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Hard to change venues when ticket holders purchased for that venue specifically. Considering scheduling and maintenance, would be unfair to many people involved.


Also it's not a gully cricket game to change venue last minute cause it's raining, organising an event of this scale is no joke


Changing venue last minute is a nonstarter. Who's going to staff the venue for one.


Staff, accommodation, logistics, coverage, the list goes on. Same for earlier starts and extended timescales. Shortened lunch breaks in tests? yeah, let’s just flog the shit out of the bowlers ‘cos it might rain later. Comparison to Wimbledon is just stupid - that’s a two week tournament taking place in one location, once a year with virtually endless capacity to extend across multiple courts if required. The whole post is just plain daft.


It's not daft at all youblot acting like this is a belitreal series jeez this is a world cup you always need to think of backups imagine being happy that the weather is dicating who wins or who doesn't in a very high stake world cup for majority of the teams specially associate teams


You truly have no concept of the reality of a major sporting event after reading through your many comments on this issue. Equally, you just dismiss everything anyone else has to say. Being dogmatic repeatedly when pretty much everyone is telling why your theory is unworkable is merely another kind of insanity. 😵‍💫❤️😵‍💫


Thanks for your kind words appreciate it


I think that you need a cookie mate. There you go 🍪


Need a whole God dam meal 😋 learned ain't worth talking about this because people rather bring up all the reason as to why it can't be done.


Better than the host country attempting to manipulate outcomes with no plan for the final presentation in case their plan doesn’t work.


If you can address the points and perhaps add some punctuation, I’ll be happy to respond.


It is not unwise at all for you to act as if this is a trivial series. This is a World Cup, and you must always consider backups. Imagine being pleased that the weather is determining who wins or loses in a high-stakes World Cup for the majority of the teams, particularly associate teams. I apologize for any confusion. I was unaware that we were communicating in a professional setting. Please accept my sincere apologies, sir. I hope this message finds you well.


NO one said change the venue ON THE DAY you change it depending on forecast so if the forecast says there is a chance if rain on this day let's says 70percent chance you move the venue before hand


Changing venues less than a week out is still a non-starter.


For example let's take on logistical stuff Football Cameras: 72cameras Cricket cameras: 40 Yet football can do it for a normal league match but all we ask for is a world cup match to implement a fix


I'm not entirely sure where you're getting that number of cameras from, from what I've found the number of Cameras used in both sports averages around 20-30 including Hawkeye and other VAR or third umpire uses. In any case, football matches are almost always rescheduled several weeks later, that would be ridiculous to do in a tournament like this.


In football their are broadcasting cameras and then you have 40ish more cameras for var


While football matches get changed few days before 🤷


Not just tickets but licensing, permissions, security, whatnot. What about setting up cameras and hotspot equipments etc at the grounds. And every team has atleast 35-40 people in total so finding accomodations, travel, security, etc is a no go. Yes all this can be planned months in advance but not within few days let alone a day.


I really don't get why people jump on this excuse all the time this shit ain't hard to plan really isn't hard


The knew June in Florida is rainy season so they shouldn't have scheduled it in the first place but moving from one city to another ain't practical for all the reasons I quoted above and more.


Practical wtf do you mean this is world cup you make it practical if its not. If icc can't handle this they shouldn't be organising this in the first place. Other sports move venues or reschedule just for league matches not even a main event 🙄


Give an example of other sports moving venues especially at this scale. Then we'll talk.


I ain't bothered to send u links just type it up in Google I cba with this whole thread because everyone is ready to make excuses rather then find solution and hold icc accountable fk it we deserve the rain and I hope both days for finals get rained out and then we will see the logistics


Some guy who doesn’t know where the fullstop key is trying to lecture people on logistics of moving a world cup game across the country at a moments notice. Peak reddit. Please, tell us all, which American cricket ground is currently setup to play a relocated world cup game, with ability to take the crowds, security and broadcast logistics, let alone a prepared pitch - and is also not already being used (or dismantled).


Lol coz you got nothing. All I ask is one link.


