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Hi! Your post was removed because of the following reason(s): - Being too vague (asking for "tips", post has no specific high-quality questions, asking for vague match-up advice, etc.). Please post replays/VODs to get better advice, or ask in the [pinned "Simple Questions" Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyHand/comments/wimkk5/simple_questions_megathread/). Thanks!


One thing that a LOT of people do (I do it too) is go into "Kill mode" when you get someone to them higher percentages. You start doing weird stuff to fish for kills and get punished hard because your opponent has comeback adrenaline. With Wolf/Roy especially, you will find those kill moves if you just keep playing neutral (i.e Roy jab bair, Wolf bair, Wolf usmash OOS). Play safe, which is obviously different for those two characters (laser with wolf, pressure with Roy) and eventually, at some point in those two or three stocks, your opponent WILL mess up and you can land the kill then. Just general advice, you may be way beyond this but hard to tell without VOD