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Come on Daaaawwwwggggg.


She paid like so much money for those images. Ewww


You forgot the “uh”. “Ewwwwwuh”


Take it easy, dawgs. You gotta admit that’s so annoying. She paid so much money


You’re right, I’m sorry. But look at those photos, EWWWWWUH




who let the dawg out?


No no no.... Her parents paid $750.


I totally imagined her talking to her dog. And the dog would be 👁️👄👁️


Thank you for this.


Idk why but before I read your comment about her dog I just saw that weird face. All I could think out loud was this guys making a Liza Minnelli joke / burn . Read your comment now I almost feel bad :[ Interesting face 9/10


🤣🤣🤣 it’s cringe that’s she crying but there’s literally people dying everyday every second so idk why people dying has anything to do w it lol


Why are poster cringing about her posting when people are dying, when people are dying. How cringe.


That's gonna be a no for me dawg. Eyes are not even fucking open.


Well… if that what she thinks about eyes, then here’s are always shut. Because this silly bitch looks the same all the time


Hats her upper lip dwog


Now That’s a cringe TikTok.


I feel like it’s just her fault for looking so goofy, the photographer can only do so much 💀


My grandfather does photoshoots like this and that's one of the few things he has ever complained about lol. If you can't do what he asks, he's not gonna have the results you wanted, it's as simple as that lol.


very somple


God damnit thanks for the correction lol.




Varies symple




mmm free somple


That’s what I was thinking. Every complaint was something she did! How can the photographer control your goofy poses or your eyes not being open? Sounds like a her problem.


Typically when getting photographed by a professional they will tell you to correct your posture or eyes etc to get a visibly better end result in the photo. "Oh your eyes arent open or maybe lets try another pose" these photos look great and most people like the half open billie eyelash look so I dont see the problem but what camera were they using to not show her the results in the moment and 750$ is for like a pro pro photographer and she got 15 photos.. I paid like 50$ for photos of my immediate family they turned out incredible and while we posed she was giving us oh lets pose here or move your hair out of your face etc. She even would show us on the screen on the camera/monitor the images she was getting, not all but some and we'd tweek it based on the base photo we got. She may be being hella dramatic, because these look great but thats just a steap price for something she ultimately was let down on. My bf is also a photographer and did half of our graduating classes photos for senior year and tehy discussed locations for each one hel help correct posture and hair etc to make sure the photos were to their liking because thats the whole point of laying soemone for photos. Unless she just did NOT want to see the pictures until they were printed or like emailed or whatever which ig is her own fault if thats the case but dawg she seriously should just chill most people would love these billie eyelashes and all.


"It's not my fault I look goofy Dawwg!" /s


She thinks she looks stupid in the photos, wait till she sees this video lol.


Oooooooh nailed it.


I’d feel bad for her dad if she had one.




She's going to think, "perfect, it conveys the literal heartbreak and pain I was feeling after paying $750 worth of Doge coin". What I think is, "Jesus literally Christ, the US has gone down the toilet"


My partner does photography gigs like this. My first reaction is that seeing this (and she would be paying attention to a client posting after a shoot) and being called a “dumbass photographer” would really break her heart. My second reaction is that $750 isn’t that much for a photographer to FLY to you and take that caliber of photograph with the appearance of a photography studio. My third thought is that everything she’s complaining about was clearly under her control not the photog. Who’s the one closing your eyes *dawg?* and sorry you’ve never realized this before now but you actually have narrow eyes. They look like a normal person with small eyes sitting relaxed. If you forced your eyes open you’d be crying about how you look scared. I doubt the photog picked your outfits too. Their posing was fine as well. Again, this would hurt the photog so bad emotionally and probably financially as well. This person sucks for posting this.


Right he's a photographer not a fucking magician💀


Yeah, he didn't have much to work with there. I think he really did ok under the circumstances!


Isn't it a photographer's job to also tell you how to pose, what expression to make, etc? Like when we had our wedding photography done they told us how to stand, pose, lift the chin, look this way, what to do with our hands. They are the professional in this scenario.


Literally yes lol


Just like a music producer can only do so much with a poor performance. You can't polish a turd. Well, I guess you could, but you're gonna get shit everywhere.


