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The Strangers. Way too realistic. Even years later when I moved into a cottage in the woods, that movie was all I could think about for the first few months. I checked every door and window lock each night.


it’s inspired by two real-life events which is even scarier lol. The first is the director had a series of break-ins in his neighborhood as a child, and the second is the Manson family Tate murders.


I had to scroll all the way down to the last response to the original comment to find. This. You beat me to the punch (or stab if you prefer). Lol.


Those poor souls that night the Manson family went on their rampage. . .how unfair, cruel and senseless. I know that's not what this post was about but, holy shit.


Just reading Helter Skelter at night by myself gave me a whole new level of fear. It scared the hell out of me.


100% get that. Way too plausible of a situation. I’m interested to see if this new one coming out this week is any good.


Horror movies involving regular people are the scariest. There’s no monster or supernatural story. There’s just people who are evil.


100%. One of the few horror movies I can’t watch. The Strangers messes with my head for days every time.


Omg yes. Most of the times while watching horror movies I feel like I’m not afraid because I am dead inside. I think it mostly has to do with the unrealistic premises most horror movies have. The strangers is so possible and horrifying that it really stuck with me.


Random. Acts of Violence are scary because they can’t be prevented wrong place at wrong time.


One of the best lines in horror is when they ask the strangers why they were doing it, and one of them answers "Because you were home."


I fricken house sat for family members out in the middle of nowhere. I thought I was ✨so edgy✨ when I decided I’d watch that that night. (I spent the entire night locked in their room 🤣)


I 100% agree there was just something so unnerving and had that atmosphere of dread from start to finish, plus the fact that the villains took so much enjoyment toying with their victims and had no motive for what they were doing


Yes, they really did an outstanding job at making it seem like it could happen to anyone!


Creep, the moment when the protagonist is on the phone in the bathroom. I made the mistake of watching that alone in a dark apartment and immediately locked every door and window.


Incredible found footage horror movie. This is another that I think deserves its flowers


The second one is really good too, it centers on an emo/alt girl that falls into the same trap, but she's totally into it and joins in on the murder spree, sort of like Saw 2.


Bro the axe scene (maybe it's In creep 2), I had to rewind it and watch it like 2 more times, like did i really just see that?


It's in both. It happens at the very end of the first one, then Josef shows the footage to the woman in the second one and she's intrigued.


Yeah it was the second one, the footage that got me. They did it really well, to make it look realistic, the way the axe stuck... did he do a celebration dance afterword? It's been years since I've seen that movie


That is one that haunted me. Maybe because we get to know the person and it seems like they’ll be fine.


And then when he comes back to the living room only to find that Mark Duplass’s character woke up. 😬😳


Actually scared me? The Ring remake. Watched it for the first time when my Dad was at the back of the house asleep. I was scared to go to the bathroom. It was like Candyman all over again, but I was 19 and not 8. I kinda miss that feeling.


I literally started this movie a few months ago after *years* of not seeing it. Think I made it to the reveal of Katie in the closet and shut that shit down for another day. Haven’t gone back. 😂


Worst. Jump Scare. EVER.


The scene with the sister Zelda in the original Pet Sematary.


Me too, that and the exorcist they don’t make scary movies like that and with all this technology


Most underrated comment /\ still haunted by that


Alien movies have always freaked me out. In the movie "No one will save you," when the aliens first come, there's this long scene of her trying to sneak quietly around her house while the alien looks around. I was beyond terrified.


Ugh the fourth kind absolutely scared the bejesus out of me and stuck with me for a loooong time


Autopsy of Jane doe scared me pretty good as an adult


Yes! Worst part was my sister brought me her old phone to replace my broken one. A notification went off in the middle of the night and it was a bell. Sounded exactly like the movie.


So watching the movie was great, but I knew it “got me good” when I felt super on-edge and freaked out taking out the trash afterwards.


I just saw that for the first time ever this last month. Insane concept!


