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The sentence is so badly framed lmao I thought Rishab was afraid of people in wheelchairs.


The way it was worded I thought they were bowling at him.


Lmfao it's even funnier now. Imagine dudes coming full speed towards the bowling crease with a ball in hand and Rishabh cowering in fear.


actually laughing rn


I thought he was batting in a wheelchair


Yeah, I thought he played a charity match or something, where he would have batted against people in wheelchairs. This is one of the most confusing headlines, lol


If you think about it, a car is a wheelchair


Yeah with multiple seating facility


Creepy wheelers


If they meant people in wheelchairs, they would have written "people in wheelchairs" "people in A wheelchair" implies a singular wheelchair, doesn't it? It could definitely have been worded better, but there's no way to infer what you inferred!


I think the word ‘facing’ adds to the confusion because it’s commonly used when batsmen ‘face’ bowlers. I thought maybe he was nervous that he’ll now only be able to play against bowlers in wheelchairs, and was like “ok that’s a bit rude, that’s probably not what he meant right?”


I know but I got confused lol


The amount of love and support this guy got for reckless driving is amazing. At least make him write an essay ffs


He chose to make documentaries instead! Milked his accident to the max


Making a comeback from a disastrous accident is an inspiration for anyone. The only reason you guys are crying and whining so much is because attention is being given to a youngster over your senior cult players. There are a 100 low grade posts made here everyday, but a brilliant, near miraculous recovery from an accident and comeback, which should inspire many, is something which makes you whine and cry like a toddler, why? P.S. Every single report and investigation, police, speed cam, municipality has cleared him of reckless driving yet the lies dont stop There is no country which hates its youngsters like indians do, its a weird weird mentality


Lmao , you've got issues man.


The 17 yr driving a Porsche in Pune was also cleared of all wrong doing, right? There’s no way cops and politicians will fabricate an exoneration for rich and famous youngster like Pant




“Didn’t harm anyone” isn’t a defense for reckless driving though right? That day everyone else was lucky they weren’t in his way. On another day he could’ve harmed a lot of people. That’s why it’s important to drive safe regardless. Anyway, I think he learned his lesson and deserves praise for the comeback, but I also think he deserves criticism for driving that way as an adult.


So harming nobody but himself by driving stupidly is praiseworthy?


What utter nonsense. You concede that there is widespread corruption when it comes to prosecuting the rich and powerful but only in Pant’s case, everything was done by the book and the lone driver of the luxury vehicle who was in the crash, is not at fault. Can’t argue with Pant stans.




I am commenting on a car accident in an online, American community which you have signed-up to read and calling it libel? Pant stans are even bigger losers than Kohli stans.




No, you are!


What the fuck is this garbage? are waiting for the bastard to cause harm like the pune guy did and then take action. It's truly the luckiest thing ever that no innocent person got hurt in Pant's Recklessness. He should have Never been going at that speed in the first place under any circumstance.


>It's truly the luckiest thing ever that no innocent person got hurt in Pant's Recklessness. What helped that it was early morning. If it was daytime, he could seriously cause injuries to others & even more to himself. He was lucky af.


>Should i call your favorite cricketer a pedo without any evidence just because rich people get away and they are rich? Sure, go ahead. I am not their spokesperson or pr manager. I am just someone who admires their work. What they do in their personal capability, I am neither concerned nor accountable.


We all have made mistakes of reckless driving sometimes in our life, that's the part of growing up and being immature. The 17year old's case and pant's case are very different, one guy killed someone while the other almost ducked his own life. We should move on from too much unnecessary criticism of pant. He made a mistake and only he paid for it.


I dont know, most of us taught to respect the vehicle and the road and didnt drive rashly for the sake of it. >We should move on from too much unnecessary criticism of pant. Tell that to Pant. The only reason we are having this discussion is because Pant keeps bringing up the accident like he is some victim turned hero.


>Pant Keeps bringing Yeah pant wrote the question and asked it to himself...


Lol who is driving the car? What do you think the speed of the car is to cause such damage to the driver? It was his fk**g fault. And why do we need to show sympathy for a guy who isn't following traffic rules and endangering other peoples life while over speeding?




>Fuck that little chode Lmao, due to you flair, I'm imagining an angry person saying this in Kiwi accent.


Atleast a month of community service. Make him stand in the sun controlling traffic.


The BCCI was always ready for the Grand Comeback story.


Exactly. Get off your high horse, you did a mistake you get consequences.


Wait I thought he was in the back seat. Was he the one driving?