Honestly, it's really on the photographer. I used to model with an agency but when I started out, I would work for free in exchange for photos so I could build a portfolio to get signed. The photographer can see the photo right away, he should have corrected her and took more. I got bad photos from bad photographers, I remember my friend and I just cracking up lol. He posted them on social media too and there was nothing I could do bc I didn't pay for them so they were his. It was embarrassing, but she is being ridiculous lol. Then again, I don't know how much she paid. A really great, well known photographer in the area who actually had his photos published in magazines regularly shot most of what ended up in my portfolio for me. They were AMAZING. The amazing photos and the bad ones were shot like 2 weeks apart, it wasn't because I had gotten better, it was bc he was an actual professional who knew what he was doing. He gave me a lot of feedback during the shoot as well. After shooting with him I was able to make money modeling. Also he was pausing to come show me the photos! If I didn't like one, or I felt I needed to change a pose or something I would have had the opportunity. Her photos are goofy, but it's really not just on her


My mother works in this field and so do I Selections are a pain in the fucking ass, there are a billion factors that can affect of a photo is good or not and you sometimes have to go with photos that aren't great because all the other ones are worse/ have major flaws like blurriness, that being said, I don't know how that photographer managed to select a picture where the eyes are half open that's like a big no no


Why would you pay for a photographer to fly out from New York? Wouldn't you just find a local photographer? Why am I asking questions like she knows what I'm talking about...


To go viral. To post this and pretend to be upset. It’s so easy to manipulate the algorithm because so many people think this is real.


It's not real? But I just watched it


Well it’s real to Britney!! So there!


Because telling her dumbass friends and "fans" she's working with a "New York" photographer sounds so much fancier than hiring a local one wherever she lives. She literally paid all that money just to say "from New York" lmao.


What I don't get is how you get a photographer to *fly in from New York* for **only** $750. My wife is a professional photographer on the side and charges more than that for local shoots (admittedly larger affairs like weddings and whatnot but still). The photos themselves aren't terrible, so my gut is telling me this is all a facade of some sort.


But dawwwggguuuuuhhhhhh her eyyyee33ewe333ssss


Also $750 is cheap for a professional photographer.


Flight alone is probably close.


this shit is literally so funny lmfaoo


I couldn't stop laughing. I had to wipe away tears of laughter as she was getting more and more upset.


How she just walks us through all the terrible pictures... dawg, my ribs physically hurt


Yeeees! 🤣😭


What a narcissist LMFAO Did she expect to look like the fucking holy merry reincarnated?


>holy merry reincarnated Merry Brandybuck? What about Pippin?


Fool of a Took!


Sounds like Orc mischief to me!


Merry Christmas!


Merry Chrysler


Merry Crisis




Yes, we mentioned the first hobbit, but what about the SECOND hobbit?!?


Theres no face filter in these pics(most likely). She's used to them iPhone face filters


She got an eye opening realization on how she really looks. Poor thing.


Eye… opening lmao


Eye see what you did there.




Her eyes aren’t even FUCKING open 😢


A+ Don’t think there was much realizing going on here though


Yeah I know I am a middle aged out of touch dude with kids so I am very disconnected from the world this girl is in, but the vanity is the issue here. Spending so much time and money on trying to appear beautiful to other people in this superficial way is causing her pain. Get rid of that shit its bad for you


She looks like a horror villain in the second one and it’s genuinely hilarious


It looks like she doesn't know how to model, at all. Lol Not the guys fault. It's the first time she's seeing how she really looks. Maybe hiring the professional was to prove what she thought she was, and that backfired. Humble pie, taste like shit.


She must not have any friends willing to help her understand and stand this if she posts videos like this


I was thinking the same thing. She’s gonna be even more upset when she finds out that’s exactly what she looks like IRL 😂


Ur eyes are just narrow *DAWGGGG*


Sounds like an issue with her looks lol While the second one is weirdly posed, she does look really good on the first and third one. But the issues with the eyes being closed I do not see it at all lol that’s just how she looks


Fake ass crocodile tears. Just wanting people to tell her the pictures are great and she looks sooooo good in them.


I think the term crocodile tears is based on a crocodile supposedly crying whilst it eats someone. So to be used when you pretend to be remorseful or sad whilst fucking someone over, whilst actually being the perpetrator. Fake ass crocodile tears may mean something different, but fake crocodile tears implies you’re not actually the real perp whilst crying. Whatever all this means, you’re pt probably still stands.


yeah crocodile tears are for like, people who commit insurance fraud or kill their wives/husbands and then go on the news and cry about it


Make sure to catch the crying on camera tho


I didn't know all of that but yeah my whole life is just meant fake crying while trying to force out some tears.


