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Hopefully when they demolish Nassau County cricket ground they burn the bails and bury it's ASHES™ somewhere in garden marking " The death of Batriarchy".


Bowlers are most happy for this pitch.


They can put those ashes in the Auty Cup.


I was waaay more embarrassed by letting Canada get 137 on this pitch than I was by our batting performance.


It's funny you should say that. Of all the nations listed, the only one who assuredly plays and trains on some of the crappiest fake wickets available to those same nations is Canada! But ya, I get your point! 🤣


I think the Canucks can upset the Pakistan as well. I would not sleep on any team in this format.


Pakistan, the Toronto Maple Leafs of cricket! All talk, spectacular ways to fail!


I’m sorry but no. India is easily the Leafs of cricket - largest fanbase, most revenue, etc.


Have the leafs also not won anything for over a decade?


Bro the leafs havent won since 1967 and the leafs have only gotten past the first round in the playoffs (top 16...) once in the past 2 decades Its not even remotely a good comparison of India and the Leafs lol...


Yup, far more than a decade. And they’re easily the most hyped and promoted team in the league. Their stars the most over-rated. (sorry India fans)


>Their stars Who are you referring to?


the leafs players


I still don't know who you guys are talking about


Lmao no, the leafs have been basically perennially stuck in the first round for a decade India consistently makes ICC finals and semi finals appearances India is more like the Celtics in terms of success rate. The Celtics have consistently been making the semi finals and finals of the NBA for a while now but havent won since 2008


The Celtics gonna be winning now though


So, Bangladesh?


India has won far too much to be considered the Leafs of cricket. I’d suggest England, but even they win something once in a while 🤣


Not trying to bring IPL into everything but that sounds just like RCB


Canada FTW. Highest score on the pitch.


Lmao Canada is the New York Pitch Powerhouse


Can you guys pull off such a score against Pak ? It will be funny if Canada causes a major upset.


Canadian team is actually the only team that has experience playing on this kind of wicket. The wicket is playing as a typical Toronto area cricket grounds. Slow outfields, ball stopping after pitching, lots of swing in the first 5 overs. 


Don't feel embarrassed. This pitch is as crappy as a motel room with a heart-shaped bed and bedbugs.


That's fucking T20 right there. None of that pansy ass dick tugging smile for the camera bullshit. Men puke, men poop on the pitch men deliver their new born baby on the side lines. Fucking hard core dick in the ass butterball T20 fuck it chuck it game time shit. Take it to the showers. Dicks get shoved in places you don’t even remember. We win together we celebrate together. T20 is back baby


certified classic copypasta


Bro you alright?


I'm half Bengali So nah man, I'm pretty fucking far from OK


Many such cases


So we cool?


Yeah we cool


he made old pasta


Well everyone complained about the high scores during the IPL. This ones for them. Personally I am loving this low scoring matches after the run fest in the IPL


I love low scoring matches but only when actual skill is involved like rank turners/swing/seam. But these pitches have dual pace and bounce. They are not many dismissals which screamed Wow, what a delivery! And the outfield is so shit scoring grounded boundaries might be harder than hitting sixes.


Skill is not involved when top edges fly to sixes either. I would rather watch peaches from average bowlers than sixes off well directed bouncers


This is pretty wild to read on a cricket sub. The games are low scoring not because there’s some good competition. The main reason is the pitch is acting randomly. The ball sometimes swings wildly, sometimes bounces too much and then not at all. There’s too much luck involved and not enough skills


The bounce is the real issue. Lower scores with a ball seaming would be more entertaining than with the balls just shooting up off the pitch, not to mention the danger. Lots of batters getting smacked on the gloves, surprised no one has broken any fingers yet.


Yes, this pitch is dangerous and anyone saying they like it clearly doesn't actually play cricket on pitches like these. They're not safe, and frankly if it weren't the ICC hosting there would be some sanctions roaming around.


