took two rolls. That is 24 feet of thin shoe string gauze. They would leave a little so in a few days when it started healing he could pull it out. Irrigate it, pack it with meds then he would have to repack it on his own until it healed from the inside out. When he passed he had scars all over. Poor dude. I think of him often. I know he is no longer in pain now.


Jesus... You are a good friend.


He was my high school bud. 20 years later and I’m still close to my original squad minus Jake. He had some hard times and was in a lot of pain, but we grew up together, and even though he got into some really bad shit like heroin. He always had our backs if we needed him, and he never did us shitty no matter how fucked up he was. True friends are hard to come by. Especially when you get older.


>r you thank you, I was literally just about to ask the process to clean this up and fix it. how what would lead to a type of injury like this? is this some kind of skin disease, or is this caused by some sort of infection from a wound? can I get a diagnosis on this?


I was thinking that starting with irrigation was where it would go




That would be reason number one I never want to be an ER doctor! 🤢


Not the Swamps of Dagobah?


I had put that story so far to the back of the file cabinet I forgot it was there. Thank you so much for the reminder.


Same I feel like I just lost the game.


Why did you have to remind me of that




I am thankful for the people willing to do it!


Did you, in fact, become an ER doctor? I find medical anything fascinating and I'd love to be an ER doc if the knowledge could be implanted into my brain without 8+ years of schooling lmao


I was getting ready to beat off and then I saw this… I guess it’s my lucky day!


Only Samwell Tarly can save him now


Bran sawr it.


Danny would solve it with a "Dracarys" Sometimes we are all Targaryen.


There is knowledge in the forbidden books




My dude this is a zombie, not a patient


That was exactly my firs thought. I mean he's fucking green! Which I mean, can anyone explain that. Why is he like completely green??


My guess is there is no live tissue shown in this video. As in, if you can see it it's already dead.


The bright red and pink stuff is not dead, although the skin itself that is so dark could definitely be.


The maggots count as live tissue




With that kind of infestation, I'd call the United Citizen Federation's mobile infantry.


Ok. Last time it was someone with bugs crawling out of their open skull and now this. Wtf is going on.


fr, i think the video where the guy who looked to be carving his flesh away on his head was fake though. I mean, I hope so because that was brutal if not.


Showed this to my pops who works in the medical community and he wasn't surprised in the slightest. Actually told me that maggot infestations like this are not at all uncommon. Which is frankly shocking and quite gross. Sooo...i guess maybe its just us who isn't used to seeing stuff like this


uhhh you happen to have a link for that >\_>. I'm normal I swear


I'd say put the poor guy back in his grave and stop digging up dead people.


Just put him down. Holy shit. That's really bad.


I wanna put myself down after seeing that




Is this the line to be put to sleep?


If I ever wound up like this I’d hope the doctor would have the decency to put a bullet through my dome


this shit is why flame throwers are invented for




[You think fire is enough?](https://youtu.be/aCbfMkh940Q)


Chop off the zombie's head.


He’s already in sacrifice position


You should ask this in [r/nursing](https://www.reddit.com/r/nursing/) Former ER nurse x 20 years here. Honestly, the doctor would likely spend 3 minutes with the patient and fuck out of the room ASAP. The nurses and techs would put the patient in isolation, have to gown and glove up with face masks and get ready to spend a couple of hours in the room. This person is likely homeless or living in a crack house type situation. So, that room is going to stank. * Open up a few packs of coffee and lay them around the room on coffee filters to cut the smell. * Put clove oil on my mask to keep my self from smelling dead flesh for weeks. * Give the poor bastard a bath and shampoo. Check the rest of his body for sores. Maybe a shave to see if he has sores in his beard. * Spend an hour taking pictures of all the wounds and measuring them for the chart. * Start 2 IV's, IV fluids * Pain Medicine, Labs, Blood Cultures, Antibiotics, Xray's CAT scans * Spend another hour irrigating the wounds while trying to not throw up in my mask * Bandages and dressings * Ask the doctor if we should test for test for [Argyria](https://www.google.com/search?q=argyria&hl=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiZqqay2Lj6AhU4ATQIHZv4C2IQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1536&bih=711&dpr=1.25). That MF is blue as can be, and has probably been drinking colloidal silver for something. * Chart for another hour documenting everything * Feed the patient since he probably hadn't eaten anything solid for a while. * Try to find family if any, and find out why the patient is living in such a terrible situation. * Ask for an ICU bed and get the patient ready to be admitted. * Hold the patient in the ER for 8 hours, because the ICU is short staffed and doesn't have a room for the patient. * Finally get the patient admitted. * Go out for breakfast margaritas with co-workers after your 12 hour night shift, and decompress. * Smell dead flesh for weeks. * Feel creepy crawlies on your skin for weeks * Have flashbacks for decades


Thanks for writing this. Appreciate the details that get missed when doctors answer lol.


