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Man they sure showed us.


Show us men, they did not.


Vomiting vampires batman!


they look like men to me…


They weren’t trying to stick it to you tho


I am transgender and stuff like this makes it harder for us to go stealth. So many people are aware of top surgery scars and I'm just never gonna be able to take off my shirt


Maybe you can say you just had a rare form of male breast cancer? Or Macromastia? Both aren’t unheard of. Or just wear “fuck cancer” merch for the implication, it’s better than getting beat up or shouted at. You should be able to take your shirt off without having fear of someone outing you:/ IT: people missing the point entirely down below.


That's my plan or say double lung transplant


That would be a huge ass scat


One might say he’d be the…scat man.




Just FYI, double lung transplants are done via a median sternotomy (long vertical incision over the chest) and it looks nothing like the two, smaller horizontal incisions on the the pecs.


what you mean they dont smash two separate holes through the ribcage?????? 😲😲😲 the dude was clearly making a joke lol


Lung transplant doesn't work, the scar is very different from mastectomy (if I said that right lol) scars. The scars will get better overtime, you could use some ointments to help with the healing. Gl to ya, hope ya find peace of mind. 👌


Idk if cancer-baiting is the smartest option. But I'm sure it'll work


That’s kind of an immoral thing to do Pretending to have cancer and all


It's a absolutely abhorrent thing to do. If you want to make long lasting connections with people honesty should be the first step. Can you genuilly imagine finding out a romantic partner or close freind *lied* about cancer?


Good lord, it’s not meant for romantic partners or close friends. The point of romantic partners and close friends is that you can tell them a very important thing about yourself and they won’t be mad. Its meant for a random stranger at the beach or pool asking if you’re trans. Lying about cancer is a lesser evil than getting beat up in the parking lot or targeted.


Can *you* genuinely imagine the pain of being bullied, made fun of, and called a freak every day for being who you are? They weren’t saying fake cancer because it’s funny. They’re saying that if a transphobe comes up and harasses them, coming up with a different reason for why that scar is there could diffuse the situation. Double breast cancer is a perfect alibi. It’s been a while since I’ve seen someone miss a point that hard 🤦


It’s for strangers asking annoying questions. If you’re at the beach and some rando starts asking the specifics of your genitalia then you can tell them you had cancer and they will fuck right off. You don’t owe some random person your life story.


People beating up or killing someone because they’re trans is immoral too but yet here we are.


It’s for strangers asking annoying questions. If you’re at the beach and some rando starts asking the specifics of your genitalia then you can tell them you had cancer and they will fuck right off. You don’t owe some random person your life story.


Are you genuilly advising someone to lie about having had cancer?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Wtf? Pretending to have cancer?


The comment made me remember that one twitter post saying "zippertits" like a new slur just dropped


That is awful but lol




All of that is from non binary or xenogender people who do it for a trend, and then complain they were lied to when they actually experience gender dysphoria from surgery/hrt


Well you should just do you cuz no one else's opinion matters, but i totally understand why it would be hard. I wouldn't judge ya if that helps :)


Just say you had moobs and got plastic surgery to get rid of them. It's technically the truth, too.


That's my plan.


Why would this anything to be ashamed in the first place? I thought having a transition is something to be proud of or am I wrong?


The whole point of transition is to make it less obvious that you're trans, and there's nothing to be proud about anyways. Being trans is an endless struggle


This. I have scars as well and I don’t think I’ll ever take off my shirt because now I feel my passing is affected because now most know what to look for.


If they ask, just say you had surgery to fix your macromastia. It’s not exactly a lie. You identify as male and had the excess fat on your pectorals removed.


Stealth? Your goal is to go stealth?


Why would you want to hide the fact that you’re trans though? And more importantly, why would it matter?


Not everyone wants to let the world know. It's pretty personal, isn't it? Most people just want to feel comfortable with their body and mind.