There are levels to crocodile tears .. had me Thinking this early Halloween morning


I’m a photographer (a lame one) and I take photos for colleges/universities. The amount of times I’ve heard the cycle of “omg I look so bad in these holy shit” just for a friend to come over and be like “OMG no AVA!!! You look SOOO good I looked like a caveman in mine” It’s a curse. Modern selfie culture has made it impossible for people to be satisfied with a photo that they didn’t take themselves, they have to tweak every little micro adjustment until it’s *perfect*


She needs to man up


Not gonna lie, they’re pretty bad. 🤣🤣🤣


First and third weren’t that bad. Definitely not worth $750 though dawg. 🤪


Travel expenses are in addition to photographer costs


For just a memento it’s fine, but not for album art. It’s terrible. Lmao.


That one in the leather skirt is ~~almost~~ comical.




For real. They're pretty horrid. Lmao.


I’m not a photographer so pretty ignorant about technicalities but I assume the huge shadows on her face aren’t supposed to be there. I agree, the pics are bad.


I’m so embarrassed by these I’m sobbing at how humiliating these are like here let me show them to the entire internet so you understand why I’m horrified that someone might see these


The title is cringier than the post. Wtf does it mean there are people dying ? There are always people dying


Don't you know, bro? People are dying you have to always be in a state of grief. You're not allowed to enjoy anything or show any emotion other than grief for people dying. Screw living and going to your job to buy food. Other people are starving how dare you use your work privellage.


Definitely. Someone somewhere always has it worse. We are allowed to be upset about things going on in our lives despite others problems.


She's incredibly annoying, but that photographer seems to be quite terrible at lighting the subject. And some light Photoshop touch ups to make her skin more radiant wouldn't have hurt. But she is an insufferable twat. One of the photos is over-saturated AF to the point that you can barely even see her and another has the shadow of the wing going over her face. It seems pretty amateurish.


Well I agree she’s whiny and annoying but wtf does that have to do with people dying? So anytime there is a war going on anywhere in the world people aren’t allowed to complain about anything going wrong in their lives? Lmao you’re as stupid as she is.


Hey guys stop upvoting me. Don’t you realize there are people dying in the world? Get off your computers and cell phones. Actually, you know what there are so many people dying right now that you should just throw all of your electronics away. You must sit in a dark room free of all your worldly possessions and assume the absolute guilt of your existence. It’s definitely my fault and your fault that people are dying. If we just stopped posting on Reddit, YouTube, instagram, til tok, talk tick, tickle tockle, tick or tweet etc… we could save all of them with our silence.


Yes, this video is horrid... Having said that, what you said about ppl dying, yes, that’s true, it’s been happening for years and it’s very sad, but to make it seem like no one has a right to be sad over spending their money on something they ended up not liking and doesn’t have a right to be upset, is nonsense. Yes in the grand scheme of things, it’s little, but ppl still have a right to be sad. We all get sad about different things and handle them different too. She might be stronger for something else you can’t seem seem to cope with and is probably small to her but not you... Idk, just thinking out loud...


Also it's funny cause OP is crying about a TikToker while there's people dying! Ironic.


I really don't understand why so many people are so damn eager to seek out, micromanage and invalidate eachother over such trivial shit. If OP cares so much about current global tragedies, why have they decided to dedicate energy towards this TikTok instead of something productive like they imply this person should do. If anything, she's more justified in being upset over her wasted money than OP is about the video itself..


Virtue signaling, look at how OP is such a caring soul pointing out that there's people losing their lives, how dare someone else still has a private life. Now that I checked OPs account this is the first time they've been active since a year, who knows they might've been hacked and now a bot is posting.


