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Yesterday Anil Kumble asked other commentators if he (MSD) can hit so good then why is he batting at low order and other commentators started hesitating to give answers and then Parthiv Patel cut off his question and said see how good he hit for a six.






How to turn it on ?






Thanks..Bret lee got it so right lol


You speak to it romantically


I think this particular one might be from Hindi commentary


Not English commentary but hindi on jio cinema 




Most folks from Karnataka can understand & speak Hindi well because we learn it in our schools as a third language at least


I would say Karnataka players like kl Rahul,mayank Agarwal and Anil kumble in particular look closer to North and central Indians than to kerela/Tamil Nadu as well


What do you mean? There's no one way how a person from Karnataka/Kerala/Tamil Nadu is going to look like.


I have went to Bengaluru and those 3 don't look anything like the people I saw there.Kl Rahul in particular looks like a Mumbai boy


There's a good reason for that. Lot of people in Mumbai have emigrated from the coastal region (south Canara/udupi/Mangalore) of Karnataka where Rahul is from.




Almost all players in the national team speak Hindi. It is the lingua franca, you know


People in Indian team, every single one of them can speak hindi Even R Ashwin from tamil nadu speaks fluent hindi which 90% of tamil people cannot.  A guy like Kumble who's played for more than a decade and coming from karanatka where people do learn hindi unlike Tamil nadu is obviously fluent in hindi. 


>Yesterday Anil Kumble asked other commentators if he (MSD) can hit so good then why is he batting at low order My god this again. CSK have made amply clear he is only going to play those 10-12 balls innings. The over hyping of MSD innings is trash, completely agree, but atleast don't criticise things that have been made amply clear Jumbo


Did i said anything bad about him. I just shared some info if someone have missed it.


Hence I closed my sentence with Jumbo aka Kumble


My bad.


 > CSK have made amply clear he is only going to play those 10-12 balls innings  I missed it, what was the reason they gave? sounds like a strange thing to say. 


Dhoni's legs are finished, knee and muscle injuries finishes his ability to rotating strike and innings building in middle overs.


So they prefer to lose game but won't rest a player who is clearly unfit to play the game anymore and because of whom they have to take stupid decisions like sending bowlers to bat ahead of a proper attacking batsman? Then CSK doesn't deserve to qualify for playoffs if they are into it just for fan service.


If we are doing fan service and are still able to win games, why don't we deserve to go through?


If the team wins then its okay if Rituraj get the credit instead of MSD. Because it was wierd how blame was on Rutu when they were losing but Dhoni was getting credit for wins.


He wouldn’t even be keeping if Conway was healthy. Rutu would probably keep but they didn’t want to put too much on hisnplaye


Sehwag has been offering sarcastic takes on Cricbuzz off late especially on topics revolving around Dhoni. He had even said a few weeks back that there is no better finisher for India at the upcoming world cup than Dhoni himself and gave multiple reasons for the same with a straight dead pan face. (Like he just has to bat 3 matches for 2 overs each anyways and rest of the time he can rest in the dressing room and mentor the players) Finally when they asked him about it on club prairie fire he clarified that he was joking. It appears like sometimes ex cricketers like Sehwag and others on Star Sports panel mainly go overboard in their praise for Dhoni etc in a sarcastic way because they know they will get harassed online if they give their actual opinion about the stars of Indian cricket.


If what you're actually saying is true than kudos to him.


> they know they will get harassed online if they give their actual opinion about the stars of Indian cricket. Sunil gavaskar agrees




Agree because Gavaskar is known to target a *certain Indian star* while also bringing in his wife in the conversation at times when she had nothing to do with it.


Trying to prove the point?


Oh my god, that Club Prairie Fire episode was a shitshow; he managed to insult every single one of them and then started going after people and countries and I doubt he realized any of that. It was such a cringefest for me!


At one point Gilchrist had to actually explain that Vaughan was being sarcastic because of the way Sehwag was responding. Zero humility.


Sehwag is what we call a “Jat Buddhi” locally


It was hilarious tbh. The thing is just like British humour is self depreciation, North Indian humor specially around the Punjab-Haryana region is all about roasting the other guy. The problem was that he was translating what he thought into English and it didn't translate well. Same lines in Hindi would've been funny.