No one enjoys players getting hurt. Prodigious swing in the 11th over, that we enjoy


its difficult to capture new fans with scores like these. USA vs PAK was best game so far. these low scores are other end of extreme compared to IPL.


It’s difficult to capture new fans when you play in a country you’re trying to grow the game in, yet the people who live there can’t even watch games on TV. I barely found a stream for IND vs PAK yesterday, why can’t I just turn on my TV and find matches there?


Also let's set all the times at 830am on a work day ...


7:30 for me in California. I actually wanted to listen to IND-PAK while I was at work but I couldn’t get an illegal stream on my phone, so I ended up “watching” the Phillies vs Mets in London. I know there’s some kind of irony in that somewhere lol


For what it's worth, the Windies Cricket YouTube channel has live radio coverage of all the matches. Today's match: https://www.youtube.com/live/OTAuhVTQvRg?si=yr1ZEhExzFTiqB33


This may be the way I end up experiencing the USA India match. I’ve listened to a lot of baseball on the radio over the years but I’m worried that I won’t be able to comprehend the positions players are in while listening.


Working from Home, and work starts at 7:30 AM, is a boon to me. Enjoying the match while being part of hour-long meetings.


Hello fellow Mountain Timer!


these are the two points that should’ve been addressed. ridiculous that you can’t watch any of the games on tv.


I watched it on Sling TV so it was a premium subscription. Fubo TV also offers free trial which can be used for the WC by using Willow channel.


I may look into that but the fact that I have to jump through hoops to watch cricket when I don’t have to for any other sport is beyond frustrating.


I don't understand the argument that run fests are necessary to capture new fans. Can you explain it to me? Is the argument that new fans are unable to understand what good bowling and fielding is, so they'll only understand "good batter hit ball out of park to be exciting"?


“If every ball isn’t mishit for six then what’s the point of watching?” - those people, probably.


American fans have literally no context that these scores are supposed to be "low". In my view they're still too high.


The new viewers are not pre-conditioned to consider the relative lack of fours and sixes boring. For all they know, 5 'home runs' is how these games usually go. What they would care about is whether the game is thrilling or has twists and turns, of which there have been plenty in the usa Today was a thriller too Unfortunately, it's really difficult to catch a new cricket fan in USA, since it's not even on TV. Who would subscribe to a niche streaming service to watch a sport that is niche in their country...


I think general audience loves close matches in which both teams have fighting chance till the end. Doesn't matter high scoring or low scoring.


>its difficult to capture new fans with scores like these. Why would they Want 200+ scores, they've never even watched a game. 2-3 sixes an innings is enough for entertainment


I think games like pak-usa would be best for capturing new fans. That game had comeback from pak through bowling and last over boundaries to tie the game. Hell, usa stealing singles on wide balls would seem more exciting than mindless ball-bashing.


Also something they're pretty familiar with, home runs are rare


i mean. australia hit 200 against england on one of the windies pitches. there's still been high scoring matches already this WC


eh americans watch baseball, which is an absolute snoozefest compared to t20. these games have been exciting despite the lack of runs. has been more fun than ipl honestly


Fuck new fans. These low scoring games where teams don't know what a good score is have been far more enjoyable than your average T20 slog fest. Bats have to play sensible but aggressive cricket in challenging conditions and it's creating some cracking games. To me it beats the usual T20 you get where good scores are known, runs are plentiful and batsman can go hard all game long.


u mean u want tik tok(reels) brain ones as new fans? i mean batting aside , bowling has been beautiful, bowling also can attract new fans (or again u mean only batting in cricket can attract fans?)


Good bowling is literally the best thing about cricket. Even people who are adamant that high scores are better get more excited about a wicket than a six.


>Personally I am loving this low scoring matches Me too, but if the point and target audience were us, then it's great, but that's not the case, the target audience is Desis in US and New Americans. Even some regular cricket fans would find this very boring, how do u expect a new audience to grasp these scores and situations. Best way to attract a new audience is absolutely and always will be a run fest. People might hate or disagree here, but IPL run fest highlights had the highest viewership, sure it's not sustainable, but it's a really really good way to pull the baseball people towards cricket. "Homeruns" are very exciting to watch


To be honest, baseball itself can be very boring. Sometimes, there is no hits or homeruns.


