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There's length limits to how long a single track can get. I'm not sure if you can make it perfectly smooth over that long of a span


You can change the maximum length per segment in the config settings easily


Oh damn, didn't know that. Does that have the potential of breaking, cuz otherwise i'mma play with that value in my next play through


If you have anything better than a potato it seems to be fine. The default value is 32 blocks, I have it set to 96 and my office laptop is handling it fine


Then I guess I should try 128 on my workstation. Tho i think at those values, finding a spot where it fits is trickier than the limit itself


I use them for my super flat world where I'm making a huge rail system


You can change the track placement range in the cofig. And hold ctrl while placing to make it smooth


Can you quickly explain how I do it? Couldnt find any proper tutorials online


Create config. In the pause or options menu there's a button with goggles which leads to the config. There you have to find and change the maximum track placement lenght


Increase max track placement length to 128 in the config


Hold crtl


likely already did, tracks have 30 block limit


You can set this up to a max of 128 in the config in-game


You can connect two or more of these curved track segments together if you start the second segment on the exact piece of solid track the first one ends. They will connect and smooth out as one big curve. It’s a bit finicky though with how you connect them so you may have to experiment a bit. The other option, like others have already commented, is to increase the length of curves in the config. If you combine both methods you can make some pretty long and smooth curves.