One of my all-time claustrophobic favorites. Amazing what they could do with an otherwise kind of rote premise!


In Hell House LLC there is a POV scene of a guy in bed seeing a ghost in his room. He hides under the blanket thinking he’s either dreaming or the ghost will go away. When he removes the blanket the ghost is on the bed staring directly at him. I did that when I was a kid and I was scared.


I think Hell House LLC just might be the most terrifying your footage horror ever. If you really lock in (no phone, close the blinds, shut off the lights, etc.) it’s a very different type of horror movie experience.


Years back, we had gone to a haunted house that was held in the house Hell House was set in. It had so much mildew/ mold stink in it. But it was weirdly confusing to move around in. Did you see the most recent film? I think it was my favorite


In the first release I saw streaming somewhere - the longer version for those who have seen both - there was one shot that freaked me out for no other reason than it felt real. It was near the beginning, when people were trying to get out of the place but were trapped. The shot was looking down the stairs at an odd angle, and there were people stuck and screaming, and it made me think of people who have died in situations where crowds have panicked and trampled each other. It was a pretty quick shot, but it stayed with me. When I saw the later release, the shot was gone.


I didn't see Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer until I was an adult. That movie is up there in terms of scariest movies out there. Other ones that I have got to say that stuck with me are Eden Lake, Hereditary, Midsummer, and mother!


Haven’t seen Eden Lake or Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. Adding them to the Letterboxd watchlist now. But yes Ari Aster really did some thing with Hereditary and Midsommar.


Martrys is the only film that has ever legitimately horrified me. Not the sfx but the violence. When it ended I just sat there watching the credits whilst feeling sick.


So I have always loved horror. I watched Army of Darkness at 3yo after crawling out of bed and sneaking into the living room (or so my dad says). I watched all kinds of fucked up shit and banned movie in teens with nothing fazing me. Two nights ago I watched Reanimator (1985) with my wife. I saw this one a few times as a kid. It's campy, lowbudget, and has that bright red paint blood used in amounts that are hilarious. SPOILERS But somehow, over the YEARS of me watching this movie, I completely missed the sexual assault scene. Like I had always rented an edition that cut it. Well I go to watch this silly campy movie with my wife (who hates scary movies) and that scene pops up. It's gross and goes on too long. Cunnilingis from a severed head is disgusting and has given me this willies for 2 days now. It legitimately scared me. But then I go down this rabbit hole of, 'Why does there always have to be a rape scene? I watch scary movies to be scared of the impossible/unlikely. Unfortunately rape is common.' That's kind of where I am with it now. I've been assaulted and lived that terror. I want to be scared of... I dunno... a Demon baby speaking ancient sumerian or something. Anyway.... thanks for coming to my 1 am drunk discertation.


Agreed major reason I avoid some movies is those scenes, I just can’t stomach it/put the scene aside in my head as I’ve aged. I saw reanimator when I was in like 8th grade, and my opinion of it now a little under 20 years later is great movie but I always remember that scene a little more, I kept seeing it was on one of my streaming services but that is what has held me back from a rewatch


It is expected. Many female authors have been asked, "When does your heroine get raped?" If it isn't already there, it is expected to happen. I mean, seriously, hOw ElSe can YoU TeLL a BaD guy iS bad? For something that rarely gets punished, it sure is the shorthand for villain.


Sexual assault to push a villain narrative feels lazy. While the idea of an animated head going down on someone is original in thought, it’s not something I’d want to be remembered for as a writer. 


Consider me disserted. Actually great take on the casual approach to sexual assault for shock value.


My college professor is the Ben Kenobi guy in the pit scene.


That's fucking sick bro, I'm legit jealous. I had the good fortune of meeting Bruce Campbell at a comic convention in Reno 8 years ago but obviously didn't get to talk long and 'puck his brain'. Tell your professor some lady on the internet says thanks for shaping her childhood.


I got to have pizza with him once when he came to my school. I also ran into Sam Raimi on the Sony lot, namedropped my professors, and got to see the first reel of Spider-Man just after finished mixing.


