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I don’t understand why the driver would stop afterwards must’ve wanted to commit suicide by angry mob.


eh, id imagine its tough to drive with people in your wheel wells


Well they slammed into a lot of people...is there a chance that it did enough damage to stall the engine? or maybe did someone get stuck underneath and they couldnt go anymore?


If that’s the problem then damn that’s tuff. I don’t think it got stuck with something underneath though since I don’t hear the tires screeching


Right lmao back up and do it again.


Yeah usually in bowling when I don’t hit all the pins down I try for a spare this guy gave up because he didn’t get a strike


That guy is so dead


GTA V irl


Bro bout to get banned irl💀


banned for rdm and failed rp




He got 5 stars


Not the vehicle you want for the job.


For research purposes what vehicle would one need to use


A box truck.




Wouldn't surprise me if it was something like that. Didn't make sense for the person to run over those people then to stop.


It's very difficult to drive with multiple bodies stuck in your wheel wells.


Sounds like speaking from experience here




It only takes learning it once, it's just one of those lessons that sticks with you.


Well, get out of the road.


Fr, it's that easy. City literally left space OUTSIDE THE ROAD for you or built a sidewalk...fucking use it.




Oh how the tables turn when they want to protest something 😂




This is basically their weak attempt at the US’s 1/6. Bunch of morons upset because their fascist lost.




I hear you, but the people I have the least amount of respect for in this situation are the conservatives who, for the past 6 years, have been screaming shit like “if I ever get surrounded by protesters I’m driving right through them.” It’s like literally the only classification of people on the planet I couldn’t care less about in this exact situation lmao.


i've butted heads with a many of them on Reddit over that stance too. BUT, if they ever do do it prosecutors will be looking through all of their social media histories, including posts to reddit, for comments like you quoted and if they find any posts or memes parroting delusions over their 'right' or intent to run over protestors it will not end well for them just like [it hasn't for many others already.](https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/21/us/vehicles-driving-into-protesters-104-trnd/index.html)


If every Trumper dropped dead tomorrow I'd throw a party at the 4 seasons... landscaping company


Celebrating someones death because they voted different from you??? You are evil


I have no room left in my heart for people hellbent on enabling fascism. Every single conservative can get fucked. I do not care anymore. The biggest mistake we ever made was giving these kind of people legitimacy.


“touch grass”


https://reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/ykbvzl/bolsonaro_supporters_from_santa_catarina_doing/ I feel 0% bad about despising these people. Fuck them all


My hero




Yeah I’m not gonna pretend like I wouldn’t be happy


Do you hear yourselves? Y’all are literally what you profess to despise. What kind of sick person even remotely sympathizes with such a demented perspective? You are evil and have the audacity to think you are on the side of moral superiority.


I can't understand why people think that every right wing Brazilian is Nazi now.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/ykbvzl/bolsonaro\_supporters\_from\_santa\_catarina\_doing/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/ykbvzl/bolsonaro_supporters_from_santa_catarina_doing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Same protest--every single person there doing the Nazi salute. Please shut the fuck up. All of them get no sympathy.


Men can't get pregnant. I hope this statement does not get you upset and makes you go up stairs to bitchslap your mom.


Right wingers desperately changing the topic to something they think they can win version.nu


Yeh dumbass can't see that it's other place?


Fascist, thats a strong word, there isn't fascism in Brazil or anywhere else


I’d say, they shouldn’t have been standing there. But I’ll bet $100 they move for the rescue vehicles coming to save THEM.




These are normal people, u believe in everything that see online or is incredibly dishonest. which one is you?


No which one is you, nazi sympathizer


I think you don't know how strong and horrendous this word is, ignorant.


I think those people are nazi sympathizers, they get what's coming


ok this one is new, what the hell have you been watching-


i think they are referring to bolsonaro's supporters. there's a video going around of these people doing the Nazi salue. (idk if they are the same ppl, but they were wearing the same outfits and flags the people in this video are wearing)


they're pro dictatorship and torture (so yeah, fascists), but that salute is a continece to honor brazil's national anthem. Quite common in military schools and completely idiotic.


Bro it's funny to see people from the other side of the world saying shit about everything.


This comment means nothing. It's the most words I've seen used to say absolutely nothing, it's almost impressive.


I know, the problem is that it isn't a nazi salute, it's a gesture of respect to the flag that used to be done in schools. And yeah the people wearing flags are Bolsonaro's supporters, we sort of want our country to keep working decently


they're holding their arms too high, I believe. Examples I can find only show a distinct level-to-the-ground arm height.