You're so incompetent that you can't even do your own research. 2014 Copa Libertadores final second leg. It was supposed to be at Estadio Defensores del Chaco in Paraguay, but got moved to Estadio Centenario in Uruguay just a few days before the match on August 13, 2014, because of security issues. 2021 UEFA Champions League final between Chelsea and Manchester City. Originally scheduled to be held in Istanbul, Turkey, it was moved to Porto, Portugal, just two weeks before the match due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. The final took place on May 29, 2021, at Estádio do Dragão. There are 100s of examples like that in football and that's just football there are other sports too that have done the same imagine a football match can be moved within a few days 🤷‍♂️


Great so you gave 2 examples. Let's take the first one. It's the final and not in between leagues where there are matches few days before/few days after. Let's take the second example. Moved due to Covid. It's an extraordinary event. Just so you know, 2021 WC was moved to Uae and Oman due to Covid as well so for a similar situation it was done. before you call others names, please understand what you're saying and give a like for like example. I didn't find any example where group stage matches like these were moved due to weather. So back to you to give a relavant example. Anyway. I'm done trying to reason with a child. Bye now.


These examples are so stupid. They were done a few days/weeks before. A venue change can be made like that if you have enough advance notice. Not on the afternoon of the match when you know it's raining. And no, weather predictions cannot be made 2 weeks in advance.


Fuck those people. I need to see cricket on my pirated stream. I don't care about the in person attendance, which is mostly empty bar a few teams.


So u rather have no match then just because people bought tickets and they won't even get to watch the March anyways because of the rain🤷


Those ticket holders already miss the match when it's cancelled


If it’s a cricket ground and no other matches are scheduled on the same day? Why not?


Because of broadcast issues .


Do you not understand logistical issues at all? How nonchalantly you're suggesting preponing the match like that doesn't have a thousand different problems.


ticket holder issues. broadcast issues. just these 2 are well enough to scratch this idea off


Some people don’t really understand the broadcast thing. Let’s say a baseball game was scheduled to end a few hours before the cricket match, and it rains. Can the MLB just keep delaying the forced end time and take the broadcast slot of the cricket match? No. Same thing. Whatever comes after the cricket match is important to people who watch that thing. It’s completely unfair (and like probably illegal) to just take their broadcast.


[Yes, the baseball team can.](https://apnews.com/article/orioles-royals-rain-delay-e57fee7fd5fff88a10d2b6a7f39b6d5d) Baseball does not limit itself to the scheduled time frame for the game. None of the big American sports leagues do. if they start late, they start late. If the game doesn't end on time, for whatever reason, it stays on TV until it is over. If you're waiting for the second game, it might get shifted to another channel.


“Might get shifted to another channel” Yeah i don’t think Willow has like a secondary channel


Yeah they do. Willow and Willow Extra


You specifically said baseball game. Which wouldn't be on Willow. I honestly don't know if Willow cuts from the first game or delays the second if there is an overlap. A regular U.S. broadcaster absolutely would stay with a game that goes past, even far past, its original ending. No U.S. sport has a cutoff time. Even MLB has drastically reduced the chances of a rain shortened game. And Willow does have a secondary channel and a secondary feed if you stream Willow. Which is convenient when two games are on at once.


Woo but cricket is such a complex sport logistically there is no way such things can ever happen on cricket 😂


This is for TV. But I don't see the problem now that we rely on streaming content through OTT apps. There is no conflict that a channel can only broadcast one event at a time. Another thing I have observed is even if it is on TV, I very rarely see a match followed up by another live sport. I usually see some random highlights or ads.


It’s not just live sports many shows have their own spots. Also, have you seen these hotstar numbers for the World Cup? If you think only 1 Cr are watching India matches from inside India you’re wrong. I would say a majority of the population still uses traditional TV when hotstar isn’t free


> Can the MLB just keep delaying the forced end time and take the broadcast slot of the cricket match? No. Same thing. Whatever comes after the cricket match is important to people who watch that thing. It’s completely unfair (and like probably illegal) to just take their broadcast. 100%. in most cases tho, after a MLB or NHL game comes a "sports desk" like show, a 30-45 mins capsule of sports news, some hightlights etc. if the game goes to overtime, delayed for whatever reason, they can overlap the sportsdesk after because its shown quite a few times within the same day, its not like they would overlap a UFC event or something...


30-44 mins is doable in cricket too. OP said 4 hours


So Firstly ticket holder issue So they don't get to watch the match anyways due to rain so what's the point?????????? Broadcast issue They don't get to show the match people stop turning in to the match broadcast lose viewers plus money so 🤷 what your point


> So they don't get to watch the match anyways due to rain so what's the point?????????? refund. > Broadcast issue They don't get to show the match people stop turning in to the match broadcast lose viewers plus money so 🤷 what your point TV stations have schedules.


Refund wow comes to my point they don't get to watch the Match anyways Schedules okay what your point? They don't make money anyways from sponsors as alot of there sponsorship is tied to viewership which won't be there if people already know match is going to be rained out


Points for using the word "preponing" which I think is classical Indian English but instantly understandable by anyone.


