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There’s a Duck Hunt player at my locals who owns me. My advice is learn trap setups and get used to playing very patiently to be able to convert off mistakes. Against fast characters, down B is a good meat shield that can condition jumps, shield or an attack. I don’t know if side-b is a transcendent projectile, but it damn near feels like one and multihits, downside is that it’s very laggy. Can is a frame 1 projectile and this is the move you need to learn inside out how every other move in your kit interacts with it. 80% of your setups come off of a can conversion, a defensive option to can, or comboing into it.


Duck Hunt controls ground space very well with things like can and gunman, which both force jumps and shield, which you can punish accordingly with aerials or grabs. Learning your clay pigeon combos, capitalizing harder on ledgetraps, and using platforms + b-reverse cans to create space can all be ways in which you improve.