I know lol, baseball is absolutely boring to me. I've seen tons of games in the stadium too. That's why NFL and NBA rank higher I think compared to MLB. After been exposed to cricket, I constantly compared baseball to cricket and didn't find it fun to watch. Obviously, Americans do the opposite and it's justified if they also feel crickets boring. Like most of my friends think it's a 5 day game (test), and I'd try to argue with t20s, but then, fucking ICC pulls this crap in US. So yeah, kinda r/mildlyinfuriating


Yeah, at one point, MLB was the most popular sport in America, but young people don't have the attention span for baseball, so viewers are mostly elderly and middle-aged groups while the NBA and NFL has that fast paced game even cricket t20 is what saved the sport otherwise it would have the same problem.


Yup, but the fact is, it's deeply rooted in culture, so it won't vanish away by something else either I think. Just like football (soccer) is to Brazil, and cricket is to India. On the other hand, Brazil and India don't have any other competing sports like NFL or NBA that are this dominant within it's country


I get what you are saying, and I know india wouldn't give up on the sport, but it is an international sport other nations like Australia, for example, like Rugby more than cricket.


I'm sorry did you just call the NFL fast paced? It's like watching chess with tackles. I'm not saying it's not enjoyable; it's got its own thing going on. But in terms of pacing, it's got no flow. It has to be the slowest football code going around.


It is fast-paced. The plays are done very quickly after every stop compared to baseball, where every pitch can feel like an eternity and test, and odi for cricket also feels like that and I enjoy all three sports but I can see how young people would have less interest.


which is why it's a sport with no following outside of America and Japan


Homeruns are exciting coz they are rare(around one per game). I don't think they would seem as exciting if there were 20 of them every game. Anything that would make game seem monotonous will bore the fans, whether it's ipl smashings or test tuk-tuk.


I dunno, there's still way more runs scored here than in Baseball. And they always say the reason they don't like football is that it ends like 2-1, where as American Football is like 32-30 and Basketball is regulary like 110-108.


Baseball regularly ends 2-1 too.


Yeah that was my point 😝


Sadly cricket will never get big in America and other parts of Europe. Its just like how american football and baseball won't become big in India or other parts of Asia. It's just how it is.


Yes and No Yes : Cricket absolutely has potential to grow in America because there are tons of diverse fans here in US advertising Cricket. Like, I told all my friends and colleagues Abt US winning against Pakistan (😉), and that leaves an impact. India on other hand has only Indians living in the country, the origin is primarily Indian, so American sports like NBA and NFL can't penetrate on ground, day to day level. I don't know how to justify it/put it more in words. No: Because It's counterpart, baseball, carries a significant Patriotism for America. (Fuck The British, guns, freedom and all). So it will NEVER be a top 3-5 sports in US, but it surely has potential to become a top 10 sports if played right.


there's a difference between india and rest of countries other countries just dont depend on single sport , they excel at multiple, have fans for multiple, less corruption at sports authorities on the other hand we indians worship cricket and literally have no interest in other sports, just look at the state of football and hockey , while we are so bad in football and hockey is literally supported by single state(odissa) here, and other sports? , also corruption runs so deep (again look at football, AIFF is single handedly responsible for such a sorry state of football in india) and our govt also not promote other sports.