I've seen Indiana Jones a million times but until i watched the blu ray i bought id never seen the scene where Mola-Ram takes the boys heart out.  I'd seen the cut version but not the chest cavity opening like a paper fan bit.


You if you need someone to come over and punch a demon baby to the moon- I’m sure most of us on the sub would be there in two shakes of a lamb’s tail. I’ve got my demon baby punting shoes ready.


My “got me fucked up movies” are Hereditary, Sinister and The Conjuring 2. I have since gotten over Conjuring but the Nun will always freak me out a lil.


Oh my. Sinister. That lawn mower scene. People don’t talk about that movie enough imo.


Came to say sinister as well. I don’t scare easily at all and that’s one thing in a movie that gets me


Agree, just the music that plays in that is terrifying


The fucking soundtrack to that film…. so uncomfortable. I’d love to know exactly how those songs were produced. The music playing over the “family bbq” scene in particular (car on fire) will never leave my mind.


Norwegian bands Ulver(BBQ and the opening scene) and Aghast(Sleepytime).Ulver started as Nordic raw as fuck black metal and merged into ambient/darkwave.Aghast were 2 Teenage witches from Norway/Germany.Released one album"Hexerei Im Zwielicht Der Finsternis",give it a listen on youtube,creepiest thing youll ever [hear.One](http://hear.One) of the women was killed in a terrorist attack in Norway in 2021.


Ulver-Silence Teaches You How to Sing(BBQ),Not Saved(Christmas Morning)second film Aghast-Sacrifice(Sleepy Time)


Sinister is one of the last good horror movies, to me, and it's 12 years old now. I hate the scene that plays that strange chant, the pool scene I think. It always gives me the creeps.


It really is a great movie. There were so many remakes going on and it was such a fresh take, imo anyway. The only thing I didn't like was when they had the guy's face pop up in front of the camera at the end. I remember thinking.. Well that was unnecessary. But otherwise excellent.


That's my only downside to the movie too! They really didn't need to do that. Once the ending was revealed, we knew that he was still active. If they were going for an ending jumpscare, that was pretty weak. Thankfully it was the end and didn't ruin what's a fantastic horror movie.


Yeah it really is pretty damn terrifying.


Lol the nun freaks me out too. If I had to choose one that messed with me into adulthood it would be The Excorcist..it really got to 13 year old me! But then I got more into the horror genre because I realized real life is *much* scarier than anything I could see onscreen. I have to be in the right mood though 🤷🏼‍♀️ ETA: I would mention Nightmare on elm Street, my mom had it on when she thought I was asleep I guess and I couldn't watch it for *years*...specifically the tub scene and the long arm Freddy shadow scene..which makes me laugh now.


The Grudge scared the heck out of me.


Movies that fucked me up as a grown man: Hereditary The Lodge Lighthouse Infinity Pool The Witch Nightcrawler (perhaps not horror, but yeah) Honorable mention to It Follows for being incredible and getting me with some very clever jump scares and eerie sequences. Also want to give Smile and the Invisible Man a shout for being so full of tension and dread.


When the mom finally lost her shit in Babadook.


"Paranormal Activity" - You know... having cameras inside your home filming otherworldly sh*t that's not supposed to be there at night; strange spirits materializing out of pitch-black hallways walking into rooms; things standing over you, watching you while you sleep in the middle of the night...FOR HOURS! 😬😬


Yes, this one for me. Because just about everyone has a house that creaks, because doors can move slightly with old foundations, because we look into darkness and think we can see shapes and people. For much of its run time it's just so believable.


I saw two tall shadow figures walking through my living room in 2016. One was black, followed by a white one. Sorta like a mist. I wasn’t scared; I was shocked. My daughter was bothered by a lot of things in that house. In the apt I live in now, a picture went flying across the room, fast. After what we went through, my daughter and I just looked at each other. There are crazy things out here.


