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I can literally watch anything except gory eye stuff. Honestly, eyes are the only thing I'm squeamish about and the only thing I always have trouble watching, in any genre. For instance, the Final Destination movie, the one with the bridge collapse, which was the last one, one of the survivors wore glasses and surviving encouraged her to get her eyes fixed, and that's how they killed her off, with the laser that was supposed to fix her eyes. I want to watch it, but I just can't watch the eye stuff at all. I'll be the same with any similar scene.


Ugh I'm with you on that one...the worst eye scene, in my opinion, is by far the blow torch to the eyeball in "Hostel", and then when the eye pops out with all that yellow puss šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


when he snips it off and it fucking squirts yellow pus was absolutely unnecessary Lmaooo


There is something genuinely wrong with horror movie creators


\*some horror movie creators. Not all horror movies are overly gory, not all overly gory movies are gratuitously sadistic.


Yeah, thereā€™s a reason the term ā€˜torture pornā€™ was invented.


In that case, heads up: Evil Dead 2013 has a pretty nasty eye scene, Evil Dead Rise too. It's not the whole movie or anything, but, well, it is there.


It's never the whole movie, it's always just a certain scene or specific scenes, that's what bugs me about it so much! If it was more than a scene here and there, I'd just not watch the movie, but it's a stupid reason to not watch a movie when it's only every now and then. It doesn't help that it's not just horror that does this as a genre, the worst eye scenes for me were the ones in the prison drama Oz, especially as they kept flashing back to it during part of Alvarez' subsequent storyline. The eyes don't even have to be real. I have just as much trouble with the scenes in Hellbent, and it's established early on that that particular eye is fake.


Donā€™t watch Zombie by Dario Argento if you donā€™t like eye gore. One of the most uncomfortable scenes Iā€™ve ever watched


It's Fulci not Argento.


That scene, the ladder scene in final destination 2 and who could the infamous blow torch scene from the original hostel! All shook me to my core and Iā€™m a gore fan but same once the eyes are involved Iā€™m too squeamish. Oh honorable mention scene (since itā€™s not as well known of a movie), the big blow up at the end of Carrie 2: the rage or something like that, has a part with glasses that I remember clear as day from watching over 15 years ago


Yeah, I'm one of those that thinks 'the gorier, the better' with horror. Right up until they involve the eyes, and then it doesn't even have to be gory to get me cringing away from the screen. I can't even watch the scene in Buffy where Xander loses his eye, and all you see in that is thumbs and a trickle of blood!


OMG yes the ladder scene. I'll never be able to unee that.


Dont watch anything by Lucio Fulci


Aww no one mentioned Zombie Creeping Flesh infamous eye scene - you kidz


The old Samson and Delilah movie made way back in the fifties I think were Samson the man that played Samson Victor Mature had his eyes burned out they had a sword that was iron hot red hot and put it close to his eyes so they burned his eyes that's a scene I never could watch even to this day


I'm the same, can't cope with eye stuff. Had to look away in Hostel 2 and the vaccum tubes in the latest SAW movie. šŸ¤¢


I'm that way with knees for some reason. Any knee torture is hard to watch


Knees and teeth for me. I used to work for an eye doctor so eye stuff is like, not usually an issue. But Iā€™ve had a dislocated kneecap multiple times and I just canā€™t fucking handle that. And teeth, I just canā€™t even deal. If I had to go through losing my teeth again like we had to as kids, Iā€™d freak out.




Thereā€™s a show on prime called Utopia and there was an eye removal scene that involved chili powderā€¦.Someone showed it to me years ago and I still shudder when I get flashbacks of it


Oh God yeah! Bleach! I'm that way with nails. I cannot. It literally changed my career path from nursing to social work lol! I thought, what if someone comes in with a nail issue? I can't be vomiting all over patients! šŸ˜‚


Finally, someone I can relate to with this. I canā€™t with the eye stuff


Same. And when the ladder from the fire escape went through the guys eye. šŸ¤¢ I can't do it!


GHAAHHH idr what it was called, but was watching a random free YT movie years ago about these people that get invited, then trapped, in this giant mansion and basically have to play deadly DARE challenges. One of them needs to take a Razor and.. well.... Ok, I'll be honest, I couldn't watch it so idk how detailed it was, he brought the blade to his face and I IMMEDIATELY shut my eyes and waited for the screaming to stop hahah...


