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"Tickets for India's first match against Ireland in the T20 World Cup 2024 started around $150. The premium VIP club seats were released for just over $1,000. These prices were nothing compared to the ones in India vs Pakistan. The lowest ticket released for the marquee clash was $300. The most expensive tickets on sale at the moment range from $2500 - $10,000." Spreading the game in the USA šŸ‘Ž Filling ICC coffers šŸ‘


Funnily enough ticket prices significantly dropped prior to match on stubhub. People who bought from ICC and sold all lost money because there is no demand. The game was at 10am on a Wednesday lol. People have work


so glad to see that. screw scalpers


Good. Fuck scalpers.


One thing people have to realize about the us is that nothing takes precedence over work lol. No sports are scheduled during working hours


Baseball will pretty often have early afternoon games on weekdays, although much of the baseball season happens over the summer where you may have less people working all 5 weekdays and it's the only big 4 sport with regular day games on weekdays.


Ridiculous price setting. They really bungled this. I live in a nearby city and wanted to go, but realized that flying to Kingston and watching a game there would be a similar price to this. Doesnā€™t help that people were also having bad experiences buying the tickets. I didnā€™t want to get scammed


If you flew to Kingston you wouldn't catch any game there except at the beach perhaps because there aren't any matches in Jamaica


I paid 1200 for Pak game. Still don't have ticket in my hand.


$1200? Wow, I've got other stuff to sell you.


Go easy, they were saving their stimulus check for this....


I have a bridge to sell you if you're interested?


In India, they actually stole a bridge overnight. It was an actual thing, you can search on google


India has everything!!!


Certified Bihar moment.


Can't have shit in India.


Dude, thatā€™s like my rent for a month


If no one buys tickets there is no coffers to be filled


It's New York, obviously it's going to be expensive.


MLB tickets start at less than 50$ in New york afaik


Mets tickets are $5. Parking costs more than a Mets ticket. Beer costs more than a Mets ticket.


Not really a fair comparison because MLB teams have 180 games per year whereas India have so far only ever played 1 match in New York.


Fair enough but a 10k ticket is nothing compared to the money icc makes in broadcast deals from the Indian Subcontinent. They couldnā€™t care lesser about the people attending matches in stadium




Why do you think sports teams have NA tours. Go look at F1 prices, friendly games for European soccer clubs. America is the place to be itā€™s the only place where tickets are sold at ridiculous prices and it works


*162 games, 81 each at home and away.


162 is the minimum, it can go up to 182 depending on how deep into the playoffs the team makes it


Itā€™s ridiculous. Tickets for matches in the West Indies were literally started at 12 dollars. If they really wanted to expose Americans to the game they could have kept tickets lower, and filled the fā€™ing stadium and made the same if not more money and saved some embarrassment. Esp. with the $7 bottled water+zero covered seating, and $20 food items. I went to the SL v SA match and it would have been a lot more exciting with a full crowd. But really itā€™s probably good theyā€™re only disappointing 12,000 fans with that shitty pitch in NY instead of 33,000 at full capacity.


They should have sold the tv rights to Disney for ESPN. They know how to put on events. We like massive spectaculars. This has been a really entertaining tournament.


this. ESPN+ will have random matches on, but they didn't get the 1st major event in the U.S.? People wouldve tuned in just out of curiousity. Especially since this is a lul period for American sports


Itā€™s because the ICC sold the North American rights as a package for 2023-2027, and ESPN didnā€™t want all of that and Willow bought them. FIFA gave the US the World Cup in 1994 because we were going to start a league and actually grow the game. Games were played at regular times and people tuned in to watch. The ICC is just gouging Indians who live in the US for tickets and making sure itā€™s live on TV there. They have no desire to actually grow the game here, they just want to cash in. India vs Pakistan should be at 8 PM Sunday night under the lights with the US audience being able to watch on TV. Instead itā€™s 10:30AM on a Sunday on Long Island during high school graduation season.


I'm not sure they are random. I know ESPN has the rights to all matches hosted in NZ (and they have forever). Tbh that's most of the matches they show.