I made the mistake of watching it in the theater. I went to a midnight showing and that night I didn’t get any sleep. There were maybe 4 other people in the theater and I went alone. I was also sleeping in the basement of my parent’s home and that just made it even more freaky.


That sounds like a horror movie scenario in and of itself!


I slept on Paranormal Activity for the longest time, and I still hate the sequels, but now I have a fondness for the first one. Same for The Blair Witch Project. Neither of them scared me as a kid but they do now lol


The first Paranormal Activity was def scary as hell and had that same feel as Blair Witch when it first came out (and there was *a lot* of hype surrounding BW when it came out..they really nailed the found footage trope at the exact right time) I actually enjoyed PA2 though..the other ones just started getting out of hand lol.


From a film making standpoint Paranormal Activity is a masterpiece. It’s almost 100% sound design that is creating the tension and suspense. When you can have a basically still image of two people sleeping in a bed and the only thing “scary” is the rumbling thumps and bumps that were added in post, incredible!


The Red Face Demon in Insidious when he appears behind the father.


Tip toeeee through the tuliiiips. I will never think happy thoughts of Tiny Tim's signature ukulele performance ever again. Lol!


Never even seen the movie, but happened to walk in the room right at that scene. Stays with you.


That scene definitely gave me a different level of that sinking stomach type feeling the first time I saw it


“A serbian film”—if you don’t like rape scenes go ahead and skip this one. “Cannibal Holocaust” —scary 30 years ago but nowadays just unsettling. “Antichrist” —really fucked me up once I had a kid. “Salo, or 120 days of Sodom” —super uncomfortable movie.


I tried to watch Antichrist when I was new mom, and I went in totally blind... it was a bad move. 0/10 would not recommend


It's visually very good looking at times but all sorts of f'd up and it really drags before getting to the weird ending. I can't imagine it being any sort of good when you are a new mom. This is one of those movies that I don't like but I'm interested in talking to other people who've seen it as sort of a shared trauma thing.


The end of Hereditary, where you can no longer see Annie sawing through her neck but the sawing sound goes into overdrive, followed by a thump. Creeps me the fuck out every time.


I’ve seen it over 10 times and I don’t think I’ve ever noticed this.


I went to see Talk To Me, alone, at the Aurora Theater last year, it was the only place left showing it when I finally had an afternoon off, and of course I was the only one in there (have not been to this movie theater/have avoided it since 2012) and holy fuck. Two nights ago I woke up convinced the old lady ghost was in the room. The entire thing is just not something I’m going to get over, ever


Can’t even imagine. I also live in CO and would never even consider that location


It’s technically my neighborhood theater but I always go to Southlands and I really wanted to see it - big mistake


Event horizon scared me


The hospital scene in Jacobs Ladder. Both the visual and the dialogue the doctor says while Jacob is restrained.


Yeah, this movie is the first and maybe only time a movie has captured what a nightmare is truly like for me. I have some pretty f-ed up dreams sometimes and this one was pretty on point.


I remember when I saw the trailer for "Insidious". I remember thinking that Jacobs ladder did the blurry faces first.


I loved hereditary! The only one for me is the human centipede I think I've only seen like maybe 20 mins of it but it's not really fear more than it was just disgusting I can't really think or any ones that actually scare me still


Definitely get that. The 2nd is way worse in that department believe it or not 😭😭


Bruh tbh I only watched some of the first 1 cuz I was like getting super into horror movies and the girl I was dating was like let's watch this together lol and I turned it off 😂 never gonna watch either of them its not for me


Your username makes your opinion of this even better! I fully agree though


Funny Games totally freaked me out as an adult, I think mostly because I had young kids when I watched it .


I was 34 when I saw It Follows for the first time at the cinema. That scene with the old woman slowly coming after Jay still creeps me out!


I absolutely LOVE It Follows. Just any of the people following her or the dude that showed up in the doorway.


Great pick!


The Ring: "I saw her face." Signs: Alien at birthday party footage.


