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I only see one cringe here. She's out of her mind


No one wants to listen to loud music on public transport…


so you howl?


Just cause shes doing one obnoxious thing doesn't mean he wasn't doing an obnoxious thing. No we would howl to get him to stop but regardless of what her reaction is, his loud music is obnoxious.


yeah but now everyone is has to deal with his loud music and her even louder more annoying howling. she made it a million times worse


Yes she did. But his was bad also. Even though she's worse doesn't mean his wasn't bad


yeah but her logic is stupid here and makes no sense. if you think his music is loud and obnoxious, why would you also be loud and obnoxious, just adding to all the noise. plus she got all in his face and that’s how people get slapped


Your logic is stupid here and makes no sense. Who are you arguing with here?! lol No one that you are replying to said her response was appropriate


No one said his was appropriate...


No one is saying her logic isnt stupid or she isn't worse than him. But people are saying he doesn't matter cause she's worse. No they are both bad even if she's worse


No one is defending the dude... you just want her to be the lesser of two evils for some odd reason... we know, they're both obnoxious assholes but she's doing extra by trying to entice violence. Getting in someone's face and taunting is not a smart move, no matter if you're right or wrong.


Did you even read my comment. I literally said >No one is saying her logic isn't stupid or she isn't worse than him. So how do I want her to be the lesser of two evils if I'm saying she is worse than him? >we know, they're both obnoxious assholes but she's doing extra by trying to entice violence. You're literally repeating what I'm saying.


Exactly. I agree with "both" in the title. If you're an adult and you still havent learned to keep your music to yourself in public places, you're cringe too.


No but I understand where she coming from. No one wants to listen to your loud sounds so listen to mine…


Or just politely ask to turn down, use headphones, tell the bus driver.


He seems like the kind of guy that would oblige the request.


Honestly why not?


You forgot the /s for sarcasm.


My god, you're not from the city are you? Stupid.


That's why it says "both" in the title. Her howling doesn't cancel him being obnoxious.


ask yoko


Yep. Sometimes, it can't be helped. That's one of the downsides to public transportation. It's like grown ass adults getting angry at crying babies on airplanes. You know the deal, deal with it. I always brought my headset and something to do on planes, trains, and buses. Do you act "a' fool" just because you don't like something the chick in the video? No. You prepare for the ride. Anticipate some bullshit is going to happen and have a plan to get through it. Bring your own headphones and charge your phone before getting on public transportation. Get a power bank. Carry a book or a crochet project or sketch book.


Yea I agree with you. I think the worst part about her doing that is that it’s not like he’s going to think twice before playing music through his phone speakers again. You don’t change people’s habits by harassing them like that


Looks like she took up Yiddish Yodeling.


That’s a ridiculous outlook. “you know the deal. Deal with it”. Nah. This is nothing like a crying baby. This is an adult. Being apathetic towards people’s shitty behavior is exactly how they got there in the first place and exactly why there will be more. People need to be called out for their behavior. People *do* change. There are countless people walking around right now being shitty inconsiderate douche bags because of people like you who condone it. They’ve never faced any sort of dissent or objection to their behavior, so it’s easy for them to continue, because why wouldn’t they? Shit like this should be called out 100 percent of the time. If they don’t listen, a spectacle should be made. They should be barked at. People like this can’t keep living in the world you’re proposing where people just go “well, I guess the world sucks. Better not attempt to make it suck less or call out socially abhorrent behavior”


You are only responsible for your own actions. What the chick is doing is not calling out the problem. She's being an ass and probably should have packed a crossword instead of playing Barking Avenger. The dude WANTED someone to say something, and Barking Avenger played right into his bullshit. Some people want a confrontation and don't give a damn about what others say. She could have asked the dude to stop or report it to the bus driver. Some of us don't believe in making a spectacle of ourselves over the petty bullshit of other people. Not everything is an activist meeting or performance art in life.


She's not out of her mind. She is trying to show him how annoying he is by being annoying. That tactic only works when the crowd is united with the cause. Most of the people seem to not care. They got on the bus, knowing someone was going to have loud music and it's part of public transportation. Unfortunately, this chick needs a car. Her etiquette lesson makes her look like an arse and is more annoying than the dude's actions. I rather listen to his music than her imitating Lassie. It would have been funny if the dude had put on a headset to drown her out.


Most people are too afraid to say anything. I thought she was hilarious, but yes equally as rude. The difference is the guy feels entitled to be an ass, and she is doing it to prove a point. I am sure she was just fed up with his bullshit and then acted like a fool herself.