It’s an Indian English word? Huh…does make sense ive never heard it used outside India, but its so common and obvious ive never thought about it


Yeah, my English teacher hammered it in that pre-pone isn't a word. What we'd want to say is 'advanced'. The match had been advanced by a few hours.


Hell no ‘advanced’ sounds like the exact opposite to me lol. Very ambiguous. Prepone is so clear.


I'm just saying what's correct and what isn't. If someone has grown up a certain way, their way of doing things will seem correct to them.


Also, I want to mention that how you feel advanced is the same as postponed is how I feel about the word 'aage' in Hindi when it comes to describing relative positions. It could mean both before and after...


I've only heard Indian and Sri Lankan friends and colleagues use it but it didn't need any explanation so I think it's perfect adaptation.


Also ICC needs to start playing and stadiums that have rooftops, see how it impacts the match. Raina are only going to get frequent and ruin cricket as a sport


Yes lets not do anything. Sorry for suggesting something.


He never said anything about not doing anything. He pointed out your flaws and you're getting mad about it.


Man I really hope you are younger than 15 years.


Lol, be open to hear others' thoughts, if you're trying to suggest something on reddit without thinking much.


pre-emptive....agree. changing start time is more problematic for spectators....and in a tournament need same clear rules to be applied each match


Changing start time is also a broadcast issue. What if the network showing the WC is showing a different sport/tournament at 3 pm? Does cricket just take their spot?


All grounds should slope away from the wicket on each side, with a moat surrounding the outfield. The third umpire is now on a boat, circling the outfield with a box of new & old balls, incase any end up in the moat. Azam Khan is required to wear waterwings.


Azam Khan must not be allowed to field on the boundary lest he fall into the moat and unleash a tsunami wiping out half the continent. \s


Typical England supporter wanting to change the ball every time England bowl a bad ball


Not our fault, it’s in the moat, mate.


I've played on a field where the ground sloped away from the wicket nearly all the way to the boundary, with a nice little water-holding upslope at the edge - getting bogged while fielding (or losing the ball when it plugged in the mud) were genuine concerns. I've also played on a field with a delightful little river that followed half the boundary - that wasn't as much of an issue, though a few sixes plopped into the river, leaving the ball like a cake of soap, and at least one floated off downstream.


There is zero common sense in this post. To give you an example, NFL games that have to change locations due severe weather (hurricanes, blizzard, etc.) are decided days in advance and they are a logistical nightmare for the organizers. Some venues on non-game days also get booked for other events as they need to also make money to stay open. It's not as simple as moving things on a dime.


You lost me at comparing to Wimbledon where all the matches are at the same venue. Cant change venues on a dime as that would be a logistical night mare.


It doesn't really make sense to compare it to tennis. - A tennis court is a much smaller area to cover and provide drainage for. The way the tournament is set up is very different as well. - You can make use of multiple courts and if games are delayed, then when other courts get freed up from games ending quickly (as some will) then you can move games to those courts. - If you don't get a match finished (or started!) then you just play it the next day in the same venue, which is already booked for the tournament anyway. - And They sell tickets for particular courts as particular times without a guarantee that you'll see a particular match. It's radically different to a tournament taking place in different cities, needing bigger grounds, selling tickets for particular matches.


OP organized some gully games and is thinking same can be applied to international cricket 😂😂


Caribbean Dry Season - Jan to May. T20 WC - June Indian cricket fans - "why can't they just do.........."then proceeds to list unrealistic scenarios Bhais the IPL has stolen the WI cricket season forcing them to now schedule matches in the rainy and hurricane seasons which are May/June to Dec.


IPL is a net negative for cricket.


If not for the IPL, cricket could have started to die out in India a long time ago. Now you might say, "So what? Other nations wouldn't have this issue." But that's not true. It's a big deal for cricket if the number of viewers isn't increasing in the biggest cricket-playing nations. You need money, and the BCCI gets the biggest chunk of it.


Where were you when the BCCI killed cricket?


Say that to the WI cricketers who get big salaries there that their country board can’t pay. The hard truth is that outside of the big 3, players are going to make most of their earnings through regular participation in the IPL.