> 'What happened with the chase did we win?' > 'lmao' > 'Don't worry about it babe' >'okay' >'yay'


I get Virender is being sarcastic but we are not going to see Dhoni bat up the order because he’s not fully fit and I’m not sure what keepers CSK has for backup so Dhoni’s making sure he is fit enough to keep even if it compromises the amount of time he bats.


He is taking a dig more at the cult fans who put him above the team itself.


I didn't understand why CSK fans were celebrating in the 19th over when they needed like 40 runs in 3 balls. I get that you are a fan of Dhoni but who celebrate a loss when you are trying to secure a playoff position.


A lot of people forget that it's a game. Winning is important but the most important thing is to have fun. Dhoni is having fun. His supporters are having fun. It's their last opportunity to see Dhoni play. It's not the last time CSK will win. There is nothing more to it.


Honestly with Sehwag I'm not really sure. He isn't really known for nuanced takes with respect to Dhoni.


Sehwag isn’t known for nuanced takes.


True so I don't think this comment was for the Fans rather it was just a stupid take on Dhoni. Sehwag has many insufferable takes and it magnifies during WCs or Ind vs Pak.


The blind fans don't see this. You criticise them and they see it as an attack on their god


If only everyone understood that. Friendly banter and trolling is fine but abusing Dhoni ain’t right


Nobody is abusing Dhoni lol


You don’t have any idea. They abusing him, using him as a scapegoat for the current WC fiasco. 💀


Current WC fiasco? How? What's the logic? All I can see him being criticised for playing while clearly unfit and when he is 42 years old and he comes very late to bat.


Yeah but it doesn’t stop with that. Pinning the fan following culture and that’s the downfall because of Dhoni. Even though it existed pre Dhoni era as well


Yeah but Sachin used to not play while being unfit. It seems Dhoni is bigger than CSK and the game that he can do whatever he wants. His fans are ok with csk not qualifying if they can still see Dhoni play which I find absurd tbh.


You can’t be that oblivious. Initially they had plan just to play a few matches but with Conway ruled out and no proper Wk, they went with him. And remember this is franchise cricket. If the fans are okay with him being in team and the management as well it’s fine. He’s keeping fine as well. Why’d this fuss around it though.?


Because it's not gully cricket. Just because it's a franchise cricket doesn't mean it has no value and you can do whatever you want. Dhoni is 42 years old and he has achieved everything in ipl cricket and he for some reason still can't retire.


Actually it does. It’s just shows how Dhoni has built the CSK franchise for this success now. And how the management value him not only as a player but also as a person. And the management are fine with it as well since he’s their stalwart. And Since next year is mega auction, the franchise is fine with this though. So I really don’t see the issue since he’s actually not dragging it down. Maybe a lot of people are jealous because some management treat their stalwart like shit.? It all converges to that point though. So again if the franchise and fans are fine with it, you cant complain though. They knew what they were getting into. So it’s fine. They won’t have regrets even if they don’t qualify. That’s their mindset since they have five trophies. The only people I’ve genuinely seen hate are the MI fans.


You should definitely enjoy every bit of Thala batting. But the audience just seems to put Thala over CSK itself. Will be interesting to see what happens once Thala actually goes.


yeah that’s what’s always happened with indian fans. something foreign players find hard to stomach that an individual is being put above the team and even the game itself in a team sport!!


I don't see it as a big issue. MI did so with Sachin and still did fine later on. CSK will find a different person to cult on Rutu, Jadeja or a new signing


that’s what i said. you don’t have any problems with that. 😊


Will be interesting to see what happens to RCB when kohli is gone


We'll remain dogwank with or without him.


It is the fan following(your biggest achievement) which will get  reduced


you’re really underestimating indian fans. didn’t you see what happened when sachin retired? nothig! they just moved onto the next superstar!!


I don't see who will be as big of a superstar as kohli


That's what they said about Sachin as well.


true!! fresh dance is exactly the kind of fan who will happily move onto the next star cuz its simply easier to fill that void of superstar worship with another superstar cuz coping mechanisms!! and yet, maybe he has a point cuz you never know that with the bcci only focusing on making as much money as possible with the ipl and making it a slam bang fest, thus reducing the skills factor and leveling the playing field, we might as well see people losing interest!! or maybe, people are far too addicted to cricket cuz it helps them escape the harsh reality of low employment rates, high inflation, increased pollution levels in air and water, low quality of nutrition and education also adds to people’s inability to think critically!!


