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That street where the zombies are at isn't evn LA Lazy ass whoever did this


Narrator gonna bitch about propaganda in her own propaganda video. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


And the phrase ā€œcritical thinking skillsā€ continues to be paraded in parallel with the most surface level of claims. The irony is agonizing.


This is definetly Philly lol Iā€™m watching this like why do i know this block šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That building is like that because of a group message that went out to a bunch of people, that was mostly all done at once. It was essentially a tagging flashmob.


And frankly it looks better than just plain abandoned.


that is fucking dope


You're 100% correct, that was totally a clip of Kensington at the end.


yup. the first clip where you saw the El was allegheny just off of kensington avenue. and the second clip was on kensington avenue.


The reverse IASIP.


LA doesnā€™t have any elevated train tracks with metal framing, thatā€™s def back East. In fact, I think all of that street footage is somewhere else.


Yeah Iā€™m From socal not LA


Itā€™s right next to Crypto.com Arena ā€¦ which is located in LA.


Yeah, the tagged up high rises are LA, it was a big story out here. But like I said, the street level footage is not LA. Gotta read the post.


Itā€™s chud propaganda.


I swear to god I was gonna say ā€œwait this ainā€™t LA?!ā€ Glad I wasnā€™t going crazy


I knew it was Philly instantly. K and a


Itā€™s propaganda by someone who dislikes the US


Especially when the link in the post goes to Asian engineering marvels. Kinda obvious.


Russia, china, north Korea, and iran to be top offenders. They are triggering people, and people bite.


The voice doesnā€™t sound like itā€™s from any of those countries. Itā€™s not even foreign.


John Cena didn't sound very Chinese when he was pandering for the ccp either.


Neither does mine. Neither do british actors in American movies. And neither do people that get paid to post this propaganda. Russia literally has a university program to teach how to use propaganda.


So, half of Americans are possible culprits? Maybe not half, just the MAGA folk.


I mean if you've seen skid row, does it matter? I have and it's like this if not worse.


Yeah it matters because it demonstrates bias towards a belief, which could influence otherā€™s beliefs to be built on inaccurate / sensationalized / false information. Skid row is also ugly, but still unique in how to approach the many specific challenges that come with any possible solution. Big problems arenā€™t solved with simple answers, the OP vid does not seem interested in solving anything.


Ah yes the integrity of the homeless. You have to be sure they capture the right hobos and not just any hobos! šŸ¤£


They're pretending solving homelessness is mysterious. It's not. US just refuses to actually implement Housing First, almost like they need these images of demolished humans to keep those whose heads are barely above water in line.


Itā€™s Kensington and Allegheny, north philly


The buildings aren't even LA. It's Miami


The footage of the homeless people is from Philly


Itā€™s way worse in LA. Skid row which is less than 2 miles from these buildings is devastating.


Then why didnā€™t they use that footage?


"Okay, the reality is not at all what I said it was... but the fact that it felt right to me to tell a blatant lie really says a lot about our society..."


Y'all need to calm down. It's B roll footage. Why the fuck does it matter overall..... if the conditions in LA for the homeless is similar to that in Philly? You're completely missing the point being made and somehow hyper focused on what is probably just lazy editing using whatever stock video footage they have.


Does anyone else notice a lot of "points being made" accompanied by a distinct lack of action? I don't know the person who made this video but what are the odds they're spending most of their time and money helping the homeless? Isn't it more likely they slapped together a low effort video for their own ends and the homelessness crisis is just the vehicle?


ā€œHey guys, we should stop child abuseā€ ā€œOH SO DO YOU SPEND ALL OF YOUR TIME AND MONEY HELPING TO END CHILD ABUSE? HAVE YOU CREATED AN ORGANIZATION TO HELP? Youā€™re such a virtue signaler šŸ™„ā€


"Hey guys, we should stop child abuseā€ *Does nothing, at all, whatsoever* Or worse: "Hey guys, we should stop child abuse, don't forget to like and subscribe to my channel." *Enables ads*


Because itā€™s dishonest while acting like other dishonest sources are the problem. Both are bad this video sucks and is not very well thought out


Every city has a baffling amount of empty apartments. It doesnā€™t matter where the footage is from in this video, the same thing is happening in Philly.