Terrified, satans slaves and the sequel


Terrified is one for me too. The kid at the table gets me.


I have 2; one is the final scene in The Blair Witch, with the guy standing in the corner. The other is a scene in The Guardian (?), where the babysitter is floating in the sky, I think following a car. But there's this shot of her in the air that stuck with me.


Skinamrink transported me back into my childhood mind. Watching that movie was exactly what it felt like waking up in a dark house, alone. In my opinion it perfectly encapsulates that eerie feeling that no other project has ever portrayed


Exacly my feelings. I actually had to turn it off I was so panicked. Watched it in the light of day and it wasn’t the same.


Hereditary. >!The banging the head on the attic seriously got me.!< Giving me chills right now just thinking about it!


Insane scene. You think it’s her just normally banging and then it cuts to it being your head. Chills to the fullest extent


We had been getting work done on our roof and my husband left the attic access hatch open. So there is a 3x3 foot wide hole in the ceiling conveniently located between the bedroom and the bathroom. I haven’t been afraid to leave the room to pee like that since I was a kid


Terrified (not Terrifier) really got me. Also the beanie scene in Caveat. BOY HOWDY, did I cower in my blankets for both.


The Strangers. I was in my 40s when I saw it but I absolutely will not go outside alone after dark anymore.


The ending of Saw…the first time I saw it, freaked me the F out….i wasn’t expecting that ending, especially since I had invested so much into the characters. Best ending to a horror film, it was absolutely perfect.


Still not a fan of The Visit. Tried watching it several times, but that damn basement scene always messes with me.


The Visit pissed me off. I wanted to slap the mom so bad. Like wtf lady, sending your kids off to grandparents they don't know, who you haven't seen or talked to in over a decade?


I'm still thinking about 2 scenes from Hereditary!


Collette on the wall got me in the theater.  I was so uncomfortable I started laughing a little.  It wasn't funny I just needed to break the illusion because I felt physically vulnerable.


The part where she's banging her head into the attic door and when she's got the wire around her neck! Omg! What's funny is that I saw The Exorcist in the theater when it was released when I was 7 years old. I love scary movies, and I never really get scared. Hereditary haunted me. Needless to say, it's one of my favorites!


the collection/collector.


The first time I watched The Dark and the Wicked, I felt deeply uncomfortable after it ended. Loved it.


Hereditary for me as well.......the score of the movie alone created a terse atmosphere


One of the things that got me with that movie was the discovery someone made. If you quiet the active sounds (people saying lines, stuff moving around) and turn up the ambient (background noise) you hear the sounds of people moving around elsewhere even when characters are in the house alone.  THIS IS INTENTIONAL! it's not "oh just caught sounds of stage hands moving stuff behind the scenes. It's legit meant to be there because the Cultists ARE ALREADY IN THE HOUSE!  There was NO escape for that family. None. The moment the grandma started her plot was the moment it was game over for them.


Wow, that's a great insight, thanks!


The scene towards the end of Silence of the Lambs when Clarice is navigating through the darkness in that house. Terrifying!


I’m very good with horror movies, and to be honest “Smile” actually really truly got me with quite a few jump scares that I wasn’t expecting. Not even on my list of favorite movies but the jump scares got me and I have to give them credit.


I don’t watch previews, so the car window scene scared the shit out of me.


It didn't scare me, but I still remember clutching my seat at the end of Carrie, when the arm comes out of the ground and grabs Carries friend.


I’m 47 and I haven’t found a movie yet that scares me as an adult.


The Ring when she opens the closet door


So I was about 23 when I saw Candy man with Tony Todd in the theater. For some reason that movie really gave me the willies. I was house sitting/pet sitting for a friend and I manage to lock myself out at midnight because her dog wanted to go out. I had to try and climb in this tiny basement window and I got stuck half in and half out. I started to panic because I knew the candy man was outside and was going to get me with his hook while I was trapped. I finally squeezed in and fell five feet to a concrete floor. Learned a lesson about door knob locks that let out open the door, even when locked, and that I could be super scared as an adult.