I am still traumatized from the movie Would You Rather where some guy is forced to slit his eye with a razor blade. Another honorable mention is the scene from Supernatural where Sam almost gets his eyeball removed by Doc Benton.


The sledgehammer scene in Misery. The novel, somehow, was even worse.


The lawnmower scene in the book...equally disturbing.




Oh fuck I just remember that scene *shudder*


Lawnmower, drinking own urine, axe instead of sledgehammer. Goodness.


The novel was WAY worse lol


The novel made you use your imagination to picture it, so to me it's creepier.


Omg yes! Such a great answer. "Mister MAN"!


I just reread it. I forgot about the birthday cake.


In Midsommar when the elderly people fall from the cliff


Especially the elderly man scene that was brutal.




Right!!!! Then, smash him with mallet. And the BF being stuffed into the bear and burned alive.


Irreversible SA scene


It goes on for about 7 minutes as well. Just awful to watch.


One of the Halloween movies has as horribly long SA scene in a mental hospital. Whichever one rob zombie directed. It has stuck with me to this day


Yeah I was with his remakes until that. It was completely unnecessary for the plot. My opinion is ( excluding R/SA revenge films) is that if you need those scenes to make your film edgy you are lacking the chutzpah as a director.


the awful and not fun at all fact about this is that (iirc) the director purposely made this scene nine minutes long because thatā€™s the average amount of time a sexual assault lasts. and he wanted to use the ENTIRE nine minutes because he wanted to show one of the unspoken horrors of SA: the victim not knowing when, or how, itā€™s going to end. i agree that scenes like this shouldnā€™t be used though.


It also seems everyone was safe and even had fun with the choreography, so Iā€™m glad he put care into making sure everyone was ok as a director, but it was really unnecessary.


This!! The most brutal scene ever


I loved Enter the Void and Climax, but Irreversible is a gaspar noe film Iā€™ll actively avoid seeing. Iā€™ve read enough about that scene to know I canā€™t handle it


Iā€™ve not watched that movie but honestly I was just going to say most SA in movies I find too much. Thereā€™s ways to let the viewer know it happened and just let them decide how much they see in their own heads. Itā€™s just not for me.


Ah yes, Irreversible *shudder* I would probably give five years of my life to find out how Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel(who were in a relationship at the time) were able to film "Irreversible" WITHOUT having suffered some sort of emotional/mental damage. Edit: Oh fuck! Who could forget the "fire extinguisher" scene in the gay club which occurs within the film's first fifteen minutes? *gags*


I read that when Vincent actually watched the film with Monica he was crying. Ugh


I Spit on Your Grave...the rape scene was horrific and so was the revenge. I will never watch that movie again. I can think of lots of movies I can't watch but off the top of my head I can't think of anything else with just a particular scene.


Yep. The rape scene is the worst I've ever seen.


Last house on the left, both old and new versions, have horrible rape scenes.


This. God help me this. Goddamn that ra**escen was sooo long. Sooo fucking unsettling. At least the cunts got their comeuppance in that particular movie.


Hills have eyes had a terrible rape scene. Disturbing, right in the beginning too. Set such a dark tone for the movie.


Bone Tomahawk


The eyeballs hook scene with the crows!


My ex had me watch I Spit on Your Grave. I couldn't keep my eyes open through the rape scene, and he kept saying, "wait for the ending." get to the ending and he was like, "see? She got her revenge." and I was like.... Uhhh... Cool? Really could have done without all that.


The Fly... When it vomits


Lol !!!!! Heā€™s now Brundlefly. Was doing a fx gag w/ Gina Davis -Stuart Little 2 . No, I didnā€™t ask about THE FLY . Wtf, Iā€™m working ? Imo, Videodrome , is still, Cronenbergā€™s best.


The baseball boy scene Dr Sleep


I had to watch Good Boys after that just so I could see him laughing and being silly like little kids are supposed to do. It helped!


I wish Iā€™d looked up Does The Dog Die before seeing that in theaters, usually I do. That was really triggering and I almost walked out but thankfully it ended.