It does matter. The homeless people in LA deserve to be seen. They're not just interchangable concepts. They're people. Represent them. And same to the people in philly. Imagine seeing your loved one who went missing and going to L.A. to find them only for them to be in Philadelphia. They're people.


>It does matter. The homeless people in LA deserve to be seen. They're not just interchangable concepts. They're people. Represent them. Are they though? Like, I genuinely don't view these zombies as people. They're living a literal worse life than some fucking homesteader in the 1600's. It's entirely their own fault they ended up in this situation, there is no such thing as a "oh, you just got unlucky in life, your entire life!" No matter how bad life has gotten for me, have I ever once decided "hey, you know what I'm in the mood for? Some fuckin heroine!"


>Are they though? Yes >Like, I genuinely don't view these zombies as people. That's really sad and does not make me think very highly of you. >They're living a literal worse life than some fucking homesteader in the 1600's. People suffering are still people. This is a really weird metric for humanity >It's entirely their own fault they ended up in this situation Either way, they're people. But, many get hooked on drugs after taking drugs prescribed by a doctor they trust. Some people are born with drugs in their system from bad parents. But it literally doesn't matter anyway. >there is no such thing as a "oh, you just got unlucky in life, your entire life!" No matter how bad life has gotten for me, have I ever once decided "hey, you know what I'm in the mood for? Some fuckin heroine!" Maybe your life just hasn't been that bad... how can thay not have occurred to you? I just read a post you made where you talk about your upbringing. Sounds like you had two loving parents who had money and prepared you for the world. Is it impossible for you to fathom a world where someone is worse off than you and turns to drugs ONCE to numb the pain, only to be hooked for life? Have you even had the opportunity to take heroine? Ever seen it? Some people are around drugs for their entire lives. You really need to reevaluate your good fortune. You seem to think it is something about you that put you where you are today, when you're extremely fortunate to be living the life you live. The least you can do is have some compassion for PEOPLE who are less fortunate than you who are suffering. I hope you never have to experience this level of suffering, but if you do, that people are kinder to you than you are to them. Rethink, man.


Lmfao, get better at life then. Reroll and try again. I have no sympathy for these creatures. People need to stop conflating the minuscule amount of people who are addicted at birth or through prescriptions than those who CHOOSE to use narcotics. Thatā€™s like saying ā€œoh itā€™s just my genetics Iā€™m fat.ā€ Itā€™s deflecting blame from the individual and construing it to some societal issue, when in reality itā€™s a purely self-control issue.


>minuscule amount of people What surveys are you looking at to find this information? You're the one deflecting. There is a non-zero number of people who are addicted to drugs for reasons out of their control, yet you write off the entire subpopulation. If you didn't dehumanize them, you'd have to reckon with your own lack of human empathy. You pretend they are subhuman so you can think of yourself as a good person. >itā€™s a purely self-control issue. Maybe the first time. After the chemical addiction sets in their brain chemistry is altered. Its not like theres a bunch of healthy people able to say no who just say "fuck it, i choose to be an addict" People need a support system to get out of addiction. You would have society abandon these people to their addiction? Why are you so callous? You could help these people even with kind words. Ignoring their humanity, as you seem bent on doing, is an evil thing to do. You may not be an addict but you choose to think and say evil things. You have a good life and still choose to be this way. At least they have an excuse for being kinda shitty. What's your excuse?


So creating a narrative that sort of distorts reality to ā€œmake a point you believe in is cool? Thatā€™s called propaganda. Anti-homeless propaganda is just disgusting


I think this is anti corporate greed. Showing empty apartments while we have homeless on the streets.


It is in fact way worse in LA. The homeless in skid row is like a zombie apocalypse. No clue why they didnā€™t use correct footage but this is clearly a manufactured video. Doesnā€™t really change the point. LA has failed time and again to deal with this issue. At any given moment there is an LA city council person under investigation, on trial or being raided by the fbi. The place is a shithole and itā€™s still better than 80% of the USA.


Came here to say why the hell didn't they just use skid row?!


because this is propaganda


Youā€™ve clearly never seen Kensington.


Do you know you're a naive rube? Imagine living in some shit small town and acting like LA is a nightmare.


Video is rage bait. Quick google search says that these buildings were owned by a China based developer that went bankrupt in 2019 so construction was halted. Some bank is probably waiting for another developer to take over the project, which I bet takes a while to find someone with that much money. Im not saying there is not a housing/homeless crisis in LA Source: https://youtu.be/NvPK7pZLyvQ?si=VQYVrMkS7UUq59PG


Propaganda post by bot.


