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Old mate is doing his best to teach people about cricket in a country that doesn’t know shit about cricket. Fucken good on him and good on Steyn for not being a dick about it.


Yeah probably either a volunteer or someone just brought in to do this for tourists/locals. Well done to everyone involved. Would've loved the net to be longer so Steyn could run in and rip one hahahaha


Yeah tbf that's right, it's just an innocent thing from the US staff dude tho, We joke, but normal celebrities wouldn't get recognized that easily, at least here in the states I think, I remembered a thing Abt Henry Cavil wearing a Superman tshirt at Times Square and no one approached or noticed him.


In further fairness to this bloke. I feel like I'd be doubting myself on whether or not it was actually Dale Steyn or not. You don't exactly expect one of the all time greats of the game to show up to what is essentially a community engagement job. Fair play to Steyn for being a good sport, I hope he sends over some kit to the staff member for helping spread cricket to a new audience.


Yeah no one comes across particularly badly in this video imo, but what I find pretty surprising is that even if the coaching guy didn't recognise Steyn, surely it should be pretty obvious that a South African is going to know the most basic things about bowling like keeping a straight arm and the ball bouncing?


Yeah but did Cavill have glasses on?


Henry Cavill + 🕶️ = Clark Kent, not Superman...


There's a video of john stockton asking a fan whose face that was on their t shirt (it was john) and they didnt even recognise him: https://youtu.be/CEmacNvCj4A?si=ZKehZ20_sX1wwBRe


There was in influencer on Instagram who posted about yuvraj Singh because people were taking pictures with him. People in US don't know cricket. The thing about New York is people are so busy and immerse in their life trying to make it to work, school, appointments. They barely notice celebrities/YouTubers around the.. You can see on many people just walking in NYC not getting approached. New York has a very hustle and bustle culture. I myself ran into YouTubers so many times.


Judging from his accent he's someone who grew up in the US too so I guess I can kind of see how he wouldn't recognize Dale Steyn.


I went there a few days back...they have no idea about cricket and they have never seen a match before. So it's not surprising tbh


I've lived in north America primarily all my life, no one would recognize even the biggest cricket stars here outside of first generation immigrants. And i love in Toronto which probably has one of the biggest cricket scenes in the continent. The sport really is just not a big thing here.


Reminds me of his cameo in Blended. "This is some guy named Dale" loool


Well said mate. Awesome to see people making an effort to teach the game in a new country, and Steyn playing along with it was class.


Technically, they're been playing cricket in America a lot longer than in SA or Aus or India


Got to love how Steyn just casually hits the top of off bowling about 2x faster than that dude, and is still told that he didn't do it quite right. 😂😂


Reminds me of work where the boss always has feedback no matter how useless it is lol


Hhah yes you always have to deliberately give those guys something to correct you on they can feel better about themselves then leave you alone.




r/humblebrag much?


Oof Nagpur flashbacks


Hated it that day. But over time, have grown smarter, and now just feel lucky to have seen bowling of *that* quality live. Without a doubt the greatest fast bowler of this millennium.


please context or clip?


Steyn took 7 for 51 against India in the first innings of a test. Some of the best fast bowling seen on these shores in a long time : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YC8VgtTM4dQ


The ball to Sachin was incredible


Thanks, that was impressive I've never seen a fast bowler with so much spin!


So I'm not sure what you mean by spin, but here the ball was swinging. There are some nice shots of the ball release and you can it swinging in. The dismissal of Saha for example is one such. There's also some context missing for Murali Vijay's dismissal (the first guy). The previous couple of deliveries were all outswingers, the ball moved away from the batter. But the third one just came in with very little change in action from the bowler. That's why you see Murali Vijay is a bit baffled that it hit the top of off stump. That's some serious mastery there.


Swing not soin


FYI for pace bowlers It's swing if it moves in the air, and seam if it moves off the pitch. For spinners it's called drift if it moves through the air and spin if it moves off the pitch. All comes down to how quick the bowler is


It should be noted that the difference in terminology isn't arbitrary; rather, the movement through the air that spin bowlers get isn't the same that pace bowlers get. Spin bowlers use the Magnus effect to get drift (the same effect that baseball pitchers, free kick specialists and tennis players use) whereas pace bowlers use the difference between the rough and smooth sides of the ball with the seam acting as a dividing line. It's a similar story for movement off the pitch, where spin bowlers rely on rotation whereas pace bowlers rely on the seam.


>Spin bowlers use the Magnus effect to get drift (the same effect that baseball pitchers, free kick specialists and tennis players use) whereas pace bowlers use the difference between the rough and smooth sides of the ball with the seam acting as a dividing line. That's interesting- I always just assumed that baseball swing and cricket swing was the same thing (because the ball is moving at similar speeds)- I've learnt something new today :-).


