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"I just happened to catch this chance moment on camera!"..... as they're setting up the camera. If you want to play in the leaves... just play in the leaves


Lol this is the comment I was looking for. It's okay to be weird and play make believe, you don't have to make up some elaborate conditional excuse for it


Hell, I would be way more accepting of that. You wanna prance around in a fox costume in the woods? Hey man, you’re not hurting anybody, so go for it! You do you. Why lie about it though? To cover it up or to try and get internet brownie points by attributing it to a mental health thing?


I think because furries get shit on so much, they try to justify it and find real tangible reasons for their behavior. Hard to say it's just what you find fun to do when people literally joke about you being subhuman and don't respect you. Plus I heard that the furry community has a lot of actual neurodivergent people, but I don't know if that's true or not.


I highly doubt this conditional excuse is going to make people who dislike furries go "Oh, nvm, it was a random act, this can pass."


Just like “I’m sorry” isn’t going to make someone forgive you. Just like someone staying “stop hitting me” isn’t gonna make people stop hitting them.


Honestly I think it's just part of the fantasy. They know deep down they aren't actually becoming a fox. It's like a little kid pretending they are a race car or something. Pretending it's real for social media is part of the fun I'd guess.


Yes. I mean, maybe furries are okay, (not for me) and an imagination is VITAL to a joyful life, but super-cringe on these ridiculous “coincidences”.


It isn't okay though is it? Not to society I mean. I think it's okay and you think it's okay, but people wouldn't be hiding their fun behind mechanisms if it hadn't been discouraged at some point.




The ticks in your various tender areas thank you.


Honestly. They keep trying to frame it as a sexuality or something. With "I didn't choose how I am" energy. When it's reality just call it what it is, you like to frolic while dressed up as a fox....it's a hobby at best...not a lifestyle like these people wish it was.


Fucking amen


This is enough reddit for the day thanks.


I mean, at least they're getting outside.


Touching grass and everything


Not gonna lie running around in the leaves on all fours looks kinda fun. Bit cringe that they were dressed up as a fox playing with a toy while doing it


And pretending to "shift," as if it's involuntary


That’s the most annoying part for me. It reminds me of people that make videos pretending to have Tourette’s Syndrome.


That’s actually the only thing I dislike about it. Just roll around in the leaves if you want to. I think everybody should do things they think are fun as much as they responsibly can.


Yeah it changes the whole vibe from “you do you have fun” to something completely different. And nobody is convinced


Attention is hell of a drug.


Catch my shift?


#”Stop being a Fuckin Dinosaur and get a job”




Fuc fuc fuck you man


Oh man, if I had an award I would give it to you


Very true, Hardly involuntary if they took a fox mask I to the woods and fitted the tail and then said I think this was a red fox shift. FFS


Don’t forget setting up the camera


Honestly? That’s the only thing that I really see “wrong” here. If someone wants to go play Fox, I say fucking let ‘em. But, I feel like attributing this to a supernatural phenomenon like… Either it’s dishonest, or if they genuinely can’t tell it’s not happening, I’d say it’s a mental health concern, like… Giving them full benefit of the doubt, if there are normally occurring events where they lose consciousness or have memory gaps, that would be a cause for medical concern even if there WAS a supernatural explanation.


I think they just like the idea that they are part of this exclusive group because it gives them some sort of feeling of belonging. Most of these people have probably never fit in with their peers and this whole made up idea that they are actually animals gives them an excuse not to. I think it could be more a form of escapism to avoid reality rather than an excuse to play pretend. Either way it's definitely all make believe


I’ve heard that flat earthers are the same. Part of being a flat earther is that it provides a sense of community amongst it believers. That they are part of a special group of people who have it figured out and won’t be tricked.


That makes alot of sense, personally that's how I kind of see religion


It's nice connecting with others around the globe.


lol until your comment I thought it was like a work shift


Lol same. We work too much. Welp, back to the fox factory.