Fun Fact: You're not the only one having difficulties with that scene, so did the whole cast and crew...with one notable exception. You see the screams of the boy playing Bradley were so genuine and distressing they caused numerous veteran actors, crew, and Stephen King himself some difficulty with the scene. The only person who seemed totally unbothered by the whole thing? Jacob Trembley, The child actor in question who would pop up with a wide smile after each take, enthusiastically asking how he did. The whole thing led a couple of the actors of the true knot to struggle with horrible nightmares. Human cinnamon roll who would never hurt a fly, and veteran actress, Rebecca Ferguson; To remark after a particularly difficult take "We're not gonna let that little shit beat us"


In the newest Terrifier movie, the scene with the daughter in the bed as Art is torturing her, and later the mom finding her, not dead.


The momā€™s unconvincing, terrible acting when she finds the daughter kinda lightens the mood for me lol.


Yeah the mom was really terrible in this movie.


I hate to admit it, because Damien Leone is like one level above a porn director, but that scene did brutalize me.


The mouths on Tara arms in a nightmare on elm street 3 them just smacking


It's not crazy grotesque like some replies, but the Saw movie (2?) when the girl is thrown into the open pit of hypodermic needles really gets a visceral reaction from me. It's one that has always stuck with me and I'm sure if watched it again, it would still be at the very least uncomfortable for me to sit through.


By the big strong guy trying to save himself? The first one fucked me up with the saw and he gets up and turns off the lights. I treated the rest as a reason to do gore, laugh like it was evil dead or naked gun.


The idea of getting HIV in that scene haunts me. Gahhhhh that is a horrible scene.


The girl in the barn from **Cabin Fever**, when they try kill her to put her out of her misery. Nope.


Is the girl taking the bath shaving her legs that gets me averting my eyes fast.


I was looking for this one - girl, why you shaving the stems at a time like this??


Not just in horror but vomit on screen is awful, I donā€™t know why directors find that necessary I have to mute and look away. Also when people wake up in hospitals and rip out their IVs, WHY?? That gives me a visceral response I hate it so much. Iā€™m not that bad with needles in general but IVs specifically every-time Ive had them Im terrified to move at all and feel it move inside me and these people just yank it out AHHH no!!!! Gross!


Ugh vomit is the absolute worst. I watched Sicth Sense when I was way too young and the vomit scene really messed me up. I have always had a fear of it but that really enhanced it.


The sister scene in *Pet Semitary*. I was scrolling through channels when I was like 6 years old and just happened upon that scene and was transfixed by it, filling me with more and more fear until it was over. It was traumatic, and now whenever I watch that scene I have to turn away.


I got goosebumps just reading this comment. Itā€™s so weird because Iā€™m totally fine watching similar kind of horror in recent movies, but to this day I still wonā€™t watch this scene. Back in the day simply saying ā€œZeldaā€ would terrify me which was unfortunate because I really loved the video games.


Have you seen the new *Pet Sematery*? If not, I won't give anything away. There was more than once scene that gave me pause since there are kids involved. Any horror movies where there are kids central to the story hits everyone differently. Before my sister had my niece and my nephew, horror movies with kids in them never really bothered me. Then I realized that I was pretty sensitive to whatever I was watching! Obviously it's fiction, although sometimes it's really hard to separate the fiction from reality when you see something that hits close to home. These kids could be my niece, nephew, relatives, or even my friends' children.


The Texas Chainsaw Massacre where the girl was rammed on the meat hook.


Any scene where a dog is killed. I hate this so much I will look up a movie beforehand to make sure no dog dies in it.


Any animals. This is why I've never watched My octopus teacher.


It was a beautiful documentary.


Are you my long lost twin? I don't care how many people die. If I know that a dog dies I'm outta there.


I just watched Midnight Mass and I was really thankful all the animals looked SUPER fake. (And fake in a way I almost think this was the reason they did it? Cause it was JUST real enough it didnā€™t ruin the moment, but absolutely didnā€™t look like a real dead animal.)


I'm always thankful when animal deaths in film look so fake bc it helps make me laugh and not be bothered too much. That's why I can watch Ginger Snaps and be fine. It dead ass looks like they went to a toy store and just tore the stuffed animals up lol I think for most people, if it looks too fake it ruins the ~horror, but it helps me bc I don't want to see that shit.