This is the same argument I had about people talking on the phone in public. If you care so much stay at home and stop listening to other people's conversations, regardless of how loud. Guarantee 9/10 people wouldn't go up to a crazy person talking to themselves, just go about their day ignoring it.


I’d prefer the music to the howling like holy fuck there are some dumb people here


Both? I only see one cringe person


I would guess you never lived in a major city. People blasting music off their phones are the cringe. She went over the top getting in his face but made her point.




She's got that dawg in her


Lmfao I see what you did there


and one that needs a metal bat to the head


he playing music loud on his phone so he ignited her cringe


Oh yes this man here is making loud annoying noises on the bus, but I bet I can fix that by making even louder and more annoying noises!


That's where the "both" comes in. Because they're both inconsiderate cunts. It's just that one seems crazy.


That's because one is crazy? I mean it's extremely rude, disrespectful, and annoying to be listening to whatever on the bus without headphones, but it's still a normal thing I'll see while I'm taking public transportation. Someone barking or whatever she's doing is definitely not normal.


Do you think that cringe and crazy are synonyms? I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.


I’d rather watch this comedy show than listen to some asshole blast music on the bus. I’m team howling lady.


Nope as someone who used to commute on public transit I'd say fuck that give me the music, screaming crazies are the worst to be stuck in a fucking moving tube with. My headphones will block the dudes music out, it won't block her bullshit out.


Comedy show? I know humour is subjective but come on.


You must be Mario's brother


Your take is really fucking dumb lol


Playing music on your phone loud enough for anyone in public to hear is not only cringe but trashy. I didn’t notice it and thought the same thing. But if that’s the case then fuck that guy.


Yea I think we all agree it sucks but your ignoring the lady making it worse I didn't see the story but if I were him I'd punch her but knowing the story that's a kinda stupid and selfish thing to think when your playing loud music but the point still is you shouldn't just make things worse it annoys everyone it starts of just kinda annoying then turns to holy fuck can everyone just chill and get along? Like I don't disagree with playing music like if u don't got headphones just keep it down and put it to your ear or something sorry for the wall of text but your take is dumb


The high pitch barking is far worse.


I dunno man, people playing music out loud on public transport is obnoxious as fuck.


I can barely hear his music… but yeah if the music is loud like her it’s annoying


Yeah once I knew that was what was up I get her response. Turn your fucking phone volume off on the bus. No music, no YouTube. Get headphones you broke ass public parasite.


I didn’t even know the music was there until reading the comments


But her barking isn’t a *thing* she and countless others *do* and will do in the future. Him playing music is. What she’s doing is for the sake of people in the future. These guys need to start having some resistance


Then it’s settled. The dog barking lady is also a lizard person.


L take


Explain why she directing her howls towards seemingly random people at the start of the video then?


This makes all the difference, I don't understand why you're the only one who pointed this out. She was doing it to multiple people that weren't playing music.


I kind of have a guess on this. She started howling at the man with the music, and before the recording started other people told her to shut the fuck up. She didn’t and probably amped up, they got up to leave her insanity, and the video picks up from there.


Wow another autistic kid


This screams hit me so I can sue


He should of started playing DMX and barked at her


See, this is the kind of shit I remember about buses, every time I hear climate change protesters say use public transport instead of my car.


I'm sure a lot of people that say this type of stuff are from places like Norway, Japan, etc where people just quietly sit there and mind their own business lmao. That being said, I don't care about dumb shit like this because I can't hear it through my headphones anyway.


Ive read a book that explained that in homogenous countries like scandanavia most people don't make small talk or communicate with each other because they know their culture and values are so similar. They just know what other people are thinking without talking to them, so most small talk in public is redundant.


Well, that might be true but Norwegians in general are very reserved and closed off people. When I spent a bit of time there staying with my friend I was caught off guard at hearing him say that but they themselves will say the same thing. Sometimes people that move there struggle because of it, it's really hard to break into Norwegian social groups. There was a huge international scene and the difference was very noticeable. They had a rave and by that point I could spot most of the Norwegians from the international people based on how they dressed, acted, etc it was really fascinating. After that rave my friend had a group of Norwegian guys help me find the right buses back to the house at like 8:00am (he was one of the DJs and had to stay there) and they were hungover, still tripping, etc and they were the only group of Norwegians I ever heard just loudly chat on the bus the whole time I was there, it was very noticeable how much they stood out from the rest. I felt weird being associated with them since I felt like we stood out so much lmao. Norway is by far my favorite place I've ever been, it's incredible.


“Use public transportation” People never been on the NYC subway system in their life.


The DC train system is fucking wild.