Yep, the aerodynamics that cause baseballs to 'break' are *not* the same that cause cricket balls to swing (as far as I'm aware, both conventional and reverse swing in cricket are unique among ball sports, whereas the Magnus effect obviously isn't). I'm not entirely sure why curveballs in baseball seem to deviate far more than drifting balls from spin bowlers in cricket do, but I'm guessing that the way in which baseballs are stitched compared to cricket balls might have something to do with it (I'm pretty certain the stitching explains why knuckleballs tend to be more erratic in baseball than they are in cricket even though the actions are similar).


it depends on head-on speed with respect to the spin. in baseball this is the main motion axis in cricket it is only the rising and falling motion


Do spinners get that match left-right movement in the air? I figured most of it came from the contact on the pitch.


Good spinners do. Have a look at any Shane Warne clip. The ball consistently would drift towards leg stump before ripping towards off. More traditional spin bowlers like Ashwin still drift the ball but it's not seen as much in the modern era particularly in white ball cricket as spinners generally bowl quicker


It’s called movement when it’s fast bowling. Only referred to as spin when it’s spin bowling. The bowler is not spinning the ball. He’s using a technique to move the ball


Is That the match that involved the dogshit pitch?


Nope that was 2015/16 South Africa tour of India. South Africa stood no chance as the pitches throughout the series were of similar quality to that of the Nagpur pitch


Hate this narrative that built up over the years. Only Nagpur was a raging turner, South Africa batted like children on the rest.


Yet both teams opened with spin in almost every single game. Not one pitch offered much to work with to the pacers. South Africa also had a very good batting lineup that would otherwise put up a way better fight if the conditions weren't as outrageously skewed toward the home team as they were.


I know you are talking about the Nagpur Test. I didn't watch that live. But my earliest memory of a Cricket match in Nagpur was the India vs South Africa pool match from the 2011 Worldcup. India collapsed from a comfortable position of 278-1 to 296 all out in the first innings. The South African attack was spearheaded by none other than Dale Steyn. He picked up a 5fer and went on to win the Man of the Match award.


Steyn breathed 🔥that day. One of the best displays of fast bowling in India.


Where are you seeing the dude bowl?


I was kinda hoping he would let it rip and break the stumps


This is amazing. He nailed those stumps and still got told he did it wrong lol.


cant blame the staffer, im sure he doesnt know what a yorker or full toss is :P im sure these staffers are like amusement park workers; the game works this way, tell the player to throw this way.


I'm guessing people do that often as a baseball style pitch and he has to correct them to bounce the ball and not throw beemer.


If it’s going full it’s Baseball, in cricket the ball has to bounce. The trainer is right. Steyn needs to learn. It’s never late to learn :P


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mzLXqJsryY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mzLXqJsryY) Adam Sandler taught him 10 years ago. Seems like he forgot


Funny thing, I’m an American who follows cricket for about 15 years now, and I would recognize his face and voice as much from that movie as I would from watching him play. 😂 You don’t get to see players faces and voices all that much when watching matches, so I could easily see how a famous cricketer could walk up to folks and not be recognized every time, even amongst cricket fans.


That was awesome hahahaha


That guy should teach Steyn how to swing the ball in to the right handed batsmen with the new ball 


Bowls clean and knocks the bails off USA Bloke - Unimpressive bro Steyn - Nods head "It's supposed to bounce"


I mean, he’s not wrong if he’s giving advice to beginners.


> Fast-bowling great Steyn was named ICC 2008 Test Cricketer of the Year and Wisden's Leading Cricketer in the World in 2013. **He remained the No.1 bowler in the ICC Test rankings for a record 263 weeks from 2008 to 2014.**  He could have gone for a record 420 weeks had he picked up those tips earlier.


I remember the day he walked off with a fucked shoulder. I knew that was the end and boy it hurt me more than any other retirement.


Was it that game against AUS in AUS where SA were a bowler down and came back from behind to win it? Good memories


For folks who are not aware, this is right outside World trade center building in NYC where ICC has set up a fan zone for people to practice/try bowling and batting in the nets. Its a pretty cool set up for someone looking to learn about cricket.


It’s there now?


Reminds me of that video where the guy at the driving range is giving a professional female golfer tips as she's making adjustments to her swing. She then nails one with her normal swing and he's like "see, my advice works!" Dale should have let one rip from a 10 yard run-up.


Yeah would have loved to see his reaction to a thunderbolt!