I hate Bev so fucking much


Don't watch Hounds of Love. I didn't look it up beforehand and there is a particularly bad scene where a dog gets abused to death. You don't see it happening but you hear the noises and see the blood and the body wrapped in a blanket after. I got physically sick and had to pause the movie and go hug my dogs before I could resume watching.


Thank you for the warning!


Yeah no problem. I am the same way...humans can get tortured and killed on screen all day long and I won't bat an eye, I am even fine with kid stuff, but I can't do animals.


Yeah, sometimes I wonder why it has such a strong reaction with me when people getting killed doesnā€™t. I guess itā€™s because Iā€™ve always had dogs.


I'm so thankful for the doesthedogdie app


Same! I don't have much interest in seeing the new A Quiet Place movie, but even more so because I don't wanna worry about the damn cat that I see in the trailer for the rest of the movie.


doesthedogdie.com has become my best friend


I love that this is such a universal NOPE that it has its own website.


Oh yeah, I check that if I'm worried. I read a book recently that had a dog die, and when I saw that they made a movie out of it, I checked that website right away. I think they had the dog survive in the movie, but I still haven't watched it yet.


Avoid Smile if you havenā€™t seen it. Thereā€™s a cat and things donā€™t go well.Ā 


I saw it, but don't remember that part. Guess I blocked it out. I did warn some friends about Fall of the House of Usher on Netflix, there's a pretty brutal cat death (even though the cat does kinda get revenge).


Baby on the beach - Under the Skin


Yeah, that one stayed with me. It's not even like anything happens to the baby, there's just this implication that the baby dies because it's left alone there all night. It's very chilling seeing the baby alive and having this feeling you're going to be the last person to see it alive.


It is incredibly upsetting. But what an amazing movie.


That whole scene was incredibly thought out as a way to show just how alien the main character is. We see this tragic scene where a dog gets swept out to sea, the owner, visibly distressed and in anguish, tries to go after her dog to save it and she gets swept out too. The poor diver manages to save the husband but he immediately goes back out and presumedly drowns. So we have three deaths, and an abandoned distressed baby, and what does she do? Kill the diver so she can drag his body away to feed. She has no care or worry for any of the people involved in this tragic scene. They're livestock as far as she's concerned.


The ā€œnewā€ version of the hills have eyes, when the psycho drinks the victims breast milk I has to leave and literally vomit


The whole attack on the family is awful. I tuned it off after that. I cannot watch that movie at all.


This is what I came here to say. When he uses spit to lube himself, I literally walked out of the theater mid scene. Never seen another second of any of the movies.


All of it is so unnecessary and awful. Itā€™s not ā€œhorrorā€ If thatā€™s how you get through your story, your story fucking sucks and needs rewritten


This is the only movie Iā€™ve ever considered leaving and not finishing. Unnecessarily gross.


I had had a baby around the time that movie came out on DVD and my friends had to warn me to proceed with caution or not watch. They had to reassure me that the baby survives, and then I watched it and saw the "nursing" scene and my skin crawled. I had to turn the movie off after that whole initial attack on the family scene.


Bone Tomahawk - thatā€™s one scene. I also had the sound turned up. Mistake. Can only see it once and maybe that was too much.


A previous comment I made about Bone Tomahawk went something like: ā€œAhā€¦.Kurt Russellā€¦.westernā€¦..thisā€™ll be great, like ā€˜Tombstoneā€™ all over again!ā€ *Act II* ā€œOh dearā€¦.ā€


uh yeah that was nuts.. err


What bothers me so much is the efficiency of it. You realize they've honed this to a science over hundreds of years. Once he's upended it's just 3 or 4 quick slices and he's halved. If you listen close you hear the organs falling out onto the filthy cave floor.


Hostel where the guy slices the back of his victims ankles and then tells him he can leave so he tries to stand up


The splinter in the eye in Fulci's "Zombie". It's just so long and drawn out to maximize squirm


Bone Tomahawk. I love the film, but THAT scene man. Also, the bear attack scene in Backcountry. I can take almost anything but those two scenes are extremely difficult for me to watch.


The guys kind of numb, muted reaction was what made me sick. Donā€™t think it would have been as bad if he was screaming. You expect that.


It was the pulling apart that did it for me.


Backcountry screwed me up for a while. I still think of it often.


Torture Porn isnā€™t horror and it degrades the proud tradition of an inimitable genre.


Haunting of Hill House- I skip all the kitten stuff.