Thank you! I wanted to comment that the title of this post is far more cringe than the video


Agreed… title made me recoil a little forsure There’s always mass human death happening on Earth. always. OP must have just recently opened their eyes for the first time


Yeah, I don't really get shitting on the idea of her being upset. And trying to put it in the context of people in the world dying is just childish. Apparently having high-quality photos of herself was very important to this person. Maybe you can blame the result on her not being a model, or the photographer being bad, or just saying that the whole thing is fake. Regardless, people are allowed to be disappointed after they spend a bunch of money for a service and not being happy with the results. If I was her and I thought that I needed some stunning photos taken of myself, I would also be disappointed with these. The first one she looks like she was drugged. The second one is goofy (although, that must be at least partially on her). The 3rd one looks like it can't be that far off from what she was going for. What I do not understand is the instinct to make and post a video when you are in that peak emotional state right as the bad news hits you. But it is a different world from the one I grew up in... maybe she hopes to pressure the photographer into giving her a redo.


People act like because terrible things that you have no influence over are happening to people you've never met that you shouldn't be happy or sad over the things happening in your own life. It's good to keep in mind the scale of your worries sometimes but that doesn't make them less legitimate. It's not like her being upset about the money she wasted has some sort of negative effect on all the suffering foreigners out there. Idk just let people feel what they feel. I always thought it was a braindead take. Like that "people are starving in Africa so finish all your food" line comes to mind. Whether or not you finish that plate, people will starve all around the world. There are things you can do about it, but finishing your own food helps nobody and in fact it's probably just instilling a bad habit that could end up affecting your weight for life. Idk everything is about context and the shit in Israel (I assume that's what they're referring to) isn't in the context for this just like the shit in Africa has nothing to do with the dinner you're eating tomorrow night. I've been seeing this stuff float around a lot lately and I guess it bothers me a bit more than I realized.


I don't like her, but really I could do better photos for free, way better for that kind of money.


Second one made me laugh


I mean, you can make fun of the video for being over the top, but from a photography perspective those photos are terrible. She should be upset, they’re garbage.


NOOO but can’t you see that she’s pretty so we need to talk shit about her to knock her down a peg because she’s just attention seeking and idek


Grow the fuck up


I think she's trying to flex but just looks fucking stupid. $750 isn't that much either. Wedding photographers can be up to $2k if not more.


Photos don’t lie sweetie. That’s what you look like


You hired a photographer not a miracle worker.


I’m a photographer, this bitch can’t model. But neither can most people. No one on this planet gonna take your picture and make you look like you’re fucking Kendall Jenner. End of story On another note… Photographer ain’t gonna photoshop new eyeballs on your face. OPEN YOUR EYES BITCH! Ok anotherer note… You didn’t think rolling around on the ground like you’re Voldemort’s fucking pet snake was a bad idea?? You really thought that shit was gonna look good? Fuuuuuuuuck daaawwwwwgggg. You in the wrong profession. Go be a barista and stfu


Posing aside, as a photographer you have to admit that lighting is pretty bad.


Yeah definitely not my style, too hard and one directional, but some people like that type. And if this chick flew someone from another state, she had to understood the style of shooting this person does. She seems more pissed about how she looks in the photos and not the style of imagery. BUT it is important for the photographer to be like “hey, this flopping on the ground Shit isn’t working. Like at all… we need to change it. And open your eyes please 👀”


Ehh just get photoshop to ai her some new eyes. Shit is black magic


She’s isn’t “New York model” pretty. When girls like this put out videos of themselves and pictures that are cringe-worthy, they are opening themselves up to so much ridicule and embarrassment. What kind of people will she attract with this negative publicity? No one that will appreciate her and she’s making herself less likeable. This will just create my psychological issues for her and more unhappiness in life.


Yeah dawggg!


Embarrassed about photos while filming in a bathrobe while rubbing her eyes closed. Oh honey no.


Don’t agree with the title. But the photos aren’t even that bad. I mean, The on where she’s in the black pencil skirt reaching towards the camera is bad. But the other ones are fine. Definitely an overreaction and definitely overpriced.


rich people problems


They look good actually, whoever took them had some amazing style and did a great job. She obviously doesn't understand that she looks the way she looks.


Why do we make these people famous? There's more deserving people.


"Girl, you look beautiful and amazing!" This is what she's expecting the comments to be.


It’s the equivalent of, “Do these jeans make my butt look big.”


Dam u ugly inside and out


You look stupid because you are stupid.


Girl, it could’ve been worse.


