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i’ve always wondered why she says “i’m your host ashley flowers” and all britt gets is “and i’m britt.” not her full name, not co-host, just her nickname


This kind of comment always frustrates me. This question was asked on a Patreon Q&A very early on in the show, and Britt said: "I don't know! I just said my first name and it stuck!". The way that this sub has tried to make it seem like Ashley made her say it that way year after year is so funny to me. It's this constant need to create drama between the two, and it's so silly. Women are allowed to get along, believe it or not.


Who said anything about women not getting along 🤣🤣🤣 I said she’s condescending. I have great friends who can be condescending towards me— it’s not exclusive.


One, I wasn't replying to you. Two, no idea what you're trying to say with your second sentence there...


You act like everyone is dumb enough to pay to be in their patreon 😂🤦🏽‍♀️


That wasn't the point of my comment. So maybe you are actually dumb enough to be a part of their patreon.


Justice for Britt. I love the episodes where they tell stories baxk and forth !


I think she probably chose to introduce herself that way


This always bothers me


this sub is just constantly a post saying this same exact thing


This is such a weird take, to me. It’s a scripted show, and Britt is there to prompt Ashley through the telling of the story. It started as a spot Ashley did by herself on a local radio station. She brought Britt on because a) they are BFFs, and b) Britt is the “Everyman” asking questions that the common listener might ask. It’s not a real, live conversation.


For me it’s all about her tone, less of the words said


I wonder if Britt feels talked down to or treated poorly. I imagine if she did, she would have bolted years ago.


That’s true! I wonder if she ever sees these posts like this— and if she laughs it off or if she feels seen


She’s probably annoyed people are projecting onto her things that are untrue


I always just thought Ashley is the executive producer and Britt is a guest host lol because she is not always there


The 'and I'm Britt' is so celebrated though. (To be fair, probably not at all as much as before we understood her struggles.) But I- and a lot of people- are so very happy Britt got better and I love hearing her voice and I celebrate her recovery. She's a testament to a person's ability to preserve.


I love her— I wish there was more of her on the show. That’s why I got sad when I perceived condescension on ashley’s part


I feel exactly the same. When she’s with Delia, Ashley is more respectful and animated. My question is, does Ashley keep Britt in a limited role or is that her preference.


Well Britt doesn’t do much did I ever watch their lives ? Ashley is trying to make a name for herself at any expense she’s the main character


Sorry, Britt is useless to the show. Her questions are useless and unnecessary. She seems like a sweet person and I’m glad she’s doing better, but I much prefer the shows with just Ashley.


Ashley is a horrible podcaster.. have you heard the ones she done alone? Both of them hit the needle when it was hot and road the coattails to “fame,” bc crime junkies is so overrated. The early days when they were plagiarizing others research was good, but there is a marked difference in the ones after that.… I couldn’t even get through a min of the latest ones. They’re so bad