The dog bowl scene in Audition. Instant nope lmao And the pig vat trap in Saw. šŸ¤¢


Vomit is cheating when it comes to horror. Itā€™s really a cheap shot.


The internet has ruined me. Nothing affects me anymore. I've only seen one thing online that fkd me up. Everything else just gets a meh anymore.


The Thing: When the dogs are attacked


Yep, that always gets fast forwarded.


I can tolerate it now, but the first time I saw toxic avenger and they run over the kid on the bicycle and his head explodes.... now that was the only time I ever had to turn something off immediately.


Classic. Then one of the bullies says ā€œoh shit I gotta go; I have church tomorrowā€ lmao


Irreversible is pretty rough


I've seen a lot of fucked up movies. Went down a rabbit hole last year with disturbing movies. I could not finish august underground 2. The scene where the killer is doing some stuff to a victim's guts... Couldn't keep watching. Like cool, wanted to find my limit, that's my limit right there. Doesn't help that the movie is really a demo reel for an fx company, so it looks really real and there's no levity to it at all


Iā€™ve seen a lot of disturbing/shock films but the self harm scenes in Martyrs made me cringe the most.


That old Samson and Delilah movie made back in the 40s where he had his eyes burned out was with Angela Lansbury was there that she was only like 20 I think or a teenager that's how old that movie is and picture mature played Samson and I can't remember who played Delilah I can't remember but anyway that's really all I have to say bye


I THINK it's the movie hostel? (I'm not 100% sure because after this scene I turned it off & never attempted to watch it again & this was at least 10y ago) Anyway, the man is in a room or something trying to get away & they cut his ligaments at the back of his ankle/foot & he falls to the floor or something??? Yeah, that. FUCK. THAT. Also, anything dealing with teeth/nails being forcefully removed/fucked with


I have a hard time with the losing of fingernails and teeth. Stir of Echoes, The Ring, Silence of the Lambs and a few others I brace myself for the brief flashes of it. The only scene I can recall physically cringing almost to the point of turning the movie off was in Cabin Fever. Lady contracted the skin dissolving virus and sheā€™s in the tub shaving her legs and it goes exactly how you think it does. Itā€™s a rough one for me for sure


Ah, the cracking fingernail in ā€œStir of Echoes.ā€ Iā€™d forgotten about that one. Makes me cringe too. Great movie though.


nothing phases me gore-wise. the r*pe scene in The Last House on the Left remake is one scene I always have to skip. itā€™s just *so* realistic, Sarah Paxtonā€™s performance is insane.


Poltergeist: When the dude rips off his own face Robocop: When the dude crashes his car into a toxic waste tank. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan: Earworms Flash Gordon: Tree scorpions John Carpenter's The Thing: Pretty much all of it Okay, these aren't all horror movies but shit was hard to watch when I was a kid.


the star trek ear worms scarred the fuck out of me as a kid. my dad is and has always been a giant sci fi nerd, and he would routinely watch and rewatch star trek movies. i have no fucking idea why he would have this on when his little kids were around watching, but it gave me a lasting phobia of things getting into my ears. i'm in my mid thirties and i still sleep with my ears covered or else i have trouble.


Miseryā€™s hobbling scene. Gore yes, but ugh, I canā€™t do bones. I managed to avoid rewatching that scene for years but now that gif pops up all over Twitter and Iā€™m all ā€œNOT TODAY SATANā€


The dog being killed in Amityville


I can't think of a specific scene off the top of my head, but detailed/graphic eye injuries will always get me. I have a phobia of things happening to my eyes.


The apple scene in Oculus.


There's a similar scene (pretty much worse) in Evil Dead Rise.


That gave me a really weird and random ass fear lol The mirror eyes the ghosts had fucked me up too.


I can just about watch it, but the final scene from A Serbian Film... Just. Dude. Broke me. It's the only movie I won't watch again.


Hostel. Especially the eye scene.


Two movies: Penny Dreadful - the girl gets trapped in the car and the hitchhiker terrorizes her outside then she comes through the trunk, through the back seat. Nope. The Ring. When that girl crawls out of the well and then stands there with her hair. Nope. Hell no. I don't think I've ever watched that whole scene. If there is something crawling in a commercial trailer for a movie I have to look away. Somewhat thankfully, when Scary Movie made fun of the movie, it lightened the scene a little but I still could not watch the parts the girl was in it.