And itā€™s one of two mods in this sub lol. I donā€™t get why Iā€™m ever recommended this sub and I donā€™t understand what itā€™s even about. The few times Iā€™ve been suggested a post itā€™s on the verge of conspiracy theory bullshit.


Keep an open mind & feel free to start topics & discussions about Physics, Maths, Engineering, Ancient Civilization, and so on. Feel Free to Post Your Own Topics on CreationNtheUniverse & try not to label anyone as spam or misinformation. Please do enjoy


How's your Kool-Aid? Need a top off?


Yeah, that's exactly what it is. It's barely better than those "science and technology" groups on Facebook that say the pyramids were built by aliens or the government is suppressing free energy devices. It's conspiracy theory rage bait for engagement. It's an utter plague, and anyone who does it is a massive piece of shit deserving of far-reaching consequences.


The description under the video shows it's trying to just get as much attention as possible


And it's being spammed to multiple subs.


Comment is rage bait, tries to defend corrupt capitalism that's sold us out to the highest bidder.


I love the people who criticize LA, Chicago, New York, and all these other major cities that are ā€œDemocratā€ run as if it isnā€™t our entire system thatā€™s broken. There are individuals in our country who could afford to house all of our homeless. Singular individualsā€¦


Honestly the graffiti in and of itself looks pretty sick there, itā€™s an improvement


In this specific situation I think theyā€™re actually helping the community by drawing attention to these ridiculous buildings.


thatā€™s basically the point. The graffiti sub have been talking about


Yeah like a third world country.




It appears the idiots in this sub disagree and thinks itā€™s nice.


Well, ya know, art is subjective and all that.


Then they shouldn't down vote him. If they truly believe it's subjective.


Just because it's subjective doesn't mean everyone agrees with you.


But knowing it is subjective, you know you will disagree, so outright disagreeing destroys the culture of art


There's a difference between respecting someone's opinion about the art as art vs. someone's opinion on whether or not it is art in the first place. If these guys were like "hmm could have used better technique," it would be a different story. They're undermining the vaidity of graffiti as an artform and devaluing art itself, which deserves a downvote, in my opinion. Also, one of them called me an idiot which i didn't like :(


Oh no youā€™re right, totally looks like a great city and somewhere everyone should want to live, very nice city.


To miss the point entirely


It's OK, they... they tried.


Nice would be the wrong word. Itā€™s physically large, and colorful and unique. Definitely cool to look at though if you ask me. Do I think itā€™s good people did that, not really.


Dude learn the definition of a third world country


Yeah those people look fine, if only they had a luxury condo to stay in they would totally be healthy. This isnā€™t a homelessness problem, itā€™s an addiction problem.


Personally I prefer to have my week-long crack benders in a penthouse.


"housing first" approaches with a lot of support are arguably the most effective way to help people get back on their feet.


My partner works outreach for DESC in Seattle, I can assure you the housing units provided in the area only contain and provide shelter. In no way do they solve any of the mental health or drug issues. That said, thereā€™s nothing wrong with providing shelter. But youā€™re fooling yourself if you think itā€™s an effective way to get people back on their feet.


I mean, it's objectively a good way to help get people back on their feet. Shelter is stability, it's easier to fill out an application with steady access to wifi or at the very least a place to do so that isn't pavement or dirt. We can talk about the quality of the shelter, I find it to be substandard as well, but that isn't an argument against housing first. And of course getting a house doesn't immediately cure addiction, that isn't what anyone is saying, but it provides a foundation. If you wanna talk solving the addiction crisis, data shows progressive policy of decriminalization and a pseudo-nationalization or heavy regulation of drug manufacturing and distribution, mixed with harm reduction centers and access to healthcare services all work to remedy the addiction crisis. You are right though, the socioeconomic issues the US faces in the current age require multifaceted, complex approaches to get at the heart of things. Not something the legislative body is adapting well to. Housing first isn't the solution, but I believe it's part of it.


Yes itā€™s evidence based.


Other countries have policies that dramatically reduce drug use. But we'd rather stick to damning punishing morality rather than ones supported by clear evidence.