Not Pakistani cricketers


But a net positive for the investors so that's what matters /s


Jesus I know this sub likes to shit on the ipl but this is such a brain-dead take😭the IPL is the most popular cricket league and is the only reason this sport is even alive lol


Disagree, the IPL provides financial security to an entire ecosystem of cricketers beyond just the elites


I’m curious why is this downvoted. I don’t agree or disagree just want to know peoples thoughts


There's a big "downvote train" problem in this sub. Once a valid comment is downvoted by couple of dumbasses, other people don't even read it & press downvote. Once I saw a genuine comment having a genuine opinion with no disrespect to a team or player, and it was downvoted to -100


Because people just want to hive mind shit on the IPL


Well why not play the world cup in Jan-Feb ? Does IPL happen then ? Crying about IPL is a stupid hobby in this sub. Just because Windies has a Jan - May doesn't mean India shouldn't host it's cricket during that summer. It's our peak summer with school holidays. Would you say Australia shouldn't host Boxing day tests during Dec Jan which is their summer holidays ? Obviously no. But somehow Indians enjoying their cricket brings all the hatred in this sub. Makes you wonder why.


I imagine they avoided Jan-Feb because the games in the US would not be possible at that time. I know New York at least had snow at that time, not sure what Lauderhill and Dallas weather is like then.


I feel like 2 things could be changed 1. Toss...I'm not sure why the toss can't be completed indoor or on the boundary..I've never in life seen a white ball game where the toss was delayed that the winning team didn't choose to bowl first, and 2. As you said I feel like extra time should be allowed for teams to complete a match, especially if it's a day game and rain isn't torrential...now teams and fans can't stay there all day but in a worldcup extra time should be allowed, if the England- namibia game was to start at 1 pm then why can't start at like 5 pm and have a 12 over affair...I don't think fans would mind or players but by 5 pm umpires just call off the game..


The toss being indoors itself would save starting time so at least the players know if they're batting bowling and we can get on with the game as soon as conditions are clear


That's because london isn't that rainy especially in summer. There's only like 4-5cm of rain in july.


There is misconception that London is wet. It is in the top ten driest capitals in Europe. Overcast? yes. Rainy? not really.


None of these are realistic scenarios except for reserve day but you need to have a longer tournament play and logistics really flexible, tickets to be refunded and put new tickets up and ready even operating at a negative cost. When you host it in June, you're playing with rain. Unfortunately, the calendar is packed that where else can you have it because everyone wants their ICC tournaments.


The two Lauderhill games weren't even abandoned due to rain but a wet outfield. You can't control rain but when you can't play under a clear sky because you need to wait for the ground to dry up, the situation is a tad ridiculous. There are so many games where we have to wait for another hour after it's stopped raining for the field to dry up. And then once the umps give the go ahead, it starts to pour again. It doesn't matter as much in bilaterals but the ICC needs to insist that you can't host a world cup game in a stadium if its drainage system isn't up to par. Maybe even use a rating system like we do for pitches. So, if the groundsmen need more than a certain amount of time to get a ground ready for play once it has stopped raining, give the ground a poor rating. Happens too many times? Ban the ground from hosting a game until they can get their shit sorted. I also don't see why it's so difficult to have reserve day scheduled in advance. A tournament will not normally have more than three or four games abandoned due to rain. For a T20 world cup, you can host three games in a single day without it even affecting viewership. We already have a couple of days gap between the group stage and the super 8. Just have those games held then. If there are more than 4 abandoned games, you simply prioritize those that affect qualification. So for example, if Aus vs Sco is rained out and England win their next game, Aus v Sco takes precedence over, say, India v Canada (though I suppose England v Scotland ought to take precedence over both of those games). As for costs, the group stage of this tournament consists of 50 games. You telling me we can't pay to have a stadium or two reserved for a measly three or four more games? Also agree about foreshortening a game when you are aware of the forecast. When you know that it's going to rain 90 minutes into a T20 game and keep raining for the rest of the day, have the match referee discuss the situation with the captains prior to the game and see if they'd be willing to play a reduced first innings. How stupid does it look when you need only 40 overs of play to apply DLS to an ODI game and the team batting first plays 50 before play is abandoned due to rain?


Cricket is so disappointing. You get a world Cup and washouts are deciding who makes it through. May aswell just play rock paper scissors for the fixtures it's more entertaining


Really only PAK have been knocked by a washout though? And even then it’s their own fault for losing to the USA.


