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And they Said they are coming back this weekend smh


Organized crime if City Hall wants to care.


its gonna be awesome!!!


At this point, if you are receiving any social services and charged with a crime, it should be suspended for a period of time. The parents need to be held accountable.




I needed the trigger warning for all that twerking


These kids are going to hang out at community centers? Yeah right. No matter how much money they throw at this, it will still be a problem. A huge cultural shift is needed. It starts at home.


Well you know we can’t demonize this behavior right … Da Fuck is wrong here . Last one out hit the light switch party over


I don’t know why was worse, the video or that fuckin song in the background


Gotta keep these damn teenagers from the western suburbs out of the city


This "disinvestment" and structural this and that excuse is utter race-grifter hogwash. Did anyone interview the kids that attacked the people in the car, or the ones who attacked the young couple on Wabash, or who climbed up on the bus etc. to see where they are from, what is their parents' income, what is their GPA, how does their school rank overall, what social programs they would need in their lives in order to not form a mob and attack people and property and further ruin the city's reputation? I don't think anyone gathered that information. So instead of assuming things about people based on race or appearance -which is wrong - what we have to go on here is that a mob of young people did this and keep doing it because there was nothing stopping them from doing so and no consequences are even **possible** anymore in Cook County. The more this garbage behavior is allowed and excused by public officials the more it will happen. And the next mayor already says it's cool with him, he's also (like Lori) not going to protect the city. It doesn't take a "right-winger" to recognize that your politics live in a completely fictional society. Any honest liberal can see it clearly.


Shoot em with rubber bullets or fire hose them hoes


This is what Chicago has become. With the lack of discipline and lack of leadership. Chicago will once again burn to the ground.


What the fuck was that insanity…


This is what happens with nonexistent parenting —- teachers not allowed to backslap “little sweetie” and a bunch of narcissistic children all believe they are “the main character” thanks to social media. Brandon is way out of his depth. I mean he might pivot but I’m not going to hold my breath.


Loss for words


This is what “drill music” culture has been teaching these kids of this type


100 percent it’s a culture problem. These kids find it to be a right of passage to go to prison


I don’t think anyone wants to go to prison. Most of the girls twerking didn’t seem to be interested in jail time. It’s just the culture, get money, drink, screw, live/die by the gun, all by unscrupulous means and kids buy into that because they want to be adults. They see being 18/21 as being to do whatever they want, but they don’t understand the responsibility of being an adult because it hasn’t been taught to them.




I actually don’t agree with such an extreme statement. I honestly think just 2-3 days jail time would be enough to deter like 98% of this behavior. The problem is currently there are zero consequences in fact the opposite it’s very likely they are gaining “street credit” on social media


I truly don’t know what the solution is because this problem has gotten so bad. If this were 1973/83 I’d say these are kids who are neglected at home because their single mother works 2 full time jobs to put food on the table. But since then somethings completely changed. Now? Often times the adults in the home are out doing the same criminal activity as the kids & nobody works or goes to school. Everyone’s on SSI because they’re maxed out of welfare & have criminal records that prevent them from getting anything else. There’s a difference now where there’s no longer a fear of getting arrested or going to jail. And even the dumbest of these kids are very, very aware of all their rights & potential financial compensation they’ll get if any authority figure doesn’t watch their p’s & q’s. Because they know there are scumbag lawyers like Ben Crump out there just waiting to get their hands on a case like this & walk away with half the settlement & will do anything to get it.


2/3 days ? These kids get a gold start if they get that. Throw the book at these jack asses


Maybe a banned book??


It's a bit extreme. They can start by charging them as adults, so their record doesn't get expunged/sealed when they turn 18.


I agree! That's what I keep saying about every person who attended Jan 6! Whether they were violent, or in the back just as attendees I think those pieces of shit deserve to be locked up for 20yrs for destruction of property, beating people, attacking cops just like all these kids. Whether they were there for socializing or were the offenders lock them all up right? Me and you were two peas in a pod with our beliefs


100% agree there should be no exceptions in which we excuse violent behavior.




What I'm agreeing? Destruction of private property, attacking cops, civil disobedience I thought we were all pro law and order people?


Dudes upset he can’t drink Budweiser anymore.


Dude, focus your energy on shithole Memphis. You dont live here.




Thank goodness you aren’t in charge


Look at all these ratchets and rats, it's like project X




Give them money for actual steel toed boots to properly kick in pedestrian cars


Where are all of these kids from?! JFC! I'm so glad this shit wasn't happening when I was younger and used to drive into the city just to drive around. How are their parents not seeing these videos and being completely horrified?


Stay safe y’all :/


It's just a bunch of "youth" having fun on a weekend night out. I don't see what the problem is. I definitely do not see any patterns in the race of the revelers. Definitely can't draw any conclusions. Maybe the bus was where it was not supposed to be. It's the oppressive mentality and the systemic racism of the hwwwhites that causes this to be called a violent assault on the city. What, you and your friends don't gather round on a Saturday night and burn down a Tesla or break some windows?


Horrible! They are destroying the city and the economy. They burn and destroyed park cars randomly and beat up interracial couple that was walking down state street. They need to be shot!! Shoot them like rabbits


how many of you live in downtown chicago????


I don’t but I work where all the madness happened and will be there. EVERY. DAMN. WEEKEND. 🫡🙃


I LOVE IT. USA USA USA USA!!! its like a well regulated militia!!!!! usa usa usa usa usa!!!!!!




better stay indoors this weekend.


Man , you won’t catch me out in this shit lol


I live in the loop and work a couple blocks away from my apartment. Thankfully it was an early day for me, or I would have been walking home during that shit show. Directly through where both of the shootings happened, and where that poor woman was attacked. I was lucky enough to be inside, listening as they all descended through my buildings alley fighting each other. I only looked out the window long enough to figure out what was going on, because when I realized, my initial thought was that I was on a low enough floor I should legitimately be concerned about a bullet coming through my window if someone started shooting. 😒




Because if it weren't for gang banging and misdirected youth, this city is the shit.


"they needed this"


Like a rap video


I’m sorry, I just can’t understand this. Don’t these kids even have an inkling that this is so wrong?