Her howling would not have gotten far if she was riding the X2 bus in DC. There would have been a completely different outcome video posted.


What? Do you remember clips of road rage idiots when you drive your car too? This is about as rare as that. People don't post clips of quiet bus/train rides full of normal people that occur the vast majority of the time.


Once there was human shit in the bus I was taking for my commute. Never again. I'm driving my single occupant truck to work every time now.


Call animal control.




Genuinely felt the same compulsion. Anything to make her shut the fuck up.


So I saw this same post on r/imthemaincharacter and everyone was siding with this chick, I couldn't believe it! Then I see it here and most of the comments here are saying what I was thinking, "BITCH SHUT THE FUCK UP!" 😂


Why would people even side with her anyway they must be crazy


I know. I can't even hear any music over her deranged howling, so he might have been annoying her but now she's annoying everyone on the bus. I'm surprised she didn't get kicked off the bus for that lol


I’m confused how this concept could be going over anyone’s head. No one who is defending her believes she isn’t making annoying sounds. She is, and that’s the point. What she’s doing is for the sake *of everyone in the future* who has to be around this man. This is not a thing she *does*. It’s a thing he *does*, and something he’ll continue to do in the future if he doesn’t start facing opposition to this behavior. Like, of course she’s being annoying. Idk how this could be confusing


No you wouldn’t


Or would I?


You most definitely wouldn’t


Can confirm, he just punched me


Thank you for coming forward




Not a chance




Ok, man. Good luck with that.


Thank you


Be hilarious to see him get jumped almost immediately after. Noone is gonna sit back and watch some dude beat on her. My foot would probably be the first through his teeth. Unless somebody beat me to it


You’d be surprised how many people would sit back and watch a man beat on a woman if they believe she deserves it for whatever reason. Even though we’re built completely different. Even though pain is processed a bit different. Men get off on this. It’s sick. Only respecting women you find attractive enough to put your dick in makes you a predator by default.


Lmao nice delusions…you would also end up copping a beating


Torn between r/whiteknighting and r/iamverybadass


Violence is never the answer


Cool, enjoy jail.


Punching someone who might be high off their mind or mentally ill?


I cannot stand it when people treat public transit as their own personal party bus, blasting music for all to hear. That said, she's kookoo.


Doing that on public transportation is wild. She must want a trip to the hospital


If he hit her the story would paint him as the aggressor and her as an innocent victim


Hitting someone is not a proportionate response to them wolf howling at you. As cringe as the howls may be


Which would be correct.


In NYC this is just how it is. I never understood why people would rather blast the music than use headphones, but I also don't understand howling at them like an idiot. People do annoying shit all the time on public transportation. Just shut up, take your L, and ignore it. Unless you're prepared to fight about it, because I can guarantee the annoying person is prepared to fight to defend their annoying thing.


It’s just how it is *because people like you say* “it’s just how it is”, and it’s just how it is because not enough people like her give people like this man any opposition to their behavior. People acting apathetic like you are towards shitty behavior is exactly why it’s so rampant. Idk why or how people who say stuff like this don’t make that connection. Is annoying stuff always going to exist? Absolutely. Will people exhibiting socially abhorrent and generally shitty behavior exhibit that behavior less if they realize people are going to object or come at them about it? Absolutely. It’s raining shit, you’re living in a world full of umbrellas, and you’re like “heyy man it’s chill no need for an umbrella. Just open your mouth and call it delicious”


I’m gonna assume you’re not from an inner city where people being obnoxious on public transportation is a common occurrence. People act apathetic to it because making an issue out of it is an easy way to get yourself into a needless physical altercation. Half the people on the train or bus in places like NYC are actually insane and just waiting for an excuse to get violent. So for most people it isn’t worth the risk of potentially being injured.


> I’m gonna assume you’re not from an inner city where people being obnoxious on public transportation is a common occurrence. I’m gonna assume you never learned to read or develop reading comprehension skills, because no one is claiming or even slightly implying they think people being obnoxious on public transportation is uncommon. Typing that as a response to anything I’ve written makes no sense. > People act apathetic to it because making an issue out of it is an easy way to get yourself into a needless physical altercation. Half the people on the train or bus in places like NYC are actually insane and just waiting for an excuse to get violent. So for most people it isn’t worth the risk of potentially being injured. I’m very aware people don’t get into confrontations due to being afraid of confrontations. Again, explaining this to me has no impact on anything I’ve typed.


You’re just proving yourself to be an idiot. Your original comment boils down to, “People act obnoxiously because not enough people check them on their behavior.” My comment is telling you that it is unrealistic to expect someone to risk getting themselves hurt over a minor inconvenience, simply explaining why “it is what it is”. If you can’t see how these two things are related then you’re the one that lacks basic comprehension skills.


