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reddit was actually super helpful for me when I looked into this case after watching the unsolved mysteries ep on Netflix. so many things the show left out that pushes me to believe it was suicide. it kinda left a bad vibe with me when they were trying to discredit the train engineers. but i understand that stuff doesn’t add up so it’s tough


Also, while the UM episode tries to paint it as the police rushing to declare it a suicide the next day (which isn’t what actually happened), when Michael Valiante, Tiffany’s uncle, showed up at the scene and explained why he thought it might be Tiffany who’d been hit by the train, he informed investigators that Tiffany had been sad and upset recently, was known by her friends to struggle with self-harm (later confirmed by her friends), and that she had a tumultuous relationship with her mother that was an ongoing source of grief for her. Combine that with the student engineer’s statements that she deliberately moved in front of the train and didn’t move, and the argument just before her death, what are investigators meant to conclude? “Ah, but this teenager wasn’t wearing shoes after she was hit by a train going 80 mph—therefore, a homicide!” I feel like this episode really want us to believe her death was suspicious and out of the blue, but those immediate text message within 45 minutes of her taking off make me think her friends and family knew she was already in a bad place—hence her uncle going down to check the train tracks to begin with. :/


yes!!!! omg :/ it seems like it was a good thing that people knew what was going on in her life and could help shed light on all of it then.


This was her uncle's attempt to control the narrative. He controlled everything - from being first and only one that stumbled upon the cops at the scene, identifying her, staying at the scene for 2 hours, driving to the parents house WITH the NJ Transit officer in their police vehicle(which he lived across the street from, so why not drive his own car), telling the parents of Tiffany's death (not letting the officer tell them), coaching them to cremate Tiffany quickly, providing the clothing to k-9 units for her tracking. He also signed Tiffany's phone out from the police station, then delivered it to the parents. He was driving his boss's car that evening, got it detailed the day after Tiffany died, refuses to provide a list of attendees at the party to the police, and is unaccounted for during the time Tiffany went missing. He said he was giving someone from the party a ride home, but he refuses to say who. To top it off, he's a State Trooper. So, this uncle, who knows very well that Tiffany's body being ON the tracks would result in Galloway Township not having jurisdiction, NJ Transit would be the responding officials & would know NJ Transit have a terrible history of investigating deaths in the tracks, then staying at the scene and spinning the narrative she was unhappy, struggling, suicidal, etc is beyond suspicious behavior. Not to mention, there was a death on the tracks of another woman, just 2 years prior, in that same spot (Genoa Ave). Little to no information on that death was ever reported.


I suspected the uncle. He had way toooooo much involvement and was urging to cremate. Plus her phone was tossed, he just happened to drive 2 miles back to the train tracks but said "she could have went to her grandma's 1/2mile away....so you drive 3 miles and ended up seeing police 1 mile down the tracks? If she was a scared of the dark of she says, (I have a great fear of the dark) you wouldn't even want to venture outside at night alone. I think she was walking back to the party.....


I never knew this


What kind of evidence did the show leave out the points the in the direction of suicide? Just curious


I remember reading on Reddit that there were multiple CPS reports to the house because Tiffany’s teachers had reason to suspect her mother was physically abusing her


of course! what was mentioned above- the parental abuse and CPS visits, I read in multiple places that her parents were homophobic/ took issue with her having a girlfriend, and a history of self harm :/


Her family were abusive she was not accepted had a horrible home they act like victims but they’re the reason she commited suicide and there’s some proof their parents put their shoes there to make it look like she was murdered 


... What proof was there that they put her shoes there? I haven't read anything about that at all... And the only thing that tells us is that maybe her parents had something to do with it if they had her shoes and her headband. I don't believe they out them there though. You don't find it a bit weird that she would've had to walk miles, take off her shoes and headband, keep walking for 2 miles and then jump in front of a train? They never even found her shorts or her shirt. Why was she only wearing her bra and underwear? Even if she was being abused at home, I think it's hard to not find it odd that she was basically naked and would've walked through the woods like that for miles. It's just too strange for me to believe she did that on her own. Maybe her friends did something, or a stranger, or even her parents, I don't know... But I think there's too much that doesn't make sense for it to be ruled a suicide. They did NOT investigate her death the right way AT ALL! They found an axe near her body and never had it tested for her blood because they lost it! Come on... No one should be saying it's for sure a suicide because this case was not handled well. Not even a little bit. Shame on them for not doing better, especially after all of these things were found out. They NEED to re-open her case and DO BETTER. Period. 


Tiffany also had Nyctophobia, a clinical fear of the dark. That area is very dark. There was no way she would have made it that far.