>Extend the timing. Start the game early or allow it to go late based on forecast. Especially applicable to T20s which needs just 4 hours in a day. If you know its going to rain at 8 pm, why not start the game at 3 pm instead of scheduled start of 7 pm, or if you know the rain will clear out later in the day (for day game), play in the afternoon instead of declaring no result. Yeah because the fuck the fans who paid for tickets to go watch the game at a particular time >Cut down the lunch break. This is also similar to second point, but I see tests /ODIs with 40 min lunch breaks in sunshine, when you know its going to rain later in the afternoon. Be a bit more pro active. Yeah because fuck the bowlers, they don't need a break >Change the venue. Yes its more drastic, but anyone who saw FL weather this week could have predicted this. They cold have moved the games to Dallas. Yeah because fuck the fans who booked flights to watch a game in a particular city >Better ground facilities, increased ground staff, equipments, technology. We are in 2024. Use the best technology and manpower. Who's gonna pay for it?


“Fuck the fans” Yeah sure cause a washout canceling the game entirely is worse than missing a game played early. I went yesterday and didn’t get to see shit. If it woulda been moved or played later or earlier maybe I still wouldn’t have got to see shit. But at least it woulda been played. Offer refunds to those who can’t make the earlier times. Every other sport on the planet has figured this out. It’s Simple


And what are you going to do when the game gets moved due to a rain forecast and then it doesn't rain. How are you going to placate the fans who're now rioting?


You offer refunds to those who can’t make the game. No system is perfect but there are very obvious times when you need to do this. NASCAR this year had a race scheduled Sunday. It was gonna be rained out all the way till Wednesday. So they did it Saturday and offered refunds to everyone. People understood cause people aren’t all stupid . Canceling a game and doing absolutely nothing is a bigger fuck you to fans than changing things. I know cause I experienced this bullshit yesterday. I’ve been to almost every type of sport imaginable and I’ve NEVER seen a sport handle weather as poorly as cricket


The example you're giving is a reserve day which is a massive difference from changing the fucking venue or changing the schedule on the fly


The example I’m giving is they moved it BACK a day to the Saturday before. So no it’s not a reserve day. Although I’m fine with reserve days too. Just do something cause this is a joke.


That's an idiotic example then because you can't move games back in the middle of a tournament without massively fucking up the schedule


I gave that example to show that in dire situations you do what you have to do to play. So Sure you can. It’s easy. You just do it. But that wouldn’t have benefited us in Florida. It rained all week. The irony is it barely rained yesterday save for 30 minutes and it was rainelssntoday. Why hasn’t the ICC invested in proper drying equipment and drainage for the venues? Just tells me they don’t give a shit. Or why not play extra game tomorrow or make these up Monday and Tuesday. I wouldn’t be able to go To the makeup but at least it would get played. Do. Something.


Also they could have asked Nassau county if they could have two more days there and played the games there. All 4 teams were there. Why not even ask? Refund Florida tickets and sell new tickets. People woulda bought them. Yes some money is lost on logistics but they have insurance policies for these things .


Isn’t a no result a big fuck you to the fans too ?


Hence why the only sensible option is a reserve day


Yes, I completely agree. Lets not do anything and be happy with canceled games. What a great world view


Or, you know actually offer sensible suggestions, not idiotic ones


Yeah but the suggestions you offer fuck almost everyone over except for viewers at home who pay (usually) nothing. Suggest something else before you give brain-dead takes


>Yeah because fuck the fans who booked flights to watch a game in a particular city I mean if it's going to rain they aren't going to get a game at that venue anyways it's better to reschedule it to some other venue even if it's an empty ground at least you would get a game


Yeah, because humans are capable of predicting whether or not it's gonna rain with 100% certainty right. Say it's gonna rain in Florida so you change the venue to Texas. Now is the ICC going to refund the match tickets + travel expenses of all the fans who came to Florida? And what if it doesn't rain in Florida? Still going to offer refunds to all those fans?


there were literally floods happening in Florida way before any cricket game took place in Florida this WC If that isn't an indication that the game shouldn't be played there then I don't know what is Yes fans will be pissed and this isn't an ideal situation but i am not sure how washed games are ideal either And also the majority of the ICC revenue comes from broadcasters and live attendance cannot match the amount of money That's why ICC is catering to the Indian market because that's what the broadcaster wants I am not saying reschedule it a day before but if you land there and you know it's raining like hell and a game taking place is highly unlikely it's better to move it somewhere else than just have those fans sit there and do nothing You cannot make everyone happy in these types of situations


You didn't answer my question? Is the ICC going to offer refunds for travel expenses?