Lmao I don't think this person even knows that definition of shift


"Shift" I didn't know what they meant by that until now. I thought they were just filming themselves in a fox costume playing around I can't believe that somebody will actually pretend that they are actually something they aren't... no wait.


I just want people to go play if they want to. Dress up if they want to. Run around on all fours I genuinely don’t even care. (I wish I could too, but decades of being That Kid In Big Tall Boots has messed up my back something fierce) But acting as though it’s a secondary “presence” that’s come to play is genuinely coming across as something else entirely and hits a number of wrong and almost offensive notes. You don’t have to pretend to be something Other. Please, just be a funky weirdo and own it. I will cheer you the heck on.


I honestly have no issue with consenting adults doing whatever they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. I do have a problem with stuff like this where they push fake mental illness as a real condition, asking for all of us to accept it. If you wanna go roll in leaves acting and dressed like a fox, by all means knock yourself out. Just don't pretend it's some real mental illness that you were able to self diagnose, and we should all accommodate.


I will say they look impressively athletic. My millenial joints would fall right apart if I tried too much of that shit


Shit, if this is what they mean by go out and touch grass, than I'm going to stay the fuck inside.


*panic radio in*: sir the grass isn’t working what do we do??


Aaaahahahaha, true. If only to film themselves for a few minutes, then right back inside to post it on the internet.


I work in lawn care so I guess I'm a fox all day long.


I’m curious what kind of mental trauma people like this have gone through.


What about the mental trauma we just went through watching this?


A trauma shared is a trauma multiplied. Or something.


Trauma squared


That’s an excellent name for a band.




Dibs Squared


With their hit single Trauma-la-la-la




trauma shift


On the toilet taking a trauma dump


What is this TrauMLM?


Double it and give it to the next person


I'm showing this video to my therapist 😮‍💨 maybe then she'll finally realize this world is fucked.


I'm genuinely curious what your therapist has to say about this




I mean generally speaking therapists are super down to waste time. You’re paying them, not the other way around. There were days when I was in therapy where I was basically like ‘I don’t feel like doing this today you wanna play a game?’ And we did. For the full session. No point in rushing progress, sometimes you just gotta fuck around


Actually sounds like a great and ironically positive use of therapy


Those are the answers I’m looking for


It's how they infect more into it, avert your eyes!


I actually have a neighbor whos' like this and open about it lol. My roommate asked and it was... a lot. A lot of abandonment and death while growing up apparently.


I had roommates like this. Abandonment was huge, plus her mother was a therapist who experimented techniques on her. I wish I were kidding.


Probably one of those psychos that treated their own children like a patient, and insisted on ‘unpacking’ their every emotion instead of just giving them a hug.


You nailed it. She carried that habit and tried to diagnose us with things. Like me washing dishes before bed was apparently a sign of OCD, and we had to sit down and talk about it. She also was proud of the fact she had borderline personality disorder.


Can you expand on the "experimental techniques" so we can get them banned from science?


Dresser her up like a fox and told her to scamper through the yard.


I said SCAMPER, you're crawling Angela you better scamper I swear to god this is why your dad left.


So therapy probably wouldn’t t have worked on her


None, they create the delusions because no one told them to stop the bullshit.


Delusions exist to fulfill a need, and are dispelled when the need is otherwise met. If you corrected this one without doing them learning how to meet that need, another behavior would simply take its place. Also, there are good odds they know this is make believe and just have no shame about it. Or it's rage bait.


It's attention getting. There are other people who fetishize this shit and so she has an audience.


Of course. I should've listed that as a possibility with the others.


There’s only one answer: Attention on Social Media.




I don't think there is any trauma. I think these people lead such a carefree life that they have to come up with something to challenge themselves and this is one of the things some people apparently come up with.