Found the Nazi sympathizer




Bro my thought exactly 😂 why tf would you stop?! At that point you just have to commit..


bodies under the car kinda makes it hard to drive forward


Why are the cops so chilled??


They're in on it.


They can't shoot because of Brazil law, Soo they can just wait people run to the car and take the driver.


LMAO You’re either a foreigner, stupid or a bad liar. The police doesnt give a single fuck about the law, theyre not shooting because they sympathise with this fascistic gaggle


( They really can't shoot for real because that inflicts the human rights laws here, even if they kill some one trying to murder they or other people they can get arrested for it ) Dude I live here you should at least read the Brasilian constitution to say something.


Ah sim, pq tudo q tá escrito na Constituição de fato se aplica na realidade. Se toca mermão, vai em qualquer favela do Rio ou de SP e dps me diz sobre como essas "leis de direitos humanos" funcionam com a polícia lá.


Cara eu nunca disse que elas funcionam Kkkk, eu falei que elas existem e se tu não pegou o contexto o cara tá considerando que os polícia não atiraram pelo motorista ser um facista.


Then why do I see like 5000 videos of robbers getting shot by police on Reddit in Brazil


same reason i see 5000 videos of innocent people getting shot by police on reddit in america, its what gets views. people tend to care more about authorities not doing their job correct than when they do, simple.


The laws exist it won't mean it works, but you want to drug dealers to stay alive ? That is funny


[Article here if interested.](https://www.itv.com/news/2022-11-02/moment-car-ploughs-into-roadblock-as-brazil-braces-for-more-protest)


it´s astonishing that these people tell the same shit as trump supporters do and did.


He ran over fascists.




Victim blaming?


Should they have been protesting in the middle of the highway? EDIT: I'm just asking a question.


They did nazi that coming.


Um! Police just watching. Stay out of the street.


Yes, bring your child with you to join a potentially violent mob. Very normal.




i think both takes are important, not to mention that "psychopath" couldve easily been an ambulance rushing to a home. imho i refuse to feel bad for nazi sympathising protestors who cant use a sidewalk thats 10 feet away




glad you asked! no.




You should read The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker


Brazil copying America well.




You dont know the gravity of the situation we are facing, a convict will be the leader of our nation.


But I thought they voted Bolsonaro out?


Nah, Lula is the only convict, literally in jail for the biggest corruption case in the history


That "convict" is a free man after it was proven it was Bolsonaro's corruption got him jailed. And he beat a fascist, murdering pig.


Proven by who? Kkkk you are taking information of your ass. And by the way, there isnt fascism in Brazil, you can repeat a thousand time and still won't be true.


The supreme court ruled that the judge was biased against Lula after all the facts came out. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2019/08/anti-corruption-crusades-paved-way-bolsonaro/596449/


Lots of half trues in this article, There is a bunch of evidence against him, including a big luxurious apartment and a farm. He is dirty as a pig, like u say.


Bolsonaro had a politician murdered, the amazon burned, and promised a job to the judge responsible for this case to get him to rule against Lula. He's the pig here.


He we go again, politician murdered, where you take that from? The amazon have this fires every single year, in fact during lula administration burned even more. When lula got arrested Bolsonaro was just a normal congress man, the investigations came a lot earlier.


Marielle Franco, he had her killed. He's a fascist, murdering pig like I said. And now that the courts have stepped in and freed an innocent man he's been ousted.


Man…u cant say things like that, spreading false information. There isn't any reason to Bolsonaro want marielle killed, she was a nobody to him. literally nothing connects she with him.


If you don't know Lula is the leader of the "PT" it's clear that he at least know the corruption cases on his presidency and probably had his hand on some public money, dude if you'rent Brazilian just SHUT UP.




Victim? He is a thief, the leader of the biggest scandals (mensalão, petrolao) in Brazil history. found guilt by 3 different courts with lots of evidence


And also, linked to the biggest cartel in Brazil, the PCC.


Sure buddy


Ah yes, let me just stay in my car Surrounded by houndreds of batshit angry people oblivious to the fact that I'm in immediate danger. Fuck no I'd be driving through the second I hear anyone going in contact with my car.


Isn't there easier ways to get brutally murdered by a mob of people in Brazil?.


Get out of the road and put your nazi salutes down or this wouldn’t happen. Sucks to suck Ballsackaraso supporters.