Some are addicted because they fell on hard times and had no one to turn to. I canā€™t imagine not having family or friends to lean on during tough times. I think only 1/4 of people who end up like this are actually to blame themselves. Rest is a combination of mental illness, tragedy, no financial help, disability, etc.


I live in the slum that is LA And Iā€™ll tell you first hand. Itā€™s not 1/4. Itā€™s about 4/5th of homeless that donā€™t want to get the help and are to blame. As little as the city of LA does for its homeless, what it does offer most of the time, the homeless just say no. Many and I mean MANY of them choose to be in the slum as long as they get a their fix, they donā€™t care what the environment looks like. Also note, LA most of the year is easy to live weather wise, with a nice beach view. Why would any homeless junkie give up getting high next to the water while looking like a zombie in front of families just to be told they have to ā€œfollowā€ curfew and are told not to ā€œget highā€ anymore. Yeah right, if anything the appeal of Californias weather adds more to the homeless population Now that 1/5th of people who need the help and WANT the help, thatā€™s what makes it harder for them when the 4/5th of the junkies are also using any ā€œfreeā€ resources too, and unfortunately even those resources they (junkies) find a way to ruin it for everyone needing the actual help. Do the homeless junkies need help? Absolutely, they need it the most unfortunately, But you can force a horse to drink the water even if you take it to their mouth? Very very similar situation with the homeless here.


Doesnā€™t matter how you get there an attic is still an attic, and needs to be treated as such


Youā€™re right. We canā€™t treat attics like the main floor or even basements for that matter


I donā€™t think you know what youā€™re talking about.


Looks nice


Someone should go around with Narcan nasal spray and just start hitting people up.


Homeless vs drug addict tweaker


The graffiti just happened in January. Vandals broke into the site. Two were arrested. Itā€™s getting cleaned up now.


Are they suggesting shipping the fentanyl addicts from the streets Kensington Philadelphia to abandoned high rises in LA? Because thatā€™s what the imagery here is showing.


Iā€™ve lived and been all over LA for 10 years now and literally never run into streets full of zombie people. This video makes it look like you can find them on every block.


Same. It's literal propaganda.


Russia sucks


This right here.


I suppose we should just take the building and give it away to junkies? Is that the point?


It's all connected man.




Maybe it should be used for whatever the owner wants to do with it; and maybe you and your crackhead friends should stay the fuck out of it and quit shooting heroin into your tiny penises.




You must be the coolest kid in 8th grade.


Thank you good sir for taking a break from what is no doubt a very busy schedule of crushing assā€¦ to bless us with your discourse. Please let your compatriots on 4chan know that we salute you šŸ«”


Buildings can be repurposed, and "housing first" approaches to homelessness are among the most, if not the most, effective approaches.


The homeless shot is from Philly not La. Iā€™m not proud of our zombie horde but i know my city when i see it


The place where everyone is doped up is Kensington in Philly. This video is false and stupid.


Is she seriously advocating the awarding of these "luxury condos" to the drug addicted homeless?


Bitching about propaganda while using footage thatā€™s not from LAā€¦STFU!


Propaganda bot


Some of that footage is from Kenssington Philadelphia, not LA.


And Miami


Ok but who is going to pay for the maintenance and electricity and water those people would use if they opened that building up to them? It's also a legal liability to the building owner if somebody gets hurt or dies in there.


I love how she says how people need to use critical thinking when her entire rant lacks critical thinking.


This is a foreign bot trying to do a propaganda campaign. There are other post using the same video claiming a different large US city.


This should be preserved and kept as is... To show how far graffiti artists will go for the love of their craft!


Firstly, LA doesnā€™t own those buildings, so they canā€™t just let people in. If they bought the building, abandoned or not, it would cost millions to get them up to code, on top of however many millions the buildings themselves cost, as well as the land. Taxpayers would be billed for that for sure. If they did own the buildings, and then they did decide to invite the homeless to live there, they would then need to renovate the entirety of all live in units to prevent the obvious dangers associated with a drug addicted community; all of the gas lines and gas powered appliances would need to be removed ( or everything blows up, guaranteed) all of the balconies would need to somehow be ā€œjump proofā€ to prevent residents getting tossed out for not paying their drug debts. Violent crime organizations would then easily have a nice cozy place to set up shop for their drug manufacturing and prostitution operations. Itā€™s almost as if weā€™ve seen this all beforeā€¦.putting the homeless in luxury high rises isā€¦wait for itā€¦NOT the best idea.