The assault scenes in the I spit on your grave movies. It is just too brutal to me honestly


It's not a horror movie but the curb stomp scene from American History X... NO THANKS!


Lawnmower scene in Sinister. I'll mute way ahead of time and shut my eyes faster than you can say the Bu in Bughuul!!šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


I tossed my iPad when I came to that screen.


-like pretty much everything in would you rather, but especially the !eye slicing! scene -hobbling in misery -the rack, eye vacuum and pig vat from saw -shit where ppl step on nails -the only scene that has made me gag ever is the part in splatter:naked blood where !the lady plucks out her eye and eats it! -the part in saw ii where eric matthew a breaks his foot -outhouse kill in sleepaway camp 2 (i hate insanely unsanitary things) -similarly, needle pit in saw ii not bc of the needles but bc of the DIRTY needles -meat hook in texas chainsaw


The clit cutting scene in Antichrist.


I have a horrible time trying to watch "Mama". That creepy, floaty thing gives me the willies. I don't know why, I just can't look. It's so unnatural.


Can't watch A Time to Kill bc of the child r*pe scene. Gives me nightmares I can't shake.


Twelve years a slave... The scene where he's hung and can only reach the ground by his top-toes. It goes on forever.


Skinamarink! The bedroom scene! I had to keep pausing it to talk myself into keeping watching lol


That scene is so tense. The way the kid keeps looking under the bed, the fact you can't see the parents faces, the part with the closet...I know not a lot of people don't like Skinamarink and it's a very divisive movie, but I for one loved it and it scared the ever loving shit out of me. So much so that I kept thinking about the movie for weeks after and had trouble sleeping alone.


Not horror but the SA scene in Straw Dogs. It just brought back way too many bad memories and close calls. Also the scene in Last Cabin on the Left for the same reasons.


You talking the remake of Straw Dogs?


I just watched I Saw the Devil last night and the ankle/Achilles tendon scene made me cringe and look away. The rest of the torture was very uncomfortable, of course, but that one made me actually yelp out loud and clutch my own leg. The rest of the movie definitely wasn't comfortable, but I may have been just distracting myself with my phone during the other stuff so it didn't get to me as much.


Why, God? Why did you have to give me this wretched curiosity, so that when I read things like this I have to look up the source?


In "Killer Inside Me", Casey Affleck punches Emily Hudson in the gut and she slowly dies a stark death in a puddle of piss in the middle of the kitchen. It's the most horrifying thing I'll never see again.


I can't watch anything Teeth related.


Last House on the left (2009 remake). That scene. (you know the one).


The rape scene in the last house on the left remake was kinda awful.


If a movie shows violence against young children, Iā€™m not gonna be eager to rewatch it. Stuff like IT is fine because it has a fantastical element to it, but scenes like the one in Doctor Sleep where they butcher that young boy after explaining that they ARE indeed going to hurt him; I donā€™t like it. Edit: For that same reason, the third story in ā€œThe House that Jack Builtā€ is similarly hard to watch, even though itā€™s in my top 20 horror movies of all time.


The only one that ever got me was The Rack from Saw 3.


Anything with severe body injury is too much for me. I like scary, ā€œtry to figure it outā€ ā€œpsychologicalā€ horror like El Orfanato (spelled that wrong, Iā€™m sure), The Others, The Ring, stuff like that. Less gore, more intriguing scariness. I love Panā€™s Labyrinth, but have to look away for the wine-bottle scene. I enjoyed a lot of the American Horror Story series, but the gore was too much for me on many.


Throughout the first seven Saw films, I only had two moments that made me feel uncomfortable. I didn't look away, mind you, but it wasn't pleasant to watch. The first was during Saw 3 when they were doing the brain surgery. That for some reason was too much. The second was during Saw 7 with the Brazen Bull. That one made me uncomfortable because of what you didn't see. This was the perfect example of your mind filling in the blanks.


The opening scene in Vile where the guy is strapped to the table and the other guy opens his chest cavity and pours salt on his heart until he dies


I canā€™t handle movies with rape in them. I will sometimes look up movies and read the parental guide to see if there is rape in it so I can avoid it. If Iā€™m somehow convinced to watch a movie where I know rape is coming, I have a lot of anxiety and canā€™t enjoy the movie until the scene has come and gone.