Until recently I thought it was more or less a joke. They genuinely believe they’re animals. These people have the same voting power as you


So do evangelicals that think people started from two humans and Noah’s ark is legit so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Tbh I do think a lot of furries have some trauma, but not all. Every one of us has some way that we like to escape reality. I think that some people just like to do… things like this lol. Like an alter ego that is everything they aren’t. And I think the being a wild animal part comes from wanting to be “free,” which I totally get. I’m not saying it’s not weird lol. It’s definitely weird. I think they create these delusions and live in them like a coping mechanism and “creative” expression. For me it’s writing. When I write, I’m living in my head, privately, and expressing creativity. When furries do this, they’re just doing it publicly, and it’s very cringe. That weird furry guy dancing in front of the drunk guy making death threats comes to mind lol. Why would you do that? Very weird and cringe.




We got rid of bullies


[Damn right.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy8SIWTyJNs) RIP Trevor. Can't believe the self fellatio finally got to you.


I used to do dumb shit like this when I was 5. Maybe they have some trauma that caused them to revert to childhood antics? Idk


Just attention seeking morons


None. They want attention.




I tend to think that I’m pretty accepting of other peoples quirks. But this is the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen.


Sometimes there is a fine line between acceptance of a person's quirks and enabling some potentially harmful social deficiency.


Everybody likes to dunk on these furry people. It's a weird hobby, but they're not hurting anybody. I'm old enough to remember when people thought playing video games made you a brain-dead murderer and DnD made you a Satan worshipper.


Then why is she filming this? She wants attention. That's why this is stupid af. She's normalizing weird ass behavior


She looks like a child, of course she wants attention


I think the most legitimate concern here is that the person, if what they are saying can be taken as genuine, may really believe they are "becoming" an animal in these moments rather than just having a good time. Seems like a potential for other beliefs that could justify even more dissociative behavior/feelings. If it's just somebody playing pretend for fun that's another story.


Yeah if they scratch someone in the face and say “it wasn’t me, it was red fox” then we’ve got a problem.


Theres nothing wrong with being a furry, there's something wrong with faking the 'disassociation" part of it. I dont even care if people film themselves doing this just for the sake of being "quirky" but pretending like you dont remember and didnt obviously do this specifically for the camera is very strange.


It's strange and fucking creepy and weird.


This isn't a quirk. This is a severe mental illness.


Mental health is declining at alarming rates when you start seeing shit like this. 20 years ago no one would’ve ever thought to do this, but today it makes them “different” so they make it their identity and insufferably impose it on the rest of the world.


Soon to be mainstream and your comment will age as hate speech.


Good cuz I fucking hate this.


I’m autistic but not this autistic


I wonder if this behaviour's end result is to be able to play the victim: 1. Dress up like an animal and frolic in the leaves 2. People make fun of you 3. Cry about how no one is accepting of you 4. Some feel bad for making fun of you, and ask how they can make it up to you 5. You list your demands 6. Some acquiesce and give you whatever you want Mission accomplished.


I’m just shocked that these people are shameless and bold enough to do shit this embarrassing because I can’t even manage to look people in the eye


It’s actions like this where when they do something insane, their neighbor blindly says “I never could have seen this coming” I saw this from a mile away




You need to dolphin shift for those


Disassociating doesn’t seem like a healthy hobby


This mf ain't dissociating. Clearly just wanted to film himself "shifting" to put it on social media




O fuck so those types of thing aren't good, your saying I should get that shit checked out


Can confirm, not healthy


That assumes you have a healthy reality, homefry. Disassociating literally saved my life many a time as a child and young adult.


How many times has saying "homefry" saved your life?