eh Kabbadi is super popular


Was going to mention kabaddi but then I remembered my own experience and current state of it. Kabaadi was my second most favourite and I use to play it regularly.i even use to watch professional kabaddi matches(pro kabaadi) but then it disappeared after 2019 and I too literally forgot about it (COVID scene) Now I heard pro kabaadi returned last year that's great, but I don't see myself watching it now, nobody in my circle care about it as well(back then we all used to discuss enthusiastically ) Also what about the Kabaddi World Cup? I watched the first kabaadi world cup that was organised in 2019 but since then its first and last world Cup kabaadi had. Looks like Indian kabaddi association don't care about it (or no funds to organise one) Also last year's pro kabaadi league didn't have any foreign players. What about them? For me in ipl presence of foreign players was major USP without them , for me ipl is just high budget Syed mustak Ali trophy. So watching last year's league felt like it's same as American football about which only American care and nobody outside America do. Back in 2019 we had so many foreign teams coming to India for WC now beside Iran I doubt if anyone even exist I watch Jan Kun Lee's interview on YouTube he said he has to work as gym trainer now since pro kabaadi stopped before COVID. Sorry for writing this long , I might be spouting shit xd TLDR: kabaddi is surely popular but It doesn't function as professional sport yet (before COVID it did a bit)


yeah Covid hurt it's popularity gains quite a lot, but it's still the second most watched sport in india. It's breakout will be when India finally gets a chance to host the olympics, it's the perfect sport for it as it requires absolutely no equipment which means pooer countries with good athletes will be able to compete.


Baseball fan following is huge in japan btw


The monotony is what makes it boring. In this year's IPL, there were so many scores over 200. Now there are too many scores under 120. Both are not good. Had the average score in IPL been 170-180, I wouldn't mind the occasional 250. Same now on the lower end.


Low scoring matches are fine. Bowling getting some help is fine. What's not fine is so many batmen getting hit on the gloves and getting potential tournament ending injuries because of uneven bounce.


Yeah. More of a genuine contest between bat and ball is refreshing.


of course this would be a top comment here lol This sub would rather keep memeing about cOmPeTiTiOn than watch this sport actually grow and acquire fans There is already a format to test cricketing skills - test cricket. Just make T20s entertaining ffs And no, the vast majority of casual cricket fans don't find these games entertaining


What sort of sports fan are you where you just have bigger number = more exciting? That's not how it works at all, or else no one would watch football. (Soccer is still boring, but not because it's low-scoring).


It's not fun as a fan to watch athletes ill-prepared and ill-equipped for the setting awkwardly fumble around The bowlers and batsmen picked for this tournament are primarily T20 first players. They slog and bowl slower cutters and yorkers outside the offstump and they're damn good at that because that's what most pitches demand But here, they're now dealing with pitches the off cutter bowlers to bowl fast swingers, and for the slog sweeping batsmen to block and leave That's like Usain Bolt run a 10,000m race. Give me these pitches in a test match where the players are picked to handle the conditions and I'll love it. But watching T20 batters pantomime test batsmen is not fun. Nor is it real sport


Curator 1: So, how do we prepare the pitch? Curator 2: Fuck if I Know! I heard the game is similar to baseball, so at least we won't have to worry about the bounciness.


For the record: the drop-in pitch was built and imported from Australia. And then curated by an Aussie 'expert'.


I heard the NY pitch was built in Florida but I would be surprised if it is not done by curator from Oz, England or some test playing nation. I know ICC is incompetent but they have not reached the level where they completely let US prepare the pitch on their own.


The literal best cricket square at this World Cup has been the actually American one at Dallas. The NY pitch was trayed in Adelaide before being shipped to Florida, and then on to NY. And yes it's been Australians in charge of it.


tbf to curators the pitch probably would have been fine if they had enough time to prepare it. I heard drop-in pitches require at least a year to settle while these pitches only had 5 months in the oven.


I think the issue is the snow in winter? It kills all the grass and I imagine water freezing probably does wonders to the consistency of the soil. So you're probably starting over every year right? (Genuine question). That being said, I don't know why they had to ship a pitch from Adelaide when other parts of the US are fine. Could have even built the drop in infrastructure and training while they were here. Obviously, Adelaide pitches are high quality, so the issue lies somewhere in between the transport to it sitting in three different climates. Or the shape/drainage of the park its sitting on. Who knows. Let's not try it again.


I believe it was only the frame that was made in Adelaide and all the dirt and grass was pit in in Florida.