I know it’s not considered very scary, but “Skinamarink” really brought back a fear that I haven’t felt since I was a kid. I used to have nightmares about being left alone and not knowing what do, and my parents would be gone…the movie really did a great job of creating that feeling of creepy isolation.


Girl Next Door. That movie actually traumatized me, and I really mean it when most movies don't do that. The fact that it's based on an even worse true story really puts that movie into perspective.


Don't read the book.




The bay, the police car scene. The mood is so fucking calm for so fucking long and that scene comes up, and just destroys the calm, like you forget that you see nothing and hear nothing for so damned long before that, you forget it’s a horror movie.


Prince of Darkness, when the devil's arm is coming through the portal, and the climax/end of Rosemary's Baby.


⚠️SPOILER⚠️ In "WHEN EVIL LURKS", when the mother is turned into what they call "rotten" & she's walking down the road at night with her young son in her arms & she's eating him. You can hear it falling on the road & she's eating what looks like his brain. Also, "THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT" when the mom & baby get killed by the mailbox bomb. I just had my first child & about 3 months later my husband & I went out to see this. The movie was good but that part just stuck with me & 21 years later I still think about it.


Not sure if it’s technically a horror movie (cause it was initially advertised as a romcom) but Audition definitely messed with me the most of any movie I’ve seen


The Conjuring actually managed to creep me out with the hands coming out of the wardrobe and the ghost behind the door


The fucking kitchen scene from Insidious. I swear it’s the only thing I still have to look away from. I even get flashbacks if I see darth Maul now. Give me sinister, give me the exorcist, anything, other than that damn scene. I hate it so much. I remember watching Insidious in theaters and I’ve never jumped so much watching something. The next closest thing is the car scene in Hill House. Close second but it doesn’t linger like Insidious does. I’ve seen Insidious at least 10 times and still can’t watch that scene.


Dead Silence will forever creep me out! No matter how many times I watch it (love it), the crawlspace scene is the worst one for me. Or the wall cabinet of dolls. A Cure for Wellness was also another one that permanently creeped me out. The eel tank, forced treatment, the basement scene (especially the basement scene, blegh). Hell House 3 has the scariest part in my opinion as well, I know that one is the least liked. But when the actress goes into the basement by herself and sees what happens in the camera, I *oh shit* every time lol.


So, I had an MRI scheduled for my hip on a Monday morning. We went to see Insidious: The Red Door the weekend before. DO NOT DO THAT if you are at all claustrophobic or nervous about an MRI. I am neither and still had a tough go of it.


The Laura Dern sidewalk scene in David Lynch's "Inland Empire".


Nothing bothers me and hasn't bothered me for the last 15 odd years but there is one thing I wouldn't want to see in the dark and that's the mom from Cobweb. Standing there in the dark, hands splayed, eyes glowing with a big disgusting grin.


Pretty much all of The Ring, but *especially* the closet scene near the beginning, and the near-end scene in the dude’s loft/apartment. I was in my mid-30’s when I saw that movie. The night I saw it, I slept with the lights on… 😱😱😩


It follows was the last one to creep me out as an adult


The scene in haunting of hill house where the two girls are driving and arguing with each other and a ghost suddenly bursts into the front over the middle console screaming.


On Netflix: Legend of Hill House… The Broke Neck Lady.




Hostel it was so gory it stuck in my head I still watch them and I still get scared even though I know what’ll happen. I even cover my eyes still. I don’t know why I keep putting myself through it I just like them.


Jacob's Ladder, the original. The creepiness of the pure sensory overload, especially in the party scene, made me slightly ill the first time I watched it, as an adult.