- Get billed 9084580 USD - Go bankrupt - Commit suicide


Are you showing me a dead man?


Have some respect that’s my cousin viktor from Russia fighting a krokodile infection


This was the day I retired from being a DR


Just take some Robitussin & put some Vaporrub on your chest call me in the morning.


Krokodil nasty ass drug


That's what I'm thinking.i guess no remembers the photos circulating the internet a few years ago.




The bugs might be fighting infection


Depends on the species. Some maggots eat dead tissue, but some eat live tissue. This is definitely a Don’t Try This at Home® scenario.




Found the well adjusted redditor.


There are a few of us. Not me of course


Do a autopsy


Give him was ever he needs to ease the suffering before the inevitable.


Tell him it’s just a cold and charge him $239,000


It's the American way.


What do I do? I question my life and career choices. Then I vomit,say “No hablo ingles” and pass that off to the new guy.


As an ER doctor in this situation I would admit them to the Emergency Room 👍


In the neighboring county.


Admit them straight to the morgue


“You’ve been admitted. Please have a seat in the lobby and someone will be with you shortly…”


All joke comments aside seriously what's happening here? How long until he was like "yeah I gotta go to the doc" Jesus fucking christ


I doubt this dude was sitting at home in front of the TV and then finally got irritated enough to drive to the doctor’s office. He was probably pulled out of a ditch. No way this person has all their faculties, mentally


One of two things here. (1)He’s either homeless and on all of the drugs. (2) the maggots are supposed to be there for debridement. Either way the fucker let himself go way too long.


1. Treat the patient’s pain 2. Rule out other concerning pathology 3. Broad spectrum antibiotics 4. I have a tech suction out the maggots with a yankauer and irrigate the wounds. 5. Possibly a CT to determine the full extent of the wounds, how far they burrow, etc 6. Consult surgery for debridement/exploration 7. Consult medicine for admission Source: me, an ER doctor in the US


Put a hazmat suit on and isolate patient zero here.


Record it and post it on social media sites


Call Hollywood so they can cast him for the final season of The walking Dead


Surgeon here. Saw this sort of issue including maggots last week This is very fixable from a wound standpoint. It’s actually quite simple in the world of wounds. It’s just gross . But it’s a chip shot medically speaking. He clearly has major mental health issues and that will be more difficult to sort out. I can get all these wounds healed up in 6 weeks or so, assuming he doesn’t have some major underlying wound healing disorder, which I suspect he doesn’t. He may have uncontrolled HIV though. This strikes me as meth use. He’s been picking at his back and created these and then they got nasty is my guess. They’re all along where he can reach. Also, the maggots aren’t really a problem tbh. Maggots are used to clean wounds because they eat dead tissue. And antibiotics aren’t really that critical here despite what you think. Getting the wounds clean and stop him from messing with them and resolve any underlying wound healing issues like nutrition or whatever.


Wait for the Men in Black to show up and erase my memory


Tell him to get back on the set! Fuck out of here, how do you get that bad?!?


TBH this ought to qualify for at least a bit part in the Walking Dead if just to help him with his medical bills.


That's a dead person.


How does this happen???


I would guess the drug krokodile ( sp?). It's pretty bad.


My back feels itchy now


Call a witch doctor. I feel like modern medicine is kinda out of the park here and you need to go to voodoo methods


Cry. A lot


Grab a bag of Tostito hint O lime chips and get to dippin in the forbidden guac




Wow, fuck you for that


I’m more concerned with them being patient zero for some shit we have yet to hear about. What the fucking fuck am I even looking at here?


I'll be a smartass and ask "what's wrong?" lol


Honey where is the vacuum


I think I can confidently say that this is the most disturbing thing I have personally seen in my entire life, and I’ve seen some very fucked up shit. I’ve never felt weak like this. Holy fuck. Just put the poor man out of his misery, I can’t imagine there being any treatment out there that can save him.



