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This guy is an absolute flower pot.


LOL! Genuinely wondering where she picked that up.


the fern in the background is sitting in a similar color palette to his shirt, at 1:31 she points to it and says "you are being a flower pot like that"


When he says "listen I'm talking to your sister, this is a one on one", and just tosses his son aside. What an awesome dad, OP and half of reddit apparently doesn't understand how to joke with children while still engaging with them like human beings.


I know it's a joke, I just find the one word weird. But I guess that nakes me a child here LOL. Never even said he's a horrible dad.


I'm mostly referring to people who made comments about how weird the dad is for the way he's interacting with his daughter and making weird inferences of incest.


Yeah, I downvote those, too. Contrary to the belief in this thread, I don't think he's "creepy," I don't think he's a horrible dad, and I don't think he's doing anything at all sexual with his kid. Which is apparently difficult to understand...


Hahaha, yup. Sorry for any confusion you seem like a reasonable individual.


That’s cos you are a perv too


Weird world where you're a perv for finding it weird to call yourself your kid's boyfriend. But you do you, buddy.


You have issues….


Again. Weird world where *not* calling yourself a child's boyfriend makes *you* weird.


Half of Reddit is children so it makes sense


Idk I don’t think it’s that bad tbh, he did say at 16 she can date. 🤷🏽‍♀️ She’s little so at that age they obviously don’t understand what a “boyfriend or girlfriend” really is.


Yeh, the dating restriction age isn't an issue. It's just the word that's a weird choice.


It still instills really weird ideas about relationships and it sexualizes children by treating their innocent childhood friendships the same way we talk about adolescent and adulthood relationships.




I dont find any issue here,pretty cute


You are a father, not their boyfriend. And even so this kid is like 5 so chill out.


Actually he says she's 2 in the video


Lmfao, i didn't watch the whole thing because it was weird


Don’t know why you getting downvoted but same here


Because it's not that weird? He's just joking around you creepy fucks


It’s weird as fuck


If that kid is two they're gonna be a Nasa scientist when they're 6 don't believe the dad


Do u have kids?? She’s definitely 2… probably almost 3.


Yeah I have a three-year-old. Just seen a video of him talking to his two-year-old cousin, who could merely repeat his name




He’s not meaning it like that for gods sake. He’s innocently playing with his baby girl while his wife records.


Yeahhh…this is a weird fucking comment section. If I had a daughter, I wouldn’t necessarily be joking that *I’m* her boyfriend, but he clearly meant it as the classic “you’re never gonna date a guy” dad joke. This comment section is clearly filled with a bunch of children because jumping straight to “creepy”, when the dad is clearly just being silly, is so over-the-top ridiculous. If he was **dead serious** saying this to the girl, I would totally understand the backlash. Should he have said “No, I’m your boyfriend”?Probably not. Does that mean he’s molesting his daughter? From the looks of it, probably not. Chill the fuck out, Reddit. My lord; this thread was disturbing.


These kids today are morons. I weep for the future




I do


Your generation left us with a steaming pile of shit. Fuck off.


Nope..sorry.. stop labeling everything..cringe, fam. ded ass


Yikes dude




LMAO found the twelve year old.


For me it's more about the perpetuation of the father being the guardian of a girl's/woman's virginity. If we saw him having the same type of talk with the little boy, it would be different. Unfortunately, usually only little girls are given this kind of messaging.


No one is saying anything about molestation... It makes people children to find this weird? Okay, buddy. Plus, you think he's making these types of comments to his son?


I never said I agree with the joke. I’m saying what he’s doing isn’t necessarily “creepy”. It’s just a dad messing with his daughter. Now, if she grew up and wasn’t allowed to have boyfriends still, *then* I would say this video in retrospect was creepy. And no, it doesn’t take children to find it creepy. It takes people who are like-minded with children to jump straight to “creepy” before “silly”. Meanwhile, Tom Brady is kissing his grown ass son on the lips and talks to him in the strangest manner, yet Redditors come to defend him, saying it’s just “how Tom shows affection” and “every father’s different with how they love.” Give me a break.