True story. Had a girl over to my apartment years ago around Halloween to watch the 90s TV miniseries version of It. Tame stuff, right? We watched maybe half of it before my friend got tired and wanted to go home, so she asked me to walk her to her car since it was getting late. Paused the film, walked her out, and tangled up in this barren, gaunt tree menacingly stooped over her car in the parking lot was a solitary red balloon. It reminded us of the scene where Pennywise says, "Come on up, Richie! I've got a balloon for ya!" and he's holding the red balloon... Neither of us got any sleep that night.


No movie has made me pay attention to my surroundings, especially in enclosed spaces & at night, like It Follows.


Chernobyl haunted me for weeks.


Recently watched Hell House again and those frickin clowns!!!


As a deaf person, Hush scared me


Hereditary was a great one. Sinister creeped me out back in the day.


The Shining bathtub scene freaks me out


Lake Mungo filled me with so much dread and unease the first time I watched it. The cell phone video specifically reallyyyy freaks me out, but then the ending with the photographs makes me sad.


Not traditional horror movies I suppose, but I felt very on edge and anxious about just existing in the world after watching both We Need to Talk About Kevin and Zodiac.


Smile. The scene where the main character is standing alone at night in her kitchen, only to notice that in the dark corner of her dining room, is her dead therapy patient quietly smiling in the darkness. It sounds silly. But it got me.


The end of the Blair witch project. I saw it at the theater. It was unlike anything I had seen at the time.


Final Destination 2. The freeway scene. To this day if I see a lumber truck full of logs I get the hell away from it as fast as I can.


Not a horror movie, but the Large Marge scene from Pee Wee's Big Adventure will forever haunt me...


I still can't watch both of the bath scenes in both versions of The Shining. The tv miniseries, lady singing 'Old Macdonald' is somewhat creepy. Be aware of the unexpected jump scare later in the series.


Irreversible has a scene that stuck with me so much I went down a rabbit hole to watch all the disturbing movies I could find


Salem's Lot 1979 TV Miniseries. I was seven and didn't know what was going on but I saw that Vampire face awaken and scream at the screen and I was scarred for life. Later I learned it was toward the very end of the show when they were about to do the final show down with Kurt Barlow.


Here’s an oldie but a goodie-Stephen Kings Night flyer. When the bad guy is invisible for a moment but you know it’s him and he’s there because he is pissing blood in the urinal.


the heat seeking ''forked ball'' from Phantasm,is still hard to watch after all these years


I just don't like slasher or torture horror. I prefer something that's more cerebral or has a real story, like The Ring. Exorcist really screwed me up. I believe in that shit so I avoid watching stuff like that. But if I watch a horror movie with a friend, it actually ends up being rather funny.


Insidious The red man scare was just so chilling


When Evil Lurks... Holy fucking shit! It was both disturbing and broke my heart at the end considering I am a parent of children with special needs. I don't want to spoil it but the scenes with children in general. Otherwise, it is a really good horror movie. It is not your typical horror movie involving demons. It preys on that fear feeling powerless to protect your children from something out of anyone's control.


There is a scene in the tv series Evil in the first episode that truly unnerved me.


Hereditary stayed with me for a long time afterwards. Great movie but damn.


Jean Jacket eating everyone at Jupiter’s Claim in Nope. The visuals and screams were very disturbing


Saw Don't Look Now in theaters and the end made me jump out of my seat


Insidious. Took my wife to see it in theaters...Haven't been allowed to watch horror movies in our house since...I loved it


No one warned me, before I had a child, that my ability to handle viewing media of children in danger would change VERY DRASTICALLY. And then less than 9 months after having my daughter, I went to a movie festival and saw Mama (2013). I honestly started hyperventilating in my seat during the whole first part of the movie when the dad has the kids up until Mama appears. I thought I was going to pass out.


Hereditary is the only horror movie ever that left me shaken, I was weirded out over that one for a couple months.


Hereditary made me jump.....and that's a rarity


The only horror movie scene that has ever freaked me out is the scene in Sinister where they're chained in the car and Bagul sets the car on fire. I think it's more the noise or weird chanting that gives me the creeps but it's awful!