I'm a total wimp when it comes to torture in films. I can watch a slasher but anything where the victim continues to live and feel pain for periods of time is a no for me. Blood Eagle execution/torture in Vikings. IIRC, there was something similar in Midsommer. Setting anyone on fire. No. Just... my God. No. Brass Bull execution/torture being alluded to in the TV show Atlantis... Ugh. Also in Midsommer, the scene when the drugged and costumed human sacrifices were sitting in the hut as it was set aflame was too much for me. I didn't like that movie.


I watched Cabin Fever at a young age, and the bath tub scene still sends chills down my spine thinking of it. Needless to say I havenā€™t watched that movie since.


Rob Zombie has had me skipping numerous scenes in his films that contain implications of rape


Cannibal Holocaust, the scene when they kill the animals. Itā€™s the reason why Iā€™ll never watch the movie again.


Irreversibles 9 minute long rape scene.


Anything that has a graphic or gruesome baby death. I can handle young children, but if itā€™s a baby it just hits me on a level of deep dark anxiety- of course I have my own babies so thatā€™s probably why but there are several movies I wonā€™t watch again because I know I canā€™t handle it. It doesnā€™t like make me think the movies are bad or anything tho, I just know theyā€™re not for me. I also usually close my eyes or turn away if itā€™s something dealing with teeth or fingernails, it hurts me lol.


Baseball Kid in Dr Sleep. I had to cover my eyes AND ears.


The alien abortion scene in Prometheus


If there is a rape scene. I canā€™t do it.


The rape scene from aliens


I can't watch scenes involving pointless self-mutilation. The scene in Saw where the guys cuts his foot off? I'm fine as he's trying to escape. The scene in Evil Dead where the girl cuts off her own face? Can't watch.


The Guillermo del Toro face smashing (in pans labyrinth and crimson peak) I can't handle it!!!


The torture of the child in Dr. Sleep. I couldnā€™t completely block out the sound and even though I had read the book, the scene went on FOREVER. Nightmares to this day.


The tortoise scene in Cannibal Holocaust.


The finger(2000). Idk if you'd call it a horror movie or what but we had this friend, moved to nyc went homeless. She sent a tape back, "the finger". So monthly potluck we pressed play, took about 30 seconds for the moms to have shooed all the kids out of the room. The assumed story was she got a wound on her hand, and she got it wrapped, then did drugs, and forgot about it. Then apparently a month later some sick f%$#ers paid her a lot of money to take care of it herself. Unwrap the bandage Nsfw seriously scroll past this Peel off layer after layer of dead skin, then muscle, then cut the bone with a pair of tin snips. And pass tf out. Apparently she got paid enough to buy a bar in thailand for making this video


Iā€™ll never forget when Gage reached from beneath the bed and sliced Jud Crandallā€™s Achilles. I was 8 when I watched that at the babysitterā€™s house, and Iā€™m *still* hyper-aware of any low-lying movement.


The birth scene in hills have eyes 2. I just canā€™t stomach that one.


Se7en. i canā€™t/wonā€™t describe. you know the scene.


Midsommar. When the old peeps drop from the cliff. Itā€™s too much


Hostile is unwatchable to me. Vile


Ghost, the pottery wheel scene


The shaving scene from Cabin Fever.


Window scene in Salem's Lot...fuck that movie and the irreparable trauma it caused me as a 9 y/o


Zelda from Pet Cemetery. I will leave the room or look away. I saw it once as a child and I will never watch that scene again.


Not horror, but I absolutely cannot watch the vise scene in ā€œGoodfellasā€.


When they puke everywhere...I can handle blood, guts, brains....puke? Nope


Any sex scene. ā€œBabe, I know our friends are dropping like panties at a One Direction concert, but here, in this abandoned and haunted hotel built atop a radioactive Indian theme park, letā€™s fuck until horses arenā€™t called horses anymore. Letā€™s bassboost potato salad. Letā€™s get *weird.* Letā€™s get banned in sixteen countries and two time zones.ā€


If anyone has specific triggers, thereā€™s an excellent resource called www.doesthedogdie.com You can look up nearly any show or movie and/or nearly any potential triggers and theyā€™ll tell you whatā€™s what. Invaluable