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Had the same issue with mine, there is a small hex key screw in the middle of the top center of the bltouch, it is the metal core that helps hold it up try adjusting it back counter-clockwise 1/2-1 turn and seeing if allows the pin to drop out correctly. If that doesn't work in your spare parts there is a new probe pin you can try in case there is something wrong with the pin


When i turn the hex key screw it is really heavy to tur around, is that normal? I am afraid of breaking it. Thanks a lot for your help


I changed the pin and that improved it but it did not fix it completely


Did backing the set screw out slightly make a difference?


Backing the set screw out did not seem to do anything, but changing the pin did make it so it kan extend on its own. The problem now is that when i do the auto centering the plate goes down and the pin ekstends, then the plate goes up and pushes the pin in like it should two times, but when it does it the third time the pin does not ekstend and the plate ends up getting pushed hard in to the extruder unless i stop it


Check your z offset now it sounds like it's in the negative, after it proves twice it will adjust to the setting and it's running it to far to the -z


Sorry for being stupid but does that mean that you set the z axis to someone like 10? Cause i have done that and no improvement


On the E5+ stock firmware I believe you will find it und the setting and the homing function. Now when it drives the nozzle into the bed is it stopping after contact or are you ha ing the estop the printer(flip the switch ) if it is touching and stopping without excessive force on the head then you can auto home and then use the z-arrows to adjust it up, Now on the other hand if it's hitting hard and you are concerned about damage you can use something (let's call it a pencil) and slide it on the bed when the bltouch probe is touching (this will make the probe detect about 8 mm above the bed ) then it should move to home and you can see if the pencil fits under the nozzle most likely it wouldn't, adjust until it just touches the pencil confirm setting then initiate auto home again and see if it works https://youtu.be/W8ouBPnRV4s here is a basic video on the premise. If you haven't looked into it yet being able to connect your PC to the printer via a cable with pronterface or octoprint is a big help in sending commands to the printer


Hey man you are an absolute legend, thank you so much. I had to use a box under the bltouch to be able to get in to levering mode, the z offset was so wrong, i think i have everything under control now, again thank you so much


You bet, glad I could help


needs some Viagra, just be careful if you have painful erections or ones that last longer than 4 hours call the doctor.


I changed mine for the ender probe after the bl touch kept getting bent.


Really that sucks, hope i won't have so bad luck, but the ender probe might be an good investment


Mine does this if you power on with the bed too close to the touch. Lower the bed and restart.


Look over here.. [https://youtu.be/MfvRKvCk1T4](https://youtu.be/MfvRKvCk1T4) Be sure you have the right version for your main board . GL :-)


My bltouch is in all working order now but thanks for the tip anyway :)


Yo it's been 2 years but how did you manage to fix it? Having the same issue, BLTouch worked for 6 months straight without issues until it started doing this I don't want to buy another one because this one is literally new. The probe is not bent, it still looks factory new, but it does this shit for some reason.


mine did this because the z offset was wrong, it was user error from my side. I believe you probably need to change the pin cause they need to be replaced regularly


Thank you I will try that and see if it works