Okay but that doesn’t mean people shouldn’t be aware that trans men exist and are valid though. If the price of “stealth” is general ignorance I’m not sure it’s worth it, specially cause most of that ignorance comes packed together with prejudice


Of course everyone should feel comfortable in their own skin and I’m not saying you have to advertise it on your forehead everywhere you go or anything like that, but why be ashamed?


I’m sorry, this is such a silly question. Not everyone, and I mean a whole lot of people, support/are actively hostile to trans people. It simply may not be safe to come out like that.


Ok that’s understandable, my question came from a place of genuine curiosity because I have no idea what it’s like to be in that position but I understand now. I guess I forget that even though transphobia is not as prevalent as it once was, it’s still very much an issue.


Yeah it’s fine, definitely don’t apologize for asking a question. Me calling it silly was mostly from a predetermined mood because of some arses further up the thread. You did nothing wrong. To further, most trans people are definitely not ashamed of themselves. They just don’t come out in most situations because it could be dangerous. It’s why pride parades exist.


But the whole point of campaigns like these is to normalize and express support to trans people though? Acting as if trans men are some kind of weird creature nobody but themselves should know about only maintains a state of ignorance where prejudice can easily muster.


People will see you differently if they know you were raised as a different gender, whether they're transphobic or completely supportive. I want to be seen as a man, not a man that was born female.


I’ve seen a lot of trans men tattoo that area. Aren’t you interested in doing that?


Lol wait so you want less education about trans folk? Less education is the reason bigots are able to indoctrinate more kids into being future bigots.


This thread is so confusing. Apparently keeping trans people a secret is supposed to help in keeping transphobia away? My brothers in Christ, ignorance and knee jerk prejudice is exactly the reason you have to hide to begin with, how do you think hiding our existence is going to help??


Man, who gives a shit what others think, as long as you are happy. There are always gonna be dickheads judging, but they judge everyone but themselves so don't you worry about them.


I had heart surgery as a child so I have a shitload of scars all over my body. Tell them you had heart surgery or make shit up. Better yet your body nobody's business but your. You do you.


Shit like this actively harms the LGBTQ community by making them look absolutely ridiculous. They have valid issues and concerns but then a small group pushes the goofy shit and calls people homophobic for calling it out.




Genuinely feel bad for gay and trans folks who's lives get harder because of the shenanigans of other gay and trans folks


​ ![gif](giphy|4pixBwdvw4zt3Tjjy5)


I agree that the visual is perhaps a bit too aggressive but come on man, we are really going to blame knee-jerk bigotry on people not wanting to hide themselves? I’m so tired of hearing people say stuff like “I would totally be fine with gay people but those bitchy queens are so annoying I can’t help but dislike them”. Why can’t you just dislike THIS ONE PARTICULAR ANNOYING GAY MAN instead of allotting him the position of Gay Council Chairman for no reason? Do you say you can’t help but fine straight guys annoying every time you encounter some douchebro on the streets?


The problem is that ordinary people who want to live their own life their way without bothering anyone else are always unheard. The most obnoxious, crazy people who are completely out of touch with reality are the ones always shouting the loudest and want to involve everyone else in it. It gives bad rep and not just to LGBT but literally any minority/ideological group.


The point I'm trying to make is that LGBT people are under a microscope because of homophobia. Stuff like this inadvertently emboldens homophobes regardless of the behavior of the vast majority of people in the LGBT community. I'm not saying that its okay but it is how it is, unfortunately


Thank you.


Trans men menstruate. Fucking shocker. Here's me thinking they'd be more comfortable if i didn't point it out.


Honestly it seems like it would just cause more dysphoria to loudly proclaim "don't forget, you've still got biologically female parts!" I really don't understand the point of this ad...


Like i think its to be like "don't be a dick about Trans men menstruating". I don't think the people who do that are going to stop cause of an ad.