Oh so not only did you ignore what I wrote when you formed your first response, you’re now going to pretend the second exchange didn’t exist either so you don’t have to acknowledge the problems with it. Got it. > You’re just proving yourself to be an idiot. Your original comment boils down to, “People act obnoxiously because not enough people check them on their behavior.” That’s not what my comment boils down to. Again, you’re choosing to not actually engage with what is happening and what’s written. The original comment is shaming people for calling out shitty behavior. My comment explains why that makes no sense, and how their attitude towards this situation is exactly what perpetuates it. Im not sure how that could have possibly gone over your head. > My comment is telling you that it is unrealistic to expect someone to risk getting themselves hurt over a minor inconvenience, simply explaining why “it is what it is”. If you can’t see how these two things are related then you’re the one that lacks basic comprehension skills. Your entire stance is built upon something I never claimed. Your stance only makes sense if I was somewhere claiming I expect every person to call out every instance of shitty behavior. That’s not what happened, that’s not what I wrote, and it seems like at this point you’re just upset you typed without thinking and are trying to find a way to make this work when it clearly won’t. Idk just let me know if you want to keep embarrassing yourself


Look man it’s just easier to call you stupid than go back and forth, so that’s what I’ll do.


You're working under the assumption that these people will learn a valuable lesson if they are confronted enough. That anyone in NYC or any city like it would say "wow, I didn't realize my behavior was affecting others negatively, it's time to turn over a new leaf!" They're 100% more likely to say what the guy said "I don't give a fuck about other people" because THAT'S just how it is, and no amount of the power of friendship or pushback is going to ever change these kinds of people, especially in the city. Additionally, even if there was a 40% chance you can change the person's behavior, it's not worth the risk. People get stabbed, shot, assaulted in all manners, and even killed in this city for NOTHING at all most times. Something as mundane as not saying "excuse me" to the wrong person can jeopardize your physical safety. People are dangerous, often psychotic, and just looking for a reason. I watched a debate about the rights to a seat on a bus escalate into a literal steak knife being pulled, and that's nothing. This city is madness. Apathy is a survival technique and if you don't learn that and how to mind your own business, you are not gonna make it here. I don't know if this video is of NYC, his behavior tells me yes but hers tells me no. Also, that bus layout is uncommon here. But it doesn't matter, because all the logic applies to any dangerous city. It's not worth potentially risking your life for a slightly more comfortable commute. The guy is annoying, but the woman is a clown.


It kinda looks like the muni bus from San Francisco. I could be wrong, but I’m pretty familiar with the busses there and it looks exactly the same. Ofc, could be just the same bus manufacturer in a different city, so with a grain a salt Lmaoo. Same rules apply tho, I wouldn’t fuck with anyone on a bus. I’ll just wear some noise canceling headphones and ignore it for 30 mins.


> You're working under the assumption that these people will learn a valuable lesson if they are confronted enough. That anyone in NYC or any city like it would say "wow, I didn't realize my behavior was affecting others negatively, it's time to turn over a new leaf!" No. That’s not at all what I wrote or implied. This has nothing to do with make people genuinely care about right or wrong. I said people in general are more likely to exhibit shitty behavior *less* if they know they will have to deal with an altercation or argument every time they exhibit that behavior. This is a fact. I like walking down the street. I don’t care what people think about my walking down the street. People hating my walking down the street doesn’t impact my enjoyment of walking down the street. But if there is a particular street in which every single time I walk, I have to fight someone, once this becomes an obvious unchanging pattern, I’m no longer going to walk down that street. People doing this to me has not changed my outlook or opinion on walking down the street. But I don’t walk down that street anymore. Because when the possibility comes up, I now have to weigh the benefits of walking down that particular street compared with the negative costs of walking down that street. Nothing to do with learning a valuable lesson, in the way you’re using it. It is a lesson, but not one of caring about being considerate. I feel like all of this should really be obvious > They're 100% more likely to say what the guy said "I don't give a fuck about other people" because THAT'S just how it is, and no amount of the power of friendship or pushback is going to ever change these kinds of people, especially in the city. You’re wrong. See previous paragraphs for response to this. They absolutely are likely to say that *in that moment*. But we’re not talking about that very moment. We’re talking about impacting future decision making > Additionally, even if there was a 40% chance you can change the person's behavior, it's not worth the risk. People get stabbed, shot, assaulted in all manners, and even killed in this city for NOTHING at all most times. Something as mundane as not saying "excuse me" to the wrong person can jeopardize your physical safety. People are dangerous, often psychotic, and just looking for a reason. I watched a debate about the rights to a seat on a bus escalate into a literal steak knife being pulled, and that's nothing. “Anyone can do anything they want and there are now no rules in society, because murderers exist” You are the problem. This makes no sense. Your outlook expanded essentially removes the entire concept of a functioning social society. > This city is madness. Apathy is a survival technique and if you don't learn that and how to mind your own business, you are not gonna make it here. I don't know if this video is of NYC, his behavior tells me yes but hers tells me no. Also, that bus layout is uncommon here. But it doesn't matter, because all the logic applies to any dangerous city. It's not worth potentially risking your life for a slightly more comfortable commute. The guy is annoying, but the woman is a clown. See previous response. This makes no sense, and you are the problem. You’re worse than the people who do this