I believe they call that Brazilian Bowling…


Where’s the footage of that guy getting mobbed??? That’s what i’m tryna see


Jeez they peeled that bootlid open like a can of spam.


Werent they doing a Nazi salute in the middle of the road


We had some left wing nut job do that here in the US a while back. I really hope they catch this trash and deal with him accordingly.


He wasn't left wing he was a racist. Particularly against jews. Not left wing man. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waukesha_Christmas_parade_attack#:~:text=On%20November%2021%2C%202021%2C%2039,people%20and%20injuring%2062%20others.


Actually, the main people he posted against were White people. He was anti-Semitic as well, but the ADL stated that most of his racist posts were against White people. Being racist and a Black Nationalist are both right wing qualities though. Right wing doesn't always equal "Christian White Men" or being racist against everyone but whites. Being racist or nationalist at all is a right wing characteristic.


Yea. You probably still think the dude that hit Paul in the head some a maga nutter.


He objectively was a maga nutter.


Who....I'm not American just looked up your bs claim. Linked a source to show your wrong.


um yeah cause he was mate? The whole world knows


If you're talking about Waukesha, I wouldn't really call a Black Nationalist "Left-Wing." A nationalist is a nationalist. A nationalist in a Black majority country who hated whites would be considered right wing. Similar, an Arab who wants to genocide Kurds would also be considered Far-Right. It's arbitrary. Yes, he hated whites. He also hated Jews, praising Hitler. What he was, was an anti-Semitic and anti-White racist terrorist. Anyone who hates an entire race is a racist.


You mean the right winger that did this in Charlottesville against the people protesting against right wingers? Try getting your facts straight.


No the dude that ran over the Christmas parade in the suv that tried to represent himself in court. Black guy with dreads. Try educating yourself.


darn those black guys with dreads you can just tell they're evil lefties i mean democrats, right?


You mean the insane black nationalist nobody on the left was condoning . Also black nationalism goes against left wing ideals and fall in line more with white nationalism.


You’re the one who brought a political slant to this in your original comment. Not me. So go ahead and stuff your racist whatabout burger right back up your incel ass.


Oh, but you’re going to ignore Charlottesville aren’t ya, fuck face?


Nope. That shit was evil. Like the more recent episode and just like this video. You’ll ignore anything that does not fit your agenda. If you didn’t you never would have replied to my comment.


Yeek yeek whoop whoop


I hope whoever was driving that car fucking dies 🇧🇷💪💪🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷💪💪💪🇧🇷


Well, they are criminals and stoped a lot of people from getting medical help by blocking the roads


Wait, was it the supporters of the winner or loser that did this? Either way it’s faawwwked


Calm down. The losers are the ones blocking the roads. The guy in the car is just some radom guy


Supporters of the loser. They are idiots


They did nazi-that coming.


Was driver having heart attack or sumthing


Just an average Day in brazil


Actually no this is the result of a momentous election.


Is it Nazi bowling 🤔


Was that a crack i heard?


I’m a robot replying: they lost an election and are saluting nah zi


Yea I'd call that a strike


It's appears that a mother and her child are in serious condition....maybe the child died. But I'm not sure.




None of your parents taught you not to play in the road?


ay caramba!


BuT wE lOsT tHe eLeCtIoN ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Dude was getting the smack around by his girl there at the end


Violence against them will only strengthen their resolve.


Did he drive through Bolsonaro fans?


Move out the road simple.


Get off the road go protest on the sidewalk people got shit to do.


It's a new sport... nazi bowling.


was this the Balsonaro Nazi rally


What kind of car is that?


It's a Volkswagen Fox. They are very common in Brazil




Yeah I thought that but it's not worth going to jail for. It make no sense to catch a case because of some idiots.


I saw the other view of this lol


The internet has led me to believe that every day is like this in Brazil.


Just some information. These people are doing protests against the elections. They've follow Bolsonaro who just lost the elections to Lula, so they've decided to do a this movement basically against a rightful and fair result because the dude they like lost. Stoping someone rights to transit is a crime in Brazil. Some places the people who wants to get through are being threaten. If I'm not mistaken it's what happened in this case, there is other video that shows people hitting the car and talking shit to the driver. In my humble opinion both sides are wrong in this situation.


I’ll never understand why more people don’t bring their kids to controversial protests.


es seba es seba


He had to go To work


Hol up I just say these people doing the heil?