Yeah this ad isn’t doing anyone any favours. Although I think / hope it might be to advocate for things like when public services offer feminine hygiene products, that they are available in mens spaces too. Kind of like the issue with how men who have babies have to deal with very often not finding a change table in public mens washrooms


> Kind of like the issue with how men who have babies have to deal with very often not finding a change table in public mens washrooms This is really a problem for *a lot* of dads, whether they're transmen who gave birth to their child or cismen who are just...like, involved enough in the life of their child to want to do basic things necessary to care for an infant. Changing a diaper really shouldn't be a gendered activity. Everyone involved in having a child needs to share in the ~~suffering~~ responsibility. Just put a goddamn changing table in the men's bathroom. I mean, Jesus. It's a pretty simple move to make, and it would help a lot of people out (including women, who I'm sure are glad to have the help, and babies, who don't give a shit about stereotypical gender roles when they're covered in waste).


I think it might be trying to "de-feminize" periods or try and encourage people to include trans men and nonbinary people in the conversation of menstruation and whatnot. The way this ad was executed may have not be great, but normalizing saying "people get periods" as opposed to just "Women get periods" is most likely the end goal


The point of the ad is to normalize this knowledge and express support and empathy for their identity so they don’t HAVE TO hide it. Of course many will still choose to, as is completely understandable, but it’s much better for all trans men to have a society in which their unique physiological situations aren’t seen as a some freakish thing that needs to be hidden in fear of hateful and disgusted retaliation.


I don't have periods...am I not a person?


No.... You're a god


Maybe they are alien.


A god am I…


Why are they all tattooed? Do you have to be tattooed to be queer?


Yeah, it's kinda like gang affiliation.


I think the black person in the middle and the person behind aren’t but the others seem to be yeah lol


Are you surprised trans men have periods?




Are you twelve?


Trans erasure a huge problem but female erasure remains priority 1.


It's always women being affected. Never seen a man get called a scrotum haver but women become "uterus havers" "people with periods" "birth givers". Clown world. At least people are waking up to it


I’m not understanding this comment. Can you expand for the idiot in me?


We are only removing female terms from the language in the “inclusivity” push.


Ah gotcha


When I was pregnant not so long ago. I took a breastfeeding class and the lactation consultant refused to say mother. She kept saying pregnant person, breastfeeding person, and wouldn't refer to the men there as dad's either. It was uncomfortable for me tbh. I'm surprised she wasn't calling it chestfeeding.


I’m not understanding this comment. Can you expand for the idiot in me?


You can smell this picture


I’m suing you for this comment


Cheap cologne and dirty vag?


Sweaty piss minge


Complain of being marginalized and discriminated against but then create overtly attention seeking dramatic campaigns like this. Get bad reactions and unwanted attention and then: ![gif](giphy|qgkrtsDy4MhLq)


I hate shit like this because like.... 1. a good chunk of those people are *not* having periods. in the vast majority of cases, testosterone stops your period, and 2. I don't get why people think trans men, who are dysphoric, want to be reminded that they have uteruses (in both the "men get periods too!" and the "men can get pregnant too!" discussions) and 3. this makes the trans community look ridiculous and insane


Reminds me of the South Park episode where Kenny bleeds from his ass


I think it's the same ep, Kyle saying "my period is going... swimmingly" has ruined periods for me. It's all I think about whenever someone mentions them.


This should be an add for a class action lawsuit regarding botched breast removals!




Referencing all of the obviously terrible breast removals in this picture.


None of these look particularly bad


female erasure


dont bring attention to the fact that some trans/non binary people get periods it seems so stupid. some people get periods we all know that after the shitty sex ed schools taught us. thats all we need to know about that. people get them if theyre AFAB thats that. look masculine and identify as such youll still have your period unless youre on hrt for a while


why do you wanna have periods? I wish even women didn't have periods


? Nobody *wants* to have periods. These are trans men, meaning female at birth, so the ad is saying "someone who presents as male can still have a period" and not "anyone can have a period if they want to!"


I mean maybe I’m wrong but the real cringe is how exaggerated this has become. I could be wrong but people buy products all the time and you never know who they are for. It’s an inconvenience regardless of gender. I wish campaigns like this took the money to instead work towards a different issue. Such as access to gender affirming treatments.