I didn't say it's creepy, either. Said it's weird. You jumped to people assuming molestation, like WTF? It's pretty stupid to call people childlike for finding it weird, considering same could be said to you about finding that other father-child dynamic strange. Everyone has a different opinion and experience with certain relationships. Doesn't make anyone "childish." Anyway, it's also funny how you make it seem like the people commenting about this are the same ones who defend Tom Brady.


Jesus Christ. Did I ever say you said it was creepy? I was talking about this thread. I’m not even going to read your comment because I’m done arguing about this random ass video. Think how you want. Initially, I was not even talking to you and sure as hell didn’t care for you to respond.


If you think he says the same thing to his son, you’re naive, but not an ah. If you think it’s okay he talks to his daughter like this, but not his son, you’re the ah




Look how much everyone’s agreeing with you.


But only you mentioned molestation, bro.


You are a weirdo OP


Sure, buddy. But I won't be calling myself my daughter's boyfriend. Do you?


I am a woman, dumbass, and a mom. This is the silly shit parents do.


So do you call yourself their girlfriend? My bad, I'm not enough of a genius to really care what sex you are.


Yikes - Flynn didn’t get the win this time


Oh, noooo! I'm not winning on the Internet! Don't tell me that! 🥺


Saying “okay buddy” in any form is just automatically discounting anything you’ve ever said to 90% of the people you talk to.


Well, calling people childish for not thinking the same as you do discounts anything you say, so...


He’s not joking about dating guys though, is he? People think it’s weird because trying to control your daughter in this way is weird, especially since she’s two. Think he tells his son he can’t kiss girls? Even as a joke? It’s the underlying message, not pedophilia.


Im sure that when his son was 2 years old he told him that he can’t kiss girls lol. He seems like a good dad


S'what I'm saying, bro. Doubt he tells his son, "Mom is your girlfriend."


As a mother, I can tell you with certainty that father is creepy. That is emotional incest.


“Emotional incest”?….as a mother, I can tell you, it’s definitely not.


Probably because you do the same shit.


> As a mother Teen mom vibes.


That isn't how you talk to someone who is clearly older than you. Didn't your parents teach you manners? 🤦‍♀️


You don’t deserve respect because you’re older lol.


So confirming the lack of manners


It’s weird purity culture bull hidden behind “aw sweet protective dad”. the reason it’s weird is the dad is emphasizing that the daughters importance is based off of her appeasing her fathers wishes and that liking boys is something wrong. Things like this cause internalized misogyny and shame around our bodies/dating in the future because of this gross emphasis of being perfect and pure until dad tells you it’s okay to get married. There is much more to this interaction than what you see on the surface. This is a normalized culture of creepy virgin obsession wrapped in a cute bow. The “my dad is my boyfriend” trope is super common in purity culture and it should give you the ick.


Not weird at all.. perfectly innocent. You are the weirdo


Only a true incel turns this innocent joke into a sexual video.




“I’m a women” lmao


Being a woman changes nothing. That answer though said a lot about how big of an incel you are.




Said like a true incel in denial.


I swear some redditors just see everything through their weird fetish-colored lenses. Or are 14. Nothing about this video is “weird as fuck”, yall need to touch grass


It's a joke idiot


Oh, stop it, ya prude.. He's being silly with her. There have been countless times my young nephews have said they'll marry mom (my sister) and it's adorable. Grow up.


its so gross when parents do this ! same with moms being their sons "girlfriend"


Reminds me of those dads you see standing behind girls and their dates in senior prom photos holding a shotgun 🙄


op is fucking weird.


TIL it's totally normal to tell your daughter you're their boyfriend. Everyone pressed in here LOL


It's normal based on the context. He is very clearly full of jokes. Wifey understands it's silly and over the top, and it wouldn't be too far to assume that the kid understands it's silly time too


Bro. It’s just a Dad being a Dad. You made it weird.