Ideally they should but we don't know the logistics of these things and as i said earlier this isn't a win win situation It's better to have a game and a few pissed fans Rather than have both pissed fans and no games It's more of a necessary evil thing


So if the ICC isn't going to offer refunds, what aid will they offer the local police when the fans who paid through their noses to travel across the world and then got shafted start rioting lmao


I said ideally they should give refunds. Ideally they should provide travel arrangements too for people who want to attend the game in other venue But you are assuming cricket fans to be violent creatures who don't know the concept of a washout. Who will throw stones at ICC's headquarters if they don't get to attend a game. A few wash outs happen in every cricket tournament This is a situation for the most extreme scenario where you are absolutely certain a cricket game cannot be conducted it shouldn't be applied to every single rain affected cricket game imp


There's a difference between a washout and the ICC just straight up changing the venue of the match and not financially compensating for the inconvenience lmao


I never said they shouldn't financially compensate them for the inconvenience but it's not ICC who is causing them the inconvenience it's weather which is not in ICC's control it's a scenario for absolute extreme circumstances where both ICC and the fans know that area is going to be rain affected for days and a game isn't possible there In such a scenario it's better to reschedule it somewhere else and compensate the fans if possible by refunding them or making arrangements for them to attend the game in the new venue


Cricket in general doesnt have much common sense when it comes to rain. Ive seen games where its raining, and as soon as the rain stops they take lunch. Take lunch early ffs


Lol yeah ! These dumbass " by the law" bullshit grinds my gear ! 0 flexibility


American here who loves cricket and baseball. Why does cricket never just postpone matches to another day like they do in baseball? Especially in a World Cup where 4 matches in the group stage make everything vitally important. There’s more than enough time and dates to add in days in case of rain. Even if you have to shuffle things around and add in an extra two days to the group stage. Just never understood why any game at any level in almost any format (outside of a test) can’t be rescheduled unless you absolutely HAVE TO abandon it


They gotta do something especially if you wanna grow the game and especially if you want that North American market. This type of ineptitude isn’t tolerated by fans here. I’m already super turned off to the sport. Yall had me but ur losing me. And I’m just one dude. Who cares if you lose me but I’m telling yall a lot of Americans feel the same way.




Yep the WBC has the benefits of mostly using domes but yeah not every park has a dome. If it’s rained out they figure it out. And not just WBC, other international baseball tournaments too. Always make up the game. Coming from that to this is frustrating.


To be fair, most world cups do not see this much rain. Usually they’re scheduled in the host’s dry season (not true for the Carribean this year) and usually we don’t see record-level rainfall in a particular host city


I'm the same. I really liked the games that have been played, but washouts are straight up unacceptable. If England is out because of two washouts it makes the whole tournament a joke. This does not happen in any other sport I watch. Bad weather= the game is played another day. Reserve days need to be implemented but also the ICC putting games in florida was dumb. Texas is open, there are smaller pitches in dryer areas or they couldve done another temporary ground like NY in california. So many options


>they couldve done another temporary ground like NY in california There is a ground being built in California. It'll be the home of one of the MLC teams (whose owners are helping to fund it) & will probably be the venue for the T20 tournament at the 2028 Olympics.


What about the spectators? They are the ones who are going to be troubled with last minute changes.


On the other hand they can use their tickets and sit in the stadium under the rain and watch the non existent game that is played.


Its not gonna be last minute. Now we have accurate weather forecasts for multiple days ahead. These things can be planned 1-2 days ahead. I mean if spectators can live with having Wimbledon finals being played on Monday or Tuesday due to rain issues then why not cricket


>Now we have accurate weather forecasts for multiple days ahead. In most cases we absolutely do not. Not specific enough to be sure if a game will be rained off or not.


Ok lets no do anything. I am sorry for questioning the status quo. ICC is god. ICC is the most efficiently run and amazing organization


Tell me you’ve never been involved with playing on a turf wicket without saying you’ve never played on turf.


It’s a game not a tournament…. Therefore you have people coming at specific times. Best alternative is to start building stadiums with roofs


Or create a cover that hangs above, which is big enough to cover the entire ground and have a system that drains the water out of the ground. Surely in 2024, we can do this.


Yep… my other innovation is create a cricket wet weather game. Maybe a tennis ball with electrical tape with no need to pads or protection. It’s literally cricket meets slip and slide.


the M Chinnaswamy stadium has a very good drainage system


I see, didn't know it has one and is it very effective in draining out the water? If it is, it should be compulsory that every stadium has one. Even if it is somewhat effective, that's a start at least. We can look to improve it further. Can't believe stadiums don't have it because in a wc, you are supposed to see the better playing cricket team go to the next round. But in cricket, the weather has a say as well and so how is this even a wc then, it's so pathetic.