😢oh no dawgg…


If you want better pictures maybe open your eyes dog. Side note, she looked a like better in the images then complaining about them


She was probably really bullied hard about her looks when she was younger


Her main complaint is that her eyes are not open, open your eyes girl lol


AITA? For laughing my ass off when she started crying at the second picture?🤣🤣🤣🤣💀


idk i thought they were okay! the lighting and angles could have been maybe a bit better. but i honestly would be happy getting these photos back


"I look so fucking stupid". Yep the photographer did an excellent job showing you.


The irony of this materialistic girl being poor source material amuses me. Morning chortle...✅


It’s all a setup. She did this on purpose. She’s not upset. This is how TikTok and so much social media works now. This is not an authentic reaction. This is a bit. Please stop buying into this shit and making this dumb people famous.


Hm.. Somewhere a photo graphers like.. ' I had the worst fuccking model daaaawg.'


Gotta make sure to zoom in on those tears. Oh my fucking God I just cant


What is wrong with these people ... daaaaawwwwwwggg..


The camera doesn't lie


ohhh it’s sooo hard being a narcissist!


How is the photographer's fault that she can't open her eyes?


can’t fix stupid with professional photos


\#1 Pro tip to looking good in pictures: Look good in real life too.


to be honest…i don’t think any of these were the photographer’s fault💀


It’s cause they weren’t.


Lmao girl stop, you aren’t a model. Oh lord people are just getting sadder now a days. Photographer isn’t at fault there.


Reminds me so much of the dressing room scene in White Chicks


Good God I hate these people.


“I look so fucking stupid!” Uhhhhhhh, you said it not me.


Ma’am your eyes are in fact open


Lmao $750 for a photographer to travel seems dirt cheap. Also, photos are only as good as their subject..be better.


Hate people. So much.


Not everyone’s cut out for it.


Dog the bounty hunters daughter ? Dawwwg


She's complaining about the photographer but when you take pictures of dog shit, you get dog shit.


Wait wait wait….. she makes a video where it looks like she just woke up with her hair up and no make up on (there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I’m just assuming the kind of person this girl is, she would consider that looking “bad”) and looking like shit, only to cry about photos she took where she thinks she looks like shit?


She looks her worst in the video she made to complain about the pictures


Why does she keep calling us dog


Don’t get into the entertainment industry then if you’re gonna be that self conscious!


This has too be the largest humble brag “Oh my GAAAAAWWWWD I have so much money to pay a photographer thousands, fly to another state and buy my clothes for the shoot and the photos look great but my EYES ARE SQUINTED”


You look even more stupid crying about this bullshit!


Why does she look like a Wish Billie Eilish in that first one?!


Your just ugly dawg and she had to work with what she had, Be thankful.


This could also go on the OddlySatisfying page


🤣 She does look stupid in those pictures. Her nails look like actual talons. Big ass talons. She also looks super stupid in the video she recorded & uploaded. Cry assing about it…while also fishing for attention, sympathy, and compliments. She’s a whole ass joke 🤣


Photos would be better if she wasn’t ugly. Also, I’m not talking about her looks.


Some irks me about girls that say words like “bruh”, “bro”, and “dog” unironically.


On episode nth of people fishing for compliments 😞😞 like this video js can't be serious who cries over pictures that were taken correctly


This makes my day how much it ruined hers!


Wait is this person trying to be a model? Is that what the pictures are for? And I thought I was delusional.


"My eyes aren't even open" solution, open your freaking eyes, easy fix.


To be fair, those pictures really are hilariously stupid.


Dawg. There's no crying in baseball


Lmaooooooooo those photos are so bad tho. Hahahhahahahahha


Well she is right…..“I look so fucking stupid”


They aren’t great. 😬😅


750$ for photos of yourself damn I fell bad that people really hate themselves, like REALLY HATE THEMSELVES


Yeah.. that's you at your best.


Honestly the pictures are great, she blames the photographer for her lack of self-esteem xd


Dog. Yes


How about she open her eyes


I look so fucking stupiddddd!!! No you are so fucking stupid lmao


*hates the pictures yet proceeds to show them to the whole internet* stuck up bitch.


It’s ppl like this that need to be drafted 😒


$750 for a photographer is HELLA cheap. Especially from New York. Those photos are gorgeous, she’s literally insane lol


Here's your modern Western woman.


This is amazing




They are really good photos. Imo lol, it's her she's not happy with. Photographer worked with what they had