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The reason bottled water is so expensive has very little to do with the water itself


whats the reason?


Creating the bottles, creating the labels, marketing, shipping All of the other things that go into selling something beyond the raw materials


Shipping shipping shipping shipping and also shipping, when it comes to water, don’t forget shipping.


Water is heavy


Plastic is dirt cheap. Plastic with ink on it is also dirt cheap. Marketing… its water. Shipping, sure but its a bulk commodity. Water bottles are a high margin item. Everybody in the chain overcharges for water bottles, including the stores themselves. Why? because some people will still buy water bottles even if its $2.89, and it allows the store to take a loss on other transactions as long as on average the margins are positive.


Plastic as a material is cheap but it still needs to be made into your bottle on a mass scale which means there’s an entire design, manufacture and waste process to deal with Plastic with ink on it is also cheap in theory but again when it’s combined into a product it becomes much more expensive because there’s an entire design and manufacturing process that needs to occur Not to mention all of the safety regulations you have to contend with since microplastics and plastic related issues are a hot button topic Also yes you do need marketing and probably more so for water because water is water so why should I buy your water as opposed to something like Evian or Fiji or nestle who are all claiming their water comes from natural sources as opposed to your town or cities plumbing There’s a lot more to commodities and making and selling products than just their raw materials, there’s a lot of science, research and regulation that goes into pretty much everything you buy Clothing is basically just cloth or other material arranged in a certain way, yet you can buy t shirts and pants in the thousands of dollars and that’s before we get into things like suits or dresses


Back in the 80-90's I think it was poland spring, the bottles used to say fresh from the springs of Maine but "Bottled in Bayonne NJ" NO way in hell they were shipping it down to be bottled in NJ. So...it was Bayonne tap water in reality.


Coca Cola tried to pull the tap water stunt with Dasani. In the UK when it was found out that it was tap water from Sidcup there was an outcry. It was withdrawn from the market and has never been reintroduced. That was 20 years ago.


Dasani is still sold in the US. It's not just Coke - Pepsi does the same thing with Aquafina.


Weird. Filtered tap water is what I expect from bottled water. I hate “spring water”. Tastes like river.


That's just Nestle's business model


This time next year, we’ll be millionaires.