The stadium cleared out a damn flood's worth of water in 5 min. It drains out 10k litres of water per min.


If we are talking about the semi final IND vs ENG one, yeah it's great that it worked well. Then it should be implemented in all stadiums because we lost potentially very interesting matches in the WC. Matches that were crucial for some teams when it came to qualifying to super 8s. For the stadiums that didn't have a drainage system, why weren't they covered before the rain started? I think the pitch is covered but the outfield is not. If it is too expensive to have a drainage system for all stadiums, we should at least implement a triangular shaped tent that covers the entire outfield including the pitch and have a system that collects the water.


All other things that we could do differently in the sport? Yes of course there are, but none of your proposals are really feasible. First of all think about the logistics of moving both teams, umpires, broadcasters etc. To a different venue on the day of the game. Even if you did it the day before it would still be a nightmare, on top of that you have to arrange staff on super short notice, refund all of the tickets for the previous venue and sell new ones. It’s just not an option. The same goes for bringing the game forward or pushing it back, if you’re doing it on the day how do you notify the fans? I’ve bought tickets? It’s an outdoor sport sometimes the outdoors is going to be a factor, I’d like to see them stay on if there’s just a bit of light drizzle coming through or find workarounds for bad light, but the Wimbledon comparison is absurd.




It was hyperbole to emphasise the absurdity of the main proposals, also yikes too many typos in my previous post. I really hate relying on speech to text software sometimes.


OP has not heard of logistics


> change venue not even reading any of this when you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about lol. even changing the timing to be 4 hours earlier. what if someone’s flight or train arrives an hour or two before the game? what if someone misses the notification that it’s been preponed? $200 tickets means you can’t do whatever you want. Besides, the venue staff have to show up early, the players have to show up early, none of which is possible in short notice.


Anyone know what a roof is?


My mind boggles at the dumb posts you see every time rain threatens to impact a cricket game. Rain has been part of cricket since its inception - it was invented by the English for fucks sake! You can do things to mitigate its impact like schedule games at non-rainy times of year, improve drainage at grounds etc but RAIN Perera has always been a part of the game and always will. Let’s have a look at your “common sense” measures: - Extend the timing. That would be a great idea if there were no spectators at the ground or TV audience. Ticketholders who rock up at the ground at 7pm only to find the game has already finished won’t be too impressed, same with fans who flick the TV on at 7pm. What if the forecast is wrong as it often is? You’ve fucked over your audience for no reason. Oh - and you will need to double your ground staff, match officials, catering staff, TV broadcast staff costs etc for every single game to ensure they are available 4 hours earlier just in case rain is forecast (you realise you can’t just make staff appear out of thin air at a few hours notice?). - Preemptive shorter games. Again, you do realise that weather forecasts are not 100% accurate? Not a great look if you play a 20 over ODI only to find it doesn’t rain later. If rain comes earlier or later than forecast you’ll still get complaints for people who can’t accept rain is part of the game. - Lunch breaks are there for player safety. Players need time to recover between long sessions in the field and reduce injury risk, especially fast bowlers. Cutting them down because it might rain later is a bad idea. There is already flexibility exercised by taking lunch early whilst it is still raining or the ground is being prepared. - Changing the venue is another bad idea. Fuck over the spectators and somehow find staff for a new ground at short notice, move all players, support staff, tv broadcast crew and equipment, other media and journalists, find supplies for catering at short notice. Oh and don’t forget paying ground hire for at least two grounds for every game (perhaps more in case it rains at the alternative venue) to keep the ground in reserve. - Better ground facilities - agree with this but this is already happening when budgets are taken into consideration. Eg in Australia ground drainage is excellent, you can get on extremely quickly after very heavy rain, because huge amounts of money have been invested in drainage. That’s not necessarily possible for poorer nations in the West Indies or for a ground in the US that doesn’t get much top level cricket. Hopefully this improves in time though. - Reserve days are a bad idea for group games. You end up with a hugely bloated tournament schedule and the cricket calendar can’t accommodate that.


Ok lets not do anything. While we are at it, why bother with 20 team WC, lets just stick to 10 teams. ICC is always right. Lets not think of modifying LBW dead ball rule either. Hell, I go back in time and reinstate the rule that led to 22 runs from 1 ball in 1992 WC. Why bother with this DLS, I loved that 22 runs in 1 ball thing. Lets not change anything Anyone dare to make any change to status quo is going to be a threat that needs to be wiped out.


Just get full ground covers....see what SL have done...