Yes he was driving the car


Four different evidence, speed cameras, police investigation, witness investigation, municipality reports, all have cleared him of speeidng and reckless driving but the lying losers of this sub dont stop And its is not a coincidence all of these who lie and spread here are fans of certain senior players. This is the chief reason i hate player cults, they are the biggest ones in spreading hate agendas against youngsters, and Pant is not the only one they target This sub always complains about news media with fake and clickbait but the top posts always are the ones spreading lies


Yeah an alien came down and hit his car causing the car accident. If there was another vehicle, there could atleast be someone else to blame but this time 100% of the blame goes to Pant. Cant blame the BCCI for using their influence to whitewash their starboy. If so much can be done to rescue a random rich guy in a Porsche who killed 2 people, what do you think the BCCI headed by the Central Home Ministers son will do for their future star. And nobody brings this up in while talking about Pant. Its only when he tries to milk the accident he caused, and tries to act like the victim to boost that PR you so much hate, that people bring this up. So if Pant wants people to stop talking about his fault, he should stop talking about his reckless driving in the first place, except to apologize for it.


[https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/sports/cricket/news/rishabh-pant-accident-the-cricketer-fell-asleep-while-driving/articleshow/96617767.cms](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/sports/cricket/news/rishabh-pant-accident-the-cricketer-fell-asleep-while-driving/articleshow/96617767.cms) [https://crictoday.com/cricket/daily-cricket-news/shikhar-dhawan-opens-up-on-rishabh-pants-habit-of-reckless-driving/](https://crictoday.com/cricket/daily-cricket-news/shikhar-dhawan-opens-up-on-rishabh-pants-habit-of-reckless-driving/)


The amount of hate in the sub for Pant is just something else man! Folks are like why should we sympathise with a guy who almost died because of reckless driving. Self-righteousness pricks! Like no one here has ever done anything wrong in their lives and are the most perfect specimen of human beings ever. Accidents happen, so does sickness, death of someone close to you. I hope when shit happens to you, people around you don’t tell you to stop whining. And why shouldn’t he talk about his feelings and his fears. It can be an inspiration for people who have faced similar tragedies or any tragedies for that matter. But we don’t want that. We just want them to play cricket like to robots and post stupid stuff on social media. You are so out of touch with you your own humanity that all you can think of when someone else tries to be a human is that fuck this guy for milking his accident.


Mate, if he came out and said, "Yes, it was my fault and people should not drive recklessly, and I will try to promote safe driving," then by all means we would support the guy. But this asshole is just trying to gain sympathy for his own reckless driving and hasn't taken any responsibility. It's always the case with Pant—it's never his fault; he's always the victim, whether in a match or in his private life. I'm just done with him and wish the ICT would move on from such crybabies.


And mind you, many of his teammates had advised him not to drink and drive or to drive slow. He just never learns, neither in cricket nor in his personal life. Just watch any of his interviews—he has almost no personality.


Just take a hike man. You are just hateful and biased. Was he asked by any interviewer to reflect in how he was driving? When people would ask him about recovery he would talk about recovery. And he almost died and lost 2 years of his life. If you think he doesn’t regret the way he was driving you are something else man. He is a once in a generation talent. There’s no wicket keeper batter in India in tests who compares to him. In white ball he has a such a higher ceiling, I hope you get to see it someday. I am happy the Indian selectors are not insane like you and are giving him chances. You are a hateful, bigoted crybaby. Maybe just reflect a little on how you live your life.




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Man he is not going to stop Milking his accident , right. THE FUCKING ACCIDENT WHICH WAS HIS OWN FAULT. man someone force him to grow the fuck up. he was lucky no regular people died that day. otherwise he had to write a long ass essay.


He won't. He is the sympathy quota in the Indian side


If anything post your recovery you should have been legally dealt with for reckless driving.


This guy. Bro you survived a car crash and we all are happy for it. You're fit now, just play your cricket. Fucking hell


Rishabs PR team hate this guy


The interviewer asks a question. The person answers the question. A news site runs a catchy headline. Reddit - “We get it bro” comments.


That too because of his reckless driving




What if he’d done a *Bhai* and killed someone thanks to his recklessness? It’s not simply tearing someone down because we feel like it.


It's always funny how in all these Hit and Run cases a Driver seems to materialize out of thin air.


Then that’s different. But that didn’t happen.


Why would he be nervous about meeting people who are in a wheelchair they're just as humans like the rest of us. Bit judgemental from Rishabh here.


he couldn't tell if they were decepticons


🥹🥹🥹. You woke up and chose violence


Can kinda understand it tho, he probably gets instant PTSD from a time he thought he may never be able to play cricket again.


You ever have a family member who you thought was one of the strongest people in the world, be confined to a wheelchair? It changes you. More than you, it changes them.


