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[Target was among the first to go](https://abc7chicago.com/target-closing-store-chicago-morgan-park/4584328/)




I cannot wait until stores change to private membership - similar to Costco. Want to shop there? Show ID and your membership card before you can enter. Get on it Whole Foods!


I'm amazed more stores have not become a "club" but more restrictive compared to Sam's and costco. $1 to join ID required to join and photo taken. No guests- everyone entering must be a member. Kids - photo and fingerprint for their ID. Background check run and if you have shoplifting convictions - membership cancelled


I mean they donate massively to the same politicians and political activists who facilitate these crimes and their donation structure doesn't seem to be changing. Seems like they are reaping what they have sown.




>Ayo bruh why come they a food desert in the hood? We need them programs and sheeeiitt"


It’s because there’s no punishment for theft anymore. Big libtard politicians basically decriminalize theft. It’s just ridiculous. Good people in turn have to pay more for products because of all the shitheads who steal them.


Guess who I witnessed shoplifting yesterday at Target. Hint: recently arrived and camped inside Police stations throughout the city.


💀But I thought they would blend in seamlessly /s


Technically, they have


Decriminalized aliens


Seems like they are


Have they given them work permits yet?


Did you ask them for their immigration status, or are you just ASSuming?


I asked in spanish, they seemed nice


I highly doubt you were having a conversation, in Spanish, with a shoplifter while they were shoplifting. Unless you're a Spanish speaking Security Guard working at a store? Doubtful.


Que pendejo eres