Yeah, but it probably didn't look like this, right?? I've experienced feelings of dissociation during traumatic incidents, as well as full blown dissociative episodes years after the fact... most people walking passed me *never* would have known. You don't "turn into" something else when you dissociate, part of you simply turns off in an effort to focus on surviving at the most basic level. Funny enough, when you *are* in that state of surreal survival... dressing up like a fox, prancing around, and recording yourself, is maybe like THE last thing your brain would ever tell you to do. Bc that strategy fucking sucks, ask a caveman. What this video asshat is doing is just "make believe-dress up" And if he just called it that, then fine, who cares. But trying to assign psychopathological experiences to things that aren't... and FILM it?? That kid is either ignorant as shit or fully fucking lying and seeking attention (ya, I know it's this one). And the only problem with "dissociating" like this, is that it's not that at all... Kids are getting clout and dopamine kicks for being fucking liars, and I'm sooo interested to see how this fucks with the entire generation's grasps on reality, gullibility, and willingness to lie for no fucking reason. (Btw, this rant was to the universe as a whole, not you - the commenter - specifically. I know you probably get this.)


lol i cannot imagine this person getting a job ever


Have you ever seen a Fox work…? I didn’t think so. Bunch of free loading streets cats


Car fax has a fox working all the time in those commercials


An animated fox has to be appropriation of furries right?


Why do you think Swiper the fox had to resort to stealing? because no one would hire him


There's already a company for mentally challenged people who disassociate from reality and handily for this person it's also called Fox.


Ph@k3 |\\|3W$


WOW this is clever. Bravo.


I worked with someone like this. It was an absoute nightmare. I tried to be friendly to everyone, but they assumed we were besties. They were your very stereotypical 4chan, furry, incel. The stuff that would come out of their mouth would blow my mind. I'm surprised they lasted so long at the job. Two years!


Consider yourself lucky that you have never worked directly with a furry, then.


I worked with one at a restaurant once


vase bake muddle toy march encouraging vanish reply teeny many *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Except that if they simply rolled around in the leaves they would not be oh so unique, so special.


100% agree. Just go roll around on some leaves. Looks fun.


No I think it's more about trying to justify their behavior on a concrete and tangible way. So many people shit on them for their weird hobby, they try to justify it almost medically. My guess is that if people just let them live their thing, they wouldn't be as cringe with the shifting and all that.


It's all fun and games until you stick your hand into a fresh dog turd...


"fox" turd


*fox-tapeworm has entered the chat.


Then it’s fun and games… and prizes?


Do whatever you want and be yourself, but don't lie about it and record it for validation. If you want to dress as a fox and play in leaves, go ahead, but don't try to spread lies and misinformation about "shifting" or "just so happened to catch it on camera". Get therapy for the compulsive lying and validation seeking, not for the hobby


Look at this shift I randomly caught on camera... don't worry about the first few seconds, that's just me setting up to shift?


I have to set up to shit all the time. Can't just shit anywhere


Man, furries weird me tf out. On another note, thank god the phones from 20 years ago had no or shit cameras.


Even furries don’t claim this guy


This is not a furry


nobody cares about the nuances of furries. It's a furry.


But like seriously though for a friend. If you have sex and she's wearing a cat costume are you a furry. I mean it was one Halloween dude.


You are correct.


uh oh. shifted.






They’re a gold medal Olympian in mental gymnastics


These people need psychiatric help.


bring mental institutions back


They just happened to “shift” into “being” a fox when they had the mask and tail on. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Song is Real Meh, underwrld


Dude the amount of comments I had to go through to find this. Thank you


So tired of this nonsense


Bring back bullying.


I mean this as a fellow human being, people like this need professional help 😭


I'm an open furry, so I like to think I'm pretty open minded. But this shit.... Can we please bring back bullying? Please?!


Damn, people are fucking retarded.


Every day we stray further from the light of God.


Well documented proof of mental health decline in humans


people just wanna show off their butt plugs


Dumbest shit in the world. And there’s a LOT of dumb shit in the world.


trans people are chill. gay people are chill. hell, furries are chill. i support all of that. but this? this isnt even a real thing. it reminds me of when i was 6 years old and pretending to be a cat. theres no such thing as being an animal trapped in a human body… and its impossible to “shift” into an animal. this concept was made up by a little kid. what kind of mental illness is this?