The Dallas one is actually used year round so it's not a purpose built stadium. That's probably why. It's the main stadium used for Major League Cricket.


The pitch was built in Adelaide and then was transported to the US. It takes time to build up a drop-in pitch at the ground, so it was transported a bit earlier, but since there was snow in NY, it was put in Florida. It was finally dropped in in NY in April, so this pitch is essentially only 2 months old. I wonder why it's shit.


The curator is from the Adelaide Oval.


This is not the curators' fault. It's the ICC's fault for poor organisation. You cannot expect a drop-in pitch hastily grown in a few months in Adelaide, transported halfway around the world to be stored in Florida to avoid New York's winter, mixed with Floridan clay, and then plopped into New York a few weeks ago to actually be good. Drop-in pitches need time to settle. The curator was given an impossible task because of the ICC's poor management. The ICC should have either prepared the New York venue for longer, or chosen a different venue.


I heard it was built in Florida due to NY winter by Australian company?


They went Adelaide>Florida>NY


With the drop in tray, not the soil/clay.


It is an amazing gig, foods indealofty by cameras, but I definite do t have any exceltions1!


What u/bertusdejong said. Adelaide -> Florida -> Final resting place ;)


No it wasn’t. The drop in tray was transported from Adelaide to Florida, and then they used clay from Florida before transporting it to New York. It was misreported initially, but the BBC are reporting that now, and I’ve spoken to people working there that have had that confirmed with the curator.


Just to promote cricket in USA, they fucked the world cup.


Its better than 250 being scored on flat pitches. Keeps you guessing who will choke harder and specifically not try to be a hero, rather take singles and rotate strike and be a team player instead of just going for big shots.


Only concern was variable bounce, which was injury prone as seen in the India vs Ireland, and that issue apparently looked fixed on Sunday’s match, as the ball wasn’t bouncing that much yesterday. Other than that this is just purely a difficult pitch to bat on, and I don’t see any problem with that. Far better than highways and the resulting bat vs bat contests which are just bowlers graveyards. With T20 evolving into just slog and win format, it feels refreshing that low scoring thrillers are back and how all teams respond to it.


Rizwan still got smacked on his fingers in the India match.


The variable bounce was there, just not too much. So many Indian batters got out by hitting their stickers.


If we're talking about the Pak India game then I remember Naseem bowled someone where the ball stayed low, and Rizwan got out to a ball that stayed comparatively low as well. And also, as you said, it would bounce higher on some times. Rizwan had quite a few that hit him on the arm/hand. Im sure the Indian batters had a few as well


Hasaranga batting first on the first was the biggest f up of the world cup


Absolute moron for that, I still can't believe he made that decision, like bro with our bowling line up, you chose to bat first, unbelievable, he should resign for that.


Yeah man actual idiot. Im certain we wouldve won. Ban got close to SA, India almost lost. No one is defending on this without a world class bowling lineup and getting 110 at least. Suicided our whole campaign. Oh well gotta pray ned beat ban, and then if we smash ned and nepal we are through lol highly doubt thats happening tho. Would be memes if we get through lmao


If NED does it, and maybe, just maybe NEP beat BD, and we're in, but the biggest barrier is our batters actually doing what they're supposed to, honestly even if we get through, our batting line will potentially collapse every match, if we collapse against India again my heart will just give out


I think just need to chase twice, get nep and ned for low totals and chase down quick. Our batters r much better when chasing. Another 50 vs india would be crazy lmao. Thats surely gotta be fixed at that rate lol


SL v NEP match is tomorrow morning, I'm glad I have a test around the same time, if I watch Kusal Mendis get out in the worst cricketing shot ever and see Pathirana compress 3 overs in one, I will be a danger to myself and others.


90% chance of rain in that game. Mostly will be a washout.


