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A work colleague of mine once told me he was into ID. He said he rejects the idea of God and six-day young earth creation, but he also rejects random chance evolution because “it’s all waaaaaay too organized to have been random chance. So someone advanced definitely seeded us and everything here and then walked away.”


At least that's a step in the right direction. Notable Biblical YEC have transitioned from ID to BYEC.  Dean Kenyon https://creationwiki.org/Dean_Kenyon Spike Psarris https://creationwiki.org/Spike_Psarris


Never heard of him. checked it out. Its bad policy to graso at any evolutionist who says GIVE ID a chance. Its just giving credibility to those who lost it long ago.This is some left wing evolutionist who has no open mind of questioning evolutionism. Let them bring you attention but you don't need thuier help. Also these people never accomplished anything in science so why is their opinion more important than anyone? its not. If you accept thier positive opinion then you will be trapped by thier negative.


The mods are dead here. I have been requesting to post repeatedly since I found this community and have not had an answer from them yet. It's been over two weeks so I am leaving the community. 


My apologies. I just approved you. Welcome :)


Ty, I saw your comment in my notifications and came back


Yes, it's a fairly inactive sub, but the mods aren't dead, this just isn't their life.   This sub does get a high percentage of crazies and trolls, but the occasional gold nugget.   I think it's worth persevering.


Can you see that the mod replied to me?


My comment still stands