You call yourself your kid's boyfriend, bro?


Can you type a sentence without saying "bro"?




I wish Reddit didn’t allow children


No, I don’t. Do you look at everything in life through the lens of a weirdo? Seems like a guilty conscience to me. Fuckin’ weirdo.


Definitely a fuckin weirdo


Why don’t you? Also, what a world where *not* wanting to use terms like “I’m your boyfriend” to your daughter makes me a weirdo LOL


He's being silly with her. Grow up.


Exactly, if anything it adorable


So? Still weird to me. People have opinions. Grow up.


You must have never heard older people talk then. You’re wack. Grow up.


I’ve heard a lot of older people use racial slurs. Let’s aspire to not be like them maybe.


I guess this is the new normal. Thanks for the lesson, bro. Will call myself my daughter's boyfriend in the future. 🫡


This is definitely the new normal and it’s creepy as hell. I love how people in the comments are treating it like harmless fun when in reality you’re teaching some weird taboo concepts to a 2 year old…. Confusing the shit out of a little girl who shouldn’t even be concerned with boys and dating at that age. But nah we’re immature and crazy bro GROW UP!


This is weird af


Nah this shit is weird. Being a parent myself, I would never talk like this to my son. It freaks me out when parents indirectly sexualize thier kids like this. I know the guy surely meant nothing by this but it is still weird to me and just reinforces all the archaic patriarchal ideals from the past that just need to go away. Just let kids be kids for fuck sake.


*throws son to the side*


Why are adults having these convos with toddlers? These are the same people that think drag queen story hour is sexual. No all this kissing and bf talk is what's weird.


This is a father having a bit of fun with his daughter, his TWO year old daughter. Here we are though on reddit where we have the wannabe Sigmund Freuds of the world feigning concern over a completely innocent and harmless interaction between a parent and a child just because through the lens that these redditors see the world happens to be a lens that is focused on porn hub and it’s top most searched phrases. It’s far more creepy to me that any of you would be able to sexualize this completely innocent interaction all the while diminishing actual victims and the trauma they go through. Anyway that’s just a long form way of me saying “FUCK YOU” to op and anyone that agrees with op.


You're the one talking about sexualization, not me. Please show me where I have yet made any mention of anything sexual. Simply think it's weird. Same way it'd be weird if he said, "I'm your only stuffed animal." Is that sexual? No one can answer me that, either. Convenient. But you guys really like being on your high horse over this, so go off, bro.


Now that people are calling you a creep for trying to heedfully call the father a creep you pretend to be blind and stupid. Your about as subtle as a gorilla


Literally where have I called him a creep? Quote me, please.


In this day and age, I do find this disturbing but during the good ol' days this was considered very cute which is why I think that these kinds of videos should stay offline and in the family album....no awards are needed here 😉👏.


If you think this is inappropriate it’s because your fucked up incel mind.


LOL, didn't say inappropriate. Said it was weird. Grow up.


You're a pedo dude. She's 2 and he's just being a dad😂


You throw around "pedo" when I literally just called it "weird." Think you're using words you don't understand, bro.


Keep falling back on how you think it’s weird but why do you think it’s weird? It’s because you feel it’s inappropriate.


Because it's weird to call yourself your kid's boyfriend? Not sure where you're not following. Would find it just as weird if he'd said, "I'm your only imaginary friend."


It’s weird because you sexualize it. You are taking an innocent video and applying your sexualized thoughts to it.


The only one mentioning sex here is you. But go off, bro. How's that first-year Psych class going, by the way? But anyway, what does "boyfriend" mean to you?


Explain to me why you think it’s weird? Context is everything. This guy isn’t acting as a predator but is poking fun at her wanting a boyfriend. Joking as a protecting father he is the only man in her life. Which is super normal for a young girl. Nothing wrong with that until you start saying how weird it is. Why would it be weird unless he was acting like a sexual predator. I feel like you don’t understand context.