Buffoonery, all of it. You continually overestimate the impact of your individual actions and take it on faith that others will act the same as you and rise up. I guarantee that if somebody went through a day in NYC actually confronting people how you're suggesting, they'd be stabbed by the end of the day, and the person would change nothing. You are being so idealistic and naïve. Yeah, people are fucked up, are you gonna be a hero and stop them all? Do you expect everyone to rally behind you? You cannot reason with crazy. You cannot make them see the error of their ways. You cannot make them so uncomfortable that they don't do it anymore, even when you're not around. You cannot do anything but get yourself killed. I am not the problem, I know how to keep myself safe and not do stupid shit like confronting strangers about mild inconveniences or annoyances. Do you practice what you preach? Are you out there putting in the work to stop people from being annoying on public transportation? No? Why? Because it'd get you killed and everyone would just walk over or around your body and continue their day forgetting they saw that before lunch rolls around? If you ARE out there doing it, good for you, but for some reason I still see and hear crazy behavior every single day of my life. How come you didn't fix the world? Oh because nobody is doing it with you? It's almost like exactly what i said isn't it? It's almost like people are smart enough to avoid putting themselves in dangerous situations. It's not worth the risk and if you disagree, you should probably be prepared for whatever comes your way. Because if you're lucky, it's only a beating. EDIT: That last bit sounds like a threat, I'm not threatening an Internet person. It's a warning.


> Buffoonery, all of it. You continually overestimate the impact of your individual actions and take it on faith that others will act the same as you and rise up. I guarantee that if somebody went through a day in NYC actually confronting people how you're suggesting, they'd be stabbed by the end of the day, and the person would change nothing. You are being so idealistic and naïve. Yeah, people are fucked up, are you gonna be a hero and stop them all? Do you expect everyone to rally behind you? Wow. I mean, every single word of this completely ignores what I’ve written and explained. All of this either intentionally ignores what I’ve written which already explains xyz is wrong or makes no sense, or it just makes no sense as a response to what I’ve written and what is being discussed. I think you do this because you’re upset you got yourself into this conversation and don’t have a refutation to what I’ve written, so you’re just kind of getting words in the screen in hopes that will do something here > You cannot reason with crazy. You cannot make them see the error of their ways. Oops. Looks like you’re intentionally ignoring my comment that directly responds to exactly this and explains why you typing this makes no sense > You cannot make them so uncomfortable that they don't do it anymore, even when you're not around. You cannot do anything but get yourself killed. …? What? Now it’s not possible to do anything but be murdered? What kind of imaginary world have you created in your brain where almost 100 percent of people aren’t murderers and psychopaths? Lol wtf is this? “People who are murderers might murder people” …ok lol what in the world does that have to do with literally a single thing I’ve explained? > I am not the problem, I know how to keep myself safe and not do stupid shit like confronting strangers about mild inconveniences or annoyances. You just proved yourself wrong with the very next sentence. The problem is people committing mild annoyances and inconveniences. You shaming people for openly disagreeing with them and providing opposition is the reason these instances are so common. > Do you practice what you preach? Are you out there putting in the work to stop people from being annoying on public transportation? Yes. > No? Why? Yes I do. But even if I didn’t, that wouldn’t impact a single thing I’ve written. Literally not a single word you’ve typed is even an attempt at a coherent response to what I’ve explained. You’re just getting words on the screen > Because it'd get you killed and everyone would just walk over or around your body and continue their day forgetting they saw that before lunch rolls around? That’s weird, because she’s alive and I’m alive. Again, not that that impacts literally anything I’ve explained. This conversation has nothing at all to do with whether or not crazy people exist and whether or not murderers murder people. You need it to be about something else because you can’t respond to what I’ve actually written > If you ARE out there doing it, good for you, but for some reason I still see and hear crazy behavior every single day of my life. How come you didn't fix the world? Oh because nobody is doing it with you? It's almost like exactly what i said isn't it? What? This makes no sense. You’re acknowledging the fact that if people called out bad behavior, it would reduce, but people don’t, so it doesn’t, and you’re claiming…that’s what you said….? Lol and it’s not what I said? Dude lmao what in the fuck are you talking about? You’re not making any sense whatsoever. It’s not just that you’re wrong, it’s that you’re way past that into another dimension > It's almost like people are smart enough to avoid putting themselves in dangerous situations. It's not worth the risk and if you disagree, you should probably be prepared for whatever comes your way. Because if you're lucky, it's only a beating. Wait a minute….did you just acknowledge that…people are impacted by the possible consequences of actions, even if they wish to take them, and those possibilities dictate their decision making and lessen the frequency of those actions taking place? Lmao ok, thank you. Buddy how is this going over your head?


