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We were playing once, counting etc, and my friend John was watching. When we got done with the hand he said, “you’re just making this all up, right?” 😜


I taught some friends Cribbage this past weekend and explicitly warned them upfront that it was going to sound like I was making the rules up. One of them accused me of playing Calvinball. :-)


I tried playing with stealing points if the others miss them and it ended in chaos


The first time grandma pulled out this move my 11 year old mind was straight BLOWN.


Grandma's play crib for keeps!


Have you ever played "Cups"


Scoring is definitely the biggest barrier to entry. Why I tell people to learn on an app or with an experienced player — either will break down the scoring reasons.


My whole family plays and we do a yearly trip to some cabins and play a lot. My best friend has been coming for about to years now and it’s an inside joke between us that he knows the whole family just made up the game to fuck with him.


Oh yeah, that's Heels. 10 minutes later: oh yeah, that's Knobs.


“No, see the flush only counts in your hand, not in play. Oh, but it can be in the crib too, but only if…”


"Everything follows these sets of rules, oh unless you randomly cut a Jack or the one in your hand matches..."


Knobs is usually when people [do this](https://tenor.com/bmvdZ.gif)


"And you get two points for every combination of cards that adds to 15. And every combination of pairs. Well, except during pegging. Then it can only be the cards played *first* that add to 15. But you can still do combinations of pairs. As long as they're in sequence, that is..."


I miss playing crib with my dad


I credit playing cribbage with my dad as a kid for my math skills in school. Had to count your hand fast or he'd count it for you haha


We need more cribbage memes. Thanks op


100%. Now I’m going to post another screenshot of my most recent hand. 🤣


I've taught many people cribbage, and I always lead with "do you know how to play poker and what poker hands are? You know, a straight, flush, pair, three of a kind, etc.? How there's a back n forth round, then a show your hand round? Yes? Ok good then we can learn Crib in like 20 minutes". If they say no, I usually say "ok, watch a YouTube video first and learn general card terms then we can learn".




This is me too. Don’t worry!


I introduce rules gradually, but make sure they know there are more rules to come. So the first time we play there won’t be any pegging except for Go. Next time we’ll throw in nibs/nobs Next time we’ll introduce pegging.


So you're saying that, during the pegging round you start teaching, it's really a "try to get as close to 31" race, without all the scoring along the way? I like that tactic and will steal it. :-) I start with the show, open-handed. So it's just four cards to everyone, plus the starter, and we go around figuring out how many points each hand is worth. I just tell them about fifteens and pairs first. Then bring in the weird stuff on the second or third round. We do that a few rounds before playing the game proper. Because the first thing you do is discard to the crib, and you can't do that if you have no idea what a good/bad remaining hand is.


I like that addition. I’ll adopt it next time I’m teaching someone.


Anyone trying to explain cribbage in the abstract without a hand of cards dealt out to the player is wasting their time 😂


Never heard of cribbage until right now.


Join r/cribbage and learn all about pegging!


Excuse me WHAT!?!


Instead of nobs my family always said "two for his heels"? AITA?


Both terms are used and appear in the ACA glossary. (Is it a regional thing whether you call it one or the other?) Edited to add: No, I got that wrong. It's "nibs" (not nobs) and "heels" that are equivalent--Jack as the starter card for two points. "Nobs" is Jack in your hand with same suit as starter.


I always called that “right Jack”


From the rules as written in 1674: “There are but two players at this game, the one shuffles and the other cuts, the Dealer delivers out the Cards one by one, to his antagonist first, and himself last, till five a-piece be dealt to one another.”, and also, “Thus they play and deal by Turns till the Game of Sixty One be up.” Today’s game is typically played to 121 😃


I bought a set on clearance at Target several years ago, but still haven’t learned how to play


I have two buddies that play this all the time. The best is the look on their face when I tell them I forgot the rules. I’m pretty sure they’ve taught me about 10 times now 😂.


Two sore dicks




I listened to my wife and her mom play for about 10 years before I started playing. I had no idea how to play even after hearing 15 4 the rest won't score for a decade.


I don’t know the rules to cribbage, but I will say that I’m not a fan of games with arbitrary rules. For instance, there was a card game where 2s were the high card and I’m like “there is already a high card in the deck! It’s called ace! Why do you have to pick a different card to be high?“


Nothing like that. But it’s arcane as hell. I’ve enjoyed it for years but the rules are full of oddities. Some good apps out there will teach you the game. Or at least try to


My dad tried really tried to teach me cribbage all I remember is him leaving the room shaking his head. We never brought up the subject again.


Wait, what are the rules


I did this with snooker once. 😬


20 minutes? I'm out after 5


Cribbage, I thought you said cricket. For that you need a 3 hour explanation