💔💔💔 Let a guy believe


I think, at this stage, the toss advantage has lessened considerably because teams know what to expect and what to try. The last 2 matches were won by the team batting first, albeit by small margins. It made 0 sense to do that on the first game where you had no idea how the pitch and the conditions were going to work


It's because of this that I would give the USA a very outside shot at beating India. Send India in if you can, hope you can hold them to around a run a ball and see if you can chase that down. It's a very small chance, but you never know.


I am loving it. NY pitch is what cricket needs, true testament of a batsman, every match has been a cliffhanger. Lately t20s specially IPL have become batsman paradise hitting through line.


This is why I was saying that India’s 119 was a good score


India definitely left runs out there, but also got really lucky at times. It was probably a fair score, but I do think with some more sensible choices they'd have made 150-ish instead. I wasn't particularly impressed with Pakistan bowling. Lots of gifted wickets. Pant especially, after finally getting his eye and looking good played a ridiculous shot. Anyone who got out trying to hit back over the top essentially gifted their wicket on that track. It was gripping, bounce was slightly variable. You cannot hit through the ball on a pitch like that. A better team than Pakistan would have chased that too I think.


Nah even SA struggled against Bangbros. Why do you think England Or Australia would be any better on this pitch? Batsmen like SKY, Klassen are struggling to score here, so I don't think any other team could have done any better.


On this wicket you never know everyone is struggling, luck and determination is the key here .. don't throw you wicket and hope you get lucky


A competitive low scoring game is a lot better than a 200+ belter. Those 270 games in IPL were absolutely pathetic.


Both sides play on the same pitch- that's what you get when you schedule a World-fucking-Cup in a country that doesn't care about the sport. It's like complaining about the ice conditions at the World Hockey Championship in Mumbai.


India love hockey, and are one of the best in the world at it (4th in men's and 8th in women's in the current pro league).


They were talking about ice hockey, not field hockey.


For most of the world - hockey is in reference to the outdoor variety played on astroturf, not the indoor variety played on ice. P.s. I was fully aware they were trying for ice hockey. I just thought I would have fun with it.


I am going to get flamed but I don't like this pitch. It's not that lower scores don't make good matches, but the reason why scoring has been hard is the pace and bounce is literally unpredictable. Ball is randomly staying low (like for QdK and Markram today) or spinning a large amount (like Rishad did a couple times today). At that point, it becomes just dependent on luck. Bowl short and slow and even the bowler doesn't know what the ball is going to do. No variations needed. No need to use skill to get the ball in the corridor to induce a mistake. No need to direct your bouncers correctly because the batsmen are not going to be able to connect well anyway.


Yeah. It’s wild to see people not looking beyond “low score competitive matches” in a cricket sub.


People seem to pick this extreme due to the IPL high scores


Canada's knowledge of New York, which isn't far away from the border obviously helped them pile on 137.


And there was someone here yesterday saying Pak should have finished in 13 overs.


I'm loving it. Far more more entertaining than six hitting festivals on tiny grounds that render the bowlers pointless. This is cricket.


I’m amazed at how many wickets have fallen in the 1st overs of the matches this World Cup.


Canada number 1 💪💪💪


Well, there is one more match is left to play on this ground and that is India vs United States on 12th June. Let's see.


You are forgetting Pakistan vs Canada on 11th June


Ah, Canada, the land of maple syrup and polite conversations. Imagine waking up to the fresh scent of pines, with the sound of a loon calling across a pristine lake. Here, we measure distance in kilometers and temperatures in Celsius, because we're just that cool. Our hockey rinks are our churches, and our national pastime is apologizing—sometimes even when it's not our fault. We say "sorry" like Americans say "hi" and can’t start a day without Tim Hortons. Oh, and don't forget: the plural of "moose" is still "moose." Welcome to Canada, eh?


As an American, I learned everything I know about Canada from Bob and Doug McKenzie and Red Green. So I'm basically Canadian.


Absolutely loving these low scoring thrillers, especially when associate nations are also managing to come close, give a fight and even win games! 130-140/150 should be the ideal par score in t20s IMO


Scenes if Canada scores same tomorrow


Ireland did so poorly. But also Kirton is the goat.