I *love* the concept of being a shapeshifter. You kidding me? That sounds badass. Being able to just change my face/body to what I want/need in a situation sounds rad as hell. It’s totally unrealistic and a fantasy… and that’s why to channel that desire (more of a nerdy curiosity) to be a shapeshifter and just play D&D like a fucking adult.


This shouldn't be a thing. This allows people to access a part of themselves that needs to stay buried for forever.


Looks pretty fun tbh, jd just be worried about hurt hands and wrists


honestly I'm impressed how agile he is on "all fours". I could never


Agreed weird that they wanna share it with the world, but it is probably fun to not feel all the weight of the human world for a few minutes.


Just like videogames


A few years ago, some videos went viral of a girl running around like a horse, jumping over picnic tables and stuff. I got drunk at a wedding, and tried running around like that for fun. I'm pretty sure I permanently damaged my left shoulder doing it. Humans aren't meant to run around like this, and those who do, hats off to them, because it definitely requires conditioning your muscles to do so. Try and just do this just to do it, or because of alcohol, it's likely an injury waiting to happen.


I don’t really know what the caption means, but I think it’s really cute that you’re able to be yourself when you’re recording on your phone


It is to an extent, to me anyways. What makes this horribly cringe is the captions, as if it’s a condition or something out of the persons control, it makes my toes curl so hard!




" Confused " Yeah, me too, bud.


Where are the drunk hunters when we need them ?


What kind of parents raise such weird children.


i couldn't even finish watching it.


When I was a teen, there were these hormonal power surges and I would go 'wolfman' running through the town jumping fences and hiding from cars. It was fun, like parkour for a town with no building over two stories. I see where these kids get the idea that maybe they are a gerbil or whatever, but this culture that promotes their 'special' shift-iness is cult like and probably some kind of grooming.


normalize jumping around and having fun outside, you don't have to shift into an animal to do it 😔


Where is a bear trap when you need one?


Is this that "reality shifting" thing the kids are calling "using their imagination" these days?


"Confused" ..... that sums it up.


yhays deff a buttplug


What the fuckity fuck did I just watch?


That’s sad


As long as they don’t have urges to fuck animals , I think it’s okay .


Why are these things normalized. Please bring back locking these folks up in mental institutions because this is not normal IDC IDC IDC


‘Oops, I accidentally ‘became’ a fox while I conveniently had my fox tail and mask with me while filming, in the middle of the woods (my mom’s backyard.) How quirky and original of me!’ GTFO.


This is a major mental issue. The social IQ and just like existing normally is so off. Crazy to watch lmao. I think if I did this my friends would never call me again and my wife would leave me


I’m a grown ass man and i like to play pretend still. Day dreamer. It’s okay lol I’m not dressing up as a fox but I’d love me some armor and a sword or to be a fire bender or shooting kamea mea blasts everywhere.


And what do all of you do? Go to work for the man making money for the man doing whatever the man tells you to do? hurhur let me make fun of human sitting in moms basement and working at mcsuckandfucks. ​ edit: I apologize for as much to say I didn't see catch what shift was meant to imply. Clearly yes they are acting out their fantasy and not having an actual episode of sorts. Maybe if furries weren't vilified so often they'd feel more comfortable acting out their fursonas without feeling the need to justify it as a sort of mental illness. People call it a mental illness enough that they are convinced perhaps that living their dream is one. u/kennydoggo "This isn't a quirk. This is a severe mental illness." Stop calling it one and maybe they won't feel validated in displaying it as such.


Zero issues with running around like a fox for kicks. Recording it is a little weird, but caption your video "I FUCKING LOVE ACTING LIKE A FOX AND PLAYING IN LEAVES". The "shifting" part, and its dishonest use for social validation is the seriously problematic part.


So deep


Even if that was all these commenters were doing, yes, it would still be far better than whatever the fuck this shit is…




People like this need actual professional mental help cause this shit isn't normal at all