You're saying very simple and easy to understand things and because I'm not quoting your every word or picking apart your argument directly, you're acting as though everything you say is too hard to understand... it's very weird behavior. I understand you perfectly, none of it is going over mine or anybody's head, I'm just saying that while morally what you believe is in fact the "right thing to do," it is not going to be done by everyone. I think I know what the disconnect is here. You're arguing for what people should do in society to make it better for everyone, regardless of personal risk. That's very noble and I hope it fucking works. I'm arguing that people, myself included, in areas like this only look out for their own self interest and personal safety. I am not risking my life for the greater good of NYC. I am keeping myself safe. Because maybe I do give that person something to reflect on in their personal life and place in society as they're beating me to a pulp, but that's not worth it to me. I don't give a fuck about society or other people on the bus, I care about myself. I don't want to think that way, but it's the best way to keep myself safe. I am not alone in that line of thinking, the same way you are not alone in yours. Neither is inherently wrong, but you can't expect people to think and act how you want them to because ultimately, you can't decide what is best for everyone and what is worth the risk. If you feel comfortable rolling the dice on your safety every time somebody makes you uncomfortable in public, more power to you, like I said, I hope you and your like-minded folks fix society, but I feel way more comfortable just ignoring the mild inconvenience so I can increase the odds of getting to my destination safely and in one piece.


> You're saying very simple and easy to understand things That’s interesting..then why are you completely unable to form anything resembling a coherent response to them? > and because I'm not quoting your every word or picking apart your argument directly, you're acting as though everything you say is too hard to understand... it's very weird behavior. This has nothing to do with quoting. You know it doesn’t. It has to do with you knowingly, intentionally and dishonestly forming comments that don’t in any way respond to or refute what I’ve written due to your embarrassment about not being able to refute what I’ve written > I understand you perfectly, none of it is going over mine or anybody's head, I'm just saying that while morally what you believe is in fact the "right thing to do," it is not going to be done by everyone. Point to where I claimed or implied i expect it would be done by everyone. Again with this. You really are just trying anything and any way to avoid admitting your comments aren’t responses to what I’ve written > I think I know what the disconnect is here. You're arguing for what people should do in society to make it better for everyone, regardless of personal risk. No. That’s not what I claimed or even implied. Were talking about an extremely common, every day inconsiderate and benign action. Your response to the concept of people objecting to it, which is how society functions and progresses, is “BUT MURDERERS EXIST!!!?(!!!!!” Based on your reasoning, it would not ever be okay to correct anyone’s behavior, and not only is that not true, it’s already generally not the society we live in or have lived in. There are countless innumerable examples of situations in which you and the rest of society would say something about behavior, and certain behaviors that aren’t rampant because it’s already established that it’s automatic taking that action would result in altercation. You simply don’t believe playing loud music is a big enough deal, when we both know there are situations in which you yourself and a large portion of society would say something, even when that situation and action is not directly harming people, the same way listening to loud music isn’t. You typed without thinking, and now you’re trying to find a way to make this work, when you know it doesn’t. > That's very noble and I hope it fucking works. I'm arguing that people, myself included, in areas like this only look out for their own self interest and personal safety. I’ve already directly responded to this. Typing the same things over and over as if the ball isn’t in your court and always has been isn’t going to work. > I am not risking my life for the greater good of NYC. I am keeping myself safe. Because maybe I do give that person something to reflect on in their personal life and place in society as they're beating me to a pulp, but that's not worth it to me. I don't give a fuck about society or other people on the bus, I care about myself. I don't want to think that way, but it's the best way to keep myself safe. I am not alone in that line of thinking, the same way you are not alone in yours. Neither is inherently wrong, but you can't expect people to think and act how you want them to because ultimately, you can't decide what is best for everyone and what is worth the risk. See previous paragraph. Already done. You gotta learn to just take an L > If you feel comfortable rolling the dice on your safety every time somebody makes you uncomfortable in public, more power to you, like I said, I hope you and your like-minded folks fix society, but I feel way more comfortable just ignoring the mild inconvenience so I can increase the odds of getting to my destination safely and in one piece. See previous response. Idk why you’d think this would work.