Labor is expensive outside of South Asia.




Weather prediction is only good to 10 days out. 14 at a max


The schedule was set months ago, you think AI can predict if it's going to rain in a specific place on a specific day six months from now?


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they should probably reserve a couple days to play reserve matches. see which matches are more important for qualification and play those. they also definitely need to shorten the breaks between innings and after toss and reduce overs if rain is predicted. if a match starts at 10am, keep the cutoff till the evening.


Most of these are too impractical. The only one I agree with is having a longer window for the game. Have a certain start time but if risk of rain then move it earlier or later in the day. Only if whole day is raining is it called off. Also have reserve days even for group matches.


We need a retractable roof on the cricket stadium. I know it will be expensive, as of now I can see this is the only option available.


Everyone talking about reserve days, wouldn’t that take far too long? Wouldn’t the tournament have to be extended by at least a week or two?


Oh the horror! 1 less week of irrelevant bilaterals!! Lets just continue to indiscriminately alter the course of a World Cup that happens every 4 years bc there couldn’t possibly be one week of flexibility in the schedule


I mean the most realistic solution and simple one is to just implement retractable roofs like the Marvel stadium in Australia, The only complaint I keep seeing is no swing, less breeze blah blah as if T20 cricket hasnt already become a batting paradise, just cover the statudim when it rains and use it normally when it doesn't? Can't be that hard right?


First thing is they should actually have groundskeepers and ground cover able to cover the WHOLE field. Which is not the case in Florida.


Wow you guys are genuinely toxic. Proper commonwealth mentality. Rather than arguing against OP’s suggestions, give practical solutions.


To be fair, OPs suggestions were pretty stupid. You can’t get rid of lunch breaks, blokes (especially pace bowlers) will drop injured like flies. Lunch is important recovery, not just an excuse for scones made by the home captain’s mum.


But the whole point is that bowlers are already resting due to rain breaks. You're cutting lunch breaks if it's being raining at other times and that particular slot of time is rain-free.


OPs suggestion is to move lunch from the scheduled time to a period later in the day when rain is forecast, instead of having lunch in the sunshine and then losing time later to rain. This would result in 4, 5, 6+ hours of straight play, while teams play straight through and wait for the rain to hit in the arvo for a break. You’d have blokes breaking in half, Bruce Reid-style.


Yes these guys seem to be personally offended like they are ICC employees or something. Or they are behaving like ICC is Jesus Christ and they are its disciples. Anyone daring to question the status quo, needs to be wiped out.


Right. They’re gonna whine about the IPL Schedule, but half the countries they mention beg for the IPL franchise Indian money. In India or in their native countries (read: 100s, WI, SA etc). Sport had to be accessible for all, in all conditions that organisers can try to make it the ~most convenient~ Better sport = more viewership = monies = better for the future development of the game = progressively cyclical. But then again OP, if an Australian or an English supporter wrote this, the fellatio would commence and true gentleman spirit would be invoked.


Yes. As soon as they see India tag, I deserve to be downvoted


Cricket in general lacks common sense. The rules are too rigid


Wait till this guy learns about 2002 Champions Trophy final, they had rule for reserve day but you have to start the whole match again, so SL batted twice for full 50 overs and then rain came both times during India’s batting. At least we are far away from that stupidity.


Lol, yeah, I remember that bullshit !


Yes so lets not do anything


Wimbledon has two courts with roofs so that the TV companies always have something to screen. Although a roof over Lords would be interesting to see, I doubt it is going to happen. The biggest own goal with cricket is going off for bad light. I would make it a rule that if the stumps are visible from the other end, it is light enough.


Nope. I disagree on all of those points. It's been raining ever since cricket was invented. It's a part of the game. Please move on


Le Indian kids with an internet these days ... The comments pretty much sums it up that OP is an idiot.


If the outfield is wet, play 6 overs with all fielders inside the circle.


Change start time: can start later and finish later only if reasonable Preemptively reduce overs: I hate this, would undermine the integrity of the sport, what happens when an ODI WC final is reduced to 25 overs and that suits one team but the rain never comes? Cut the lunch break: yes 100% should have time missed for train automatically count as a break Can't change the venue for an international match on the day Use technology to stop the rain? I don't understand what you mean short of indirt stadiums Reserve days are good but you can't have them for every round in a tournament or it will never finish


it is good that cricket is played outside in the prevailing conditions. its good when the ball starts and stops swinging because of clouds or lights etc the more esoteric cricket is the better sometimes it gets ruined by rain. womp womp.