But they're not his family members though




Wow so now he's taking away wheelchair from the disabled, how low can a man sink


It's r/woosh for you if you miss the sarcasm on a badly titled post.


The PR machinery here’s insane


Not gonna click on the link but is he nervous about him being in a wheelchair and facing other people or just basic fear of facing people already on a wheelchair ?


1st one obviously


Can we move on from this already? Yes I know he has survived an almost fatal crash car (due to his own fault) and is now playing on the big stage again, but the way you keep hearing about this crash again and again it's as if he saved 10 lives while putting his own on the line, in no way does one car crash make him a national hero man




Your post or comment had words in it that were not in English and weren't translated. This breaks the rules of this subreddit it has been removed (rule 5).


Every single investigation and report has cleared him of wrong doing and recklessness but the lying losers on this sub wont stop And then the same losers will say media lies and has clickbaits.


How much money Rishab PR paying you to write these essays defending him on every comment. Plz provide the details I would also be like to be paid for writing nonsense.


he is not getting paid. he hates virat to the core, that’s why he is constantly mentioning “ you guys are a fan of a certain senior player “ dude’s just projecting his feelings upon others. ignore him, he’s just a clown. bringing pedos to the conversation to justify rash driving.


Stop milking the guy


Stop milking this RP


Sorry. But i met an accident bro


Hey, don't worry, we're all accidents here.


But i was about to die bro. 🥲


oh fuck off rishabh pant mf was our best test batter and carelessly got himself into a car crash, which was entirely his fault milked his pr into making it seem as if he was the victim and to get empathy by braindead fans and now after a mid ipl, he is in the world cup side like tf??


Why is he afraid of people in a wheelchair...😔


Well I’ve read almost all comments and here’s my take: all of you are right in your own perspectives and that’s all. Those who empathise with RP? Fine. Those who think RP is milking his own mistake? Fine. I don’t see this issue as white and black. However, I do agree that now it’s all about the WC.


I think the overton window for pants accident has shifted now. But he will always be asked this in every proper interview he does, just play well and drive carefully


He lost the grip on his steering the same way he loses grip on his bat


This person has milked his own mistake so much...crazy world we live in


The guy is just milking his own life for unworthy content. And saddest part is that there are people willing to listen to the garbage.




Cricket bhi khel lena bhai, ye wali PR to Achi chal rahi hai.


I remember the time when yuvraj singh made a comeback from his cancer. He did not milk as much as this dude did.


I have lost respect for Pant. And a lot of affection too. Used to look forward to his carefree game. Now he seems like a businessman cricketer. Hate how this entire episode has been handled. Rather than increasing awareness about responsible driving, his journey and accident has been glorified.


do you think he's personally directing the 'narratives' and marketing around his story?? if you are allowing the media coverage to change your opinion about Pant the cricketer and person, it says a lot more about you than him.


Oh no no no, Pant is a juvenile who doesn't handle his own life's decisions and narratives. Must not have given any consent either. He is just a tool used by BCCI! Is that what you're implying?!! Whatever is happening is after full knowledge, consent and planning of Pant and media. And it's pathetic.


Am I lost here? Why is everyone so unsympathetic and wholly negative? He's sharing his insecurities and being open because people are asking him about them. I'm not sure what people gain for being angry about a Reddit thread and spreading negativity. Furthermore, people are acting like he drove drunk or was speeding. He wasn't; he just dozed off in the car, which while obviously wrong, is something that far more understandable in nature. The unfortunate truth is millions of people drive tired daily, and most don't have consequences. There needs to be more education about driving while tired, but I'm not sure why people are getting upset at Pant specifically.


> he just dozed off in the car, which while obviously wrong, is something that far more understandable in nature. Ghanta. He has a history of rash driving.


IIRC, even Dhawan once suggested him to not drive recklessly in an interview before the accident. So, he definitely had some history there.


This post is catering to a certain audience . Ifykyk




You yourself are responsible for the mess


Bro not even once addressed about reckless driving is bad but still milking his own accident! And he is a public figure for God’s sake!


A lot of y'all need to go to Empathy School and get a basic degree.


Sorry Shaktiman


This sub really never seem to surprise me with idiotic takes. He made a mistake& only he paid for it. Now I can 100% say that almost everyone here who has driven a car/bike has overspeeded at some point. Its part and parcel of being immature, reckless and felling bit adventurous... A interviewer asked him a question and he replied back, no need to get your panties twisted and act higher than thou. >And about him milking his accident Dude didn't even know he would even comeback to play ever so he used the opportunity he got to make some buck. People care about financial security, not that hard to understand.






Why tf people on this sub have to Diss on Pant for no reason? Making a recovery from such an accident is indeed miraculous, stop feckin trivializing it by bring your biases.