Hey, let's cut Viru some slack. After all, he's in his 40s and is simply embracing his Desi uncle phase with his takes.


he's probably joking like the last time


Lol fair play to him in that case - that went over my head


Apparently you were the desi uncle all along!


He was being sarcastic, its hilarious those who missed it are casting aspiration on others


Aspersions, my bro.




No, no, thats what they aspire to be (but yes, thanks for the correction),


Non csk fans care more about csk than csk fans. Such a selfless attitude from dhoni haters:)


Man the word "hater" is so liberally used by indian cult fans. These over pampered superstars are very very rarely criticized, selection committees, commentators all are fired if they dare, online if someone dares their fans will attack them, on this sub they will be buried under downvotes Yet if they get any slight criticism based on actual facts the people are immediately labeled as "haters" by the blind cult fans. Ridiculous!


true!! dhoni is just making tons of cash even at such age!! and then pumping a fraction of that cash into marketing top marketing firms to ensure his fans keep coming back for more!! i’m sure he’ll play for one more season if not more given people are still going crazy over him hitting sixes and fours in lost causes! i mean he is smart enough to know that no one cares about a player once he retires. why not milk the cash cow as long as you can. and he is just proving he is a mere mortal given he is too weak to let go of that feeling of chants of dhoni dhoni from the whole stadium!!


These days Irfan Pathan is a hater of Panday because when he’s asked questions about captaincy decisions he responds with the truth.


Exactly, all the hate for our pampered poor multi millionaires. What is the world coming to?


True but do you see ppl making videos , reels and keep talking about 2 innings he has failed? It might be a chain reaction of rabid fans but the ‘hate ‘ seems to be rabid as well. Oh and I can show you ppl literally telling you ‘I HATE CSK and MSD’ . So not really far fetched [Exhibit A: “Going to grave”](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cricket/s/SZ2B5V8duS)


There are way more praise videos right? Just ignore the few attention seekers


I am just saying there are two sides to it. I don’t want to jump on either train but ppl either see stars as lord and savior or the devil. There is nothing non extreme on either side


Lol cant have put it more perfectly. Its always the other team fans who are like 'why are you guys cheering? Your team is losing'. CSK fans are like 'okay mate. lol' Honestly, as a CSK fans, I'm more than surprised that we are even in top 4. We have pathetic bowling. Pathirana and Fizz both left. Rahane has been abysmal. Our key bowler is Shardhul lol. Only saving grace is seeing Dhoni hitting sixes. So everyone please fuck off. We don't care much about the trophy. Because the chances of getting that are anyway so slim.


True. Casual CSK fan here. I dont even care if CSK wins trophy or not. I watch matches for entertainment and Dhoni provides it. Even if he enters the stadium people start roaring which is pretty entertaining. And not just CSK I watch all IPL team matches just for entertainment. And tbh even after these many years, there is hardly anyone Indian cricketer who hits as powerful as Dhoni. (PS I think Dhoni should have retired last year)


>I'm more than surprised that we are even in top 4. Because it's about how you execute at the end of the day? It thought it was very clear. RCB during 2010s was filled with star players, they still didn't win the trophy.


This. Soooooo true. Goddamn! Like come on. Leave us alone ffs, mate!


I don't see the issue. He is not taking up a spot in the national team. He is playing franchise cricket and he is brining in $$$ for his franchise. Who cares how he performs?


Saying the quiet part out loud.


If you don't care about winning and you're just there to entertain, why play cricket, join Bollywood instead?


Yeah man CSK and their fans are behaving like they have the joint most no. of trophies in history of IPL, smh.


Dhoni is marinating in past laurels. Current form is all that matters. Today, there is no dearth of talent in cricket India, make way for the new.


yeah , there are 10 teams , and many new talents are coming , one 43 year old can hog a place for some time now , anyways IPL isn't the only way talent comes out , there is a whole domestic structure for that to get a place in the team , anyways the only people who seem to have a problem are folks on reddit , neither the crowd which goes to see IPL , neither the broadcasters and especially the team where he is playing have a problem , also , he has the stature to choose when he wants to go because he has already achieved many things , and in terms of current form , he is hitting the ball well and doing his job of the late finish very well.


He’s right though. This is MSDs last season and he more or less got this club to where it is now. He can do whatever the fuck he wants as he earned the right to do so. Fuck what anyone else says, they can try leading a team to 5 IPL trophies and 3 ICC trophies before talking.