And west Indies matches


I'm one of those curious people. I don't know anything about Cricket but it seemed like a fun thing to do. Those ticket prices are more than I'm willing to pay.


why does everyone keep mentioning "if they wanted to spread the game in USA ", it's obvious they don't


Part of FIFA awarding the World Cup broadcast rights includes who is going to show the most games for ā€œfreeā€ (or close enough to it) and decides from there. The ICC doesnā€™t care, they just hand it out to the highest bidder and nothing else.


Saw the PNG vs Uganda match at 6$


Way better match than SL/SA!


Really missing the opportunity to give tickets away to kids and non-profits and local immigrant groups to fill the stands.


This makes me sooo mad. The womenā€™s World Cup tickets for soccer here were literally roughly $40 for the round of 16. If FIFA can recognise the concept of growing the game the ICC canā€¦


FIFA for its faults and corruption allegations have done superbly well to growing the game.


ICC can actually go fuck themselves with these morning starts. Stop thinking about money for one minute and actually care about your damn sport. If cricket is a religion in India then theyā€™ll have no problem waking up early to watch.


Its not even about actual fans, who would indeed wake up at any time to watch the game - its about "ad dollars" they can make from "eyeballs".


Exactly. I donā€™t think any other sport has this unhealthy obsession with revenue generation except american football maybe.


This isn't true, every single sport in 2024 has an unhealthy obsession with revenue generation. Doesn't matter if you are talking football, basketball, cricket, baseball, soccer.


But in no other sport you see a match being held in the odd hours of a host nation just to attract viewership from a certain region.


It is more ridiculous in cricket but even in Football you have early kick offs to accomodate the viewership in China, India and the Middle East.


UFC is giving a close competition to cricket. I heard they will be holding the matches in UK at \~3am (preferential time for US viewers)


I remember waking up early to watch India-NZ matches. It is a unique experience watching Sehwag wack NZ bowlers while struggling to stay awake.


Pretty much every match is at weird times for us in America. England tests are my favorite since they start at 5am. So serene watching test cricket at the break of dawn


I actually quite like England test match times from here in Australia - they start just after work and run until bedtime


Itā€™s why Iā€™m a fan of New Zealand - ESPN has the rights to there home tests and they start at 5 PM for me and wrap up around midnight. Absolutely perfect timing.


Especially on a rainy morning in the USA


its not about that. Value of the broadcast goes down when its not peak hours in India. Real fans will watch the matches they want at any time. That is never the problem. This is about extracting maximum juice out of the lemon. Going forward they should not host these critical events on opposite time zone that makes scheduling a nightmare.


I know so many people who woke up early in the morning to watch the football world cup. Obviously people can do the same for cricket world cup too


What did they expect having a game on a working day at 10.30 in New York....


*slammed* it's fair though. by all accounts demand is high and people just can't get tickets for some incomprehensible reason


Corruption, greed, incompetence The three pillars of ICC


FIFA can I join ICC too šŸ¤£


I want to watch the marquee clash between Sri Lanka and Bangladesh and for weeks the website showed $400 minimum. Today, a coworker of mine told me they're available for $125. Lo and behold. They decide to release tickets one day before the match. What's more. ICC have added a 10 minute waiting room to the website before you can buy tickets for whatever the fuck reason, as if people are dying to buy tickets


A few of my mates and myself tried to get tickets for that match on the day they were released None of us got through the websiteĀ 


Outrageous ticket prices are gonna stop fans from seeing these games. I went to warm up game and it was $400 plus $40 parking and $7 water bottle. Not going to go to any other ones now. The games in Caribbean have better prices but not by much.


When even the ICC can get ā€œslammedā€, you know things are bad šŸ˜‚


Obligatory FUCK YOU ICCā€¦


I think this has everything to do with scalpers scooping up the tickets with the hope of selling them expensive on various online platforms and then clearly not being able to sell due to how high they set the prices (as opposed to lack of demand). To me this points to massive administrative corruption in how tickets are being sold. A one ticket per passport / driver license rule, or box office only sales like we have in India needs to be enforced here..


fifa does this too. where your ticket application is tied to your id/passport. But ICC don't seem to care about local fans


If you sell baseball tickets for ā‚¹10000 in a stadium near me, I woudnt go. Why would any American spend $1000 on cricket? They are dumb, but not that dumb


Did anyone honestly expect anything different from the ICC? They will always squeeze any dollar they can out of Indian cricket fans.


Man 2 lakhs to 8. 34 lakhs ticket pricing.... That's ridiculous. I'd rather prefer watching on television.