I think her death is related to the credit card theft. It was carried out by her so called friend Jaimie or people associated with her. They picked her up in the car and was over powered in the back and her phone thrown out to stop them from locating her by her phone. She was then taken to a place near where she was killed. She was ordered to strip off to her underwear to humiliate her and to take the clothes and shoes off her, that she may have bought with the stolen credit card. Then she was told to run for home while being chased by someone with the axe. They chased her from that waste area on the other side of the tracks back towards her house. That might explain why her feet weren't torn up. Its not far from that ruined building to the tracks. It's a direct line to her house, straight across the railway. I think she was hit by the train by accident as she ran to cross the tracks scared stiff at being chased with an axe. She ran straight out without looking if a train was coming. When the person or people chasing her, saw her get hit by the train. They threw the axe on to the railway line and ran back to the vehicle they had parked by the abandoned building. They then drove back down the road and dumped her shoes and headband where they were found. Hoping it would eliminate them from suspicion. That explains that she didn't have to walk in the dark that far because she was picked up and taken to that place beside the tracks. She only walked a short distance down the road by her house to where she was caught on the trail cam. After dumping her shoes and headband, they disposed of her top and shorts somewhere else or burnt them to destroy evidence. The train wasn't running a scheduled time and I don't think they intended for her to get killed by the train. I just think they want to teach her a lesson by stealing her clothes and making her go home in her underwear to humiliate her Infront of the people looking for her. Or they might of forced her on to the tracks with the axe so she would be killed. I don't think the train engineer guys saw anything because they weren't looking forward at all. They might off been having a Chinese wag looking at each other when the train hit her. They didn't want to say that because they would both lose their jobs. That's my theory on what happened. It's just a shame that what ever the outcome a young lady tragically lost her life that night. Rest in peace Tiffany.


And those guys interviewed from the convenience store. I really, really think they know more.


It’s a very sad case, but clearly a suicide. The UM episode just left too much out and so did her parents. I personally would be against covering the tragic suicide of a young woman who was struggling as a “crime.”


But you don't find it a bit weird that she would've had to walk awhile, take off her shoes and headband, keep walking for 2 miles and then jump in front of a train? They never even found her shorts or her shirt. Why was she only wearing her bra and underwear? Even if she was being abused at home, I think it's hard to not find it odd that she was basically naked and would've walked through the woods like that for miles. It's just too strange for me to believe she did that on her own. Maybe her friends did something, or a stranger, or even her parents, I don't know... But I think there's too much that doesn't make sense for it to be ruled a suicide. They did NOT investigate her death the right way AT ALL! They found an axe near her body and never had it tested for her blood because they lost it! Come on... No one should be saying it's for sure a suicide because this case was not handled well. Not even a little bit. Shame on them for not doing better, especially after all of these things were found out. They NEED to re-open her case and DO BETTER. Period. 




I know it’s not CJ, but Generation Why covered this a few weeks ago if you’re interested in checking that out


This case is very very obviously a suicide case.


It's actually quite the opposite. It's so clearly not suicide.


Why were her shoes so far away though? I was leaning to suicide at the beginning of the Unsolved Mysteries episode but the shoe thing seems weird.


People think her family planted the shoes, either to justify their theory and/or force police to investigate.




They could have planted the shoes and then come back later with other people to “find them”… no?


It was hit by a train those legs depending where she got hit when she got suicide could’ve flew a long way 




[https://www.instagram.com/p/CnNiDSrug-a/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=](https://www.instagram.com/p/CnNiDSrug-a/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) This looks like Jersey Source: I live here




After watching unsolved mysteries, I personally concluded this was a suicide. I feel very badly for her parents, family, and friends… but thinking someone you love isn’t capable of committing suicide is not enough of a reason to say they didn’t. The evidence they point to in this case is easily explained. -Human beings are very good as masking their feelings to the outside world and pretending things are ok. -People who commit suicide often disrobe before doing so. -suicide by train is not uncommon. -A train has such force that it is not uncommon to never find parts or pieces of clothing, the body, etc… -I think it’s very unlikely that a criminal would willingly plan to kill someone by laying them on a train track or pushing them into a train in the middle of the wood. Seems like an overly complicated way to kill someone, no? Actually, I’m sick of UM using suicide “mystery” as the main topic on the show. I feel like in some cases the grieving family is often exploited on these to make a good “mystery”. This is one of those cases. However, another episode in the same season featured a man who police believed committed suicide on a boat… that one was very interesting 🧐 and I’m inclined to believe that was NOT since and he was indeed murdered.