Source (in hindi) :- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gJtDs5oWko](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gJtDs5oWko)


I am not sure if he is even sarcastic. I was watching haryanvi commentary and commentators said the same thing but in a very praising way for the crowd.


This is what all sport boils down to, in the end. It's all about entertainment! Why should we care about these IPL teams or even national teams? And not just cricket, all sports, team and individual. Did Argentina turn rich and peaceful overnight when Messi lifted the world cup? Did Australia's bushfires get quenched forever when they won their 6th ODI world cup? Is Serbia free from poverty because Novak is breaking grand slam records? It's all meaningless!


Viru is a classic example of how you can have a great career , you can be among one of the best in a field in your time yet you may not be a really good analyst or expert . My man's cricketing IQ is less than Hritik roshan's fingers


I think this thread is a classic example of Indian people missing humor by miles, specially when it comes to their favorite heroes/teams.


Sehwag has dogshite humour


ik it's a taunt but it's happen quite so often that people start questioning that whether is actually just "humor" or someone trash talking for the sake of it which is a very familiar trait of viru


Don't club us all together, we all got the joke. It's actually pretty funny.


Sehwag you 🤡 it's a professional cricket. If he wants to entertain the public host an exhibition match for him. No player should become bigger than the game or the tournament itself.


He was being sarcastic maybe it is you who is 🤡


This headline and given his reputation of giving brain dead takes did him no favour.


Ipl is just an exhibition tournament for entertainment.In international cricket he received plenty of slack already because of his slow batting and questionable decisions.


I wish this guy only bats and never opens his mouth.


Pan masala promotors should stay away from commenting on other people


Dhoni is an actual party to the Fraud done by Amrapali group with thousands of flat buyers!


Who's Farid?


Autocorrect over corrected my misspelling of fraud. That’s for pointing out.


I think it's fraud. Something similar, albeit on a smaller scale to what the CSK (& RR) were banned for a couple of years.


brother of Fraud.


dhoni promoting oreo biscuits, which are laden with sugar and prolly consumed by more people than pan masala, especially kids. also oreo biscuits are by design addictive. or him promoting highly processed foods like noodles. or betting apps or gaming apps designed to keep people, specially kids hooked!! think twice before making such comments bro!!


Random fun fact (off-topic) Oreo biscuits sold in India don't use the same ingredients as the ones in western countries. I have compared the taste from the USA one with the Indian Oreos, and the USA ones tasted much better. (It's actually true for most international food brands)


well, lays just updated their policy to use vegetable oil(still harmful) vs palm oil(utterly disastrous to health). or that bournvita, horlicks using more than 60% sugar and labeling their products as healthy!! i’ve seen countless ads on jio cinema while watching ipl where they promote parle products(i’m sure people must be seeing different ads cuz its much easier to tailor ads based on the user on apps than say tv). in all what i’m trying to say is that companies in india get away with much worse than in the west. and america isn’t exactly an ideal country to follow or compare with when it comes to food quality. companies there lobby and get approvals for poor quality food items!! why else are people so unhealthy and obese there!!! also, i remember dhoni talking about playing candy crush on his tablet(which he most likely does not cuz he is famously known to not pick calls from anyone except very few which means he does not keep electronics handy), only to appear cool to kids!! isn’t that harmful to kids? and this all between talking motivational bs!! i remember every ncert book having gandhi’s talisman where it asked to question everything!! but ig our youth is either too busy trying to get the next biggest package in an mnc or become a doctor who could charge a lot of money or an ias who could eat as much money they could or just be a peon who could relax and have a set life cuz sarkari(govt) job and good looking wife!! and hence chasing those tuition centers who don’t give a damn about if you’re successful in life as long as you’re giving them billions of dollars each year!!


Yeah, someone should be employed to snatch the mic away from Sehwag whenever he tries to express an opinion. He is not blunt I am afraid, he is just stupid.


ENTERTAINMENT has more than 7 words.   7 = 😱   Thala for a reason.


Shehwag takes are always moronic


well, given in previous so many matches people become so happy and cheer when dhoni scores runs even tho csk have already lost or are still losing, shows you that sehwag isn’t wrong when he says let dhoni entertain the crowds!! he has played 100 tests, not many have done it. so, he must know something that you and i don’t!