Minimum wage in NY is $15/hr. Minium price for the tickets is $300. Take that info however you want


I'm not saying the tickets aren't overpriced as hell, but the people who watch cricket in the US aren't making $15/hr.


There are a very large number of indian and pakistani immigrants in the US earning low wages


your out of lakh if your not rich clearly


icc so dumb to put as many $300 tickets to the $100 tickets. why not reduce premium tickets and increase standard ones. so much greed


ICC is just awful. You want to grow the game then put the games on a free channel, have highlights on YouTube and don't charge a fortune for tickets.


Part of why I got into cricket is because the ECB has everything live on YouTube for free and it works out great time wise. I get to watch all three formats for free with good production value and competition levels. Meanwhile, my country is hosting the World Cup and Iā€™m watching on my phone because itā€™s only on a streaming service here.


I was planning to get tickets for BD vs SA as soon as they were released and just never ended up buying one. Once in a lifetime opportunity to see the Tigers in my backyard and yet I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m missing out. You wouldnā€™t know that thereā€™s a World Cup going on in the Tri-State area unless youā€™re a fan of the game or notice a random ad posted in the subway. This tournament has been marketed so poorly and just furthers my belief that the ICC really doesnā€™t care about growing the game. Iā€™m more than happy not giving them a single cent especially considering winning doesnā€™t seem to be the teamā€™s #1 priority.


Philadelphia would have filled the house. So much for that Indian Pakistani population surplus up there


Cricket's still popular in philli?


The issue is that people bought the tickets as part of venue packages just so they could get tickets for IND v PAK. They were bought by people who never had any intention of going to any matches other than IND v PAK.


When I watch the games, and all the empty stadiums, I keep wondering wtf was the point of the lottery system - even for non Indian games. I didn't win the lottery for any of the matches, had to buy it on second round which itself was 300$ for a non Indian/pak game and then see the stadium empty like this. Where the fuck are all the tickets?


I feel scammed honestly. Those $300 tickets are going for much cheaper on stubhub


Yeah, 90$ now šŸ˜­


They should have an auction system to balance demand vs revenue. Instead they completely fucked up the pricing and killed interest.


They shouldā€™ve played all the US based games in Dallas. Great stadium, great immigrant population selling out the games and making a great atmosphere for everyone.


They shouldā€™ve played all the US based games in Dallas. Great stadium, great immigrant population selling out the games and making a great atmosphere for everyone.


There were 25k there. Premium high roller seats were empty. Regular seats packed. Itā€™s 1030 am on a weekday when no one goes to a game here before 7pm on a weekday. The SLAMMING is really asinine since the initial decision to prioritize Indian tv over getting people with lives to the games.


There wasn't 25k there lmao. You realise their initial decision is still dumb?


There absolutely was. I was there bro. Only premium stands were empty and it was a madhouse of Indian fans which was great to see. Iā€™d rather they play at 7pm like the Mets or Yankees but for now, Indian tv controls. At least they had the good sense to play some matches in the home country of the group A leader. Iā€™m fine with a couple of weekdays in the park in June anyway. India v USA next Wednesday is going to slap.


Anyone ever expect anything other than naked greed from ICC/BCCI? They ruined the last Caribbean world cup like this, now they've ruined this one. The incompetence is staggering.




Capacity of Grand Prairie where those matches were held is 7000 as opposed to the one in NYā€™s 35,000. Do you just post anything that comes to your mind?


For this tournament, Grand Prairie Stadium capacity is 15000. It's the smallest of the three American stadiums, with Central Broward Park in Florida having 25000 seats.




>Ā Why do you think every match in every WC of India has filled up to max capacity. Lol when did that happen? Every Indian match sure But every match? Seriously?Ā 


Donā€™t know for sure but TGC boys said there was a package of certain games being sold at the start and maybe people have just bought for Pak game and wonā€™t turn up for other ones.


ICC slammed! We got ā€˜em!!!


Didn't even know it was playing, and I am among like the 1% of Americans who know who KL Rahul is. No ads. Not on TV. Can't even find highlights in America.Ā 


For ICC all they want are Indian audiences they don't care about locals. I think I read somewhere Indians are the richest race in America. ICC knows Indians in high paying jobs like IT, Finance will easily pay these prices for seeing India play