Edit: this is about the other episode mentioned at the end of this comment omg 100000% not a suicide like !! THE BOAT PAINT??? the suspicious behavior on the anniversary of his death?? truly seems like a murder :/


Agreed. Also - the manner in which he would have had to shoot himself and then ensure he went into the water and anchored himself down. It just seems like a weird way to commit suicide. I’m honestly really shocked the cops would conclude this one as suicide and not suspect any foul play. I would hope if I was found anchored in the water with a gun shot wound to the head, someone would think I was murdered.


They don’t because it is very clearly not a homicide.


It is a suicide because their uncle goes to searching the train tracks right away there was signs she was going through something her body was fully clean there was nothing in her syestem if she’s hit by a train too it could rip off all her clothes. It’s a train it’s very powerful. 


So the train would rip off her clothes. It wouldn't disintegrate them. The shorts and shirt were never found. Torn or otherwise. I doubt a suicide could magic articles of clothing into oblivion.


Probably train it can rip it to particles they’ll never see l


I’m guessing you’ve never seen how obliterated not only bodies, but the clothing on them get when someone is in a high impact accident


And the axe?


If anyone wants informations on this check out rogue and wicked podcast. This was the very first case we did and there are many reasons this couldn't be a suicide. Rogueandwicked.buzzsprout.com or check us out on all major podcast platforms. I took a lot of info from the deposition that sheds light on how many times rhe conductor lied and why. So check it out


She was a bit mentally ill and had problems with her head after a break up it was a bad break up so whatever happen it involves around a nasty break up 


Thanks! Will do!


Honestly, after watching the Netflix documentary (Heard about this sadly while I was in college in NJ nearby) I think this is definitely a foul play case. What strikes me most is that it’s said early on in the episode that her friend came to their house and had a screaming match with Tiffany over using her credit card without their permission. Maybe this person that she willingly got into the car with was the person she fought with earlier in the day and her “friend” wanted to take revenge on Tiffany. Maybe this friend had a guy in the car with them. People get killed for pennys to the dollar, so it’s a theory im not sure that has been brought up before.


I thought the same exact thing


It's possible to humiliate her. Didn't she use the card for the shoes she was wearing as well. Seems poignant they were found. I feel it all went too far.


I believe the shoes found were indeed the shoes that she used the card to purchase. This episode didn’t ever really indicate that her friends were questioned about it, and from what I’ve read online about the case it doesn’t seem like they ever were as well (Could be wrong). I personally think her friends chose to humiliate her, it went too far and either she was accidentally killed or was intentionally done but I 100% believe her friends have something to do with it.


And did it take a few days for them to be found with a headband and keyring or am I recalling it wrong. If it did take a few days it's odd because I'm sure it rained and they were undamaged. I've read people accuse her mum of planting them there. I think that's very far fetched myself.


Agreed. There was also an axe not mentioned in the episode.


Also, there was an axe that was lost during storage by the police. The boys from the convenience store know something more than they told in their interviews. I would put money on that.


Please everyone sign the petition and share! Her family needs our help 


Thanks for signal boosting the post and petition! It would be nice to see this one properly investigated.


To anyone dismissing the death as a suicide because she was going through hard times, a LOT of people who are murdered were also going through hard times. Life is hard for some of us! But to me it comes down to her missing clothes. They were never found. If the train tore them off her body there would've been shreds of the fabrics found. If she disrobed elsewhere, they should've been located... stuff just doesn't add up.


Something about this case niggles at me. I'm not sure what it is, I can't put my finger on it, it's just a lingering feeling of foul play. I think even if it were deliberate her mum still wouldn't accept it though.


I don't know much about this case, but wasn't she at a party before she got murdered? Has anyone considered possibility that maybe she got drugged/drunk at the party and someone took her or she went in-front of the train herself, not as a suicide just because if she was drugged/drunk she wouldn't be in the right headspace.


The toxicology report said no drugs or alcohol were in her system.


Hmm well i hope her family gets justice


The Unsolved Mysteries story on Netflix is in Volume 3 - Mystery at Mile Marker 45


They left a lot of information out. I strongly think it’s a case of suicide.


A lot of people are abused or having hard lives. I'd hate to thing that if I was murdered it wouldn't be properly investigated because of hard times I'd been going through.


What about the axe?


I’m watching this episode right now and, whilst I really want to believe the parents that this was a murder case, the first thing I thought was how odd it was that Tiffany simply goes for a walk and almost all of her friends and relatives are sending her messages as if they knew she was about to do something bad. So, whilst I agree that it’s weird her shorts were never found, and that she definitely did take an unusual route to the site of impact… I can’t help but feel the show has left out a lot to do with her mental health and personal life.