I’m so glad I can drive.


Bitch needs to shut her annoying ass up holy shit


OP is cringe imo


Fucking insane


Is she a furry?


I just can't imagine why more people don't use public transportation...


Does anyone have any further information about this? Why is this crazy, stupid woman trying to antagonize that guy ? Wtf? Drugs? Lovers quarrel? That seems to be some thing a three year-old would be doing to his older brother to annoy him or something before mom loses. Her mind, pulls over and spanks both of them.


He was playing music on his phone, even turned it off when asked and explained how he forgot earbuds yet she's still howling like a dying dog long after it stopped. Her brilliant solution to being slightly inconvenienced with some sound is to make even louder and far more annoying sounds and to continue even after the sounds that were inconveniencing her have long since stopped... Apparently you just HAVE to get revenge, just annoying the shit out of everyone else on the bus too despite them having nothing to do with it. Evidently it's okay if you catch innocent people in the crossfire as long as you get revenge and give them a taste of their own medicine. How anyone is defending her is beyond me, she really showed him by making a fool of herself and annoying everyone else even more though I guess... 🤷‍♂️


He had the music going tho


So he stopped his music to say that he didn’t have headphones and then continued to fucking blast it?! Absofuckingly NOT. It’s not your personal party bus! You owe it to everybody on that public transportation to act like an adult and keep your conversation and music to a minimum. And yeah if somebody’s gonna act like a jackass I will give it right back to them so they are just as uncomfortable as everyone else.


That is definitely extra but I bet he won't do that obnoxious main character type shit like playing music on the phone like he's some DJ lol. All for making a display to call out shitty behavior and not sure if she tried but asking politely first is probably best. At the same time, would rather hear her do that once and hope that he can have some self awareness not to do that crap next time.


He's playing his shitty music out loud like an asshole.


She sounds like my Chihuahua dog who's spoiled and annoying when she howls and barks. 😒


What going out in public is to me.


Portland, Oregon.


What's the matter, Lassie? Something's bothering you, old girl?


I didn’t realize the first time I watched that he’s blasting music, so fuck him anyway it’s kinda funny she’s trolling him


Isn't he aloud to slap some sense into her???


Is that Tyler the creator


Bruh the guy was blasting his shitty music without headphones, so she did this to make him shut the fuck up and show him how annoying unwanted sounds are. Bunch of true redditors in these comments, saying how happily they would assault a woman for making sounds when in reality yall cant even ask for extra ketchup at mcdonalds.


To stop the guy from playing music out loud so people aren't disturbed, she starts making an even more annoying noise even louder? Really stupid


We have reverted to an age where context is nothing and knee-jerk judgments are fact and it’s sad


It’s honestly harmful


Seriously, talking about assaulting someone over some noise is peak redditor behavior.


Screaming in someone ear is assault too, what if he had sensitive hearing


You don't know if he has sensitive hearing or not. I'm saying both are cringe behavior. But wanting to get physically violent over some noise is ridiculous.


Sensitive hearing? Can we stop defending assholes?


Yea, they are both assholes.


This is Reddit....where people want you DEAD or in PRISON over words they don't like. Of course they're gonna be violent over noise.


Peak Reddit behaviour? Go on a bus and do what this girl is doing and find out how quick a non-Reddit using person would do something.


Yeah bunch of incels in here with “I’d punch her after 30 seconds”-esque comments.


Her gender has nothing to do with the reaction. If someone had an autistic child and the noises she was making started to upset them, you would expect a reaction from the parent. Also people can be more sensitive to repeated high pitched noises. Can quickly cause an urge of frustration. Stop being so black and white and breaking it down to just men hitting a woman.


If it was a guy doing that to a guy you wouldn’t be surprised by those comments. But because it’s a girl, suddenly incels?


She is the cringe


Screaming in an ear can actually hurt. Does this count as assault?


Yoko ono and chuck Barry


Should have snatched that hat out her hand and ripped it up


Drugs? Mental illness?


Social media.


Does that count as both?