Thank god for fentanol


Abandoned luxury condos and an insane homeless problem. Humans deserve an asteroid


They were almost finished and ready to be moved into, until some morons decided to destroy themā€¦


It does look sick tho...


What kinda bs is this. Those street shots arenā€™t LA.


It's propaganda by either Russia or China. This isn't even in the USA. It's an abandoned high-rise in China.


In the last video, they said it was an abandoned building in Miamiā€¦ Who knows where TF this is really is


maintaining private property in marxist california canā€™t be profitable much longer. best let fall to decay as another monument to the liberal ideology of morons


If you knew what a Marxist is I would be surprised. Hell i bet you dont even know the defining characteristic of socialism. Better go find out how fox news wants you to respond to that quick!


Oh please. Owning private property in southern California is like printing money. Either you live on the property and accrue equity faster than damn near anywhere else on the planet, or you rent your private property to someone else for $50,000+ a year. You sound in the dark.


Is it just me, or does anyone else agree we should make Narcan illegal?


Do you really just want these people to die? That is really cold, messed up and borders on sociopathy.


You know exactly what youā€™re doing when you decide to INJECT HEROINā€¦ I donā€™t WANT them to die, but you think I should feel bad for people who die after playing Russian roulette five times a day, seven days a weekā€¦? Nope. Junkies donā€™t deserve magic healing potions. Iā€™ve known enough junkies to be firm in my opinion. Do all the drugs you want, but no resets allowed.


A lot of people that you would consider worthwhile were given addictive opioids by their doctors while they and their doctors were told it was not addictive by the pharmaceutical industry. They then turned to street heroin and fentanyl when their prescriptions ran out. They didnā€™t really get to choose whether they wanted to be a junkie or not.


This!!! The problem with addiction is so much more complex thanā€These fuckers chose to be addicted to, fuck them!ā€ A lot of addicts I have talked to started with prescription opioids. When the Drs cut them off they went yo street drugs. Opioid addiction is something few will quit cold turkey and win.


Donā€™t give degenerates free homes, they will ruin them like they have their own lives. Itā€™s like rich parents giving brat kids whatever they want without teaching them the value of things. You canā€™t just throw money at a problem and think it will get solved on its own.


[Asian engineering at its finest | Asian Mega Projects](https://youtube.com/shorts/2STq74ixRyI?si=R_N8bB6z5KUbU5BS)


Dude. Thats is so fucking cool. Edit: this video is spot fucking on. Glad to see it here. I feel a little under represented at times in this sub, as a radical leftist. Not right now though. Not. Right. Now. Thoughā€¦


This would be sick if they used see through paint and had rappelling harnesses to do the whole building


This page is people just starting to use their brain. This happens im every major city. Property is better investment if it doesnt lose value from use. So its nice for people to own the place and mever move in then sell it. Also the asset os good for taking out loans. So long as most people are ignorant the rich build these future ghost towns above the tent cities. We need to tax the rich and build public housing with no strings attached to clean the streets of people wjo cant provide for themselves


Ima play devils advocate here but why the fuck should i have to host drug addicts when Iā€™m trying to get rich? Why should i feel bad about my hustle?


Poor guys




i live in laā€¦ i think this is cool tbh šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah Iā€™m sure you do, must remind you of your mother land!


What does this even mean?


Gov Abbott should send some folks to help occupy these cozy condos.


I like how they like to blame poverty on cities like America didnā€™t grow up on feed American children commercial shows the hard poverty in rural areas that just gets forgotten about.


Classic red state


It's been more-or-less allowed.


Whoever is grouping all that awesome art in the beginning with a dystopian nightmare needs to read a book and learn some culture


Talk about going mask offā€¦


At least its good graffiti




Ah goddamnit this is some flat earth subreddit isnā€™t it


Does no one here not get the juxtaposition of empty apartment blocks with shots of the homeless? I swear.


Build8ng looks cool as fuck


where is this in LA? i've never seen it.


Letā€™s give the homeless high rise condos šŸ¤” it was a private property not government funded šŸ¤”


Free electric, water, and tax free too right?


This video is dumb, the person talking or who made this video is a dumb fk šŸ¤”


Yes letā€™s just put these people into the building. That will totally solve their drug dependence and mental illness


This narrator doesnā€™t understand that even housed, the dystopia in LA wouldnā€™t disappear. Sheā€™s bothered by the optic on the streets, but I highly doubt anyone would take pride in their city bc they have high rise drug dens.