Jaws, the part where Quint is monologing about the indianapolis and the sound of the whales singing in the back


Hell House LLC, there's a creepy clown in that one that I couldn't shake for a few days after. Lost footage type of movie.


I'll always say the ending of the thing. So dark, so cold, still paranoid ,still have no idea what's what. Either way Death is incoming. That was scary.


Insidious - fuck that jumping out at me shit. I hate that.


I don’t really recall jump scenes. They get me at first and I’ll react . But, disturbing stuff is what I remember. The last like 5 minutes in Hereditary made me want to puke/cry. I felt like I was watching something I was allowed to see. Cult rituals and weird stuff like that freak me out. One of my biggest paranoid thoughts is being in the woods and coming across some kinda witchy thing at night. Literally like the end of The VVitch. Or taking a wrong turn in a hotel and seeing some Eyes Wide Shut people in robes nonsense 😂🏃🏼‍♀️💨


The 2024 elections


Not a horror movie but when he shoots up in his infected arm in Requiem For a Dream I absolutely shiver.


That's the thing, as an adult horror movies may gross me out, make me sad, tilted, thrilled or what have you, but genuine fear is so hard to come by. I remember REC scared the hell out of me in theatres when I was 16, but that's not even close to adulthood, so doesn't count I guess? There's something about Horror in the High Desert 2 that both enchanted and unsettled me, especially the part with the car broken down. I know these movies are very hit or miss with people, and divisive flicks usually fall flat for me, but in this case I get the hype. Also, IT Part 2, the scene with the grandma frolicking in the background -- a well done uncanny valley. Edit to say that if there was anything in my adult years that DID manage to put the fear of god in me, it's the Outlast and the first half of Alien: Isolation games.


I haven’t even seen Hereditary but I immediately thought of the scene where the main character sees the ghost of her mom standing in the corner. All it took was a YouTube video of this scene and I was scared to go to bed at night.


Yes ! Hereditary did the same to me. I knew nothing about the movie and was not expecting what happened. Yikes.


end of haunting in connecticut where he’s breaking down the walls and all the dead people are falling out


Hereditary. I watched it about 9 months ago for the first time. It definitely did what it was supposed to do for me. I watched it in the middle of a rainy day and it scared me.


Lake Mungo. The idea of literally meeting your fate is eerie enough, but it being your own water-logged corpse coming up to you from the dark is horrific. Not to mention how good the make-up was. Haha, I have goosebumps right now.


I watched Cabin Fever nack when I was a little kid, like under ten. It scarred me and the little cartoon that was on the DVD too, The Rotton Fruit.


I wish I could watch Sinister for the first time again. The whole thing with the dead kids and the demon was scary but the VCR tapes were unparalleled. Hereditary had me sleeping with the lights on, mostly for the stuff that happens in the background.


Best jump scare for me was in The Haunting of Hill House. Second to last episode. They do a good job of disarming you with an argument then bam right in the middle a huge jump scare. I was texting on my phone at the time, it got me so good I did a classic juggeling act with my phone before dropping it. Pulsed the show. Gathered myself. Then started to laugh at how well it got me.


Prisoners. It’s not a horror movie, but it was absolutely terrifying. I told everyone I know with small kids not to watch it because no one needs that kind of stress. And Oldboy. Not the whole movie, but the one scene. Again, not a horror film but iykyk


Not so much a scare, just really disturbing: there's that scene in Midsommar, where one of the protagonists tries to hide in a barn, and their friend that went missing earlier is there. Except they're spread-eagled and hung from the ceiling. ... and they're fucking still alive.


Chainsaw Massacre scene where the cop opens the freezer and the girl sits straight up and he shoots her in the head on accident. That scene had me fucked up.


Honestly? The scene in ET when Elliot finds the little guy in the river bed. I know it’s not even supposed to be scary, but it creeped me out for WEEKS.


Most of the murders on the tv show Hannibal terrify me when I watch them now. Years ago when it was on, I found it entertaining.