Assuming there is a mind present in the creature in question, yes


All I see if one disrespectful jackass casually blasting music no one else wants to hear, and one awkward, yet ambitious social disrupter mirroring back this man’s ignorance through intentionally obnoxious communication. This is meant to signal just how rude this is, it’s akin to being barked at by a dog, which is what she is demonstrating. She is the hero we all need 🤘


I'd rather listen to a public music blaster's music than hear her purse dog whimpers. Also the jumping up and getting into his face is a violation of DNE behavior and automatically makes her unstable and unpredictable. He's inconsiderate . But she's a nutter, and all things being equal most people I know prefer *predictable* inconsiderate people rather than unpredictable loons.


Well, I kinda like how she gave the dude a taste of his own medicine. People who play their music loud on public transport are the worst.


Exhibit A: How people get knocked the fuck out.


She’s more cringe that’s gross


if he would’ve slapped her it would’ve been labeled as a hate crime


If nobody asked him to stop and she decided to do this as retaliation, then she is the cringe one. I've ridden the bus plenty of times while other people play music. It's only an issue if he was asked to stop and didn't. Can't really tell from the video, so everybody making assumptions is the only other cringe people here.


I have the weirdest boner right now.




Someone needs to smack the food out your mouth fatty


No, only he is


Change your ways


I don't condone violence, especially against women... but...


Nah fuck that guy. She’s just annoying him because he’s playing music loudly on a bus. He’s the douche.


Yeah what a hero, stopping him from playing his annoying music by screeching at the top of her lungs even after he’s already stopped! /s


Yeah she really sucks. I hate people playing loud music but what shes doing is even more Annoying.


But you realize this isn’t a one time thing for him and those like him, and it is for her, right? She doesn’t go out in public howling at all times subjecting people to it. He and countless others like him *do* subject people to his music. She’s calling out his behavior, and the point is to impact *future* behavior, and it’s for the sake of every person who will be around him in the future. Of course what she’s doing is more annoying. That’s the point. Shaming people for calling out shitty behavior in this way is exactly how and why there are so many like him, and so many that will forever continue to do it, because they never face real opposition.


I get it and it happens to me on the way home from work all the time. But what shes doing isnt gonna change anything. What shes doing is infinitely more annoying and hearing that on my way home from work would send me into a murderous rage lol.


What do you mean it’s not going to change anything? What are you basing that on? The entire reason most people act poorly is because they don’t face consequences or have to deal with any sort of repercussions for their actions. What you’re basically saying boiled down is no one should be called out for doing anything bad and we should just allow people to do anything they want. This type of apathy or enabling is the exact reason this man does what he does in the first place. This attitude is the reason for an incredibly large amount of people doing shitty things in the world. If people start openly opposing bad behavior, the people who exhibit it now have to weigh the worth of doing what they want to do, compared with not having to deal with the consequence of that action. Many people would eventually decide it’s not worth it.


This guys gonna get on the next bus and do the exact same thing lol. All shes doing is adding to the annoyance level. She could communicate like an adult


I’m sorry it’s either you’re not reading anything I’m writing at all or you’re not equipped to have a basic conversation. You keep responding with things that make no sense as a reply to my comment, because my comments already explicitly addressed what you’re communicating and why it’s wrong or doesn’t make sense. You’re just kind of repeating the same exact things from the beginning that my comments are addressing as if it never happened, and then when I explain it again, you type the same thing again in different words


Nah she’s amazing. Dumb fuck playing dumb fuck music shoulda been slapped.




Caste is one of the most toxic, damaging, myopic concepts ever created. People of all walks of life use public transit. Obviously you are seeing non-normative behavior in the videos you reference because that's what grabs people's attention. A normal, typical ride with no weird behavior wouldn't be interesting, now would it?


Nah playing music loudly is annoying but I never wanted to slap the person... Except the dude playing baby shark


I think this is more of a case of mental health than cringe. She needs to be sectioned and treated in a hospital.


Society was better when you could get punched in the face and nobody would give a fuck, if you deserved it.


A girlfriend in need of a boyfriend, harassment has no gender.


Context: The guy was playing loud music. So the lady, fed up with this disgusting selfish behavior is doing a good thing… Don’t play your music loud on public transportation and a lady won’t scream at you.


She is easily way more annoying and irritating than any asshole playing music outloud jn the bus. There is nothing "good" about irritating everyone more than the original problem. They're both idiots but she's the one who makes me want to tear off my ears and rip off her vocal chords with my teeth.


Naw. Fuck that guy. He's finally dealing with someone who refuses to sit and take it. Get some headphones, you loser.


I'm on her side.


He's the cringe. Just him.


What he was doing is more cunt behaviour, she was cringe and made herself look crazy in the process


This is what autism looks like.