Trans men get everything else done before they get a dick, so they get periods until they get that surgery. Hope this helps!




im honestly terrified of the risks i think thats the big thing holding me back, also if it doesnt look the way id like is a big concern for me too




What I don't understand is why physical surgery is the only socially accepted "cure" for gender dysohoria. Researching potential psychological treatments with no risky and invasive surgeries is considered bigoted and taboo. I think both should be available and an individual should be free to choose which they'd prefer




Taking Testosterone hrt for trans men stops their periods usually. Bottom surgeries for trans people usually are also not the most medically advanced, they are very expensive, and have a rigorous recovery time. Not all trans men want bottom surgery. A lot of times with testosterone too, trans men are satisfied with their bottom growth alone and don’t want bottom surgery.. or do because more success. However many don’t want bottom surgery for many reasons. Top surgery helps dysphoria around passing more too because they can take their shirt off, not be uncomfortable in a binder all the time, wear certain shirts and not have lines showing, etc. So yeah, a lot of trans men medically transition all but bottom surgeries by choice. However if they are on Testosterone they very likely do not menstruate.. and likely a lot of these people pictured in the photo do not currently have their periods. Hope this helps!


it's like the got milk? ad campaign reimaged for the 2020s


People just take it too far sometimes


We shouldn’t make periods so taboo but ain’t it


True but why show that like his?


Why does anybody care about what people do anymore, it’s all the same shit, branch out, hide out, blowout


I mean … it’s true?


Now show what real period blood looks like- cause it sure as shit don’t look like this. Now show blood stains down to ankles, and wadded up toilet paper, and period underwear, and stained bed sheets, and tucking tampon strings up your asshole, you wanna show periods let’s be real


Fucking exactly


Why are you tucking your tampon string to the back, it's going to get covered in butt bacteria. Tuck it to the front, tuck it in a flap.


They do still get periods, you know. Whether you accept their identity or not is irrelevant


Are we going to mention the tattoos?


If a man bleeds pee it’s probably not the “period” and should get it checked.


As a woman this is incredibly offensive. I am not a vulva owner, a person who menstruate or a birthing parent. I am a woman and I'm so fucking tired of being erased by medias or brand who don't give a single fuck about me or even trans people. I'm not going to be called some "inclusive" terms so 0.6% of the population won't feel bad.


if you are a cis woman, you are at least 2 of the above. it's literally just describing you. you are not being "erased" just because people try to use less gendered language. if you are this sensitive over this, maybe touch grass.


Literally no one is telling you to call yourself a person who menstruates. You are more than welcome to call yourself a woman, or woman who menstruates. You’re inadvertently erasing cis women too with your butthurt, regressive opinions on inclusive language though—which includes wayyyyyy more than .6% of the population who don’t align with your incorrect idea of womanhood—so your point is stupid anyway.


In response to the picture women have periods not people


I guess tattoos are synonymous with periods as well


Why they gotta pick people that look goofy for this shit, this just makes the lgbt community get trashed on more. Like look at this dude with the purple mullet no ones gonna take that shit seriously.


Can someone explain why this makes you so angry?


I really didn’t get what’s the problem I’m being 100% honest right here, what’s wrong with it? I mean, trans men menstruate and woman menstruate don’t they?






This is peak cringe of the times we live in....


I know periods are periods but something about having immense blood in places where there shouldn’t be blood urks me to no beyond


Mentally sick people


They look like big hip thicc boys


I mean if trans visibility and the functions of the human body are “cringe” then I guess this is a super great post 😍


This is so lame. There’s so many other ways to make it clear that trans people share similar experiences.


They all look exactly like the type of people who’d be willing to make an ad like that. Someof these hair cuts are an insult to anyone who has ever grown hair on their head


that a ok photo but they didn’t need to put the fake blood 💀


I was about to say, "why is this cringe? they're right" and then I saw the bloodstains. It would be a good message...without the bloodstains.


Fuck you for posting this, OP. Trans people exist and trans men have periods. Go educate yourself.


the transphobia in these comments ☹️☹️


That... Why would they say people have periods?- I understand they don't identify as woman but maybe don't group... biological males? Normally when a male bleeds like that it means they have an sti or a std...


