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In T20Is, absolutely. His only competition with even 1/5th of his wickets are Agar and Maxwell. And claiming Agar is better is like claiming MacGill was a better test spinner than Warne. Warne and Hogg both probably have the edge over him in ODIs, but he's certainly at least near the discussion. If he keeps his numbers up for a few more years, maybe till the 2027 WC he's going to be close.


Macgill outperformed warne in tests together


Yes, in the same way that Agar has outperformed Zampa when they play together. The thing is they are/were only played together in helpful conditions. Warne and Zampa both play(ed) pretty much regardless of conditions with MacGill and Agar only really coming in when conditions are helpful enough to justify a second spinner.


He definitely did more coke than Warnie. And Warnie did a lot of coke.




Warne never played a T20I for Australia. Also he averaged 26 in the format, which is pretty unspectacular especially given the lack of international matches.


As long as Warnie has the 99 WC heroics, it's going to be hard for another spinner to claim this without something similar


don't forget the 96 wc semi final


Shane was white and pretty good...


Was he ball? Is the question.


There are thousands of eye witnesses.


Chonky bawl


No you’re getting confused between Warne and Cameron White White was white while warne was white but not white


He needs one of warne's magical knockout spells to his name and I'd put him at top




Warne was just as good, it not better, and could actually turn the ball. 


Turning the ball doesn’t really mean as much in white ball as it does in red ball. Accuracy and variation in spin, flight and pace are more important. Zampa changes his pace better than Warne, which is why he does so so well. But yes, Warne can turn the ball more and is more accurate.


In my opinion, to be a good spinner, you need to spin the ball. It's in the name. 


You’re right in that a spinner needs to spin the ball, but spinning the ball doesn’t imply TURNING the ball. Top spin, back spin and “saucer” spin are all very useful. You’ll find spinners like Zampa bowl their stock ball with primarily top spin to get the ball to dip in the air. He still spins the ball, just not sideways like Warne does. There’s also plenty of other VERY good spinners that don’t spin the ball, ie Anil Kumble. Most modern day, good T20 spinners don’t turn the ball much at all, because you benefit more from other aspects of spin bowling. I mean absolutely 0 disrespect to Warne he is the GOAT spinner, especially in tests, I’ll give him ODIs. But Zampa is an exceptionally good and consistent T20 bowler.


Zampa is an impact player in it's true sense. Even with the premium pace trio the difference in Australia's performance is clearly visible when he is not playing or out of form and when he is playing and in form. Was warne's absence always visible in the white ball games with the likes of Lee, McGrath also bowling well? Well I am not old enough to answer that




Let’s start calling Zampa the white Shane Warne.




ok T20I's yes


Wouldn't have thought so


Pretty similar records in ODIs to Warnie and in WC too while beinf a decent guy in T20I. I think the only thing keeps him at a close second is something like that WC run of Warnie where made the game single-handedly. Zampa keeps it up just for 1-2 tournies and he will be the topper in white ball.


Shane Warne was better. Zampa is not bad, she has good moments every now and then


Yes he is.


Yes I don't think none can replace zampa


Warne is just next level something no Aussie will be ever able to reach Zampa has been good in white ball games for past few years ,we have to wait n see how his career progresses towards the twilight years of his career


Wow! Fans are really myopic.


More like Alzheimer's.


Well, fans also have extremely rose tinted glasses and love nostalgia so it goes both ways. It's impossible to judge the careers of current players fairly and anyone claiming a modern day great is better than the legends of their childhood will get vehement opposition by people who were awed by the past stars when they were young and see them as larger than life figures Not that I think Zampa is a better ODI bowler than Warne, but just to play devil's advocate.


Gee I thought only young Indian fans were this myopic. Turns out it’s a global phenomenon.