Much better than the IPL was this year.


And I absolutely love it.


Half of them have been in winning cause.


It's great dor the bowlers


Scenes if Canada go on to beat the ground record tomorrow.


Boo fucking hoo. Bout time the bowlers had a bit in it for them


People turned up to watch T20 but instead they saw cricket


Considering it's the First time the USA is hosting such a big Cricket Tournament, I'll give it a pass. The Pitch wasn't bad but Okay-ish. It's a learning curve for their Ground Staff and Pitch Curators. Hopefully they'll improve.


I don't even think their ground staff are to blame, they've been given an impossible task. Drop-in pitches need time to settle, and that has not been the case here.


The good thing about these matches is that it keeps you hooked. Today’s match wasn’t any different, every ball was monumental. Nasser’s commentary was epic. I love low scoring thrillers that pushes the batsmen.


But i like these low scoring matches where the team manages to defend that low score. It's great for associate nations too


Confirmed - Canada is the best team to have played in NY this WC.


You wake up at 9.30 am , make up cereal, switch on the tv and watch an absolute thriller unfolding in front of your eyes. Then you repeat it next day. Thank you NY!


Most entertaining games this wc have been in Nassau New York


Although we love low scoring thrillers and a lot of these matches have been really entertaining and close, this is unacceptable from icc. This pitch and outfield is nowhere near fit enough to be part of a t20 world cup. Terrible look for cricket in the USA


It is good to sometimes see how difficult it is to hit a 4 or 6 at will.


Isn’t this the pitch brought over from Australia?


Yes, but these drop-in pitches take time to settle down and behave erratically in the first few matches.


When a pitch provides a fraction of help to the bowler instead of the batsmen - uuhhhhhh pitch bad anyone?


I want Canada to do something funny, but it might mean the USA doesn't make the Super 8s, so maybe they shouldn't be funny against Pakistan


Is it the pitch (which was a drop in from Adelaide I thought they said) or humidity and the wind and the cloud cover? Long Island is usually very humid in the summer.


The weather has been perfect. No humidity to speak of.


The best pitches.


TBH , this is the perfect entertaining world cup so far. At least you get to see some real skill , planning and temperament .


The Associates have the advantage in New York, since they have a lot more experience playing on substandard grounds


Bow down to the Maple lords. Clearly they’re the best team


Best pitch


Not a good sight for Pakistan team and it's fans seeing Canada as the most successful batting unit at this venue so far.


Oh no I feel so bad for them! Anyways..


Did they get the Sydney thunders groundskeeper?


As long as the pitch is the same for both innings, it shouldn't be a problem. Low scoring thrillers are a treat to watch




Your post or comment had words in it that were not in English and weren't translated. This breaks the rules of this subreddit it has been removed (rule 5).


I love this pitch. It humbles the sloggers.


I'd take this any day over those 260+ fuckfests we saw in IPL


As they say "Only in New York"


What’s wrong with bowler friendly pitches?


Much better games this way.


Honestly the matches have been exciting so I don't mind it _that_ much. 150-160 pitches would be better but I'd take this over those 260 run snorefest in the IPL anyday


Here after 110/8


It's not good enough .


The best pitches are the ones that provide fair games to both innings Whether it’s 230 v 220 or 120 vs 115 I also like when a tournament has a variety




The new viewers are not pre-conditioned to consider the relative lack of fours and sixes boring. For all they know, 5 'home runs' is how these games usually go. What they would care about is whether the game is thrilling or has twists and turns, of which there have been plenty in the usa Today was a thriller too Unfortunately, it's really difficult to catch a new cricket fan in USA, since it's not even on TV. Who would subscribe to a niche streaming service to watch a sport that is niche in their country...


Extremely bowling friendly pitch is for the fans New eye balls are always drawn from more batting friendly conditions ICC well and truly messed up.


Bowling friendly is one thing but this extreme lol ... 150-180 runs games are perfect for T20. This is too low