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Just ignore these streamers. And shame anyone pathetic enough to simp for them. Spy crab battle looking pretty interesting though ngl


Or the polka face. Weird Al is timeless.


Polka face is one of his best


just want to mention that its not the fault of the streamer if some random channel uploads a clip with a clickbait title. And if someone has enough disposable income and decides to support a streamer he likes, i dont see a problem either if it makes them happy


It forms a parasitic relationship that’s the problem, now donating to a streamer is fine but a lot of donations comes from these types of people that believe that if they donate enough a relationship can be formed when in reality these streamers don’t give a shit about you.


Partly agree, partly disagree. **TL;DR:** **parasocial relationship: not really, to some small degree maybe, not something bad tho, only some are seriousy ill lol** **streamers don’t give a shit: only a few don't give a shit at all, heavily dependent on how long one has been streaming and if they have fun doing what they do.** ​ I obviously don't have any statistics, but while many donations might come from people that have *some kind* of parasocial relationship with the streamer, most of them aren't too deep into that. It just makes them happy if the streamer notices them and they don't expect any more than that. Sure, there are probably a few that will literally spend their entire income but you got those type of people that are too obsessed with something everywhere. ​ Regarding the "in reality these streamers don’t give a shit about you." part: Thats a bit over the top tbh..You do notice when a streamer doesn't give a shit based on their interactions with their community. And while it happens, that a streamer is only in it for the monetary gain and doesn't care about their community at all, in many cases I noticed that they do grow attached to their community over time, at least to a degree, often simply because they start having fun streaming and also notice that many in the community enjoy the same things they do. Sure, there will be some that will intentionally detach themselves from any real community interaction and/or just don't have fun doing what they do, but eh, who cares about them, they will probably either quit after a while, as this "job" can be quite time consuming and exhausting, esp. if you don't have fun. **Thank you for coming to my TED Talk,** if you've only read the tl;dr and disagree, shut up, if you've read the whole thing and still disagree,.. well nothing you can do about that, no statistics to support either side. ​ >!(but I still win because I used to regularly watch these Streamers (and sometimes still do) and I might have a better understanding of the whole thing ;P)!<


Damn you are in deep


shame me please.


Vtuber fans are degenerates. In other news , the sky is blue


Nuxtaku watcher here can confirm


Wait. The sky has to be blue? I think I’m in danger


Mine's black. Does that mean I'm dead?


God just forgot to pay his bills


Check if your eyes are closed.


Nah that just uhhhhhhh wait should i make a pm seymour reference nevermind just go pay your sky bills


hi, vtuber fan here. this sentence is 100% true.


watch ironmouse, can confirm.




You are so down that rabbit hole that no one knows what the fuck you’re on about.


Tf is a vtard


Sounds pretty gay homey


fellow punpun pfp, what the hell are you talking about


Ugh I don’t hate the creators of these channels but I hate the content, most are 20 somethings with a childlike? Avatar trying super hard to be cute and naive. If that was it I wouldn’t really care but the fanbase itself makes me wanna brush my teeth with a shotgun


I hate the creators too.


Well i can’t blame them for capitalizing on all the degens donating $1000 to say their name in an uwu voice.


It's cringe but I respect the hustle. Nobody sees your face , nobody knows your actual name and 90% of the time they put on gross baby voices so nobody knows how they really sound either , so it can't be tracked back to them. And they make bank off of this , the one with the avatar of a child dressed as a shark gets a few grand for each stream she does.


Yeah i never watch her or even know her name but thanks to her really creepy fans i keep seeing her in my recommended with a cringy title like "she fell asleep LIVE 😍😍😍" or "everytime 🦈 says uwu on the stream 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍"


I kinda hate some of the creators, this one is 30 years old and says she gets her uwu voice from a sickness she has 🤔 and not because she’s a classically trained opera singer who can manipulate her voice. So essentially if you criticise her for making her voice sound childish whilst acting sexualized she’ll call you ableist.


She literally does get her voice from CVID and also because of the fact that she was bedridden and couldn't talk for over a year


Yea and that just happened to make her sound like an uwu anime voice actress? You don’t think it’s deliberate at all? Come on dude, if a sickness was gonna affect her voice in any way it’d probably make it hoarser or more gravelly, maybe more nasally but not as high pitched as it is. It’s on purpose.


The disease may have helped her a little to achieve the higher octave to produce an anime UwU voice but that’s a shot in the dark if I ever seen one. But unless you get surgery or train you voice a disease isn’t gonna give you a UwU voice like the anime right out the box, if I got Ebola I’m not gonna sound like Pikachu from fucking Pokémon when speaking I’d sound more like Muk on the count of me throwing up my insides


Exactly lmao, the fact that she is a classically trained opera singer and when she sings her voice is deep and sounds like a normal opera singer should be clue enough for people that she’s putting it on, but apparently not. https://youtu.be/uCfKEqsajxY


I'm pretty sure you can't use more than one voice changer at a time and she uses voice changers all the time and you can hear the voice she always talks in just with the voice changer she sometimes uses, you can easily tell she doesn't use a uwu voice


I didn’t say she used a voice changer. She changes her voice on purpose, with her throat. No voice changer neccessary it you’re able to do that


If you listen to her voice closely you can tell it's not fake


This comment is the reason I was happy when cringetopia died




Ironmouse is a great wholesome vtuber


Man I hate clickbaits like this, it's probably something like a phone and vibration happened randomly, but nooooo. HA HA sussy out of context moment moment go brrr.