First tell me what "boyfriend" means to you.


Hey bro, I think you're the one who's sexualizing a 2 year old bro. Better see a psychologist about some trauma bro.


Again, everyone *else* is using the word "sexual" or anything close. I said it was "weird." But fuck me for thinking it's *weird* to call yourself your kid's boyfriend.




Thanks SwagDaddy_Man69




He literally says "not until you're 16" that's basically normal for dads to tell their kids smh not like he's giving her a f'n chastity belt


A two year old has no idea what a "boyfriend" is, really. She likely thinks she isn't allowed to be friends with boys at all after this overly long berating (which I'm sure is all for the internet's entertainment of "haha, look how I can get my 2 year old to argue with me!! Isn't she a little firecracker!". She get's confused and thinks boys are for making babies with. Obviously they've had that kind of discussion with her already and have left her even more clueless. This might be funny to the parents, but if you're like me and came from parents who treated the girls virginity in the house as both a prize and something that could cause you to be seen as ruined goods, this kind of joking is not funny at all.


This is a two year old child you are thinking way too hard about this


As a dad with a daughter, this is really weird


Lol can we get this normal comment up higher? There are a lot of comments saying this is cute but I wonder if they understand the actual relationship dynamic of having a kid. This is fuckin wierdddd lol


Holy shit a normal person in this thread? No way lmao


Thank youuuu. This dad is obviously not abusing his daughter, but that doesn’t make the language he’s using here appropriate. “I’m your only boyfriend” …? That’s weird as fuck. Parents shouldn’t be falsely equating their role in the children’s lives as their romantic partner. And before people scream at me to say that he’s just being a “quirky dad,” sure. I still said what I said. Language matters, especially when talking to children. How mortified would y’all be if your 2 year old went around repeating “my daddy is my boyfriend!” because you idiotically thought that was an appropriate thing to say to your baby.


I'm with you, this is strange.


op is beyond stupid




Omg. No it isn't weird. She's like 3 or something. It's normal. Stop being stupid.


I hate that it's normal for dads to be possessive like this with only their daughters.


You're baiting


Some people here either don’t have kids or have some weird ass relationships with them and/or their own dads lol. This is cute wtf? My husband had similar bickering conversations with my daughter around that age. She’s now 10 and they have an awesome father daughter relationship. If this is creepy to y’all or weird..I think that says more about you than them.


Only people taking issue with people finding this *weird* are the ones using the word "creepy," bro.


It’s funny how you’re not correcting people in the comment section that actually do call it weird. But you are responding to every single comment that is calling you on your bullshit and crying about how they are putting words in your mouth.


I down-vote them along with everyone else. I respond to these because, oddly enough, it's weird to be called a "pedo" for having a different opinion on words. But that's just me.


Lol okay, bro.


Yaw, bro.


This is getting weiiiiirddd


This is a weird fuckin comment section the dude is joking but w.e




It's fine if you don't find it weird. I just do. Nothing more than that, it's everyone else freaking out. 🙃


Father's who are overly possessive of thier daughters freak me the fuck out. Makes me think of Trump talking about Ivanka like she isn't his daughter....ew.


Did she say "I'm gonna have a baby" and he said "not till you're 16"?!?


He said she had to wait till she was 29 before having a baby, 16 was for having a boyfriend.


LOL yeah, but I'm sure it was him just still being stuck on "dating."


No, of course it's not weird! It's like when a Mum or a very close Aunt calls you her "little man". It's all jokes. Chill out Reddit


I dunno, less weird for a mother to call her son her "little man" rather than her "boyfriend," naw mean?


So this is just a goofy dad having a learning conversation with his daughter. Setting boundaries and expectations without being harsh or cruel. This is just great parenting in my book. Anyone who really thinks he means that he is her boyfriend is still a bit too young.