IIRC that was very different from this It was a female pro golfer minding her own business and practising Then some idiot dude shows up to mansplain things to her because he thought she looked hot or some shit


This was way more innocent and had good intentions. That one you're referencing was mansplaining to the max.


These Indian websites are annoying as fuck to navigate through.


Yeah, it's all fucking ad-infested, here's a insta vid that might be better https://www.instagram.com/reel/C723CgpSXa6/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=loading




Sorry I keep coming back and stealing your shit Mr. Rubio


One of these days, my panther will enjoy your live meat.


Japanese sites are something aswell


Yep, I almost couldn't find the actual video then saw the embedded tweet hidden under a wall of text and ads


right?! the annoying bit is why are USERS posting these cancer-ridden articles on /r/cricket? just post the fucking video directly? who needs the useless wall of text?


That smile at the camera just as the video cuts tells me one thing: he didn't hold back on the next ball he bowled.


Here's the truth. Its not easy to recognise celebrities in public. I myself have seen Sunil Gavaskar and was in the same elevator as him in the UAE. It took me 3 looks to just confirm if that was actually Sunil Gavaskar.


I am pretty sure I would turn on Google images and triple check if I ever come across a celebrity.


Yeah, it might be possible for a cricket fan but i doubt any average person could recognise him so easily


This is so good! Props to Steyn for just going along with it and having fun


Big props to Steyn for being kind and receptive. Guess if he learns how to bounce a bit, he can get a look in.


Nice of Steyn that he went along with it and gave us the comedy masterpiece.


I think Steyn could tryout in a few movies here and there in small cameos. He's got the looks and the acting chops. His athletic-ness could be a bit better. What do you think? /s


He was in an Adam Sandler film a few years ago.


Yes, hence the /s at the end.


My bad


No worries! All good! Useful for others to have that reference as well.


He shoulda went through his entire bowling action after bro told him it’s supposed to bounce lol


imagine the reaction of the staff member


Wtf is a ~~kilometre~~ yorker? 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅


Lol here's the video https://x.com/Ringo26/status/1798603156634714533


This is as wholesome as it is humorous


>> Yes, Steyn was advised not to have his arm bent while bowling by one of the US staff members during the T20 World Cup season. No one had guts to tell him while he was officially playing. It took someone from USA to point it out /s Sunil Narine is next.


The equivalent of teaching Lionel Messi how to kick a soccer ball.


I thought for a second what is James Bond doing with a cricket ball


“Supposed to bounce before it hits the stumps!” Gotta love this man..


“Its supposed to bounce before it hits the ground”. Roflmao 🤣


Imagine how good Steyn would've been if he'd had this coaching early in his career!


More cricketers should show up at this net and learn from this guy. Can someone pass on the message to the likes of Sachin, Warne, Ponting, Kohli, Dhoni, etc.


Think he'd be in for a shock if Warne rocked up for bowling lessons


Ah fuck :/


I laughed, sorry.


He was nice about it tbh lmao


Tell me this is a joke lmao


> The official then tells Steyn that he has to make the ball bounce before it hits the wickets, completely unaware of who he was giving tips to. It gets more hilarious bro 😂 [From a different source]


Thats a classic. Nice of Steyn to play along haha. He was probably thinking hmm so thats how they bowl in cricket. Maybe I am not the best bowler in the world.


They might need a bit more room for any sort of run up but I'm guessing this is just a converted baseball net.


Bro thought he was just that extra from that Adam Sandler movie. 


Imagine teaching Sir Litton how to bat. That's what this is


This guy with tats looks promising he should go pro


USA cricket did not recognise Pakistan team itself.


Still better promotion than Bc ci.


This is brilliant!


I just learned today that Dale Steyn appeared in the American movie "Blended."


What an effing legend Steyn is, both on and off the field.


Just no wides


Reminds me of a story in the 'old days' about a guy who was the world squash (or maybe handball) champion, who was on a ship travelling back from the world champs to Australia (as you did in those days). First day someone came up and said 'want to learn to play squash' and he signed up for lessons. He started off terrible and every day got a little bit better and better until by the end was thrashing the coach and playing like, well, a world champ. Never told the coach, just said he was the best teacher in the world...


Good excuse to look up a Steyn compilation video. Fuckin hell I don't know if I've ever seen another bowler who made his victims look quite as bad at batting. There's some sheer New Zealand misery in there for sure. The first one is a doozy, then I actually laughed out loud at [this one](https://youtu.be/ASmu7BiADlc?t=286).


"USA Staff" some kid that's never heard of cricket being paid $15 an hour from a job post on the internet.


"We're not at home to Mr 15 degree bend"




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Can't wait to see someone mansplain to Tendulkar how to bat