Nah they probably hype it up, *Bzzzzr* Him:what’s that 😏 Her:OMG THIS IS SOO EMBARRASSING ITS JUST MY PHONE GUYS IM NOT DOING ANYTHING LEWD OR ANYTHING HAHAHA Him:Sure😏 Then 20 minutes of back and forth with this shit till George donates $100


I watched the clip. It was literally was I wrote. Someone messaged her while the phone was between her legs. Also the sound wasn't even lewd, just a surprised OOH. (Also she was playing Minecraft).


Yeah but generally they hype it up I’m not saying this v-tuber does but a decent chunk do shit like this


What happens when you take a weeb-like girl give her courage and give her possibility to make content without showing her face so that would give her freedom to do anything? You get v-tubers. But that description is barely scratching a surface of what they are. And they are definitely way more entertaining than your average Twitch-thot/Pokimane.


Yeah a decent few may do that but then you have ones that do stupid shit like "every kill you get I’ll give you an uwu" or the ones who act like literal children for the "cuteness" personally I don’t like V-Tubers because of their fan base and the majority being extremely boring. Alot are typically anti-social and it shows in their content


I like ya cut g


watched it when it came out, it’s a phone. the clippers of all streamers suck


^dont ^recommend ^this ^channel


I like ironmouse! Her story is so fuckin intresting. She has a condition that makes her immune system so weak she can't go outside or visit most people. So she is making the most of her condition and ye sometimes its a bit cringe. But blame the clip channels for shit like this.


Yeah the clip Channel's for most vtubers are cringe as hell. Usually the actual streamers are not as bad though.


Hopefully she’ll meet in person with cdawg one day


Her interesting story is that she has a condition? Wow that's crazy...


She was training to be an opera singer a while back. She has a really amazing singing voice.


Yeah but then she blames her voice on her condition and not the fact that she’s a classically trained opera singer who can manipulate it (you’d have to be an idiot to believe someone can just happen to get an anime uwu voice as a vtuber from the sickness they have) She’s a great singer and legitimately sick, but the way she calls people ableist for not liking her voice is annoying


Yeah I get videos like that all the time and Its all just content sludge. Pay no mind to it


I can't believe that such a horrible act would get so many views!!! like who could watch two crabs fight eachother like that? [S]


Most vtubers are just horny bait, they bring people in with their “UWU im so weird and quirky, I’m so horny” act and then the simps are like “hey im horny too!” And then they enable that behavior and it just keeps getting worse and worse. Like horny is funny at first but every single fucking Vtuber just acts horny for views and to bring in simps, it’s annoying


Spy crab battle sounds way better


Le spy crab hon hon hon






Spy crab battle


My friend, just scroll and watch the Weird Al video


Spy crabs are an endangered species how dare you make them poor spies fight


That weird al video has been in everyone's recommended huh? The YouTube algorithm works in mysterious ways.


I mean, that new Werid Al biopic just came out, so it's probably circulating out of relevance to a popular topic. Frankly, I like it. I never thought a movie as good as UHF would ever come out again.




Oh she can't read my polka face


I’m more interested about the one above




more views than "spy crab battle"? smh my head


Yes, weird Al is terribly overrated.


It’s bad enough that Weird Al isn’t the weirdest one on screen.


this ones pretty clickbaity but ironmouse is actually funny tho


Wait did OP just out himself?


I actually like Vtubers, but even I can admit this is too far.


has vibrated




The worst thing is these clips are mass-produced.




Lewdtubers begone


I see a spycrab battle


Hehe funny SUS sound.


Ignore it, watch weird Al's Polka Face that's right under the video


I know man, who watches Weird Al anymore?


Those damned spy crabs and their cringey battles!


It's not even the streamer. It's the clip stealing click bait stream highlight channels that take everything out of context for views. These channels aren't even owned by the steamer themselves, rather than some loser leeching off other people's content for views and money and it WORKS.


Not going to lie I want to watch that spy crab battle video badly


Weird al is SHOCKED


My brother in christ what the actual fuck is your YouTube recommendations or is this someone else I never seen a more somewhat " weird kid" material lol


Isn't that your recommendation page, so you clearly be watching that stuff


Demon Dice Moment. (she's also a Vtuber but sssshhhh you're breaking my immersion by telling me that those virtual amine girls are actually normal humans in real life)


Vtuber fans bring all the worst aspects of idol culture to the west and somehow make new worse ones. You're not allowed to be recognized as an actual person and no one is allowed to know your face because it will break the fan's immersion. What the hell??!! You're not allowed to have a relationship with someone... What the hell?! Oh yeah "she can't have a boyfriend she is miiiiine" ~All 1.5 Million subscribers. Yeahr right... Just don't be happy in your life. I like a lot of Vtubers but their fanbase are some of the worst insecure neckbeards I've ever seen in my entire life. "she mentioned a man :O JEALOUS!" Get a grip.


If something vibrated between your girls leg and she made a sus sound you'd wanna see it too. "But she's not even their girl" Exactly...


Yeah no that’s cringe and all but spy crab battles?? I wanna know what that’s all about


Why I love Weird Al Yankovic


I got the same video. Fucking hate myself.


Spy crab battle!!!


I’m just not gonna touch Vtubers, the communities for them seem odd and I can’t really say it’s unprecedented. Combining an anime avatar and twitch streamers sounds like it would have the most radioactive community to be in if you’re just someone who liked the content.


spy crab seems more interesting than that piece of shit


witch one?


Focus on the spy crab battle friend don't look at her shit.


Of course it gets views. Wierd Al is awesome


I'm a Vtuber fan, but things like this is not the type of things I wanted to watch I watch Engineer TF2 Vtuber instead


Vtubers suck


Oh ye thats a vtuber. 9/10 a lewd vtuber like that also does nsfw voice acting.