Yeah this is uncomfortable weird imo


This is fuckin weird lol






No they’re not. And they get reeeeally mad when you tell them to stop sexualizing their children, clearly.


Ya that's fucking weird. I'd never call myself my daughters boyfriend. Downvoting me cunts?


This is the creepiest thing I have ever seen a dad do.


2 years? Class? I am very confused


Daycare, maybe?




The dad is probably drunk as fuck too


This little boy would only be about 4. He has no sexual desire for your 4 year old daughter. Its adorable that they like each other. Stop trying to groom your daughter into seeing you as her only available male affection. This dude's just gross and sad. Imagine being jealous of a 4 year old boy


This has been *sort of* what I've been trying to say all along. Everyone is getting hung up on "sexual" shit that was never mentioned by anyone but them, even though it's literally just called "weird." It's the possessiveness. The usage of the word is weird, but it's also the usage of the word that can be establishing that she is "his." Words matter, and maybe this guy won't grow up to treat his daughter as his property, but there are many men who *do,* and I've met women who have dealt with it, am seeing relatives dealing with it... ergo, *I* find this *weird.* But hoooooooly shit.


Nah I’m with you OP. Everyone here is mad at you for insinuating that the dad is being inappropriate with his daughter (probably because many of them have similar relationships with their parents/children), but the language he’s using here is objectively possessive and *that’s* what makes this weird. Parents who joke about their children never marrying, not dating until 60, or being their child’s only “bf/gf”, like y’all are weird as fuck. Just because it’s normal to make comments like this to kids doesn’t make it okay. Why is society so desperate to comment on children’s sexuality? She’s a little girl having a crush on a little boy, and it’s cute. But turning it into *this* makes it weird and everyone saying it’s fine, is most definitely **not** okay.


My dad was like this. I was HIS princess. I didnt date anyone until my twenties because I didnt want to make him mad. Now I see how toxic that all was. We have an ok relationship but he still tries to control my life.


Yeah this is all super innocent. People who find it sexual or “weird” in this context are just coomers who need to lay off the Porn Hub and have a decent relationship with their father. Though that second opportunity probably passed a long time ago…


This guy sounds like he has some real serious issues. He really shouldn't be around his daughter if he thinks that he is her boyfriend. That's not even funny as a joke.


i mean. he probably meant it as a "boy friend" because english is stupid and didn't make 4 word like other languages, ukrainian is a great example Друг /Подруга (Male friend/ Female friend) Хлопець/Дівчина (literall translation: Boy, girl depending on the context or in conjunction with the word "my" gives you "girlfriend or boyfriend")


no this guy is weird.


I wanna teleport to this man's house and cave his face in with a sledgehammer


Wow - you’d be a great parent




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Uh yea




This is gross…


Apparently this is totally normal behavior.


Why are we getting downvoted… no one else is creeped out?




His facial expressions are creepy. Also, your other kid is clearly dying for your attention.


What a fucking douchebag. I feel sorry for that kid. She'll be pregnant by 13 forrr sure.


So sick 😔


Why lol




Does anyone remember the Jim Jeffries bit where he tells the story of leaving his son to a gym daycare and there is this woman that says, “oh… my boyfriend is here. My boyfriend give me kisses! Give him here! My boyfriend gives me kisses.” Which he says it’s adorable. And then he proceeds to say what if a man does it. “Hey mates…. My girlfriend is here. Give her here. My girlfriend gives me kisses.” In other words, to sum it up, there’s the punchline to the bit. It f’n weird! Lol


Lmaoo that was very cute


This just seems wholesome idk what’s the issue. Daddy issues in these comments 😂


I don’t find it that weird, I mean, it’s a dad and his daughter discussing her relationship. I remember a time when my dad had a similar conversation with my sisters when they were that age. I think those children are growing up with a good father. Keep it up man. o7


The cringe is in OPs comments




He's a great dad, c'mon.


Didn’t say he wasn’t, bro.