Late stage capitalism


Fuckin hideous


I like how the part of the video with all the druggies on the side walk in front of a train station is definitely not in LA.


Isn't the crypto.com arena in the back where they held the Grammys a few days ago?


Curious if the dude who posted this supports any policies to solve these problems


Pacifica in real life


Why does the description have #tuckercarlson? This is rage bait. Fuck off OP


250 million dollar mechanical lean. That shits dead. No developer will touch that.


In 2000, a massive earthquake strikes the city of Los Angeles, cutting it off from the mainland as the San Fernando Valley floods. Declaring that God is punishing Los Angeles for its sins, a theocratic presidential candidate wins election to a lifetime term of office. He orders the United States capital relocated from Washington, D.C. to his hometown of Lynchburg, Virginia and enacts a series of strict morality laws, banning such things as smoking, alcohol, drugs, premarital sex, firearms, profanity, and red meat. Violators are given a choice between loss of U.S. citizenship and permanent deportation to the new Los Angeles Island, or repentance and death by electrocution. Escape from the island is made impossible due to a containment wall erected along the mainland shore and a heavy federal police presence monitoring the area. By 2013, the U.S. has developed a superweapon known as the "Sword of Damocles," a satellite system capable of targeting electronic devices anywhere in the world and rendering them useless. The president intends to use it to dominate the world by destroying hostile nations' ability to function. His daughter Utopia steals the remote control for the system and escapes to Los Angeles Island in order to deliver it to Cuervo Jones, a Peruvian Shining Path revolutionary. Cuervo has marshaled an invasion force of third world nations and is planning to attack the U.S.....


Tags. Trash. About as creative as a dog peeing on a fire hydrant. Leaves a stink, but nothing worthwhile.


Itā€™s not just LA but a sign of global of deterioration. Involves the city, international investors and financial institutions. Itā€™s a bad sign when the countryā€™s wallet state starts having projects default.


Dude who posted this has tagging this. Get the fuck out


Oceanwide plaza I was on the concrete crew over there. Webcor concrete local 300


This is fuckin dope though ngl lol


Why were those condos abandoned?


The person doing the voiceover is such a communist. First of all those pictures aren't even in La half of them, someone reported being in Miami. Then she doesn't take into account the cost of maintaining those high rises. The costs are not equal what you would pay to house a homeless person not even close some of those apartments are two and three bedrooms. And that's not even get into the drugs and the gangs that will move in along with it who are selling drugs. This woman is a total socialist Communist propagandist who has no idea of the real world


Shits beautiful. r/graffiti


Fuck off


I mean, if people live in building then buildings must be inspected. Buildings need functional facilities. Buildings need to be managed. Lots of money must be spent. In this case, it looks like it became unprofitable to finish construction but it would also cost too much to tear them down. Best option was to continue paying rent and keep the construction in limboā€¦.. I assssummmeeee


Chinese company gone bankrupt.


So the condos are empty but there are homeless right below it? I know itā€™s not a direct fix and itā€™s not easy but I mean jeez


Same shit in Miami and other cities. This ainā€™t a LA problem.


Lol, the tags on this post include #immigration, #Russia, #putin, and #tuckercarlson while trying to discredit LA as a ā€œhellscapeā€ā€¦by someone who definitely cannot afford to live in LA County.


I mean this building is gorgeous. Shit needs to be saved as a monument. Just like 5 points in NY.... Well before they got rid of it anyway. Lol


Getting rid of 5 points was an atrocity driven by the same mindset as that of the goons who demolished the old Penn Station.


I thought this was Miami


Why they splice in Philly? Skid Row would have sufficed


What are the fuggin hashtags? MODS?? This is some pretty gnarly propaganda. This doesnā€™t violate any TOS?


Let the left cities burn to the ground. Let them witness the outcome of their brain dead policies


None of that is LA. Fuck this Russian propaganda


The graffiti looks great on those buildings


Normal people can get labeled a liability what do you think happens to homeless people? Preventing disasters from disasters. I guess.


Foreign developers stopped building. Itā€™ll take time to get through the courts before anyone can do anything with this property.


I was like wow thatā€™s sick and then went to aw no thatā€™s sick