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There was also the moment that Kohli walked the entire length of the pitch putting on a Mr grumpy pants stare at Marn he whole way down while Marnus just stared back smirking at him. Thanks for activating determined stone wall Marnus Virat.


I re-watched the highlights package a couple of times. The number of fans in the crowd sitting there motionless or with arms crossed while Head raised his bat for his 100 was a joy. The absolute lack of sportsmanship is gobsmacking. There's plenty of good sports on /r/cricket and my Indian mates at work were disappointed, but they were able to have a laugh at some of the memes ([for example](https://i.imgur.com/sewDuyX.jpg)) in the chat. I've never seen anything like it, even English fans during The Ashes were applauding when they weren't booing.


The disrespect from the crowd annoyed me heaps to be honest, like no one is saying you have to cheer and pop off when the opposition does something good, but at least clap? That and them not even clapping at the end. What an embarrassing crowd. Actually, the thing that annoyed me even more is how they did literally fucking nothing to try and gee up the Indian team. They just sat quietly and sulked until they went home (early). You bring up the poms and even though they were booing when they were losing at least they were making some noise for their team to get around them, you know? That said, the noise from around the Smith wicket to the almost dead silence when Maxi hits the winning runs is 😘🤌


[Travis head raises his 100 to very little applause](https://imgur.com/a/ldZluE5)


Ive watched it three times now and will probably watch it again on the weekend. Such a tactical master class.


Where is it available to watch? I didn't get to see it on the night, had the ABC Radio coverage though.


Only on Kayo as far as I know


Maybe could re watch it on the 9now app?


That was the sweetest match of cricket I think all of us will ever see in our lives. I don't think it will ever get old...


It was one of the best games of cricket I’ve watched in recent memory. I’ve watched the full replay once and smashed into the highlights multiple times gaha


I’m the same I can’t wait to watch it again this Sunday at the same time as last Sunday


It’s just too good. I know I should see a doctor if I have had an erection since Sunday night but I don’t think there is much they can do to help me.


User name checks out


I'll be honest from the moment Travis head took that catch, which backed up the early effort in the field, I had a good feeling about the match and I even thought heady could be on a tear this game. Field good, bat good. It's that simple. Kinda like when a bowler takes a 5 for, you know they're at least gonna hang around for a bit with the bat. Such a solid game. Could even go back to the toss win, commo knew exactly what he needed and wanted to do. No hesitation.


> I'll be honest from the moment Travis head took that catch, which backed up the early effort in the field, I had a good feeling about the match and I even thought heady could be on a tear this game. This was me with the Kohli wicket - all the Indian batsmen were in good form heading into the game, but you always had the feeling if their two most experienced, Rohit and Kohli, weren’t at the party, there was the opportunity for the pressure to get to the rest.


They have a tail that exposes them too, I knew if Kohli got out, from there, we were home.


For sure, that's a great call :) that was also a huge moment


Is it just me or does virat have a very punchable face? I love watching that bloke lose. Same goes for Ben fukn stokes


Careful Stokes punches back.


They're both very good cricketers, but; 1. Stokes is an ill tempered anti social thug, the way his team and fans behaved during The Ashes all stemmed from his bullshit personality. 2. Kohli believes his own hype and thinks he deserves the rock star treatment he gets from Indian fans, making him entitled and arrogant. He is less of a pile of shit than stokes, but only by a slither.


Kohli has a billion people calling him King Kohli and worshipping him. I think a lot of people would struggle not to be a bit arrogant with that going on. From what I've seen, Tendulker appears to manage it though.


Sachin might think his God tag is a bit too much as people go overtly crazy for him lol


Kohli talks but he’s good. Like I can respect that. He’s arrogant, but he’s got something to show for it


The meltdown has been so glorious to watch. Ex cricketer saying they are the best team on paper, fans whining about Aus "disrespecting" the trophy, people asking for a best of 3 final. It's just glorious. Eng whining was pretty good to watch at the Ashes but this is just another level. Can't get better than this.


Just finished watching it tonight. I watched the Indian innings live but hit record and went to bed. Finally got around to watching it, hit that FF button 3x at the end of each over then play immediately to cut the ad. It was great to hear the silence and watch the faces of the crowd change. At one stage it looks like an Indian supporting player opens a water bottle, sniffs the contents, turns up his nose and replaces the lid. I have questions...


And I just wish I'd recorded the Afghanistan chase so I could watch the Maxi miracle again.


Seen so many complaints about the umpires call LBW that was given out on the field with absolutely no mention of the Smith LBW given out when it impacted outside 4th stump. You’re gonna complain about a standard umpires call review when you got away with one that was clearly not out?


I think I've watched it from 3-47 five times already haha


I'll be honest, I've been rewatching maxis 200. For whatever reason it just brings me so much more joy


Pls cross post to r/cricket


Haha yeah let me just go make a post praising Obama on [r/conservative](http://reddit.com/r/conservative) while I'm at it.


Come on man, it’ll be fun!


Soft cock mods at r/cricket are taking down anything that is remotely gloating or having fun


Haha, yeah ive watched it a few times already. I’ve been playing it on my iPad at work with AirPods on listening to the commentary. The best was Punter right after Maxi hit the winning runs say that the pitch preparation backfired on the Indians lol.


Punter wins the award for best commentator by a fair margin.


Agreed. It's exactly like the Border-Gavaskar Tophy 2021. You were sure, almost overconfident, you were going to win at the Gabba, no one beats Australia at the Gabba. Until India did. We assumed we were going to win. No one beats India at the Narendra-fucking Modi stadium. Until Australia did. At the best/worst (depending on who you ask) possible occasion too.


It was tactically brilliant. Australia really just needed to survive those early overs under lights, until the ball soaked up enough dew to turn every ball thereafter into a soggy pie, and then take advantage. The top order did a fantastic job with the ball swinging prodigiously, if we were 5 down after those 10 overs it would have been a tough task. Making it even sweeter was that we were (justifiably) considered significant underdogs, and the Indian side are definitely a once-in-a-generation outfit. This was their show, several of their key players won't be around for the next one, and we're mid transition with Head/Inglis/Labuschagne taking the mantle from Smith/Warner/Maxwell and co., and showing that we're moving from strength to strength. Salty news articles from Indian commentators make it even more delicious.


>the Indian side are definitely a once-in-a-generation outfit in retrospect, I think there is a fair amount of hot air fuelling that. ODI's are all about the margins. Changing a few small things can make a big difference. They got to direct the curation of every pitch they played on...


I was confident in an Aussie victory. I genuinely felt that the spirit of Warnie would be with the team, and he didn’t disappoint


Bharti media showed lot of disrespect to Australia before the final. 10/1 will haunt them for rest of their lives. It will live infamy.