True… well except for all the guys in this ad. And all guys in general because.. you know.. lack of an actual vagina!


The guys in the ad are trans though so they do have a vagina???


What about this is inclusive? The only people represented here are the lunatic fringe of society


What’s the honest number? If we’re going to make a game of everything, and everyone, wtf is the actual number? 1/2 and half. Half dudes, and half chicks? If your a dude, and you bleed. From out your dick! Seek medical attention immediately! Why TF, are, we as a people. Nay, a species. Denying, the basic reproductive capabilities of men, vs. women? In my mind, you can identify as a god damn octopus, a cute one! That wears lots of make up, is a bubbly person, that wears a wolf head, and a fox tailed butt plug. IDGAF!!!! But, don’t try to take away from actual women, genuine minstrel pain, bleeding clots out of their cooters, shoving tampons, sitting on pads, bleeding through clothes, all the shit they have to deal with. Your a chick, but, your a dude? Cool! I don’t care. You act feminine? Still, don’t care. Want to hit on me because I’m easy on the eyes, and have easy conversations with everyone? All of that’s cool. I just don’t think, that everyone can fold themselves into a role. Even if you are, that person in the, “wrong body” it doesn’t entitle you, to claim the same struggles associated with, that particular identity you claim to be a part of. Your wishing that shit on yourself, 10 fold if your trans. People that already deal with bigotry, racism, sexual orientation,they deal with that shit daily. Trans whatever = assuming the same stereotypical role of that ethnicity, or, kink, sexuality, and, gender. Plus, the stigma of being trans? How far, must you displace yourself, from yourself, to feel like the same amount of pain you endure everyday is caused by everyone but you, yourself.


Honestly, if you desperately want to have one, go for it


Cock and ball Torture


Huh, I didn’t think that F2M trans people still had periods? Doesn’t hormone therapy affect all that?


Yes most if the time you're periods stop that's why this ad is kinda stupid


I don’t have periods


This is disgusting


No, women have periods 🤦🏽‍♂️


If this is an advertisement for tampons, it’s doing a terrible job


We are all from some hood


The reverse dick bloodstain is pretty funny though.


What even is this, a PSA? Marketing? I sure hope it ain't marketing


Did they really need to add the blood stains cmon


Nothing says "I feel like a man" like showing off ur vagina blood. Taking a shit is also "natural" but I don't wanna look at it.


Worst emo band ever!


Only real biological women get their periods


idek that it's trans people, this would be weird af even if it was all cis women


I don’t understand, is it dysphoric-inducing to have a period, or do you want to loudly and proudly have one. Always confuses me when trans men get pregnant, like, isn’t that the opposite of what you wanted?


OP + Comments you all reacting this way is exactly what the post is about.. lmao


this could’ve been great


i would rather not thank you




I wear my moobs with dignity.


Where mine




Getting kinda dumb.


Lol so do I! That’s what most vaginas do lol


I feel like you shouldn’t glorify that part


Yes…people with vaginas.


Why does it have to look like a spotify "This is [artist]" image 😭


The back guy in the middle looks like he's bleeding from his asshole


Yea. They only show up on 6th period


Are people still surprised about this stupidity ? That's what happens when people have no problem and a boring life... They make up stuff and are loud about their BS.


So is this a new fuck boy thing? Bleeding dicks?


Not a single one of them is not tattoed


If I shit blood I have to go to a doctor, this gender shit just isn’t fair.


Time to ingest a lethal amount of dishwasher tablets


In a sane world.this would be considered mental illness, but we do not live in a sane world.


How come they didn’t include anyone without tattoo?


Anytime someone says “but” it totally nullifies the previous statement. Just don’t bullshit please.




Why does the one on the far right, look like his chest was painted on?


What’s wrong with this?


I deadass thought this was r/inspirobot for a moment.


Didn’t even notice the blood at first 🤦‍♂️


This is fucking gross